The end of Sarah Palin

Frank - "Yeah.

Here's a few funny ones"

Not even worth a giggle really. Now when GWB took an awkward step and landed with both feet in his mouth even adoring audiences erupted in laughter. If there's a Richter scale for laughs he tops it every time. Come on, don't be such a tight-ass, admit it.


"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." — GWB Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" —GWB Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000[/QUOTE]
At least W was a better potus and had more integrity then the bozo in office now.
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The Libs have been declaring the end of Sarah Palin since 2008 and she just keeps laughing at them.

Her best quality is that she doesn't care what Libs think of her

their obsession with her has made her a multi millionaire. Libs are idiots.

All of which was collected from Right wing nuts.....

so frikken what
you lefties have made many like Bill Maher (that million dollar donor to Obama) a multi millionaire by him calling Palin a cxxt..
John Stewart
and the puke list goes on and on
not one of those dummies could ever make Governor of a state, they just take you suckers monies for being rude, crude and socially unacceptable
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The Libs have been declaring the end of Sarah Palin since 2008 and she just keeps laughing at them.

Her best quality is that she doesn't care what Libs think of her

their obsession with her has made her a multi millionaire. Libs are idiots.

All of which was collected from Right wing nuts.....

lmao!! the only nuts i see are left-wing clowns talking out of both sides of their mouths; trying to dismiss somebody with cries how irrelevant she is.......with literally hundreds of posts

i guess you idiots are just unclear of the concept!

their obsession with her has made her a multi millionaire. Libs are idiots.

All of which was collected from Right wing nuts.....

so frikken what
you lefties have made many like Bill Maher (that million dollar donor to Obama) a multi millionaire by him calling Palin a cxxt..
John Stewart
and the puke list goes on and on
not one of those dummies could ever make Governor of a state, they just take you suckers monies for being rude, crude and socially unacceptable

I was about o comment that the people on that list are all comedians but then I thought about Sarah Palin and though better of it.
The Party of Barack 57 States Obama and Crazy Uncle Joe Biden tell us Palin is mentally unstable.


That's funny!

The story is about McCain's campaign staff calling her mentally unstable, not the Dem's or specifically Biden. Did Biden ever call her mentally unstable? I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't either.

You mean the McCain campaign that lost to a radical leftist community organizer who took a bribe from a convicted felon

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
All of which was collected from Right wing nuts.....

so frikken what
you lefties have made many like Bill Maher (that million dollar donor to Obama) a multi millionaire by him calling Palin a cxxt..
John Stewart
and the puke list goes on and on
not one of those dummies could ever make Governor of a state, they just take you suckers monies for being rude, crude and socially unacceptable

I was about o comment that the people on that list are all comedians but then I thought about Sarah Palin and though better of it.

great!! too bad you dont show such mental discipline in all your posts and just stop posting stupidity
The Party of Barack 57 States Obama and Crazy Uncle Joe Biden tell us Palin is mentally unstable.


That's funny!

The story is about McCain's campaign staff calling her mentally unstable, not the Dem's or specifically Biden. Did Biden ever call her mentally unstable? I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't either.

You mean the McCain campaign that lost to a radical leftist community organizer who took a bribe from a convicted felon

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

No Frank, I meant you were drifting the thread off the OP. You seemed to be indicating that the President and VP were responsible for calling Palin mentally unstable and that is not what the story is about. It is about how the McCain campaign staff were shocked once they got to know Palin and concluded she was mentally unbalanced. The conclusion was not made by opponents attempting to degrade, disparage or insult Palin. It was made by top Republican operatives and strategist who had been selected to get McCain elected for the Republican Party. The conclusion was not bias against Palin. Any bias was in fact in her favor.
The story is about McCain's campaign staff calling her mentally unstable, not the Dem's or specifically Biden. Did Biden ever call her mentally unstable? I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't either.

You mean the McCain campaign that lost to a radical leftist community organizer who took a bribe from a convicted felon

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

No Frank, I meant you were drifting the thread off the OP. You seemed to be indicating that the President and VP were responsible for calling Palin mentally unstable and that is not what the story is about. It is about how the McCain campaign staff were shocked once they got to know Palin and concluded she was mentally unbalanced. The conclusion was not made by opponents attempting to degrade, disparage or insult Palin. It was made by top Republican operatives and strategist who had been selected to get McCain elected for the Republican Party. The conclusion was not bias against Palin. Any bias was in fact in her favor.

Joe Biden is just plain nuts.

Obama only functions because he is a programmed ideologue. He went to Harvard Law but apparently never heard of Judicial Review.

So, yes, let's talk about the mental state of our politicians
All of which was collected from Right wing nuts.....

so frikken what
you lefties have made many like Bill Maher (that million dollar donor to Obama) a multi millionaire by him calling Palin a cxxt..
John Stewart
and the puke list goes on and on
not one of those dummies could ever make Governor of a state, they just take you suckers monies for being rude, crude and socially unacceptable

I was about o comment that the people on that list are all comedians but then I thought about Sarah Palin and though better of it.

Precisely, and bad ones at that.. yet you lefties cling to their every word like it is the word of God.

The story is about McCain's campaign staff calling her mentally unstable, not the Dem's or specifically Biden. Did Biden ever call her mentally unstable? I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't either.

You mean the McCain campaign that lost to a radical leftist community organizer who took a bribe from a convicted felon

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

No Frank, I meant you were drifting the thread off the OP. You seemed to be indicating that the President and VP were responsible for calling Palin mentally unstable and that is not what the story is about. It is about how the McCain campaign staff were shocked once they got to know Palin and concluded she was mentally unbalanced. The conclusion was not made by opponents attempting to degrade, disparage or insult Palin. It was made by top Republican operatives and strategist who had been selected to get McCain elected for the Republican Party. The conclusion was not bias against Palin. Any bias was in fact in her favor.

Frank57 doesn't realize that the last Repub Admin/s were sooo basd that Barack got reelected even w/ an 8% unemployment rate. The people don't trust the GObP anymore. Now w/ the GObP trying to deny the vote to the elderly , the young, & the poor they've turned-off EVEN MORE potential Rightist voters :lol:
The Party of Barack 57 States Obama and Crazy Uncle Joe Biden tell us Palin is mentally unstable.


That's funny!

The story is about McCain's campaign staff calling her mentally unstable, not the Dem's or specifically Biden. Did Biden ever call her mentally unstable? I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't either.

You mean the McCain campaign that lost to a radical leftist community organizer who took a bribe from a convicted felon

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

of course they will take what any losers says if it fits their hate for that person
You mean the McCain campaign that lost to a radical leftist community organizer who took a bribe from a convicted felon

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

No Frank, I meant you were drifting the thread off the OP. You seemed to be indicating that the President and VP were responsible for calling Palin mentally unstable and that is not what the story is about. It is about how the McCain campaign staff were shocked once they got to know Palin and concluded she was mentally unbalanced. The conclusion was not made by opponents attempting to degrade, disparage or insult Palin. It was made by top Republican operatives and strategist who had been selected to get McCain elected for the Republican Party. The conclusion was not bias against Palin. Any bias was in fact in her favor.

Frank57 doesn't realize that the last Repub Admin/s were sooo basd that Barack got reelected even w/ an 8% unemployment rate. The people don't trust the GObP anymore. Now w/ the GObP trying to deny the vote to the elderly , the young, & the poor they've turned-off EVEN MORE potential Rightist voters :lol:

it's pretty sad that the Left seems to be proud they voted to re-elect a man that has failed; just because they believed lies that the other guy was worse.

NOBODY is trying to prevent anybody from voting; except Dems and the people they try to prevent from voting are the military heroes defending us.

idiotic talking points are all the loser Left has left
Frank57 doesn't realize that the last Repub Admin/s were sooo basd that Barack got reelected even w/ an 8% unemployment rate. The people don't trust the GObP anymore. Now w/ the GObP trying to deny the vote to the elderly , the young, & the poor they've turned-off EVEN MORE potential Rightist voters :lol:
Obama got elected twice because of the leftist media. Bush was hammered relentlessly for better numbers that Obama has ever had. And BOs unemployment numbers are never reported honestly, it's far worse with people only finding part time work and many gave up or went on disability.

And the GOP isn't trying to deny any legal votes, you consistently lie about Republicans.
"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

Yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to Obama, for that, thank you Sarah Palin. History will record as such.

The end of Sarah Palin - The Week

After this weekend, it's probably safe to say that Sarah Palin is done. Like Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot, she may show up every once in a while to hurl red meat or use stunt cameos to remind us a little of her awkward charms. But recent events seem to confirm that she is an Obama-era novelty politician — and not much else.
She could only get less than 300 people to show up for her latest lie-filled screech!

"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

Yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to Obama, for that, thank you Sarah Palin. History will record as such.

The end of Sarah Palin - The Week

After this weekend, it's probably safe to say that Sarah Palin is done. Like Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot, she may show up every once in a while to hurl red meat or use stunt cameos to remind us a little of her awkward charms. But recent events seem to confirm that she is an Obama-era novelty politician — and not much else.
She could only get less than 300 people to show up for her latest lie-filled screech!


wow; just how many posts are left-wing nutjobs going to put up here about how irrelevant Palin is?


libs are idiots!
there are almost 300 posts up here already. by the end of the day you will have as many posts as the palin rally you are trying to ridicule left-wing nutjob

all for one right-wing woman you insist is irrelevant

unclear of the concept leftard?
Poor Sarah even screws over the people who made her a star!

Sarah Palin's announcement that she wouldn't run for president disappointed her legions of admirers — but it infuriated Roger Ailes. The Fox News chief wasn't angry about the decision itself.

Rather, he was livid that Palin made the October 5 announcement on Mark Levin's conservative talk-radio program, robbing Fox News of an exclusive and a possible ratings bonanza. Fox was relegated to getting a follow-up interview with Palin on Greta Van Susteren's 10 p.m. show, after the news of Palin's decision had been drowned out by Steve Jobs's death. Ailes was so mad, he considered pulling her off the air entirely until her $1 million annual contract expires in 2013.

After the announcement, he called Fox's executive vice-president Bill Shine into a meeting. Shine is the network's principal point of contact with Palin. Ailes told him she had made a big mistake. "I paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network," Ailes pointedly told Shine. Sources described the episode on condition of anonymity, given the sensitivity of the relationships.​

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