The end of Sarah Palin

there are almost 300 posts up here already. by the end of the day you will have as many posts as the palin rally you are trying to ridicule left-wing nutjob

all for one right-wing woman you insist is irrelevant

unclear of the concept leftard?

It is very odd that anyone would spend time on someone they considered finished just to convince others that they are finished. I think ralph nadar is finished. I don't go around starting threads about how he is finished. I just pretty much ignore him like I always have unless he pops into some discussion.
"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

Yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to Obama, for that, thank you Sarah Palin. History will record as such.

The end of Sarah Palin - The Week

After this weekend, it's probably safe to say that Sarah Palin is done. Like Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot, she may show up every once in a while to hurl red meat or use stunt cameos to remind us a little of her awkward charms. But recent events seem to confirm that she is an Obama-era novelty politician — and not much else.

the crashing economy handed obama the presidency and democrats congress. two years later palin was instrumental in helping the republicans and the tea party regain the house and gain seats in the senate. no republican was going to win in 2008.

in 2014 republicans don't need palin to galvanize themselves. obamacare, attacks on 2nd amendment rights, the still failing economy and lack of jobs, horrific foriegn policy and cold war tensions will more than take care of that.
there are almost 300 posts up here already. by the end of the day you will have as many posts as the palin rally you are trying to ridicule left-wing nutjob

all for one right-wing woman you insist is irrelevant

unclear of the concept leftard?

how many times has rush been finished too? the last round they had him driven out of radio. all his sponsors were leaving. yet he's stronger than ever and sponsors were knocking down his door to fill the vacancies.
there are almost 300 posts up here already. by the end of the day you will have as many posts as the palin rally you are trying to ridicule left-wing nutjob

all for one right-wing woman you insist is irrelevant

unclear of the concept leftard?

how many times has rush been finished too? the last round they had him driven out of radio. all his sponsors were leaving. yet he's stronger than ever and sponsors were knocking down his door to fill the vacancies.

Yeah, that's why he's been dropped in NYC! :lol:

He's only staying on the air due to Koch money.
Liberalism is not, contrary to conventional wisdom, a mental disease.

Nay, it is a social disease. One easily prevented by inserting each liberal into a very thick full-body condom and tying s secure knot on top. An air-tight knot.
Liberalism founded this nation. Humanity is a disease. Your mind, like your life itself, is for not. Now you know.

You forgot to shout "Hallelujah" or even "AMEN".....

Modern Liberals are no kin to the founding fathers . Modern Liberals are comprised a fascist elite core and many useful idiots , who are no differnent from the millions of Germans who blindly saluted "seig heil" not having a clue as to what they were truly saluting.
there are almost 300 posts up here already. by the end of the day you will have as many posts as the palin rally you are trying to ridicule left-wing nutjob

all for one right-wing woman you insist is irrelevant

unclear of the concept leftard?

how many times has rush been finished too? the last round they had him driven out of radio. all his sponsors were leaving. yet he's stronger than ever and sponsors were knocking down his door to fill the vacancies.

Yeah, that's why he's been dropped in NYC! :lol:

He's only staying on the air due to Koch money.

typical lib spin. on one station. dial down a few notches and you get him in NYC. No wonder no one takes you liberal morons seriously. its all spin.
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Liberalism founded this nation. Humanity is a disease. Your mind, like your life itself, is for not. Now you know.

You forgot to shout "Hallelujah" or even "AMEN".....

Modern Liberals are no kin to the founding fathers . Modern Liberals are comprised a fascist elite core and many useful idiots , who are no differnent from the millions of Germans who blindly saluted "seig heil" not having a clue as to what they were truly saluting.

This is true. Unlike today's presidents, George Washington didn't put up with crap from insurrectionists:

The Whiskey Rebellion | Early America's Milestone Historic Documents

On August 7, 1794, President Washington issued a proclamation, calling out the militia and ordering the disaffected westerners to return to their homes. Washington's order mobilized an army of approximately 13,000 — as large as the one that had defeated the British — under the command of General Harry Lee, the then-Governor of Virginia and father of Robert E. Lee. Washington himself, in a show of presidential authority, set out at the head of the troops to suppress the uprising.

This was the first use of the Militia Law of 1792 setting a precedent for the use of the militia to "execute the laws of the union, (and) suppress insurrections," asserting the right of the national government to enforce order in one state with troops raised in other states. Even more importantly, it was the first test of power of the new federal government, establishing its primacy in disputes with individual states. In the end, a dozen or so men were arrested, sent to Philadelphia to trial and released after pardons by George Washington.
there are almost 300 posts up here already. by the end of the day you will have as many posts as the palin rally you are trying to ridicule left-wing nutjob

all for one right-wing woman you insist is irrelevant

unclear of the concept leftard?

how many times has rush been finished too? the last round they had him driven out of radio. all his sponsors were leaving. yet he's stronger than ever and sponsors were knocking down his door to fill the vacancies.

Yeah, that's why he's been dropped in NYC! :lol:

He's only staying on the air due to Koch money.

He's on in NYC.

Stop asking Rdean for information

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Yeah that video makes me gringe (looked like even some in the audience had that reaction). One good thing about Sarah though is that she's always good for a laugh. Sure, during the Bush years if you were feeling a little down you could always go to YouTube and watch a few Bushisms for a chuckle. That little consolation was always tempered, unfortunately, by the fact he was actually President and out in the world doing massive harm. With Sarah we'll never have that worry to constrain our mirth.

Good grief, she looks like she had a few drinks before she got up to make that speech!

She says...if I was in charge...yeah, right...if she was in charge we'd probably be embroiled in World War III right now. She's nuts.

Oh for sure. If Palin were president I could just see Russia taking over neighboring countries with nothing more than weak sanctions. Iran would probably be closer than ever to a nuke. Syria would probably just ignore us and continue it's civil unrest with Russia's help. One of her cabinet members would probably say something really stupid like calling Israel an apartheid state. That would be crazy.

On the domestic side she would probably have our GDP growth down to about .5% while our healthcare costs jump by 9.9%. Unemployment would be huge, food stamps out of control and a skyrocketing debt. I'm guessing she would be too stupid to allow anything like an oil pipeline from Canada to happen. And we would probably have to suffer through endless speeches about climate change, income inequality and fairness.

Yeah, good thing ol' ding bat Sarah isn't in charge we would be in a pretty fucked up situation right now.

You know you're right about Palin. If Palin were president now we would probably knee-deep in Ukraine with about 50,000 American ground troops there and with more than 100,000 troops committed to follow.

We'd have liberated Crimea by now but at the cost of about 5000 dead American troops.

We would of stopped Putin in his tracks but pro-Russian militants would be picking off and killing Americans with deadly IED's and suicide bombings everyday. Yep, it's going to be a long haul there but President Palin would remind us daily that we must stop Putin's aggression and that we WILL find weapons of mass destruction in Russian Crimea.

Sound familiar?
You know you're right about Palin. If Palin were president now we would probably knee-deep in Ukraine with about 50,000 American ground troops there and with more than 100,000 troops committed to follow.

We'd have liberated Crimea by now but at the cost of about 5000 dead American troops.

We would of stopped Putin in his tracks but pro-Russian militants would be picking off and killing Americans with deadly IED's and suicide bombings everyday. Yep, it's going to be a long haul there but President Palin would remind us daily that we must stop Putin's aggression and that we WILL find weapons of mass destruction in Russian Crimea.

Sound familiar?

That scenario might play out as you describe. After all, American's military has been hollowed out and it would be wrong to put them at risk when they've been rendered unready and weak.

Now if we were talking about the second term of a Palin presidency - after much of the Obamadamage had been undone - then there would have been no need to intervene because Putin would understand he couldn't win.

Right now, with an Apologist-in-Chief instead of a Commander-in-Chnief, Putin understands that he can't lose.
there are almost 300 posts up here already. by the end of the day you will have as many posts as the palin rally you are trying to ridicule left-wing nutjob

all for one right-wing woman you insist is irrelevant

unclear of the concept leftard?

how many times has rush been finished too? the last round they had him driven out of radio. all his sponsors were leaving. yet he's stronger than ever and sponsors were knocking down his door to fill the vacancies.

And that's EXACTLY why his contract was allowed to expire.
Though he is the best of the sound-biters.
You know you're right about Palin. If Palin were president now we would probably knee-deep in Ukraine with about 50,000 American ground troops there and with more than 100,000 troops committed to follow.

We'd have liberated Crimea by now but at the cost of about 5000 dead American troops.

We would of stopped Putin in his tracks but pro-Russian militants would be picking off and killing Americans with deadly IED's and suicide bombings everyday. Yep, it's going to be a long haul there but President Palin would remind us daily that we must stop Putin's aggression and that we WILL find weapons of mass destruction in Russian Crimea.

Sound familiar?

That scenario might play out as you describe. After all, American's military has been hollowed out and it would be wrong to put them at risk when they've been rendered unready and weak.

Now if we were talking about the second term of a Palin presidency - after much of the Obamadamage had been undone - then there would have been no need to intervene because Putin would understand he couldn't win.

Right now, with an Apologist-in-Chief instead of a Commander-in-Chnief, Putin understands that he can't lose.

How quickly you diminish and dismiss the death of 5000 Americans in the Ukraine. Putin would be in heaven with the commitment of Americans troops in the Ukraine waiting to be slaughtered daily while he watches. Putin needs not to intervene because he has his pro-Russian militants committed to do his dirty work of killing American troops daily.
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