The End Of American capitalism, just as Marx warned, will come in the post-Trump socialist era

The amount of people who support socialism is about 1 percent. TheresThthe feared collective...
Bernie called it Democratic socialism, it looks more like 50%...
That's what you have to do when you're dealing with brainwashed zombies
Capitalism is like a game of Monopoly. When one person owns everything and everybody else is broke, the game is over.

In capitalism, that never happens.
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela, which has careened back and forth between right wing dictatorships and left wing dictatorships, with corruption all along the way?

There are many social democracies like Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, which manage to have a successful mix of well regulated capitalism, and a strong social safety net. But we don't vilify our poor, or consider our taxes "theft". You want to live in a first world country with safety, security, good infrastructure, good education, and good opportunities, but you don't want to pay your share of the costs of these things.

Greed and selfishness will be your undoing as a country.
Capitalism is like a game of Monopoly. When one person owns everything and everybody else is broke, the game is over.

In capitalism, that never happens.
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.
In a third-world mess like Venezuela that is totally depending on oil, they are not coming back until oil prices do. They have no lessons for us, only brainwashed idiot right-wingers think they do...

Their slide started when oil was above $100 a barrel.
If they couldn't keep production up at that price, how will they do it
now, after years of not paying their oil workers?

Only socialists could manage to fuck up the largest oil reserves in the world, to the point
where they can't afford food or toilet paper, for fuck sake...…...
Of course GOP and Venezuelan oligarchs sanctions and sabotaging doesn't help...
Socialism ruined Venezuela.

Figures you morons love a system that could turn the largest oil reserves on the planet into
a cesspool that can't feed its own people.

Great job, dickheads!!!

Francis is a Marxist, he must blame evil capitalist America, and the poor socialists are the victims.
View attachment 231894
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
Francis is a Marxist, he must blame evil capitalist America, and the poor socialists are the victims.
View attachment 231894
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
Francis is a Marxist, he must blame evil capitalist America, and the poor socialists are the victims.
View attachment 231894
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Capitalism is like a game of Monopoly. When one person owns everything and everybody else is broke, the game is over.

In capitalism, that never happens.
Follow the trend.

In Venezuela, the trend is down.

Why do you loons always bring up Venezuela, which has careened back and forth between right wing dictatorships and left wing dictatorships, with corruption all along the way?

There are many social democracies like Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, which manage to have a successful mix of well regulated capitalism, and a strong social safety net. But we don't vilify our poor, or consider our taxes "theft". You want to live in a first world country with safety, security, good infrastructure, good education, and good opportunities, but you don't want to pay your share of the costs of these things.

Greed and selfishness will be your undoing as a country.
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...

Marx said the US would never be defeated from outside its borders but would be taken down from the inside. The Democrats have been proving that prediction to be true for the last 2 years...
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
The Socialist workers Party is a Communist Party, and they love confusing people between communism and socialism just like the far-right does. Which is the whole GOP at this point. They are as good As Dead As a movement. But if the GOP keeps f****** over the middle class and workers another 20 years they might make a comeback...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...

So socialism is communism that is what Churchill was saying. That he was a conservative idiot too.what 80% of the world means by socialism is faire capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Well regulated capitalism. Unbelievable how misunderstood the dupes are on it...
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
Socialism is for fuck ups...
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...

So socialism is communism that is what Churchill was saying. That he was a conservative idiot too.what 80% of the world means by socialism is faire capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Well regulated capitalism. Unbelievable how misunderstood the dupes are on it...
Hope your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require are participation
Marx said the US would never be defeated from outside its borders but would be taken down from the inside. The Democrats have been proving that prediction to be true for the last 2 years...
And you are brainwashed with b******* hate propaganda if you think good regulation is taking the country down. Absolutely nuts. Change the channel read something please lol.
Marx said the US would never be defeated from outside its borders but would be taken down from the inside. The Democrats have been proving that prediction to be true for the last 2 years...
And you are brainwashed with b******* hate propaganda if you think good regulation is taking the country down. Absolutely nuts. Change the channel read something please lol.
Why don't we have a national ID card that would end illegal immigration if enforced? Like other countries that have that problem? Plus why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and a healthy middle class and working class? Hint... It's the scumbag new b******* hate propaganda GOP. And of course idiots like you chicken little...
Socialism always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If was/ is worth shit it would not have to forced on anyone.
Conservatives can never benefit from socialism, in fact it makes life a living hell...
Marx said the US would never be defeated from outside its borders but would be taken down from the inside. The Democrats have been proving that prediction to be true for the last 2 years...
And you are brainwashed with b******* hate propaganda if you think good regulation is taking the country down. Absolutely nuts. Change the channel read something please lol.
Why don't we have a national ID card that would end illegal immigration if enforced? Like other countries that have that problem? Plus why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and a healthy middle class and working class? Hint... It's the scumbag new b******* hate propaganda GOP. And of course idiots like you chicken little...
I don’t want socialized healthcare, I don’t want parental leave or daycare, I certainly don’t want anything to do with an living wage, I have a job that does not feel like a job so fuck vacations... And I certainly do not want other people to pay for my shit… And it never takes a fucking village
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry, is for f*** cups. Socialism, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net, is the final solution. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister went Obamacare passed. Why are you dupes so stupid?
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...

So socialism is communism that is what Churchill was saying. That he was a conservative idiot too.what 80% of the world means by socialism is faire capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Well regulated capitalism. Unbelievable how misunderstood the dupes are on it...
Hope your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require are participation

I'm sorry, I don't recall suggesting that Russia become a socialist country.

You have a lot of damn gall, telling me to keep my ideas to myself. I'm not here, lying about who I am and trying to undermine the government of the USA by promoting Putin's agenda like you trolls are doing.
Marx said the US would never be defeated from outside its borders but would be taken down from the inside. The Democrats have been proving that prediction to be true for the last 2 years...
And you are brainwashed with b******* hate propaganda if you think good regulation is taking the country down. Absolutely nuts. Change the channel read something please lol.
Why don't we have a national ID card that would end illegal immigration if enforced? Like other countries that have that problem? Plus why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and a healthy middle class and working class? Hint... It's the scumbag new b******* hate propaganda GOP. And of course idiots like you chicken little...
I don’t want socialized healthcare, I don’t want parental leave or daycare, I certainly don’t want anything to do with an living wage, I have a job that does not feel like a job so fuck vacations... And I certainly do not want other people to pay for my shit… And it never takes a fucking village
The hermits rustic Union can probably protect you... Nothing mandatory seems to be the American way and that's the way Obamacare is now. Just don't hire anybody LOL
Last edited:
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
Keep your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation
What is your definition of socialism... I can't get anything out of you people...
Winston Churchill defined it best...

So socialism is communism that is what Churchill was saying. That he was a conservative idiot too.what 80% of the world means by socialism is faire capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Well regulated capitalism. Unbelievable how misunderstood the dupes are on it...
Hope your socialism to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require are participation

I'm sorry, I don't recall suggesting that Russia become a socialist country.

You have a lot of damn gall, telling me to keep my ideas to myself. I'm not here, lying about who I am and trying to undermine the government of the USA by promoting Putin's agenda like you trolls are doing.
Progressivism/socialism does not suit conservatives at all… In fact it makes life a living hell
Marx said the US would never be defeated from outside its borders but would be taken down from the inside. The Democrats have been proving that prediction to be true for the last 2 years...
And you are brainwashed with b******* hate propaganda if you think good regulation is taking the country down. Absolutely nuts. Change the channel read something please lol.
Why don't we have a national ID card that would end illegal immigration if enforced? Like other countries that have that problem? Plus why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure good vacations cheap college and training and a healthy middle class and working class? Hint... It's the scumbag new b******* hate propaganda GOP. And of course idiots like you chicken little...
I don’t want socialized healthcare, I don’t want parental leave or daycare, I certainly don’t want anything to do with an living wage, I have a job that does not feel like a job so fuck vacations... And I certainly do not want other people to pay for my shit… And it never takes a fucking village
The hermits rustic Union can probably protect you... Nothing mandatory seems to be the American way and that's the way Obamacare is now. Just don't hire anybody LOL
Fuck the collective
Socialism always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If was/ is worth shit it would not have to forced on anyone.
Conservatives can never benefit from socialism, in fact it makes life a living hell...
That is communism. Socialism is voted in all ways. Communism always takes a violent revolution and nobody is for communism. Nobody is for communism repeat 300 times.
Socialism always has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it. If was/ is worth shit it would not have to forced on anyone.
Conservatives can never benefit from socialism, in fact it makes life a living hell...
That is communism. Socialism is voted in all ways. Communism always takes a violent revolution and nobody is for communism. Nobody is for communism repeat 300 times.
Na, Socialism always has to be forced on those that want nothing to do with it cannot afford it and will not benefit from it...

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