The End Of American capitalism, just as Marx warned, will come in the post-Trump socialist era

Marx said the US would never be defeated from outside its borders but would be taken down from the inside. The Democrats have been proving that prediction to be true for the last 2 years...
And you are brainwashed with b******* hate propaganda if you think good regulation is taking the country down. Absolutely nuts. Change the channel read something please lol.
Why don't we have a national ID card that would end illegal immigration if enforced? Like other countries that have that problem? Plus why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and a healthy middle class and working class? Hint... It's the scumbag new b******* hate propaganda GOP. And of course idiots like you chicken little...
I don’t want socialized healthcare, I don’t want parental leave or daycare, I certainly don’t want anything to do with an living wage, I have a job that does not feel like a job so fuck vacations... And I certainly do not want other people to pay for my shit… And it never takes a fucking village
The hermits rustic Union can probably protect you... Nothing mandatory seems to be the American way and that's the way Obamacare is now. Just don't hire anybody LOL
Fuck the collective
Basically you are saying f*** any government at all which is such a lovely idea which doesn't work it's been tried...
socialism is not possible until capitalism has exhausted its ability to expand and increase profits. that the end is coming is hard to dispute, and i challenge anyone to dispute it. American capitalism, in its final iteration, may replicate China's totalitarian capitalism, a brutal system sustained by severe repression where workers are modern-day serfs.

I dispute that capitalism is nearing its end. I think it is actually ready to breakout and become even stronger...though that may take a while.

BTW - America does NOT have capitalism or free market economics right now. As Brain357 said, it is currently cronyism. Or more specifically, crony capitalism.

'An economy that is nominally free-market, but allows for preferential regulation and other favorable government intervention based on personal relationships. In such a system, the false appearance of "pure" capitalism is publicly maintained to preserve the exclusive influence of well-connected individuals.'

What is crony capitalism? definition and meaning

The above is what we have now and have had since at least 2001 (when the Fed really started to take control) and soon after when GWB (with good intentions, I think) deliberately tried to alter the housing market. That led to the Housing Boom and then the housing bust and to the 'Great Recession'.
But government manipulation did not stop there.
The Fed decided to bail out all the banks - even going so far as to (in essence) buy the then-largest insurance company in the world, AIG. Plus, the government bailed out GM and Chrysler and also both GWB and later Obama threw over a trillion at the economy in the form of still more bailouts, economic stimuli, etc..
But they still were not done.
The Fed started ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and various QE to directly influence the stock market - and it succeeded wildly. Now many corporations are hip deep in record buybacks of their stock. And some are now in big doo doo over it (see GE). This despite the government/Fed having dumped over $12 TRILLION dollars into the economy.
Just look at the market's earlier this week? They went nuts when the Fed strongly hinted (but just hinted) they might slow down interest rate hikes. That is how utterly and COMPLETELY dependent on the government/Fed the corporate economy is.

Since 2001, there has been virtually NO capitalism in America - not on a large scale. 'Too Big to Fail' is the new mantra of Wall Street.

Corporations don't have to take chances. They just have to keep getting the government/Fed to keep spiking the punch bowl...keep interest rates low and deficits high, which indirectly and artificially help the economy at taxpayers expense.

However, there is one rather large problem with all of this - the wealthy are fast leaving the middle class/poor behind. The former have the connections to huge amounts of cheap money which they throw into a stock market that is set on auto pilot by the Fed DELIBERATELY manipulating it upwards. However, the rest of the public cannot gain access to this they just fall behind.
So, if you are blaming capitalism and free enterprise for the mess that is today's economy? You are blaming the wrong thing.

You should blame crony capitalism.
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Capitalism isn't going anywhere but our future is like Australia New Zealand original EU only with more money because we are the richest country in the world. Screw un Fair crony capitalism and the new BS hate GOP.
And you are brainwashed with b******* hate propaganda if you think good regulation is taking the country down. Absolutely nuts. Change the channel read something please lol.
Why don't we have a national ID card that would end illegal immigration if enforced? Like other countries that have that problem? Plus why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and a healthy middle class and working class? Hint... It's the scumbag new b******* hate propaganda GOP. And of course idiots like you chicken little...
I don’t want socialized healthcare, I don’t want parental leave or daycare, I certainly don’t want anything to do with an living wage, I have a job that does not feel like a job so fuck vacations... And I certainly do not want other people to pay for my shit… And it never takes a fucking village
The hermits rustic Union can probably protect you... Nothing mandatory seems to be the American way and that's the way Obamacare is now. Just don't hire anybody LOL
Fuck the collective
Basically you are saying f*** any government at all which is such a lovely idea which doesn't work it's been tried...
It will have to be optional for you hillbillies LOL
Capitalism is like a game of Monopoly. When one person owns everything and everybody else is broke, the game is over.

In capitalism, that never happens.
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela, which has careened back and forth between right wing dictatorships and left wing dictatorships, with corruption all along the way?

There are many social democracies like Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, which manage to have a successful mix of well regulated capitalism, and a strong social safety net. But we don't vilify our poor, or consider our taxes "theft". You want to live in a first world country with safety, security, good infrastructure, good education, and good opportunities, but you don't want to pay your share of the costs of these things.

Greed and selfishness will be your undoing as a country.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela,

Because it's the opposite of capitalism.
In capitalism, that never happens.
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.
In a third-world mess like Venezuela that is totally depending on oil, they are not coming back until oil prices do. They have no lessons for us, only brainwashed idiot right-wingers think they do...

Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...

Yeah, Venezuela can't feed their people because the GOP put sanctions on them. DERP!
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.
In a third-world mess like Venezuela that is totally depending on oil, they are not coming back until oil prices do. They have no lessons for us, only brainwashed idiot right-wingers think they do...

Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...

Yeah, Venezuela can't feed their people because the GOP put sanctions on them. DERP!
Who wants to take over the country? The oligarchs.

Who controls the distribution of good? The oligarchs.

Who is the US supporting with money and sanctions? The oligarchs.

I see a common denominator here.
Capitalism is like a game of Monopoly. When one person owns everything and everybody else is broke, the game is over.

In capitalism, that never happens.
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela, which has careened back and forth between right wing dictatorships and left wing dictatorships, with corruption all along the way?

There are many social democracies like Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, which manage to have a successful mix of well regulated capitalism, and a strong social safety net. But we don't vilify our poor, or consider our taxes "theft". You want to live in a first world country with safety, security, good infrastructure, good education, and good opportunities, but you don't want to pay your share of the costs of these things.

Greed and selfishness will be your undoing as a country.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela,

Because it's the opposite of capitalism.
The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses, super duper. If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela... Absolutely brainwashed with it LOL aaarrrggghhh... Think New Zealand and stop being so damn stupid.
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Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.
In a third-world mess like Venezuela that is totally depending on oil, they are not coming back until oil prices do. They have no lessons for us, only brainwashed idiot right-wingers think they do...

Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...

Yeah, Venezuela can't feed their people because the GOP put sanctions on them. DERP!
They seem to think it's a problem... The usual GOP covert b******* that f**** everything all up....
George HW Bush the last good government Republican says that presidential historian....
In Venezuela, the trend is down.
In a third-world mess like Venezuela that is totally depending on oil, they are not coming back until oil prices do. They have no lessons for us, only brainwashed idiot right-wingers think they do...

Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...

Yeah, Venezuela can't feed their people because the GOP put sanctions on them. DERP!
Who wants to take over the country? The oligarchs.

Who controls the distribution of good? The oligarchs.

Who is the US supporting with money and sanctions? The oligarchs.

I see a common denominator here.

Me too. Your delusions.
In capitalism, that never happens.
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela, which has careened back and forth between right wing dictatorships and left wing dictatorships, with corruption all along the way?

There are many social democracies like Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, which manage to have a successful mix of well regulated capitalism, and a strong social safety net. But we don't vilify our poor, or consider our taxes "theft". You want to live in a first world country with safety, security, good infrastructure, good education, and good opportunities, but you don't want to pay your share of the costs of these things.

Greed and selfishness will be your undoing as a country.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela,

Because it's the opposite of capitalism.
The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses, super duper. If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela... Absolutely brainwashed with it LOL aaarrrggghhh... Think New Zealand and stop being so damn stupid.

The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses

Who owns all the oil in Venezuela?

As far as owning all the businesses, why do they need to?
If they can tell the businesses not to raise prices, isn't that just as good?

If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela...

If you tell a dupe Venezuela they say socialism isn't to blame.
In Venezuela, the trend is down.
In a third-world mess like Venezuela that is totally depending on oil, they are not coming back until oil prices do. They have no lessons for us, only brainwashed idiot right-wingers think they do...

Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...

Yeah, Venezuela can't feed their people because the GOP put sanctions on them. DERP!
They seem to think it's a problem... The usual GOP covert b******* that f**** everything all up....

They seem to think it's a problem...

Over 180 nations in the world.
If you're fucked because you can't buy from one, the US, you've got bigger issues.
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela, which has careened back and forth between right wing dictatorships and left wing dictatorships, with corruption all along the way?

There are many social democracies like Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, which manage to have a successful mix of well regulated capitalism, and a strong social safety net. But we don't vilify our poor, or consider our taxes "theft". You want to live in a first world country with safety, security, good infrastructure, good education, and good opportunities, but you don't want to pay your share of the costs of these things.

Greed and selfishness will be your undoing as a country.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela,

Because it's the opposite of capitalism.
The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses, super duper. If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela... Absolutely brainwashed with it LOL aaarrrggghhh... Think New Zealand and stop being so damn stupid.

The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses

Who owns all the oil in Venezuela?

As far as owning all the businesses, why do they need to?
If they can tell the businesses not to raise prices, isn't that just as good?

If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela...

If you tell a dupe Venezuela they say socialism isn't to blame.
as usual those who listen to journalists are right and those who listen to propaganda are wrong d u h.
In a third-world mess like Venezuela that is totally depending on oil, they are not coming back until oil prices do. They have no lessons for us, only brainwashed idiot right-wingers think they do...

Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...

Yeah, Venezuela can't feed their people because the GOP put sanctions on them. DERP!
They seem to think it's a problem... The usual GOP covert b******* that f**** everything all up....

They seem to think it's a problem...

Over 180 nations in the world.
If you're fucked because you can't buy from one, the US, you've got bigger issues.
As if that is all that has happened to them...
Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...

Yeah, Venezuela can't feed their people because the GOP put sanctions on them. DERP!
They seem to think it's a problem... The usual GOP covert b******* that f**** everything all up....

They seem to think it's a problem...

Over 180 nations in the world.
If you're fucked because you can't buy from one, the US, you've got bigger issues.
As if that is all that has happened to them...
When people say socialism try New Zealand Scandinavia France Etc, and stop being so damn stupid.
In Venezuela, the trend is down.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela, which has careened back and forth between right wing dictatorships and left wing dictatorships, with corruption all along the way?

There are many social democracies like Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, which manage to have a successful mix of well regulated capitalism, and a strong social safety net. But we don't vilify our poor, or consider our taxes "theft". You want to live in a first world country with safety, security, good infrastructure, good education, and good opportunities, but you don't want to pay your share of the costs of these things.

Greed and selfishness will be your undoing as a country.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela,

Because it's the opposite of capitalism.
The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses, super duper. If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela... Absolutely brainwashed with it LOL aaarrrggghhh... Think New Zealand and stop being so damn stupid.

The hell it is... That would be communism where the government owns all industry and businesses

Who owns all the oil in Venezuela?

As far as owning all the businesses, why do they need to?
If they can tell the businesses not to raise prices, isn't that just as good?

If you tell a dupe socialism they say Venezuela...

If you tell a dupe Venezuela they say socialism isn't to blame.
as usual those who listen to journalists are right and those who listen to propaganda are wrong d u h.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...

Yeah, Venezuela can't feed their people because the GOP put sanctions on them. DERP!
They seem to think it's a problem... The usual GOP covert b******* that f**** everything all up....

They seem to think it's a problem...

Over 180 nations in the world.
If you're fucked because you can't buy from one, the US, you've got bigger issues.
As if that is all that has happened to them...

I agree, of all the things that fucked them over, sanctions were a tiny part.

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