The End is Nigh: Admitting Defeat

you voted TWICE or you mean 2008?


Your president had enough support.

he is NOT my president. and will never be :D
Sure he is. He's your president.

you are a leftard, so you will march on to the abyss no matter what. you keep lying obamacare is "working" when it is a total abysmal fail in all directions.
You're the voice of ignorance if that is what you think.

I was asking the OP this question, not you

Over the past month we have watched in horror as Obamacare was supposed to be seamlessly rolled out. But instead what the American public got was a disaster, for some 1.5 million of them it meant losing their coverage. President Obama ran on and got elected twice for pushing Obamacare, but as we can see, even he knew that his promise of "if you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" was not true.

I propose that the end is nigh for Obama's presidency. His own party is beginning to turn against him, the media is beginning to smell blood in the water and the American people are beginning to feel the pain. I see this uniting both parties against him in the near future, and even the American people themselves to an extent.

Playing politics with healthcare will only get you so far before people start waking up to the ruse they are being subjected to. The only recourse for those who foisted this law onto the American people is to admit defeat.

His next autobiography on his achievements as President will be pretty, pretty thin.


Thinner than a macbook air. :lol:

With his advance
he will be able to purchase about 50,000 of sorry.
You're hung up on the website issues.
But currently, you don't have lifetime maximums, your kids can stay on til they're 26, and you can't be rejected based on PEC's.

It's been working for sometime. Sorry.

That's only for people who can actually buy insurance. Whch cuts out 90% of the country.

Your president had enough support.

he is NOT my president. and will never be :D
Sure he is. He's your president.

NO, he isn't my president. never was, never will be :D
you are a leftard, so you will march on to the abyss no matter what. you keep lying obamacare is "working" when it is a total abysmal fail in all directions.
You're the voice of ignorance if that is what you think.

I couldn't care less about the gubmint and obama worshiper people, to whom you belong, as you clearly have demonstrated

and did you have at least some basic upbringing?( probably, not, otherwise you won't be a leftard )

I was not asking you about your idol I was asking another poster a question.
go bow 10 times to the portrait of your messiah - that's about what you are doing here anyway and don't intrude into others people discussion, when not asked :lol:
he is NOT my president. and will never be :D
Sure he is. He's your president.

NO, he isn't my president. never was, never will be :D
Yes he is, if you're a US Citizen, Obama is your it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it junior.

you are a leftard, so you will march on to the abyss no matter what. you keep lying obamacare is "working" when it is a total abysmal fail in all directions.
You're the voice of ignorance if that is what you think.

I couldn't care less about the gubmint and obama worshiper people, to whom you belong, as you clearly have demonstrated

Hang in there Slingblade...only a few more years until Hillary takes over.
Sure he is. He's your president.

NO, he isn't my president. never was, never will be :D
Yes he is, if you're a US Citizen, Obama is your it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it junior.

You're the voice of ignorance if that is what you think.

I couldn't care less about the gubmint and obama worshiper people, to whom you belong, as you clearly have demonstrated

Hang in there Slingblade...only a few more years until Hillary takes over.

no, obama is not my president. never was and never will be, like it or not :lol:
NO, he isn't my president. never was, never will be :D
Yes he is, if you're a US Citizen, Obama is your it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it junior.

I couldn't care less about the gubmint and obama worshiper people, to whom you belong, as you clearly have demonstrated

Hang in there Slingblade...only a few more years until Hillary takes over.

no, obama is not my president. never was and never will be, like it or not :lol:

332-206, its official, stupid.
Yes he is, if you're a US Citizen, Obama is your it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it junior.

Hang in there Slingblade...only a few more years until Hillary takes over.

no, obama is not my president. never was and never will be, like it or not :lol:

332-206, its official, stupid.

Wasn't it you libs who were bitching up a storm about the Electoral College when Bush won his second term?
Obama won postage stamp sized urban districts populated by high concentrations of minorities and left wing yuppies.
Geographically and on a county by county count, Romney won most of the country.
But you libs keep playing your little games.
There will be a change in how Electoral votes are apportioned. And your side is not going to have it's advantage any longer.
Your childishly boastful EC vote count makes you look giddy and immature.
Who looks stupid now?
BTW, if your claiming a mandate for Obama, you should look to the approval numbers of the actual people your decision to push the "D" button in lockstep has affected.
It's not looking good for your side.
The only reason this administration is not embroiled in scandal is due to a complicit main stream media that refuses to ask the tough questions and in reality has circled the wagons around Obama.
If you had any aforethought, you'd ask yourself if you should be careful what you wish for.
Your side will not control the Beltway forever. Get it?
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Yes he is, if you're a US Citizen, Obama is your it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it junior.

Hang in there Slingblade...only a few more years until Hillary takes over.

no, obama is not my president. never was and never will be, like it or not :lol:

332-206, its official, stupid.

1,496,000. That's official too you brain dead liberal.

Explain to these people why they should buy a plan they can't afford from a website that doesn't work, or be fined. Explain to them why Obamacare is superior to their own plans. They chose their own plans for a reason, they suited their needs at an affordable cost.

The election no longer matters. This was Obama's waterloo.
no, obama is not my president. never was and never will be, like it or not :lol:

332-206, its official, stupid.

1,496,000. That's official too you brain dead liberal.

Explain to these people why they should buy a plan they can't afford from a website that doesn't work, or be fined. Explain to them why Obamacare is superior to their own plans. They chose their own plans for a reason, they suited their needs at an affordable cost.

The election no longer matters. This was Obama's waterloo.

You do not understand.
The hits just keep on coming...
A few days ago, megyn Kelly of Fox News interviewed Ezikiel Emanuel, who is one of the Architects of PPACA and Obama Admin spokesman, was asked why insurers were increasing premiums or cancelling policies and employers were seeking other coverage for their workers, Manuel attempted to blame those entities, saying that is is not Obamacare doing this it is the employers and insurance firms...
Well it is NOT TRUE....In fact it's a LIE....
Simple, page 43 of the PPACA in particular Sec 1251 reads....
(a) No Changes to Existing Coverage-

(1) IN GENERAL- Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed to require that an individual terminate coverage under a group health plan or health insurance coverage in which such individual was enrolled on the date of enactment of this Act.

(2) CONTINUATION OF COVERAGE- With respect to a group health plan or health insurance coverage in which an individual was enrolled on the date of enactment of this Act, this subtitle and subtitle A (and the amendments made by such subtitles) shall not apply to such plan or coverage, regardless of whether the individual renews such coverage after such date of enactment.
Therefore it is a violation of the PPACA law for employers and insurers to do what Emanuel was stating....
Clearly, the Administration and congressional democrats are in full damage control mode....
332-206, its official, stupid.

1,496,000. That's official too you brain dead liberal.

Explain to these people why they should buy a plan they can't afford from a website that doesn't work, or be fined. Explain to them why Obamacare is superior to their own plans. They chose their own plans for a reason, they suited their needs at an affordable cost.

The election no longer matters. This was Obama's waterloo.

You do not understand.

I understand completely. Yours is a statement of desperation. Your dream of "affordable" healthcare is nothing but chaff thrown to the wind. Blown away.
1,496,000. That's official too you brain dead liberal.

Explain to these people why they should buy a plan they can't afford from a website that doesn't work, or be fined. Explain to them why Obamacare is superior to their own plans. They chose their own plans for a reason, they suited their needs at an affordable cost.

The election no longer matters. This was Obama's waterloo.

You do not understand.

I understand completely. Yours is a statement of desperation. Your dream of "affordable" healthcare is nothing but chaff thrown to the wind. Blown away.

Desperation, huh? Alas!
Yes he is, if you're a US Citizen, Obama is your it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it junior.

Hang in there Slingblade...only a few more years until Hillary takes over.

no, obama is not my president. never was and never will be, like it or not :lol:

332-206, its official, stupid.

who cares, moron :rolleyes:

he is not my president.

he is your idol, I get it :lol:
This story...Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance - Investigations...
Was reported by NBC a few days ago. Then for reasons unknown but suspicious, NBC took down the story from their website. Perhaps under pressure from the White House.
NBC once again posted the story but left out key details which essentially changed the facts of the story.
Public pressure forced NBC to once again post the story in its entirety....
It is amazing how this president can in one sentence say he is a leader yet say later that he "did not know"....
Desperation, huh? Alas!

Nope. How many people now have affordable healthcare?


Did you just claim victory?

Uh, yeah? Have you seen the website lately? Have you enrolled in Obamacare yet? Have you seen the Democrats calling for a delay? The 1,496,000 people who have lost their coverage because of your "affordable" care act?

Yeah, I win, you lose; I'm right, you're wrong. Simple concept to grasp, right?

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