The End Of American capitalism, just as Marx warned, will come in the post-Trump socialist era

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela, which has careened back and forth between right wing dictatorships and left wing dictatorships, with corruption all along the way?

There are many social democracies like Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, which manage to have a successful mix of well regulated capitalism, and a strong social safety net. But we don't vilify our poor, or consider our taxes "theft". You want to live in a first world country with safety, security, good infrastructure, good education, and good opportunities, but you don't want to pay your share of the costs of these things.

Greed and selfishness will be your undoing as a country.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela,

Because it's the opposite of capitalism.
The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses, super duper. If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela... Absolutely brainwashed with it LOL aaarrrggghhh... Think New Zealand and stop being so damn stupid.

The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses

Who owns all the oil in Venezuela?

As far as owning all the businesses, why do they need to?
If they can tell the businesses not to raise prices, isn't that just as good?

If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela...

If you tell a dupe Venezuela they say socialism isn't to blame.
as usual those who listen to journalists are right and those who listen to propaganda are wrong d u h.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

You're the one who's only examples of socialism are Venezuela and Greece. Greece's problems aren't related to socialism, they're related to a rampant cash economy where no one pays taxes, and no one pays taxes, because the IMF imposed an austerity program on the Greek government which was too opressive. Greece isn't a mess because of left wing policy, but rather right wing monetary policies imposed on their government by right wing outsiders.

You deliberately ignore all of the very successful mixed social democracies which respect the rights of private ownership and prosperity, while regulating capitalism to provide for the best interests of its people. That's the difference between the US and other every other social democracy: The US has a "supply side economy". Everything benefits those who owns the means of production. There is no "supply and demand" which is what you find in mixed economies.

Trump isn't putting "America first!", unless you define "America" as US based corporations and the people who own them, because your laws, your tax structures as defined by Ronald Reagan and the premises of which have been left intact by succeeding Republican and Democratic Presidents, are all designed to maximize corporate profits at the expense of the working and middle classes. Instead of raising the minimum wage, giving workers raises and ensuring employees of all classes a reasonable share of the costs of providing goods and services, Republicans insisted that the burden for the increasing social safefy net which made up for the lack of meaningful raises for 40 years for the poorest Americans, be paid by the middle class, not the corporations, and not the wealthy who benefitted most from these income supplements.

Americans are constantly told that the country "can't afford" to provide universal health care for its citizens, or better programs for veterans, yet you can afford 20 billion on a monument to hate and xenophobia. You can't afford clean water for Flint Michigan, but you can afford a "Space Force". You can't afford free or lower college tuition but you can afford 17 years of wars on multiple fronts.

You can't afford to retrain coal miners for 21st century jobs, but you can afford to fly the President, his staff and the secret service to his golf club every weekend so he can sell influence and access to the Presidency at a cost $1 million per weekend.

Governments can find the money for what really matters to them. If everyday Americans haven't got the message that Trump and the GOP don't give a rat's ass about them, they haven't been paying attention.
socialism is not possible until capitalism has exhausted its ability to expand and increase profits. that the end is coming is hard to dispute, and i challenge anyone to dispute it. American capitalism, in its final iteration, may replicate China's totalitarian capitalism, a brutal system sustained by severe repression where workers are modern-day serfs.
at a certain point it will get so bad that the Democrats will get in with real control (for more than a few weeks) for the first time since LBJ and we'll fix this Savage capitalist mess. See $15 minimum wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, cheap college and training, and mainly having the rich pay more like their fair share...

What a crock of shit.


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Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela,

Because it's the opposite of capitalism.
The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses, super duper. If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela... Absolutely brainwashed with it LOL aaarrrggghhh... Think New Zealand and stop being so damn stupid.

The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses

Who owns all the oil in Venezuela?

As far as owning all the businesses, why do they need to?
If they can tell the businesses not to raise prices, isn't that just as good?

If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela...

If you tell a dupe Venezuela they say socialism isn't to blame.
as usual those who listen to journalists are right and those who listen to propaganda are wrong d u h.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

You're the one who's only examples of socialism are Venezuela and Greece. Greece's problems aren't related to socialism, they're related to a rampant cash economy where no one pays taxes, and no one pays taxes, because the IMF imposed an austerity program on the Greek government which was too opressive. Greece isn't a mess because of left wing policy, but rather right wing monetary policies imposed on their government by right wing outsiders.

You deliberately ignore all of the very successful mixed social democracies which respect the rights of private ownership and prosperity, while regulating capitalism to provide for the best interests of its people. That's the difference between the US and other every other social democracy: The US has a "supply side economy". Everything benefits those who owns the means of production. There is no "supply and demand" which is what you find in mixed economies.

Trump isn't putting "America first!", unless you define "America" as US based corporations and the people who own them, because your laws, your tax structures as defined by Ronald Reagan and the premises of which have been left intact by succeeding Republican and Democratic Presidents, are all designed to maximize corporate profits at the expense of the working and middle classes. Instead of raising the minimum wage, giving workers raises and ensuring employees of all classes a reasonable share of the costs of providing goods and services, Republicans insisted that the burden for the increasing social safefy net which made up for the lack of meaningful raises for 40 years for the poorest Americans, be paid by the middle class, not the corporations, and not the wealthy who benefitted most from these income supplements.

Americans are constantly told that the country "can't afford" to provide universal health care for its citizens, or better programs for veterans, yet you can afford 20 billion on a monument to hate and xenophobia. You can't afford clean water for Flint Michigan, but you can afford a "Space Force". You can't afford free or lower college tuition but you can afford 17 years of wars on multiple fronts.

You can't afford to retrain coal miners for 21st century jobs, but you can afford to fly the President, his staff and the secret service to his golf club every weekend so he can sell influence and access to the Presidency at a cost $1 million per weekend.

Governments can find the money for what really matters to them. If everyday Americans haven't got the message that Trump and the GOP don't give a rat's ass about them, they haven't been paying attention.

You're the one who's only examples of socialism are Venezuela and Greece.

Nah, there are plenty more, but the weaknesses of socialism are more obvious the more socialism is implemented.

Greece's problems aren't related to socialism, they're related to a rampant cash economy where no one pays taxes

If they had held their spending down to the level of taxes collected, they'd have no problem.
No problem because they'd have had no massive socialist overspending.

As it stands now, their taxes are 48% of GDP.

Americans are constantly told that the country "can't afford" to provide universal health care for its citizens

We could. If you liked rationing, long waiting periods, old equipment and old drugs.

yet you can afford 20 billion on a monument to hate and xenophobia.

To be fair, that monument would save us multiples of that $20 billion, each and every year.
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...


Winston Churchill was an abysmal failure at running the country, except during times of war. In peacetime, he was clueless, and turfed out of office - twice. He could run a war-time government like no one else, but in times of peace, he was a disaster.

You might want to remember that when you quote a member of the Royal Family, who defines the word "elitist", you might get an elitist opinion, and not necessarily an informed one.
socialism is not possible until capitalism has exhausted its ability to expand and increase profits. that the end is coming is hard to dispute, and i challenge anyone to dispute it. American capitalism, in its final iteration, may replicate China's totalitarian capitalism, a brutal system sustained by severe repression where workers are modern-day serfs.
at a certain point it will get so bad that the Democrats will get in with real control (for more than a few weeks) for the first time since LBJ and we'll fix this Savage capitalist mess. See $15 minimum wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good infrastructure and vacations, cheap college and training, and mainly having the rich pay more like their fair share...

What a crock of shit.
View attachment 232091

Profanity: The attempt of the feeble mind to express itself forcefully.

Nothing says "I got nothing" like responding to a well thought out post with an insult.
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...


Winston Churchill was an abysmal failure at running the country, except during times of war. In peacetime, he was clueless, and turfed out of office - twice. He could run a war-time government like no one else, but in times of peace, he was a disaster.

You might want to remember that when you quote a member of the Royal Family, who defines the word "elitist", you might get an elitist opinion, and not necessarily an informed one.
Socialism/political correctness only suits progressives, It makes life a living hell for conservatives
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...


Winston Churchill was an abysmal failure at running the country, except during times of war. In peacetime, he was clueless, and turfed out of office - twice. He could run a war-time government like no one else, but in times of peace, he was a disaster.

You might want to remember that when you quote a member of the Royal Family, who defines the word "elitist", you might get an elitist opinion, and not necessarily an informed one.
Socialism/political correctness only suits progressives, It makes life a living hell for conservatives
The poor selfish racist hillbilly assholes LOL...
Last edited:
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...


Winston Churchill was an abysmal failure at running the country, except during times of war. In peacetime, he was clueless, and turfed out of office - twice. He could run a war-time government like no one else, but in times of peace, he was a disaster.

You might want to remember that when you quote a member of the Royal Family, who defines the word "elitist", you might get an elitist opinion, and not necessarily an informed one.
Socialism/political correctness only suits progressives, It makes life a living hell for conservatives
The poor selfish racist assholes LOL...
There is nothing more selfish than socialism… Because it relies 100% on Envy....
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...


Winston Churchill was an abysmal failure at running the country, except during times of war. In peacetime, he was clueless, and turfed out of office - twice. He could run a war-time government like no one else, but in times of peace, he was a disaster.

You might want to remember that when you quote a member of the Royal Family, who defines the word "elitist", you might get an elitist opinion, and not necessarily an informed one.
Socialism/political correctness only suits progressives, It makes life a living hell for conservatives
The poor selfish racist assholes LOL...
There is nothing more selfish than socialism… Because it relies 100% on Envy....
Actually, it relies on intelligence. Your sympathy for the bloated rich is touching, super dupe.
Winston Churchill defined it best...


Winston Churchill was an abysmal failure at running the country, except during times of war. In peacetime, he was clueless, and turfed out of office - twice. He could run a war-time government like no one else, but in times of peace, he was a disaster.

You might want to remember that when you quote a member of the Royal Family, who defines the word "elitist", you might get an elitist opinion, and not necessarily an informed one.
Socialism/political correctness only suits progressives, It makes life a living hell for conservatives
The poor selfish racist assholes LOL...
There is nothing more selfish than socialism… Because it relies 100% on Envy....
Actually, it relies on intelligence. Your sympathy for the bloated rich is touching, super dupe.
Na, not really
The collective is clueless

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