The End Of American capitalism, just as Marx warned, will come in the post-Trump socialist era

No, capitalism has troubles because we are in a post GOP World depression mess. Seems to cause a rise in chaos, nationalism, refugees, and ridiculous right wing propaganda..
Great job GOP and silly dupes...
Not gonna disagree on GOP bullshit, but you are saying that capitalism has troubles because commies are not in power?

Capitalism will fail because the military industrial complex?
No, Capitalism is on the verge of collapse because it has fucked the planet to death.
Malthus was right, his words paraphrased by Roger Waters:
'Give any one species too much rope and they'll fuck it up'
the fossil fuel industry swallows up 5 trillion dollars a year worldwide in hidden costs to keep burning fossil fuels, according to the IMF.

this money is in addition to the 400 billion in direct subsidies offered by governments around the world through write-offs and write-downs and land-use loopholes. in a rational world, these subsidies would be invested to free us from the deadly effects of carbon emissions and rebuild america's dying infrastructure, but we dont live in a rational world!

Wow, that's a whole lot of bad math and confusion in that post.
in large part, the profits that America's largest banks report are essentially transfers from taxpayers to their shareholders
socialism is not possible until capitalism has exhausted its ability to expand and increase profits. that the end is coming is hard to dispute, and i challenge anyone to dispute it. American capitalism, in its final iteration, may replicate China's totalitarian capitalism, a brutal system sustained by severe repression where workers are modern-day serfs.
Murica has oligarchic mercantilist system, not capitalism....It is that crony shit show which is in its waning days.
Marx warned that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction.

there would come a day when capitalism would exhaust its potential and collapse. he did not know when that day would come.

Marx was an astronomer of history, not an astrologer. he was keenly aware of capitalism's ability to innovate and adapt. but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable. and as we witness the denouement of capitalism, Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

If so, at least it will outlast Venezuela,
Marx illuminated the contradiction within capitalism. he understood that the ideas of capitalism (free trade, free markets, individual liberty, innovation, self-development) works only in the utopian mind of a true believer like Supercilious Alan Greenspan, never in reality.

the hoarding of wealth by a tiny capitalist elite, Marx foresaw, along with the driving down of the wages of workers, leaves populations unable to buy the products that capitalism produces.
Marx illuminated the contradiction within capitalism. he understood that the ideas of capitalism (free trade, free markets, individual liberty, innovation, self-development) works only in the utopian mind of a true believer like Supercilious Alan Greenspan, never in reality.

the hoarding of wealth by a tiny capitalist elite, Marx foresaw, along with the driving down of the wages of workers, leaves populations unable to buy the products that capitalism produces.
And yet all this time everywhere capitalism is allowed to flourish a nation and its citizens have success. And wherever Marxism is allowed the nation fails and it’s citizens eat the zoo animals and use rocks to wipe their asses.
capitalist states seek to keep workers unconscious, no worker under a capitalist system will ever receive the full amount of his labor. this would destroy capitalism. any worker who truly understands his interests should be dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism.
capitalist states seek to keep workers unconscious, no worker under a capitalist system will ever receive the full amount of his labor. this would destroy capitalism. any worker who truly understands his interests should be dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism.
Any sane person should be dedicated to taking up and using arms to destroy idiots who try to start your communist revolution.
financial speculators in 17th century england were hanged. the presidents of walmart and big banks and companies like Gap, who run sweatshop death traps for poor workers overseas deserve prison far more than the poor students of color i hear about in the prison system, people who never had a fair trial or chance in life.
financial speculators in 17th century england were hanged. the presidents of walmart and big banks and companies like Gap, who run sweatshop death traps for poor workers overseas deserve prison far more than the poor students of color i hear about in the prison system, people who never had a fair trial or chance in life.
financial speculators in 17th century england were hanged. the presidents of walmart and big banks and companies like Gap, who run sweatshop death traps for poor workers overseas deserve prison far more than the poor students of color i hear about in the prison system, people who never had a fair trial or chance in life.
look it up.
the kleptocrats, and those they con, have no interest in the flowery words of inclusivity, multiculturalism, that a bankrupt liberal class used with great effectiveness for 3 decades to swindle the public on behalf of corporations
capitalist states seek to keep workers unconscious, no worker under a capitalist system will ever receive the full amount of his labor. this would destroy capitalism. any worker who truly understands his interests should be dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism.

no worker under a capitalist system will ever receive the full amount of his labor.

Please share the definition of "full amount of his labor".

any worker who truly understands his interests should be dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism.

All you have to lose are your chains, your food, your toilet paper.
neoliberal rhetoric is a spent force. Obama tried it when he campaigned across the country telling a betrayed public that Secretary Clinton would finish the job started by his presidency.
Marx warned that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction.

there would come a day when capitalism would exhaust its potential and collapse. he did not know when that day would come.

Marx was an astronomer of history, not an astrologer. he was keenly aware of capitalism's ability to innovate and adapt. but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable. and as we witness the denouement of capitalism, Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable.

Why is capitalism unsustainable? Why will profits not continue growing long-term?

Be as specific as you can.

Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

He was a whiney twat.

There is nowhere left for the American corporations to expand their profits. They have bled the workers white in America, and they're now draining the wealth of the middle class. As the middle class shrinks, far more people are falling into poverty than are rising into the ranks of the wealthy.

American corporations are now syphoning the cash out of more prosperous nations, like Canada, and the EU. But we're also insisting that they pay decent wages to their workers, and make a their fair share contribution to infrastruction, education and health care, and pay their fair share of taxes here, so we're using the economic benefits of these profitable corporations locating in our jurisdictions, to help our citizens. America would do well to do the same.
Marx warned that capitalism had built within it the seeds of its own destruction.

there would come a day when capitalism would exhaust its potential and collapse. he did not know when that day would come.

Marx was an astronomer of history, not an astrologer. he was keenly aware of capitalism's ability to innovate and adapt. but he also knew that capitalist expansion was not eternally sustainable. and as we witness the denouement of capitalism, Marx is vindicated as the system's most prescient and important critic.

Marx advocated Socialism, which cannot survive without the support of Capitalism. So, he and you had better hope Capitalism does not collapse.

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