The end of Sarah Palin

I detest career politicians, but governors already have term limits, unlike Reps and Senators, some as you say have to be carried out.

I know the reasons Sarah gave, but to not stay and fight, and at least finish one term, IMO permanently cemented her as a quitter.

Now I always liked Palin, and would have supported her

The reasons were real. The family was being bankrupted by the phony (proved so after repeated investigations) and the state treasury was being dinged to an extent where funding for important service were in jeopardy. Without accepting some sort of subsidy (possibly illegal) from somebody as wealthy as George Soreass the only prudent thing to do was move on. She did what was best for the family and for her state. Hell, it even got so she was being stalked in her home and her husband and some friends had to erect a sturdy fence to feel sure the children were safe from voyeuristic paparazzi.

Of course no liberal could be expected to do anything like that for their state and especially not for their family. Though maybe for a gay lover but, even then, only for personal image protection. Maybe.

Ah, the poor victim! Victim of the media. Victim of "Gotcha" journalism. Victim of stalkers. Victim of frivolous lawsuits. Victim of biased interviews. Victim of the McCain campaign managers. Victim of Alaska political opponents. I don't know how she endured it all to become an instant millionaire by hiring people to ghost write her books. Poor kid....
Poor, poor Sarah, the highly overpaid MILF Goddess of the Reactionaries. She's the same as Jesus, but with glasses and tits.
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Bottom line: Sarah Palin and her followers are low IQ buffoons an embarrassment to America

She went to 5 different colleges in 6 years. Finally graduates with a degree in journalism

She thinks she can see Russia from her house.

And, she claims to read magazines, but cannot name the ones that she reads.

But, that doesn't matter ....she claims to be a fundamentalist Christian...she's got God on her side, so that's all she needs to succeed says the sheeple an nitwitted buffoons of the far right in the Republican party. :eusa_whistle:

Wow, you are ignorant or just a plain liar!

I'm not positive, but wasn't her father in the military which made her move frequently while in college?

She never said she could see Russia from her house!

Sleep warm; sleep tight.

Don't let the bugbugs (or especially the earthworms) bite......
I made my peace long ago, and without your tiny insecure gods. The bugs are welcome to what I no longer need, or care to...

Good that you feel at peace with my very secure ancient oak trees. It's rare to see a lib actually embrace recycling to that extent and I'm sure you'll rush to provide a such positive example for others.


Sleep warm; sleep tight.

Don't let the bugbugs (or especially the earthworms) bite......
I made my peace long ago, and without your tiny insecure gods. The bugs are welcome to what I no longer need, or care to...

Good that you feel at peace with my very secure ancient oak trees. It's rare to see a lib actually embrace recycling to that extent and I'm sure you'll rush to provide a such positive example for others.

Humanity is a disease. Clear now?
The left tried to put an end to her long ago. They didn't just want her to lose, they wanted her so humiliated she would never show her face again. But she's still here and laughing all the way to the bank. You betcha.

We too are laughing... still. We have Palin right where we want her, laughing all the way to the bank at your expense.

Good God! Can you imagine saying Vice President Palin? Yikes! Thank God America rejected her soundly! Thank you Jesus!

I may have underestimated you thinking you only had 40 posts in you. I may wish I had give you 400 but let's see how we do.

granted palin is a republican so she is universally disliked by the left but the attacks on her specifically are not rational. Why do lefties hate her so much? It's possible that left wing metrosexual males are afraid of attractive articulate women. It's also possible that left wing males wish for spouses who will go along with any and every adulterous adventure as long as the pay check is large enough. Palin is everything sane liberal women and feminists told their daughters that they could become back in the 70's. She was a typical hockey mom who went up against the city political machine and became mayor and later she became governor. Do they hate her because she balanced a family and chose to give birth to a downs syndrome baby rather than abort? Nothing makes sense on the left these days.

no, hillary clinton is everything sane liberal women and feminists tell their daughters that they could become and a fine example hillary has actually become. From 1st lady to senator of new york to secretary of state. And hillary's not done yet. Hillary clinton's accomplishments are a fine example to girls, young women and women in general worldwide.

Now, as for sarah palin? She's done!

no, hillary clinton is everything sane liberal women and feminists tell their daughters that they could become and a fine example hillary has actually become. From 1st lady to senator of new york to secretary of state. And hillary's not done yet. Hillary clinton's accomplishments are a fine example to girls, young women and women in general worldwide.

Now, as for sarah palin? She's done!

you dolt; attaining an office doesnt count. Bush obtained the presidency twice. He was also governor of one of the biggest states. By your measure he's a success; but i'm sure you wont admit the flaw in your logic or admit he is a success.
You're a clown; your posts dont hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny. You have one standard for yourself and one for everybody else

you're a clown

you hate hillary because she's a real successful and accomplished women don't you?

You, on the other hand, have palin... The quitter and loser.

Humanity is a disease. Clear now?

Liberalism is not, contrary to conventional wisdom, a mental disease.

Nay, it is a social disease. One easily prevented by inserting each liberal into a very thick full-body condom and tying s secure knot on top. An air-tight knot.
Liberalism founded this nation. Humanity is a disease. Your mind, like your life itself, is for not. Now you know.
you hate hillary because she's a real successful and accomplished women don't you?

you have a point given that you obviously consider "success" and "accomplishment" in her getting innocent americans killed and then "successfully" (at least temporarily so) covering up the real causes with party-serving twaddle.

Paul shanklin nailed it.......but i'm not gonna link it'll just echo through your head for days and days.

my, how you use dead americans to quench your politically-correct r-wing agenda. Tsk, tsk... Shame on you! :eusa_liar:

aha! You're playing the race-card i see. Typical dittohead exposed.

try again leftard; the left cant survive without playing the race card.

Own your intolerance idiot

you're the one who played the racist plantation-card of which you dittoheads are so fond of. Cheap, racist shots like that are why you tea-baggers lost the last 2 potus elections. Keep it up and you will make it 3 in a row easily.

my, how you use dead americans to quench your politically-correct r-wing agenda. Tsk, tsk... Shame on you! :eusa_liar:

you get americans killed because of a political agenda; (the people at benghazi asked for more security and obama refused it)

then use their dead bodies as political props to lie and try to place the blame for their deaths on an internet video from somebody on the right

and lie in front of all of america about it on sunday morning talk shows

then have the gall to say "what difference does it make at this point"?

Who should be ashamed leftard?

you should... But you have no conscious. You continuously use dead americans for political purposes. You stink.

"she is an obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to obama, for that, thank you sarah palin. History will record as such.

the end of sarah palin - the week
libtards are still scared of her because she is better then the idiot in office now. The op is a total bullshit lie.

but americans far prefered that 'idiot in office'. That is why he has twice won the presidency. And why he will leave the office on 20jan17 laughing at you dimwitted fools.


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