The End is Nigh: Admitting Defeat

Is the OP going to put any dates on his prediction? Short of that, his crystal ball may as well be his left nut.

May I suggest Janiary, 2016 as the abrupt end of the Obama Presidency?

Common thread with all conspiracy whacko's, don't offer specifics and ostracize anyone who asks.
They can beg all they wish; they're still wrong. If you had a job, you'd understand.

Hung up on the web problems. LOL

Let's not look at the millions losing their coverage.
Let's not look at all the Part Time Jobs.
Let's not look at the millions getting higher bills on their insurance.

Yeah. That's right. Don't mention the DARK SIDE OF OBAMACARE. I've got news for you. THe people don't like the dang thing. It was put in during a Temp Super Majority, and you will not hold power for long. If the tide shifts to a super majority the other away around you could see the ACA in a trash bin.

Should have actually negotiated on a law both sides could live with. As for now, you OWN IT, and will pay a price for it.

As you will OWN THE UP COMING Stock crash. Helicopter Bermeke slinging cash at the Markets to keep it afloat. Better hope they hold it together until after the elections, but I doubt it will last that long.

The people had the chance to vote Obama out of office in 2012...
What happened?

As for the ACA going to the trash bin; doubtful. What you're seeing is people/companies transitioning from old policies to new policies that qualify under the ACA--meet the minimum requirements. If the GOP wishes to come in and start slashing coverage, allowing insurance companies to refuse you due to PECs, return to lifetime caps, and suspend the 26 y/o rule; feel free I suppose but it'll be incredibly unpopular.

Did you see the overwhelming lack of support the GOP had for their stunt last month to shut down the government over this? Let me guess...skewed polling right?

Been there, heard that, don't buy it.

They chose Romney to run with Romney Care on his plate.
You refuse to see or care about those getting fucked over by this law.

You are only a tool. This is hurting Americans who were supposed to get lower rates.
Yeah right. It's all BS and you know it. And you refuse to see the damage it's causing because you walk lock and step with your radical friends.
Oh, it's about Obamacare...I thought you were talking about your latest employment application to Taco Bell.

Obamacare is already're welcome.

No, it isn't. But the president has given it until March 30, to work. He knows something we don't, wouldn't you agree, Candycorn? No, You're welcome.
Oh, it's about Obamacare...I thought you were talking about your latest employment application to Taco Bell.

Obamacare is already're welcome.

Now that has got be in the top ten most unrealistic head buried in the sand statements of 2013..
Working? For whom?
It's working so well the White House today under pressure from the public no doubt offered an extension to the end of March, 2014 for the fines to kick in.
Who the hell are you trying to kid besides yourself?
Ya know, standing in the middle of a crowded room screaming that you are correct and everyone else is wrong, does not make you correct.
Clearly ACA is a miserable failure so far..
And why do you so vigorously support ACA? What's in it for you?
Choose your answer carefully.
I heard that Obama and Dems are now hiring hackers to try and enter the site.

So far the Hackers have been unable to access the dang thing, saying it would be easier to hack the CIA than this dang site.

But they keep trying. One almost got in, but got an Obama Virus.
God,I hate libtards. And you know what, they're reading about the (nearly) six million people they've gotten kicked off their health insurance or who have to pay double or triple now and going "At least it wasn't me.Job well done!". Fuckin sick bastards. And after all that shit about how Republicans were going to "push Grandma off a cliff" liberals are going to starve a couple MILLION grandmas to death and get away with it.

Gulags. That's where libtards should be. In gulags making fucking soccer balls, that'll keep us economically competitive with China.
It looks like the British took the hint. At least has done something right...if it is only to serve as an example to others;

"A plan to create the world's largest single civilian computer system linking all parts of the National Health Service is to be abandoned by the Government after running up billions of pounds in bills. Ministers are expected to announce next month that they are scrapping a central part of the much-delayed and hugely controversial 10-year National Programme for IT."

NHS pulls the plug on its £11bn IT system - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent
Oh, it's about Obamacare...I thought you were talking about your latest employment application to Taco Bell.

Obamacare is already're welcome.

no it isn't.

and won't in a foreseeable future.

and you are welcome :D

You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.

Umm, cupcake, if people cannot enroll, it doesn't matter if ACA causes Jesus to come back to life on Earth and leap off the cross. The mandates don't matter.
BTW, this preexisting condition thing is unsustainable. Oh, people can enroll with a PEC, but the PEC is NOT going to be covered first dollar. The deductibles will have to be very high. The money to treat these people will not be growing on trees.
I cannot believe there is anyone stupid enough to ignore one very glaring economic fact. That one cannot become ill or suffer an injury THEN buy insurance. It is impossible for ANY entity whether an insurance company or the federal government ( taxpayers) to fund the coverage.
You will find your dream of health insurance for everyone will not come to fruition.
Of course it will be entertaining watching you and the rest of the libs run around telling anyone who will listen that Obamacare is working....and really amusing
Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.

His next autobiography on his achievements as President will be pretty, pretty thin.


Evidently you missed all his speaches where he says virtually nothing with a huge word count.
Obamacare is already're welcome.

If BoondoggleCare is "already working", why are Democrats, who voted for the damn thing, calling for extensions and delays on some of it's deadlines until the website can be repaired?
Well he couldn't even keep the TWO PROMISES that made me VOTE for Obama:

1) Patriot Act is not repealed (it's actually WORSE now)

2) GITMO is still operational.

you voted TWICE or you mean 2008?


Your president had enough support.

he is NOT my president. and will never be :D

you are a leftard, so you will march on to the abyss no matter what. you keep lying obamacare is "working" when it is a total abysmal fail in all directions.

I was asking the OP this question, not you
God,I hate libtards. And you know what, they're reading about the (nearly) six million people they've gotten kicked off their health insurance or who have to pay double or triple now and going "At least it wasn't me.Job well done!". Fuckin sick bastards. And after all that shit about how Republicans were going to "push Grandma off a cliff" liberals are going to starve a couple MILLION grandmas to death and get away with it.

Gulags. That's where libtards should be. In gulags making fucking soccer balls, that'll keep us economically competitive with China.

at least that will fit their worldview perfectly and they will stop whining about the rich - they will have their masters ruling them and big brother and a soldier with a rifle patrolling - so nobody can escape the heaven :D
Is the OP going to put any dates on his prediction? Short of that, his crystal ball may as well be his left nut.

May I suggest Janiary, 2016 as the abrupt end of the Obama Presidency?

Common thread with all conspiracy whacko's, don't offer specifics and ostracize anyone who asks.

"If you want to keep your present insurance, you can."
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can"
" everyone will save $2500 per year off their insurance premiums"..
Uh huh.....Nothing else need be said.
Is the OP going to put any dates on his prediction? Short of that, his crystal ball may as well be his left nut.

May I suggest Janiary, 2016 as the abrupt end of the Obama Presidency?

Common thread with all conspiracy whacko's, don't offer specifics and ostracize anyone who asks.

"If you want to keep your present insurance, you can."
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can"
" everyone will save $2500 per year off their insurance premiums"..
Uh huh.....Nothing else need be said.

And the O followers offer up nothing other than the obligatory conspiracy accusations EVEN while confronted with real evidence. Theyre not even credible anymore.
no it isn't.

and won't in a foreseeable future.

and you are welcome :D

You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.

Umm, cupcake, if people cannot enroll, it doesn't matter if ACA causes Jesus to come back to life on Earth and leap off the cross. The mandates don't matter.
BTW, this preexisting condition thing is unsustainable. Oh, people can enroll with a PEC, but the PEC is NOT going to be covered first dollar. The deductibles will have to be very high. The money to treat these people will not be growing on trees.
I cannot believe there is anyone stupid enough to ignore one very glaring economic fact. That one cannot become ill or suffer an injury THEN buy insurance. It is impossible for ANY entity whether an insurance company or the federal government ( taxpayers) to fund the coverage.
You will find your dream of health insurance for everyone will not come to fruition.
Of course it will be entertaining watching you and the rest of the libs run around telling anyone who will listen that Obamacare is working....and really amusing

Not to mention, if you buy it after the fact.. it ain't insurance.... and it's gonna cost you.. a bundle. Who the hell is going to say "sure, you have stage 4 lymphoma? Give me 400$ a month, I'll pay for the treatments."


Unsustainable indeed.
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no it isn't.

and won't in a foreseeable future.

and you are welcome :D

You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.

Umm, cupcake, if people cannot enroll, it doesn't matter if ACA causes Jesus to come back to life on Earth and leap off the cross. The mandates don't matter.
It means more than the exchanges if you're like most people and won't even take part in the exchanges.

BTW, this preexisting condition thing is unsustainable. Oh, people can enroll with a PEC, but the PEC is NOT going to be covered first dollar. The deductibles will have to be very high. The money to treat these people will not be growing on trees.
I cannot believe there is anyone stupid enough to ignore one very glaring economic fact. That one cannot become ill or suffer an injury THEN buy insurance. It is impossible for ANY entity whether an insurance company or the federal government ( taxpayers) to fund the coverage.
Contrary to popular belief the insurance exchanges will eventually be up and running and people will come to see that there will be better insurance options with the ACA than there was prior to the ACA.

You will find your dream of health insurance for everyone will not come to fruition.
Of course it will be entertaining watching you and the rest of the libs run around telling anyone who will listen that Obamacare is working....and really amusing

And while the right wing rejoices in fewer people having health will be fun to see the political fall out in general elections. As if the bludgeoning you took earlier this month wasn't lesson enough.

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