The END is near?..Marco Rubio Cancels TV-Ads in Iowa, New Hampshire


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
He's unable to run with the big dogs, and being a consistent #3 isn't going to cut it...Save your money for your 2020 run Marco, youll have a better chance...maybe!.....Perhaps the people will forget by then!


Brietbart's Big Government ^ | January 22, 2016 | Mike Flynn
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)'s campaign has cancelled almost $1 million worth of TV-advertising in the Hawkeye State, just one week prior to the state's first-in-the-nation caucus. Rubio also cancelled around $125,000 in paid advertising in New Hampshire, which votes on February 9th, eight days after Iowa. Rubio has been advertising extensively in both states since December. In Iowa alone, Rubio has already spent around $3 million on paid advertising. He also still has advertising-slots booked in both states, but his campaign's decision to scale back his buys suggests a change in strategy, just as voters are preparing to cast their...
The two states are going for Trump or Cruz at this point. Why should Rubio throw money away?

You DON'Y PLAY, you don't win.... you see the others NOT campaigning, and advertising?... Remember Rudy's run when he put all his hopes on Fla. and passed on all the other states before it?... He's not one of the ex presidents because of that stunt!
Rubio has already essayed a Super Tuesday strategy in which he does not win either Iowa or NH. He is probably going to set up his final stand during that time, forgoing the early primary states.

Risky,Especially since Rubio need the establishment voters. However, Kasich may come in 2nd in NH and Christie and Ksaich might have a chance of coming in th top 3 in SC or Nevada, helping them gain momentum from establishment voters.

If this happens, Rubio may be looking at long odds for Super Tuesday. He may not have any momentum going into it.
Look, momentum is key in winning Super Tuesday. A candidate could build up his poll numbers weeks in dvance only to watch them fall as the more popular winners come into campaign. We are seeing this with Hillary, and Rudi's 2008 campaign failed because of this.

You have to place well in the first couple of primary states and try to build on that. Without it, no one will pay attention to you. Rubio shuld try t solidify #3 in either NH or Iowa and plan to place high in the states after that. A static campaign strategy will not work. He has to stay dynamic in the focused states, not disappear from them.
The two states are going for Trump or Cruz at this point. Why should Rubio throw money away?

You DON'Y PLAY, you don't win.... you see the others NOT campaigning, and advertising?... Remember Rudy's run when he put all his hopes on Fla. and passed on all the other states before it?... He's not one of the ex presidents because of that stunt!
I'm not in Iowa or NH, nor do I know Rubio's campaign funds. He isn't going to win, there's playing and there's flushing money down the toilet. There are other states to win.
The two states are going for Trump or Cruz at this point. Why should Rubio throw money away?

You DON'Y PLAY, you don't win.... you see the others NOT campaigning, and advertising?... Remember Rudy's run when he put all his hopes on Fla. and passed on all the other states before it?... He's not one of the ex presidents because of that stunt!
I'm not in Iowa or NH, nor do I know Rubio's campaign funds. He isn't going to win, there's playing and there's flushing money down the toilet. There are other states to win.

Ice, if you aren't winning in the beginning, you don't have the momentum,... there have been others that have come back from behind, BUT NO ONE has faced a man that has such a DOMINANCE of 95% of the polls, and is a PR genius besides!
The two states are going for Trump or Cruz at this point. Why should Rubio throw money away?

You DON'Y PLAY, you don't win.... you see the others NOT campaigning, and advertising?... Remember Rudy's run when he put all his hopes on Fla. and passed on all the other states before it?... He's not one of the ex presidents because of that stunt!
I'm not in Iowa or NH, nor do I know Rubio's campaign funds. He isn't going to win, there's playing and there's flushing money down the toilet. There are other states to win.

Ice, if you aren't winning in the beginning, you don't have the momentum,... there have been others that have come back from behind, BUT NO ONE has faced a man that has such a DOMINANCE of 95% of the polls, and is a PR genius besides!
The winner in Iowa very rarely wins the Presidency.

You're a clueless idiot
The two states are going for Trump or Cruz at this point. Why should Rubio throw money away?

You DON'Y PLAY, you don't win.... you see the others NOT campaigning, and advertising?... Remember Rudy's run when he put all his hopes on Fla. and passed on all the other states before it?... He's not one of the ex presidents because of that stunt!
I'm not in Iowa or NH, nor do I know Rubio's campaign funds. He isn't going to win, there's playing and there's flushing money down the toilet. There are other states to win.

Ice, if you aren't winning in the beginning, you don't have the momentum,... there have been others that have come back from behind, BUT NO ONE has faced a man that has such a DOMINANCE of 95% of the polls, and is a PR genius besides!
The winner in Iowa very rarely wins the Presidency.

You're a clueless idiot
True, but he is winning NH and leading in other states too.

Plus, Trump has a large amount of momentum. Something has to happen, and soon, or Super Tuesday is Butcher day!
The two states are going for Trump or Cruz at this point. Why should Rubio throw money away?

You DON'Y PLAY, you don't win.... you see the others NOT campaigning, and advertising?... Remember Rudy's run when he put all his hopes on Fla. and passed on all the other states before it?... He's not one of the ex presidents because of that stunt!
I'm not in Iowa or NH, nor do I know Rubio's campaign funds. He isn't going to win, there's playing and there's flushing money down the toilet. There are other states to win.

Ice, if you aren't winning in the beginning, you don't have the momentum,... there have been others that have come back from behind, BUT NO ONE has faced a man that has such a DOMINANCE of 95% of the polls, and is a PR genius besides!
Didn't Huckabee win Iowa last time? Who has 95% of the polls?
In 1992, Bill Clinton lost both Iowa and New Hampshire, yet came back and won the Dem nomination.
The early states are mainly for momentum. If the candidates place well there, people most likely will look them up. That helps in face time and getting your message out.
Losing in your home state gives very little confidence in Rubio, same with Jebster. The establishment is looking for someone to topple Trump, so it wouldn't surprise me to see them try and cut Christie a deal. He is the only one left on the GOP stage with any chance to win who might be able to handle Trump in verbal exchanges. He will be a handful, in more ways than one, lol.

The rest of the field is to timid, and Carly isn't close enough to even get on the same stage to try. Lets face it.............the establishment had all their people on media and even here; including Democratic operatives no less, singing the praises of Rubio, proclaiming that HE was the only candidate who could beat Hillary. It was all an attempt to get rid of Cruz and Trump. They figured if people BELIEVED he could beat Hillary; including the Democrats no less, people would run to him like bees to honey. Didn't work!

Now they are going to have to do what they should have done to start with, a frontal assault, and let the cards fall where they may! This next GOP debate is going to be "kill Trump," for if they don't, he will have such a commanding lead, a brokered convention will be an idea of the past.

And when I say "kill" (destroy) Trump, I mean it, (figuretively)unless his numbers fall far short of expectations in Iowa and New Hampshire. It is going to be a blood bath, winner take all between the establishment, and Trump.
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He's unable to run with the big dogs, and being a consistent #3 isn't going to cut it...Save your money for your 2020 run Marco, youll have a better chance...maybe!.....Perhaps the people will forget by then!


I guess that even Trump's biggest fluffer - i.e., you - know that Trump is going to lose to Hillary or Bernie.
He's unable to run with the big dogs, and being a consistent #3 isn't going to cut it...Save your money for your 2020 run Marco, youll have a better chance...maybe!.....Perhaps the people will forget by then!


I guess that even Trump's biggest fluffer - i.e., you - know that Trump is going to lose to Hillary or Bernie.

You keep saying your a Republican yet at every opportunity you are FLUFFING the Hildebeast or the Commie/Socialist, I find that mildly interesting!

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