The end of Sarah Palin

hillary is thoroughly beatable; that's why the left's lemming horde is here defending her record of failure
here's the one liner from Hillary you all should remember before you vote for her

What difference does it make

so what a innocent American citizen died over Benghazi
She looks and sounds like an ugly old senile dingbat here:

Good grief. If she were in charge, people would want to waterboard her every week just so she'd shutup.

There is know question about it ,what was suspected all along is validated,she is mentally ill

Palin "Mentally Unstable" (mentally Ill)

Palin had no notion of basic high school history. She barely understood what the Cold War was.

She didn't know what the Federal Reserve did. She believed that her First Amendment rights meant she was protected from press inquiries. She couldn't tell you why there's a North and a South Korea. And she had an inability to distinguish between her own view of the world - which always rationalized everything that Sarah Palin did - and reality. This discovery then led to the elaborate and panicked strategy of shielding Palin from any direct press scrutiny - she held zero open press conferences in the campaign - and the desperate attempts to cram as much into her brain before the one-on-one media interviews and the veep debate. She also, as Schmidt details, had a capacity for saying things that were demonstrably untrue, even repeating them forcefully after the world had moved on.

Think about that for a minute. A campaign for president had as its vice-presidential nominee someone many of the campaign strategists believed was "mentally unstable." The idea that in office they could have relegated Palin to a vice-president as beauty queen was also revealed to be surreal given Palin's propensity for going rogue and the fact that she wielded much more clout within the GOP than McCain did. Not only was she vastly unqualified to be president, as vice-president she would have rendered McCain the Potemkin president.

This was indeed surreal. It should never have happened. That such a figure came near the presidency of the United States is so alarming an insight into the self-serving cynicism of the political elite that one understands where the rabid populism now comes from.

"Mentally Unstable" - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic
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She looks and sounds like an ugly old senile dingbat here:

Good grief. If she were in charge, people would want to waterboard her every week just so she'd shutup.

There is know question about it ,what was suspected all along is validated,she is mentally ill

Palin "Mentally Unstable" (mentally Ill)

Palin had no notion of basic high school history. She barely understood what the Cold War was.

She didn't know what the Federal Reserve did. She believed that her First Amendment rights meant she was protected from press inquiries. She couldn't tell you why there's a North and a South Korea. And she had an inability to distinguish between her own view of the world - which always rationalized everything that Sarah Palin did - and reality. This discovery then led to the elaborate and panicked strategy of shielding Palin from any direct press scrutiny - she held zero open press conferences in the campaign - and the desperate attempts to cram as much into her brain before the one-on-one media interviews and the veep debate. She also, as Schmidt details, had a capacity for saying things that were demonstrably untrue, even repeating them forcefully after the world had moved on.

"Mentally Unstable" - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

awww poor silly little hate-filled left-wing loser:

obama is a "brilliant' man isnt he?
i mean Harvard, all that?

record welfare and food stamps is his legacy

the things your lemmings on the Left idolize i swear!!
There is know question about it ,what was suspected all along is validated,she is mentally ill

Palin "Mentally Unstable" (mentally Ill)

Palin had no notion of basic high school history. She barely understood what the Cold War was.

She didn't know what the Federal Reserve did. She believed that her First Amendment rights meant she was protected from press inquiries. She couldn't tell you why there's a North and a South Korea. And she had an inability to distinguish between her own view of the world - which always rationalized everything that Sarah Palin did - and reality. This discovery then led to the elaborate and panicked strategy of shielding Palin from any direct press scrutiny - she held zero open press conferences in the campaign - and the desperate attempts to cram as much into her brain before the one-on-one media interviews and the veep debate. She also, as Schmidt details, had a capacity for saying things that were demonstrably untrue, even repeating them forcefully after the world had moved on.

"Mentally Unstable" - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

awww poor silly little hate-filled left-wing loser:

obama is a "brilliant' man isnt he?
i mean Harvard, all that?

record welfare and food stamps is his legacy

the things your lemmings on the Left idolize i swear!!

And where do you start to come back with such an incisive argument as that? So brilliantly put and addressing all of the points.
Palin "Mentally Unstable" (mentally Ill)

Palin had no notion of basic high school history. She barely understood what the Cold War was.

She didn't know what the Federal Reserve did. She believed that her First Amendment rights meant she was protected from press inquiries. She couldn't tell you why there's a North and a South Korea. And she had an inability to distinguish between her own view of the world - which always rationalized everything that Sarah Palin did - and reality. This discovery then led to the elaborate and panicked strategy of shielding Palin from any direct press scrutiny - she held zero open press conferences in the campaign - and the desperate attempts to cram as much into her brain before the one-on-one media interviews and the veep debate. She also, as Schmidt details, had a capacity for saying things that were demonstrably untrue, even repeating them forcefully after the world had moved on.

"Mentally Unstable" - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

awww poor silly little hate-filled left-wing loser:

obama is a "brilliant' man isnt he?
i mean Harvard, all that?

record welfare and food stamps is his legacy

the things your lemmings on the Left idolize i swear!!

And where do you start to come back with such an incisive argument as that? So brilliantly put and addressing all of the points.

so you have no answer? it's just one point loser; the Left has failed.

you cant rebut it; but i knew that
The Libs have been declaring the end of Sarah Palin since 2008 and she just keeps laughing at them.

Her best quality is that she doesn't care what Libs think of her
She looks and sounds like an ugly old senile dingbat here:

Good grief. If she were in charge, people would want to waterboard her every week just so she'd shutup.

There is know question about it ,what was suspected all along is validated,she is mentally ill

Palin "Mentally Unstable" (mentally Ill)

Palin had no notion of basic high school history. She barely understood what the Cold War was.

She didn't know what the Federal Reserve did. She believed that her First Amendment rights meant she was protected from press inquiries. She couldn't tell you why there's a North and a South Korea. And she had an inability to distinguish between her own view of the world - which always rationalized everything that Sarah Palin did - and reality. This discovery then led to the elaborate and panicked strategy of shielding Palin from any direct press scrutiny - she held zero open press conferences in the campaign - and the desperate attempts to cram as much into her brain before the one-on-one media interviews and the veep debate. She also, as Schmidt details, had a capacity for saying things that were demonstrably untrue, even repeating them forcefully after the world had moved on.

Think about that for a minute. A campaign for president had as its vice-presidential nominee someone many of the campaign strategists believed was "mentally unstable." The idea that in office they could have relegated Palin to a vice-president as beauty queen was also revealed to be surreal given Palin's propensity for going rogue and the fact that she wielded much more clout within the GOP than McCain did. Not only was she vastly unqualified to be president, as vice-president she would have rendered McCain the Potemkin president.

This was indeed surreal. It should never have happened. That such a figure came near the presidency of the United States is so alarming an insight into the self-serving cynicism of the political elite that one understands where the rabid populism now comes from.

"Mentally Unstable" - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic

Did Palin say "57 states" "corpseman" "I'll put the healthcare debate on c-span" "If you like your plan you can keep it, period"

Palin may not be brilliant, but she has much more common sense than the clown that you fools elected twice.
The Party of Barack 57 States Obama and Crazy Uncle Joe Biden tell us Palin is mentally unstable.


That's funny!
The Libs have been declaring the end of Sarah Palin since 2008 and she just keeps laughing at them.

Her best quality is that she doesn't care what Libs think of her

their obsession with her has made her a multi millionaire. Libs are idiots.

awww poor silly little hate-filled left-wing loser:

obama is a "brilliant' man isnt he?
i mean Harvard, all that?

record welfare and food stamps is his legacy

the things your lemmings on the Left idolize i swear!!

And where do you start to come back with such an incisive argument as that? So brilliantly put and addressing all of the points.

so you have no answer? it's just one point loser; the Left has failed.

you cant rebut it; but i knew that

I have no answer as your volley of abuse was not aimed at me to answer it. If you want I can certainly start a discourse with you so you can start throwing the same sort of insults at me as well but I'd rather not do as I think I'd soon find you tiresome.
And where do you start to come back with such an incisive argument as that? So brilliantly put and addressing all of the points.

so you have no answer? it's just one point loser; the Left has failed.

you cant rebut it; but i knew that

I have no answer as your volley of abuse was not aimed at me to answer it. If you want I can certainly start a discourse with you so you can start throwing the same sort of insults at me as well but I'd rather not do as I think I'd soon find you tiresome.

i already find you tiresome.

so there
it's comical; the Left tries to ridicule Palin for what she didnt accomplish by not getting elected; and ignores the failures and makes excuses for the guy who won

libs are laughable clowns
Is the Atlantic suppose to be taken serious ?

You think they'd ever print something like that about Harry Reid calling the people HE REPRESENTS, domestic terrorist

this is the crap dished from the left wing lamestream media and websites

is it any wonder we have so many citizens not informed about politics and this government
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The Party of Barack 57 States Obama and Crazy Uncle Joe Biden tell us Palin is mentally unstable.


That's funny!

The story is about McCain's campaign staff calling her mentally unstable, not the Dem's or specifically Biden. Did Biden ever call her mentally unstable? I wouldn't be surprised if he did, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't either.
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so you have no answer? it's just one point loser; the Left has failed.

you cant rebut it; but i knew that

I have no answer as your volley of abuse was not aimed at me to answer it. If you want I can certainly start a discourse with you so you can start throwing the same sort of insults at me as well but I'd rather not do as I think I'd soon find you tiresome.

i already find you tiresome.

so there

That's me told

Frank - "Yeah.

Here's a few funny ones"


Not even worth a giggle really. Now when GWB took an awkward step and landed with both feet in his mouth even adoring audiences erupted in laughter. If there's a Richter scale for laughs he tops it every time. Come on, don't be such a tight-ass, admit it.


"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." — GWB Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" —GWB Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000
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