The End Of American capitalism, just as Marx warned, will come in the post-Trump socialist era

Marx warned that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction.

there would come a day when capitalism would exhaust its potential and collapse. he did not know when that day would come.

Marx was an astronomer of history, not an astrologer. he was keenly aware of capitalism's ability to innovate and adapt. but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable. and as we witness the denouement of capitalism, Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable.

Why is capitalism unsustainable? Why will profits not continue growing long-term?

Be as specific as you can.

Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

He was a whiney twat.

There is nowhere left for the American corporations to expand their profits. They have bled the workers white in America, and they're now draining the wealth of the middle class. As the middle class shrinks, far more people are falling into poverty than are rising into the ranks of the wealthy.

American corporations are now syphoning the cash out of more prosperous nations, like Canada, and the EU. But we're also insisting that they pay decent wages to their workers, and make a their fair share contribution to infrastruction, education and health care, and pay their fair share of taxes here, so we're using the economic benefits of these profitable corporations locating in our jurisdictions, to help our citizens. America would do well to do the same.

When are you foreigners going to stop meddling in our elections?
Capitalism is the ONLY fair economic system. Capitalism is the natural order.

Marx wasn't commenting on whether or not Capitalism was "fair", just predicting how it would unravel and eventually turn on itself and if you've read Ayn Rand you'll find that much of what she describes in Atlas Shrugged aligns fairly well with what Marx is saying here. If you look around at what's happening today, you'll notice that both of them were not far off the mark (the looters and rent seekers are literally EVERYWHERE).

The problem with Marx wasn't his predictions, it was his conclusions and remedies, in fact he doomed his own remedy when he conceded that "there will always be corruption at the top" when referring to lower stage Communism and the results in the Former Soviet Union bear out this thesis.

Beyond that IMHO you're exactly right regarding Marx's understanding of human nature in that he didn't understand it very well (especially when it comes to incentives).

In any case Das Kapital IMHO remains an interesting read, even if your only objective is to get a different perspective. :dunno:
Marx warned that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction.

there would come a day when capitalism would exhaust its potential and collapse. he did not know when that day would come.

Marx was an astronomer of history, not an astrologer. he was keenly aware of capitalism's ability to innovate and adapt. but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable. and as we witness the denouement of capitalism, Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable.

Why is capitalism unsustainable? Why will profits not continue growing long-term?

Be as specific as you can.

Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

He was a whiney twat.

There is nowhere left for the American corporations to expand their profits. They have bled the workers white in America, and they're now draining the wealth of the middle class. As the middle class shrinks, far more people are falling into poverty than are rising into the ranks of the wealthy.

American corporations are now syphoning the cash out of more prosperous nations, like Canada, and the EU. But we're also insisting that they pay decent wages to their workers, and make a their fair share contribution to infrastruction, education and health care, and pay their fair share of taxes here, so we're using the economic benefits of these profitable corporations locating in our jurisdictions, to help our citizens. America would do well to do the same.

There is nowhere left for the American corporations to expand their profits

Sounds awful. And imaginary. Why don't you post your proof?
corporate loyalists in the courts treat corporations as people and people as noisome impediments to corporate profit
Marx warned that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction.

there would come a day when capitalism would exhaust its potential and collapse. he did not know when that day would come.

Marx was an astronomer of history, not an astrologer. he was keenly aware of capitalism's ability to innovate and adapt. but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable. and as we witness the denouement of capitalism, Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.
Yeah and Marxism has been such a rousing success.
capitalism would, Marx said, turn on the so-called free market. along with the values and traditions it claims to defend. it would in its final stages pillage the systems and structures that made capitalism possible. it would resort, as it causes widespread suffering, to harsher forms of repression to maintain social control. it would attempt, in a frantic last stand, to extract profit by looting and pillaging state institutions, contradicting its stated nature.

But enough about Venezuela...…..
Venezuela is a third world oil economy country that was ruined by the GOP corrupt World depression of 2008 and American covert sabotage since, super duper.

Socialism ruined Venezuela.

Figures you morons love a system that could turn the largest oil reserves on the planet into
a cesspool that can't feed its own people.

Great job, dickheads!!!
Actually we're talking about every rich country in the world kind of socialism even America's though ours is a GOP rip off only made possible by brainwashed Chumps like you. Venezuela is a third-world mess that has no lessons for us, so of course is an obsession for you idiots. Plus Venezuela is horribly Sabotaged by GOP covert sabotage. Another indication there is no difference between GOP propaganda machine and the GOP itself. I think Trump is either a dupe himself or just clever. All he has to do is parrot Fox Etc propaganda then the Dupes just love him...
while middle class workers make a Herculean effort just to do their 2 or 3 full time jobs well, corporate lords have never had such good profits

and if a worker's health goes, he is done, as are those who depend on him. what if he has a son with Asperger's syndrome who lives at home for example?

this wont last forever. stupid will turn to smart
in a democracy, the poor will seize the wealth of the rich. democracy couldnt coexist with huge levels of inequality. everyone has to have a stake in society. President Trump is destroying democracy and crippling the political power of the working class who voted for him.

all goes wrong when, starved for lack of anything good in their lives, men turn to politics to snatch from thence the hapinness they hunger for. they set about fighting for power, & their internecine conflict ruins them & their country.
Marx warned that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction.

there would come a day when capitalism would exhaust its potential and collapse. he did not know when that day would come.

Marx was an astronomer of history, not an astrologer. he was keenly aware of capitalism's ability to innovate and adapt. but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable. and as we witness the denouement of capitalism, Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable.

Why is capitalism unsustainable? Why will profits not continue growing long-term?

Be as specific as you can.

Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

He was a whiney twat.

There is nowhere left for the American corporations to expand their profits. They have bled the workers white in America, and they're now draining the wealth of the middle class. As the middle class shrinks, far more people are falling into poverty than are rising into the ranks of the wealthy.

American corporations are now syphoning the cash out of more prosperous nations, like Canada, and the EU. But we're also insisting that they pay decent wages to their workers, and make a their fair share contribution to infrastruction, education and health care, and pay their fair share of taxes here, so we're using the economic benefits of these profitable corporations locating in our jurisdictions, to help our citizens. America would do well to do the same.

There is nowhere left for the American corporations to expand their profits

Sounds awful. And imaginary. Why don't you post your proof?

Are you a total idiot? Are you completely incapable of articulating an original idea based on empirical data? Clearly you are.

I'm posting an opinion. It's based on the distribution of wealth statistics which have been posted and reposted here endlessly. The wealth of American has been steadily rising to the top 10% of Americans and that shift began with Reagan's tax code. When Reagan tood office, only the poor had no savings or equity. The working class held 5% of the nation's wealth.

By the time that W took office, the working class had lost all of their wealth and were now dependent on government handouts via food stamps, earned income credits, and other forms of income supports. By the time Romney ran for President, fully 47% of voters were receiving some form of social assistance.

So if you need social assistance to put a roof over your head and food on your table, how the hell are you going to be buying consumer toys to keep American corporations expanding their profits and their markets?
Marx warned that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction.

there would come a day when capitalism would exhaust its potential and collapse. he did not know when that day would come.

Marx was an astronomer of history, not an astrologer. he was keenly aware of capitalism's ability to innovate and adapt. but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable. and as we witness the denouement of capitalism, Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable.

Why is capitalism unsustainable? Why will profits not continue growing long-term?

Be as specific as you can.

Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

He was a whiney twat.

There is nowhere left for the American corporations to expand their profits. They have bled the workers white in America, and they're now draining the wealth of the middle class. As the middle class shrinks, far more people are falling into poverty than are rising into the ranks of the wealthy.

American corporations are now syphoning the cash out of more prosperous nations, like Canada, and the EU. But we're also insisting that they pay decent wages to their workers, and make a their fair share contribution to infrastruction, education and health care, and pay their fair share of taxes here, so we're using the economic benefits of these profitable corporations locating in our jurisdictions, to help our citizens. America would do well to do the same.

There is nowhere left for the American corporations to expand their profits

Sounds awful. And imaginary. Why don't you post your proof?

Are you a total idiot? Are you completely incapable of articulating an original idea based on empirical data? Clearly you are.

I'm posting an opinion. It's based on the distribution of wealth statistics which have been posted and reposted here endlessly. The wealth of American has been steadily rising to the top 10% of Americans and that shift began with Reagan's tax code. When Reagan tood office, only the poor had no savings or equity. The working class held 5% of the nation's wealth.

By the time that W took office, the working class had lost all of their wealth and were now dependent on government handouts via food stamps, earned income credits, and other forms of income supports. By the time Romney ran for President, fully 47% of voters were receiving some form of social assistance.

So if you need social assistance to put a roof over your head and food on your table, how the hell are you going to be buying consumer toys to keep American corporations expanding their profits and their markets?

I'm posting an opinion.

It wasn't clear that I was mocking your opinion?
capitalism would, Marx said, turn on the so-called free market. along with the values and traditions it claims to defend. it would in its final stages pillage the systems and structures that made capitalism possible. it would resort, as it causes widespread suffering, to harsher forms of repression to maintain social control. it would attempt, in a frantic last stand, to extract profit by looting and pillaging state institutions, contradicting its stated nature.

But enough about Venezuela...…..
Venezuela is a third world oil economy country that was ruined by the GOP corrupt World depression of 2008 and American covert sabotage since, super duper.

Socialism ruined Venezuela.

Figures you morons love a system that could turn the largest oil reserves on the planet into
a cesspool that can't feed its own people.

Great job, dickheads!!!
Actually we're talking about every rich country in the world kind of socialism even America's though ours is a GOP rip off only made possible by brainwashed Chumps like you. Venezuela is a third-world mess that has no lessons for us, so of course is an obsession for you idiots. Plus Venezuela is horribly Sabotaged by GOP covert sabotage. Another indication there is no difference between GOP propaganda machine and the GOP itself. I think Trump is either a dupe himself or just clever. All he has to do is parrot Fox Etc propaganda then the Dupes just love him...
Indeed, the US has been trying to put the oligarchs back in power since Chavez was elected.
Capitalism is like a game of Monopoly. When one person owns everything and everybody else is broke, the game is over.
capitalism would, Marx said, turn on the so-called free market. along with the values and traditions it claims to defend. it would in its final stages pillage the systems and structures that made capitalism possible. it would resort, as it causes widespread suffering, to harsher forms of repression to maintain social control. it would attempt, in a frantic last stand, to extract profit by looting and pillaging state institutions, contradicting its stated nature.

But enough about Venezuela...…..
Venezuela is a third world oil economy country that was ruined by the GOP corrupt World depression of 2008 and American covert sabotage since, super duper.

Socialism ruined Venezuela.

Figures you morons love a system that could turn the largest oil reserves on the planet into
a cesspool that can't feed its own people.

Great job, dickheads!!!

Francis is a Marxist, he must blame evil capitalist America, and the poor socialists are the victims.

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