The end of Sarah Palin

Is she that much of a threat to you leftists? "Sarah Barracuda" really?

SHE is just getting started. PREPARE yourselves for a beatdown.:eusa_hand:

What's she going to do?

BTW, what do you think she's been doing with all that money she's accumulated through SarahPac? Donating it to her favorite Republican candidates? Really? I think she bought a new pair of hooters with some of it. And a whole lot of botox.
Now here's a particularly fearful one!

What's she going to do?

BTW, what do you think she's been doing with all that money she's accumulated through SarahPac? Donating it to her favorite Republican candidates? Really? I think she bought a new pair of hooters with some of it. And a whole lot of botox.

I mean, projecting her (or is a Him, or somewhere in between?) frontal inadequacies on another!
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She was my Governor and I will say I was darn surprised by her resigning
but she gave her reasons and the majority of the people in Alaska accepted it
If we only had more politicans who thought of their state and the people like her
Instead they hang on until they're kicked or dragged out
Bill Clinton comes to mind

She resigned because of a Series of personal attacks on her and her family were initiated as well as Troves of frivolous ethics complaints , which ultimately led to her strategic resignation from her Governmental position.

Cited as reason for her resignation was the insane amount of time and resources that both she personally, as well as the state of Alaska had expended. Unlike John Kerry and other Democratic Jack asses who are filthy rich mega millionaires , she couldn't continue defending herself and her family from the Democratic Nazi onslaught.

150 Freedom of Information Act requests and 15 frivolous legal ethics complaints, all filed by "political operatives" working tediously against her. None of the complaints bore any substance or resulted in any credible examples of wrong doing.

Well, for sure, it saved her the neccessity of proving that there was no wrong doing.

None of the complaints bore any substance or resulted in any credible examples of wrong doing
Is she that much of a threat to you leftists? "Sarah Barracuda" really?

SHE is just getting started. PREPARE yourselves for a beatdown.:eusa_hand:

What's she going to do?

BTW, what do you think she's been doing with all that money she's accumulated through SarahPac? Donating it to her favorite Republican candidates? Really? I think she bought a new pair of hooters with some of it. And a whole lot of botox.

No, kerry spent his presidential campaign money on botox.
Is she that much of a threat to you leftists? "Sarah Barracuda" really?

SHE is just getting started. PREPARE yourselves for a beatdown.:eusa_hand:

What's she going to do?

BTW, what do you think she's been doing with all that money she's accumulated through SarahPac? Donating it to her favorite Republican candidates? Really? I think she bought a new pair of hooters with some of it. And a whole lot of botox.

No, kerry spent his presidential campaign money on botox.

Not true.

At least 32.5% of it went to hair stylists.

Or were they peruke makers?
I talked with Jesus about what he thinks about abortion. He told me that he already has said everything that he has to say on the subject in the New Testament.

Such As ..... :cuckoo:

Exactly, GB. He said nothing.

Oh ! Okay ... I Gotcha you was doin one of them there facetious things - I See.
Well Done !

I disagree with abortion on purely secular grounds , it's just wrong . I don't need a 2000 year book to tell me that - But then again - I ain't the one getting pregnant , my wife handled all that.
What's she going to do?

BTW, what do you think she's been doing with all that money she's accumulated through SarahPac? Donating it to her favorite Republican candidates? Really? I think she bought a new pair of hooters with some of it. And a whole lot of botox.

No, kerry spent his presidential campaign money on botox.

Not true.

At least 32.5% of it went to hair stylists.

Or were they peruke makers?

Kerry is worth just shy of 200 Million dollars and that desn't include his wifes money - she's the heiress of the Heinz Ketchup and pickles and etc... Fortune. Unlike Sarah, who was born into a middle class family and with her husband worked herself and family from near bankruptcy to a net worth estimated between 10 and 12 Million
Kerry is worth just shy of 200 Million dollars and that desn't include his wifes money - she's the heiress of the Heinz Ketchup and pickles and etc... Fortune. Unlike Sarah, who was born into a middle class family and with her husband worked herself and family from near bankruptcy to a net worth estimated between 10 and 12 Million

Ah, so you DO understand why Kerry has never been in touch with working Americans! So many have no idea. It appears I had the false impression that Kerry's only money was married into and that after a previous marriage/annulment that threatened scandal for a time.

OTOH, I did have occasion to interact with Todd Palin many years ago in a sporting competition and know from experience what a thoroughly nice person he is. I had no idea they had achieved that level of economic freedom! It demonstrates that she did precisely the right thing in resigning and shutting down those Democrat "activists" who set out to bankrupt her, her family, and threaten the budget of an entire state with their trumped-up allegations.
The author of this piece is way behind. Sarah Palin was finished politically the day she quit as governor.

She was my Governor and I will say I was darn surprised by her resigning
but she gave her reasons and the majority of the people in Alaska accepted it
If we only had more politicans who thought of their state and the people like her
Instead they hang on until they're kicked or dragged out
Bill Clinton comes to mind

I detest career politicians, but governors already have term limits, unlike Reps and Senators, some as you say have to be carried out.

I know the reasons Sarah gave, but to not stay and fight, and at least finish one term, IMO permanently cemented her as a quitter.

Now I always liked Palin, and would have supported her. In fact I was hoping she would be a two term governor, then run for the Senate.
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The author of this piece is way behind. Sarah Palin was finished politically the day she quit as governor.

She was my Governor and I will say I was darn surprised by her resigning
but she gave her reasons and the majority of the people in Alaska accepted it
If we only had more politicans who thought of their state and the people like her
Instead they hang on until they're kicked or dragged out
Bill Clinton comes to mind

I detest career politicians, but governors already have term limits, unlike Reps and Senators, some as you say have to be carried out.

I know the reasons Sarah gave, but to not stay and fight, and at least finish one term, IMO permanently cemented her as a quitter.

Now I always liked Palin, and would have supported her

The reasons were real. The family was being bankrupted by the phony (proved so after repeated investigations) and the state treasury was being dinged to an extent where funding for important service were in jeopardy. Without accepting some sort of subsidy (possibly illegal) from somebody as wealthy as George Soreass the only prudent thing to do was move on. She did what was best for the family and for her state. Hell, it even got so she was being stalked in her home and her husband and some friends had to erect a sturdy fence to feel sure the children were safe from voyeuristic paparazzi.

Of course no liberal could be expected to do anything like that for their state and especially not for their family. Though maybe for a gay lover but, even then, only for personal image protection. Maybe.
Is she that much of a threat to you leftists? "Sarah Barracuda" really?

SHE is just getting started. PREPARE yourselves for a beatdown.:eusa_hand:

What's she going to do?

BTW, what do you think she's been doing with all that money she's accumulated through SarahPac? Donating it to her favorite Republican candidates? Really? I think she bought a new pair of hooters with some of it. And a whole lot of botox.

She needs three things for my vote...
A pair of D cups and to lower her voice half an octave.

Most politicians are boobs so it's about time one had them.
"she is an Obama-era novelty politician-and not much else".

Yep, gotta agree with that assessment. Palin single-handedly handed the presidency to Obama, for that, thank you Sarah Palin. History will record as such.

The end of Sarah Palin - The Week

After this weekend, it's probably safe to say that Sarah Palin is done. Like Jesse Ventura or Ross Perot, she may show up every once in a while to hurl red meat or use stunt cameos to remind us a little of her awkward charms. But recent events seem to confirm that she is an Obama-era novelty politician — and not much else.

You can hardly say "singlehanded".... she didn't appear in a vacuum:


She sure nailed the electoral coffin shut though.

--- Twins separated at birth?

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I am sure Sarah Palin is proud of her life and looks forward to each day with joyful anticipation. I believe she loves her friends and family and sleeps more soundly and peacefully than a lot of her critics.

To suggest she is finished politically may mean something to her supporters, but not to her. Unlike a lot of politicians, she can survive and even (gasp) be happy without political power and influence. She has a good life and she knows it.
I am sure Sarah Palin is proud of her life and looks forward to each day with joyful anticipation. I believe she loves her friends and family and sleeps more soundly and peacefully than a lot of her critics.

To suggest she is finished politically may mean something to her supporters, but not to her. Unlike a lot of politicians, she can survive and even (gasp) be happy without political power and influence. She has a good life and she knows it.
Sarah is the poster-child for ignorance is bliss. I'm sure she sleeps like a baby.
I'm sure she sleeps like a baby.

I should think that pretty easy when one is not burdened by the knowledge that in one's narcissistic angst one has destroyed an entire economy, hollowed out a once proud military, and squandered a nation's resources.

Oh, wait, the narcissism protects Him from all that.

But does that help you, too?
She was my Governor and I will say I was darn surprised by her resigning
but she gave her reasons and the majority of the people in Alaska accepted it
If we only had more politicans who thought of their state and the people like her
Instead they hang on until they're kicked or dragged out
Bill Clinton comes to mind

I detest career politicians, but governors already have term limits, unlike Reps and Senators, some as you say have to be carried out.

I know the reasons Sarah gave, but to not stay and fight, and at least finish one term, IMO permanently cemented her as a quitter.

Now I always liked Palin, and would have supported her

The reasons were real. The family was being bankrupted by the phony (proved so after repeated investigations) and the state treasury was being dinged to an extent where funding for important service were in jeopardy. Without accepting some sort of subsidy (possibly illegal) from somebody as wealthy as George Soreass the only prudent thing to do was move on. She did what was best for the family and for her state. Hell, it even got so she was being stalked in her home and her husband and some friends had to erect a sturdy fence to feel sure the children were safe from voyeuristic paparazzi.

Of course no liberal could be expected to do anything like that for their state and especially not for their family. Though maybe for a gay lover but, even then, only for personal image protection. Maybe.

Ah, the poor victim! Victim of the media. Victim of "Gotcha" journalism. Victim of stalkers. Victim of frivolous lawsuits. Victim of biased interviews. Victim of the McCain campaign managers. Victim of Alaska political opponents. I don't know how she endured it all to become an instant millionaire by hiring people to ghost write her books. Poor kid....
I'm sure she sleeps like a baby.

I should think that pretty easy when one is not burdened by the knowledge that in one's narcissistic angst one has destroyed an entire economy, hollowed out a once proud military, and squandered a nation's resources.

Oh, wait, the narcissism protects Him from all that.

But does that help you, too?
What helps me is knowing that humanity is little more than Sarah the Stupid, and therefore unworthy of my concern when it exits the universe, forever. Good riddance and Godspeed...

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