The End is Nigh: Admitting Defeat

The nation seems to have failed to notice your glorious victory. Maybe if you scream a little harder, that will do the trick. It's always worked so well for you before.
You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.

Umm, cupcake, if people cannot enroll, it doesn't matter if ACA causes Jesus to come back to life on Earth and leap off the cross. The mandates don't matter.
It means more than the exchanges if you're like most people and won't even take part in the exchanges.

BTW, this preexisting condition thing is unsustainable. Oh, people can enroll with a PEC, but the PEC is NOT going to be covered first dollar. The deductibles will have to be very high. The money to treat these people will not be growing on trees.
I cannot believe there is anyone stupid enough to ignore one very glaring economic fact. That one cannot become ill or suffer an injury THEN buy insurance. It is impossible for ANY entity whether an insurance company or the federal government ( taxpayers) to fund the coverage.
Contrary to popular belief the insurance exchanges will eventually be up and running and people will come to see that there will be better insurance options with the ACA than there was prior to the ACA.

You will find your dream of health insurance for everyone will not come to fruition.
Of course it will be entertaining watching you and the rest of the libs run around telling anyone who will listen that Obamacare is working....and really amusing

And while the right wing rejoices in fewer people having health will be fun to see the political fall out in general elections. As if the bludgeoning you took earlier this month wasn't lesson enough.

I must say, you are living in a parallel universe.
You ignore the facts and just 'believe'..
No one is rejoicing anything. Yours is a straw man argument. Stick to the facts, sweetie pie.
Not a day goes by when even the main stream media is acknowledging and reporting all of the problems with the website and certain provisions of the law.
NBC reported what is a public relations and political nightmare for the Obama admin and the democrat party. The fact that Obama was told and KNEW that as much as TWO THIRDS of all those holding individual health insurance polices would LOSE their coverage due to PPACA..
Those in the Admin including the President also have known many employers would be applying for waivers or extensions to comply. Others would be cutting hours or dropping employee coverage altogether because of the added costs. These businesses simply cannot afford the additional costs of the mandates.
The sooner you accept these facts, the sooner you can return to reality.
That reality is THIS LAW SUCKS!
Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.

This is all a sideshow until they can implement martial law.

In the FEMA Camps they don't care what healthcare plan you are on !!!!!!!!

:whip: :whip: :whip: :whip:

Why is the ACA getting more popular if "the end is nigh"?

Why is the ACA getting more popular if "the end is nigh"?

Maybe because a good many ODS-sufferers are still living in the same bubble they were living in last year?

Say what now?

Public approval of Obamacare RCP Average Approve/Disapprove:

RCP Average 10/7 - 10/22 -- 42.6 50.0 Against/Oppose +7.4

FOX News* 10/20 - 10/22 1020 RV 41 51 Against/Oppose +10

CBS News 10/18 - 10/21 1007 A 43 51 Against/Oppose +8

Gallup 10/18 - 10/20 1528 A 45 50 Against/Oppose +5

CNN/Opinion Research 10/18 - 10/20 841 A 41 56 Against/Oppose +15

ABC News/Wash Post 10/17 - 10/20 1002 A 46 49 Against/Oppose +3

Rasmussen Reports* 10/18 - 10/19 1000 LV 46 48 Against/Oppose +2

Pew Research 10/9 - 10/13 1504 A 41 52 Against/Oppose +11

NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/7 - 10/9 800 A 38 43 Against/Oppose +5

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law
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Listen, and understand. That libturd is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.


Why is the ACA getting more popular if "the end is nigh"?

Maybe because a good many ODS-sufferers are still living in the same bubble they were living in last year?

Say what now?

Public approval of Obamacare RCP Average Approve/Disapprove:

RCP Average 10/7 - 10/22 -- 42.6 50.0 Against/Oppose +7.4

FOX News* 10/20 - 10/22 1020 RV 41 51 Against/Oppose +10

CBS News 10/18 - 10/21 1007 A 43 51 Against/Oppose +8

Gallup 10/18 - 10/20 1528 A 45 50 Against/Oppose +5

CNN/Opinion Research 10/18 - 10/20 841 A 41 56 Against/Oppose +15

ABC News/Wash Post 10/17 - 10/20 1002 A 46 49 Against/Oppose +3

Rasmussen Reports* 10/18 - 10/19 1000 LV 46 48 Against/Oppose +2

Pew Research 10/9 - 10/13 1504 A 41 52 Against/Oppose +11

NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/7 - 10/9 800 A 38 43 Against/Oppose +5

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

And according to your own link, approval has still been inching upward.

Maybe because a good many ODS-sufferers are still living in the same bubble they were living in last year?

Say what now?

Public approval of Obamacare RCP Average Approve/Disapprove:

RCP Average 10/7 - 10/22 -- 42.6 50.0 Against/Oppose +7.4

FOX News* 10/20 - 10/22 1020 RV 41 51 Against/Oppose +10

CBS News 10/18 - 10/21 1007 A 43 51 Against/Oppose +8

Gallup 10/18 - 10/20 1528 A 45 50 Against/Oppose +5

CNN/Opinion Research 10/18 - 10/20 841 A 41 56 Against/Oppose +15

ABC News/Wash Post 10/17 - 10/20 1002 A 46 49 Against/Oppose +3

Rasmussen Reports* 10/18 - 10/19 1000 LV 46 48 Against/Oppose +2

Pew Research 10/9 - 10/13 1504 A 41 52 Against/Oppose +11

NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/7 - 10/9 800 A 38 43 Against/Oppose +5

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

And according to your own link, approval has still been inching upward.


Not after this month it won't. Then again, so has the disapproval.
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Why is the ACA getting more popular if "the end is nigh"?

yer kidding, right?
I find it amusing how you libs live and die by these unscientific polls.
A sampling of 850 people asked questions designed to elicit a predetermined response is not support. It is fodder for the uninformed and willfully ignorant.
These are the death throes of the Obama administration. Failure could not possibly be clearer.

An affirmative action presidency is unsustainable. For all the wishes for hope & change, it was doomed from the very get-go.
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These are the death throes of the Obama administration. Failure could not possibly be clearer.

An affirmative action presidency is unsustainable. For all the wishes for hope & change, it was doomed from the very get-go.

So said the wingnuts the last 4 years.
These are the death throes of the Obama administration. Failure could not possibly be clearer.

An affirmative action presidency is unsustainable. For all the wishes for hope & change, it was doomed from the very get-go.

So said the wingnuts the last 4 years.

Okay then, if you're white, don't come crying to the Supreme Court when a black guy is promoted over you in the workplace or college or whatever it is you want to succeed on in life.

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