The End is Nigh: Admitting Defeat

Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.

I am sorry but I disagree. There is no where for the liberals to go so they will sell the country out and still support Obama. Much like my liberal friend who blamed the faults with Obamacare on Republicans. Liberalism is certainly a mental disorder.

Obamacare is already're welcome.

So then, people who enrolled today can go to the Dr. next week then ? So, if I enroll now, I won't be paying $350.00 a month, but will pay what the "insured" pay ? Bull shit. I asked my Dr. If he is dealing with ACA consumers and he says no. Matter of fact, he has lost many, picked up a few from medicare. I'm getting booted off my insurance inlew of this P.O.S. . Messed up thing is, I could have gone along with this. But instead of tryi g to make it work, it was nothing more.then a legacy builder for the first black president. This is about vanity. Nothing more. It sucks.

Obamacare is already're welcome.

So then, people who enrolled today can go to the Dr. next week then ?
That part hasn't been implemented. The roll out was from 10/1 to March from what I understand.

So, if I enroll now, I won't be paying $350.00 a month, but will pay what the "insured" pay ? Bull shit.
Again, that part starts later.

I asked my Dr. If he is dealing with ACA consumers and he says no.
He must be clairvoyant; since there is no "ACA" customer.

Matter of fact, he has lost many, picked up a few from medicare. I'm getting booted off my insurance inlew of this P.O.S. . Messed up thing is, I could have gone along with this. But instead of tryi g to make it work, it was nothing more.then a legacy builder for the first black president. This is about vanity. Nothing more. It sucks.

Your coverage is already better than it was before the ACA, you have more options and the nation's overall healthcare system will be better as we transition from people only seeing a doctor in the emergency room to people being able to go for regular check ups.
These are the death throes of the Obama administration. Failure could not possibly be clearer.

An affirmative action presidency is unsustainable. For all the wishes for hope & change, it was doomed from the very get-go.

So said the wingnuts the last 4 years.

Okay then, if you're white, don't come crying to the Supreme Court when a black guy is promoted over you in the workplace or college or whatever it is you want to succeed on in life.

It would be better if crybabies would simply develop a backbone.
no, obama is not my president. never was and never will be, like it or not :lol:

332-206, its official, stupid.

Wasn't it you libs who were bitching up a storm about the Electoral College when Bush won his second term?
Funny, you scream like a little bitch when we bring up Bush (as if we had a lot of other people to compare the current President to...)

Obama won postage stamp sized urban districts populated by high concentrations of minorities and left wing yuppies.
Women aren't the minority...they are the majority.

Geographically and on a county by county count, Romney won most of the country.
Too bad for you we don't go by counties and corn fields.

332-206...Electoral College.

But you libs keep playing your little games.
332-206...Romney lost.

There will be a change in how Electoral votes are apportioned. And your side is not going to have it's advantage any longer.
Really? Do tell?

Your childishly boastful EC vote count makes you look giddy and immature.
Who looks stupid now?
That would be you talking about "county by county"....silly boy.

BTW, if your claiming a mandate for Obama, you should look to the approval numbers of the actual people your decision to push the "D" button in lockstep has affected.
It's not looking good for your side.
The only reason this administration is not embroiled in scandal is due to a complicit main stream media that refuses to ask the tough questions and in reality has circled the wagons around Obama.
Ahh, the GOP victimization complex continues. Poor wittle wepublicans...

If you had any aforethought, you'd ask yourself if you should be careful what you wish for.
Your side will not control the Beltway forever. Get it?

Liberals don't control the beltway now stupid. It just seems that way because you morons have basically abandoned the middle and you get defeated by those who don't goose-step to the right wing.

Obamacare is already're welcome.

So then, people who enrolled today can go to the Dr. next week then ?
That part hasn't been implemented. The roll out was from 10/1 to March from what I understand.

Again, that part starts later.

I asked my Dr. If he is dealing with ACA consumers and he says no.
He must be clairvoyant; since there is no "ACA" customer.

Matter of fact, he has lost many, picked up a few from medicare. I'm getting booted off my insurance inlew of this P.O.S. . Messed up thing is, I could have gone along with this. But instead of tryi g to make it work, it was nothing more.then a legacy builder for the first black president. This is about vanity. Nothing more. It sucks.

Your coverage is already better than it was before the ACA, you have more options and the nation's overall healthcare system will be better as we transition from people only seeing a doctor in the emergency room to people being able to go for regular check ups.

Cool, later and all, but what about now ? And what bout glitches ? See, I'll say it again, I'm all for helth care reform, but reform done smartly and not for the vanity of the leader of the political ruleing class. This fuck up cuts deeply into my life style. I'm not the only one in my family who needs meds. When my insurance go's the money spent on meds in my house will hit some place aroung $1,500+- a month. My coverage is not better. I had $1,200 of my $1,300 copay done. In three months ? Who knows. All this is bull shit tha you are continousley repeaing off the TV. I was insured, my family was insured preexisting conditions and all, yet we have to get screwed so the president can build his legacy. Say, who you get your insurance from ?
So then, people who enrolled today can go to the Dr. next week then ?
That part hasn't been implemented. The roll out was from 10/1 to March from what I understand.

Again, that part starts later.

He must be clairvoyant; since there is no "ACA" customer.

Matter of fact, he has lost many, picked up a few from medicare. I'm getting booted off my insurance inlew of this P.O.S. . Messed up thing is, I could have gone along with this. But instead of tryi g to make it work, it was nothing more.then a legacy builder for the first black president. This is about vanity. Nothing more. It sucks.

Your coverage is already better than it was before the ACA, you have more options and the nation's overall healthcare system will be better as we transition from people only seeing a doctor in the emergency room to people being able to go for regular check ups.

Cool, later and all, but what about now ?

There is always the public health system to fall back on for the uninsured.
332-206, its official, stupid.

Wasn't it you libs who were bitching up a storm about the Electoral College when Bush won his second term?
Funny, you scream like a little bitch when we bring up Bush (as if we had a lot of other people to compare the current President to...)

Women aren't the minority...they are the majority.

Too bad for you we don't go by counties and corn fields.

332-206...Electoral College.

332-206...Romney lost.

Really? Do tell?

That would be you talking about "county by county"....silly boy.

BTW, if your claiming a mandate for Obama, you should look to the approval numbers of the actual people your decision to push the "D" button in lockstep has affected.
It's not looking good for your side.
The only reason this administration is not embroiled in scandal is due to a complicit main stream media that refuses to ask the tough questions and in reality has circled the wagons around Obama.
Ahh, the GOP victimization complex continues. Poor wittle wepublicans...

If you had any aforethought, you'd ask yourself if you should be careful what you wish for.
Your side will not control the Beltway forever. Get it?

Liberals don't control the beltway now stupid. It just seems that way because you morons have basically abandoned the middle and you get defeated by those who don't goose-step to the right wing.
"Little bitch"...That you looking in the mirror?
What the fuck do women have to do with anything?...Always with the feminazi bullshit, you are.
Oh, let me know if you want to get into a contest of insults.
I guarantee you'll lose BIG..
If you want to debate the issue, fine. If you want this to turn into a war of insults, it's your call.
BTW, I don't give a shit about rules. There are no rules in a street fight.
Your move.
That part hasn't been implemented. The roll out was from 10/1 to March from what I understand.

Again, that part starts later.

He must be clairvoyant; since there is no "ACA" customer.

Your coverage is already better than it was before the ACA, you have more options and the nation's overall healthcare system will be better as we transition from people only seeing a doctor in the emergency room to people being able to go for regular check ups.

Cool, later and all, but what about now ?

There is always the public health system to fall back on for the uninsured.

Yep....Nothing wrong with that.
Wasn't it you libs who were bitching up a storm about the Electoral College when Bush won his second term?
Funny, you scream like a little bitch when we bring up Bush (as if we had a lot of other people to compare the current President to...)

Women aren't the minority...they are the majority.

Too bad for you we don't go by counties and corn fields.

332-206...Electoral College.

332-206...Romney lost.

Really? Do tell?

That would be you talking about "county by county"....silly boy.

Ahh, the GOP victimization complex continues. Poor wittle wepublicans...

If you had any aforethought, you'd ask yourself if you should be careful what you wish for.
Your side will not control the Beltway forever. Get it?

Liberals don't control the beltway now stupid. It just seems that way because you morons have basically abandoned the middle and you get defeated by those who don't goose-step to the right wing.

What the fuck do women have to do with anything?...Always with the feminazi bullshit, you are.
The war on women continues...unabated.

Oh, let me know if you want to get into a contest of insults.
I guarantee you'll lose BIG..
I have no doubt about that...I tend to deal with issues.

If you want to debate the issue, fine. If you want this to turn into a war of insults, it's your call.
BTW, I don't give a shit about rules. There are no rules in a street fight.
Your move.

Street fight? Call us when you exit puberty Slingblade.

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