The end of Sarah Palin

many christians are now disgusted with palin, after she equated waterboarding to baptism.

The christianists who back palin, however, think such blasphemy is great. After all, almost all palin fans support torture enthusiastically. That's how you know they're christianists as opposed to actual christians.

do you even know what waterboarding is ? [quick - go google it]

why yes. It is a form of torture outlawed by the geneva conventions.

Humanity is a disease. Clear now?

Liberalism is not, contrary to conventional wisdom, a mental disease.

Nay, it is a social disease. One easily prevented by inserting each liberal into a very thick full-body condom and tying s secure knot on top. An air-tight knot.
Liberalism founded this nation. Humanity is a disease. Your mind, like your life itself, is for not. Now you know.

You forgot to shout "Hallelujah" or even "AMEN".....
palin beat out a entrenched good ole boy republican with an 80% approval rating...something obama could only dream of having

now you know why both parties were out to destroy her..after 19 frivolous lawsuits from a jacket her husband wore to what ever else they could come up with, she decided it was best she resign because it was taking up her time and the states money

now you see why the left is afraid of her and they damn well should be...she isn't gone yet and you just never know

and palin is going to run against the president in what future race?:badgrin: She has had her chance, and she failed.

the author of this piece is way behind. Sarah palin was finished politically the day she quit as governor.

she was my governor and i will say i was darn surprised by her resigning
but she gave her reasons and the majority of the people in alaska accepted it
if we only had more politicans who thought of their state and the people like her
instead they hang on until they're kicked or dragged out
bill clinton comes to mind

lol. Now who is more respected in this nation and abroad, bill clinton or george w. Bush?

she was my governor and i will say i was darn surprised by her resigning
but she gave her reasons and the majority of the people in alaska accepted it
if we only had more politicans who thought of their state and the people like her
instead they hang on until they're kicked or dragged out
bill clinton comes to mind

she resigned because of a series of personal attacks on her and her family were initiated as well as troves of frivolous ethics complaints , which ultimately led to her strategic resignation from her governmental position.

Cited as reason for her resignation was the insane amount of time and resources that both she personally, as well as the state of alaska had expended. Unlike john kerry and other democratic jack asses who are filthy rich mega millionaires , she couldn't continue defending herself and her family from the democratic nazi onslaught.

150 freedom of information act requests and 15 frivolous legal ethics complaints, all filed by "political operatives" working tediously against her. None of the complaints bore any substance or resulted in any credible examples of wrong doing.

well, for sure, it saved her the neccessity of proving that there was no wrong doing.

So old/kidrocks, the same person in case any of you lefty idiots missed that didn't quite hit my prediction of 40. It's getting there though and tomorrow is a new day.
Liberalism is not, contrary to conventional wisdom, a mental disease.

Nay, it is a social disease. One easily prevented by inserting each liberal into a very thick full-body condom and tying s secure knot on top. An air-tight knot.
Liberalism founded this nation. Humanity is a disease. Your mind, like your life itself, is for not. Now you know.

You forgot to shout "Hallelujah" or even "AMEN".....

Neither was necessary.
She looks and sounds like an ugly old senile dingbat here:

Good grief. If she were in charge, people would want to waterboard her every week just so she'd shutup.

Yeah that video makes me gringe (looked like even some in the audience had that reaction). One good thing about Sarah though is that she's always good for a laugh. Sure, during the Bush years if you were feeling a little down you could always go to YouTube and watch a few Bushisms for a chuckle. That little consolation was always tempered, unfortunately, by the fact he was actually President and out in the world doing massive harm. With Sarah we'll never have that worry to constrain our mirth.
I have a new neighbor, a man, a veteran who's obviously had challenges of some sort as he mentioned his "caseworker."

The first time I spoke to him I was out in my yard searching out and picking up dog poop. He was across the fence in front of his place, working on his bicycle. When I got close to him I apparently startled him. He told me he thought I was Sarah Palin. LOL I pondered for a moment, not being a Sarah Palin fan, but finally said, "Well, I'll take that as a compliment!" He said, "Oh, of course!"

ROFLMAO I've never been told I look like Sarah Palin before. Not sure I like that! :(
I have a new neighbor, a man, a veteran who's obviously had challenges of some sort as he mentioned his "caseworker."

The first time I spoke to him I was out in my yard searching out and picking up dog poop. He was across the fence in front of his place, working on his bicycle. When I got close to him I apparently startled him. He told me he thought I was Sarah Palin. LOL I pondered for a moment, not being a Sarah Palin fan, but finally said, "Well, I'll take that as a compliment!" He said, "Oh, of course!"

ROFLMAO I've never been told I look like Sarah Palin before. Not sure I like that! :(

She is a very physically attractive woman, so it is a complement.
She looks and sounds like an ugly old senile dingbat here:

Good grief. If she were in charge, people would want to waterboard her every week just so she'd shutup.

Yeah that video makes me gringe (looked like even some in the audience had that reaction). One good thing about Sarah though is that she's always good for a laugh. Sure, during the Bush years if you were feeling a little down you could always go to YouTube and watch a few Bushisms for a chuckle. That little consolation was always tempered, unfortunately, by the fact he was actually President and out in the world doing massive harm. With Sarah we'll never have that worry to constrain our mirth.

Good grief, she looks like she had a few drinks before she got up to make that speech!

She says...if I was in charge...yeah, right...if she was in charge we'd probably be embroiled in World War III right now. She's nuts.
She looks and sounds like an ugly old senile dingbat here:

Good grief. If she were in charge, people would want to waterboard her every week just so she'd shutup.

Yeah that video makes me gringe (looked like even some in the audience had that reaction). One good thing about Sarah though is that she's always good for a laugh. Sure, during the Bush years if you were feeling a little down you could always go to YouTube and watch a few Bushisms for a chuckle. That little consolation was always tempered, unfortunately, by the fact he was actually President and out in the world doing massive harm. With Sarah we'll never have that worry to constrain our mirth.

Good grief, she looks like she had a few drinks before she got up to make that speech!

She says...if I was in charge...yeah, right...if she was in charge we'd probably be embroiled in World War III right now. She's nuts.

Oh for sure. If Palin were president I could just see Russia taking over neighboring countries with nothing more than weak sanctions. Iran would probably be closer than ever to a nuke. Syria would probably just ignore us and continue it's civil unrest with Russia's help. One of her cabinet members would probably say something really stupid like calling Israel an apartheid state. That would be crazy.

On the domestic side she would probably have our GDP growth down to about .5% while our healthcare costs jump by 9.9%. Unemployment would be huge, food stamps out of control and a skyrocketing debt. I'm guessing she would be too stupid to allow anything like an oil pipeline from Canada to happen. And we would probably have to suffer through endless speeches about climate change, income inequality and fairness.

Yeah, good thing ol' ding bat Sarah isn't in charge we would be in a pretty fucked up situation right now.
Bottom line: Sarah Palin and her followers are low IQ buffoons an embarrassment to America

She went to 5 different colleges in 6 years. Finally graduates with a degree in journalism

She thinks she can see Russia from her house.

And, she claims to read magazines, but cannot name the ones that she reads.

But, that doesn't matter ....she claims to be a fundamentalist Christian...she's got God on her side, so that's all she needs to succeed says the sheeple an nitwitted buffoons of the far right in the Republican party. :eusa_whistle:


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with the world in chaos all around us, things are in the shitter here for us home and all the Weak can find to spread shit about is Sarah Palin.

the name fits the left, you all are weak ass petty people.

and the op is nothing more than a shit stirring ugly troll
I don't know if the same bullshit Palin one liners will work with Hillary

I guess we will find out
Bottom line: Sarah Palin and her followers are low IQ buffoons an embarrassment to America

She went to 5 different colleges in 6 years. Finally graduates with a degree in journalism

She thinks she can see Russia from her house.

And, she claims to read magazines, but cannot name the ones that she reads.

But, that doesn't matter ....she claims to be a fundamentalist Christian...she's got God on her side, so that's all she needs to succeed says the sheeple an nitwitted buffoons of the far right in the Republican party. :eusa_whistle:


hilarious; silly little losers like guno have a hate-file of videos on the right-wing ladies that terrify them
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She looks and sounds like an ugly old senile dingbat here:

Good grief. If she were in charge, people would want to waterboard her every week just so she'd shutup.

Yeah that video makes me gringe (looked like even some in the audience had that reaction). One good thing about Sarah though is that she's always good for a laugh. Sure, during the Bush years if you were feeling a little down you could always go to YouTube and watch a few Bushisms for a chuckle. That little consolation was always tempered, unfortunately, by the fact he was actually President and out in the world doing massive harm. With Sarah we'll never have that worry to constrain our mirth.


Here's a few funny ones

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