The End Of The Nightmare

The hallmark of the lefties on this forum is obama is reducing the debt.
I suppose if you're liberal with economics you could say that.
But you can't say that anymore, cuz the debt is widening and I suppose it will be more next year, to his credit.

The hallmark of the lefties on this forum is obama is reducing the debt.
I suppose if you're liberal with economics you could say that.

You couldn't make this sh*t up.....

Pay close attention now...

Why don't you take a minute and reflect on this........then hollaback....
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Rising national debt may be the next economic crisis

Report: Deficit Falls to $483 Billion, but Debt Continues to Rise

That's really all you have to do is find an example of anyone claiming that Obama is reducing the DEBT.....

and I struggle to believe that a sentient adult wrote this

Falling deficits have not prevented the debt from growing; rather, they have only slowed down the growth trend.
obamacare for the most part hast been putting into the system, but next year it's going to suck the life out of the country. That's my prediction.
The budget and national debt are two entirely different animals.

The national debt is in astronomical numbers and rising.

The interest alone on the national debt is bankrupting us.

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

What will the national debt be when he leaves office?

How much money has he given away to foreign governments?

How much has he spent on senseless deadly costly wars?

How many mosques has he built on foreign soil?

How many luxury vacations has his wife and daughters taken?
How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Go on, Sonny.....give it a shot....
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.
Congress took the blame for the downgrades, but whether you acknowledge that or not, do you know what the current rating is?
BTW, have you looked at the stock markets lately. There are some records being broken there too.

Yo, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, this is reality!

The Dot-com Bubble was a speculative bubble in the shares of early internet companies called “Dot-coms.” From the mid to late-1990s, technology company stocks in the Nasdaq stock index soared to incredible heights,
making scores of investors and technology company founders extremely wealthy. At this time, many people began to believe that technology had led to the creation of a “New Economy” where the traditional business cycle and recessions were a thing of the past. These “New Economy” beliefs led to excessive risk-taking in business and investments as Dot-com companies went public (such as the infamous and Webvan) even though they had negative earnings or astronomically high business valuations. In early 2000, the technology stock bubble crashed spectacularly as the Nasdaq plunged from 5,000 to nearly 1,000 by 2002 and the U.S. economy was hurled into a recession.

Anytime now, just waiting?

View attachment 81798

Go back to threading your chest, meathead....

Reality check: A good barometer of how expensive stocks are is to look at the so-called P/E ratio. It's a way to see how much higher the stock price (the P in the equation) is compared to the actual earnings (the E in the equation) of companies.

In March 2000, the P/E for the Nasdaq was a sky-high 175, according to data pulled by Nasdaq and Bloomberg that looks at earnings from the prior 12 months.

Compare that to today: the P/E now is just under 32

Reality check: Tech stocks aren't at bubble levels
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.
Congress took the blame for the downgrades, but whether you acknowledge that or not, do you know what the current rating is?
BTW, have you looked at the stock markets lately. There are some records being broken there too.

Yo, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, this is reality!

The Dot-com Bubble was a speculative bubble in the shares of early internet companies called “Dot-coms.” From the mid to late-1990s, technology company stocks in the Nasdaq stock index soared to incredible heights,
making scores of investors and technology company founders extremely wealthy. At this time, many people began to believe that technology had led to the creation of a “New Economy” where the traditional business cycle and recessions were a thing of the past. These “New Economy” beliefs led to excessive risk-taking in business and investments as Dot-com companies went public (such as the infamous and Webvan) even though they had negative earnings or astronomically high business valuations. In early 2000, the technology stock bubble crashed spectacularly as the Nasdaq plunged from 5,000 to nearly 1,000 by 2002 and the U.S. economy was hurled into a recession.

Anytime now, just waiting?

View attachment 81798

Go back to threading your chest, meathead....

Reality check: A good barometer of how expensive stocks are is to look at the so-called P/E ratio. It's a way to see how much higher the stock price (the P in the equation) is compared to the actual earnings (the E in the equation) of companies.

In March 2000, the P/E for the Nasdaq was a sky-high 175, according to data pulled by Nasdaq and Bloomberg that looks at earnings from the prior 12 months.

Compare that to today: the P/E now is just under 32

Reality check: Tech stocks aren't at bubble levels
Toddsterpatriot could you jump in and explain the overall market to slime here?
8 more years of Hillary.

Well, 4 maybe. As long as the Republicans don't nominate a clown next time.
I don't think she has the health for the general. I don't think she will make it.

Hillary stood up to an 11 hour grilling by a hostile panel.......

I'm betting your prostate wouldn't allow you to last 22 minutes...
I use pretty good. But then I'm old enough to be your's and dark fury's dad.

Keeps it the size of a mango, does it?

Good for you...
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.
Congress took the blame for the downgrades, but whether you acknowledge that or not, do you know what the current rating is?
BTW, have you looked at the stock markets lately. There are some records being broken there too.

Yo, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, this is reality!

The Dot-com Bubble was a speculative bubble in the shares of early internet companies called “Dot-coms.” From the mid to late-1990s, technology company stocks in the Nasdaq stock index soared to incredible heights,
making scores of investors and technology company founders extremely wealthy. At this time, many people began to believe that technology had led to the creation of a “New Economy” where the traditional business cycle and recessions were a thing of the past. These “New Economy” beliefs led to excessive risk-taking in business and investments as Dot-com companies went public (such as the infamous and Webvan) even though they had negative earnings or astronomically high business valuations. In early 2000, the technology stock bubble crashed spectacularly as the Nasdaq plunged from 5,000 to nearly 1,000 by 2002 and the U.S. economy was hurled into a recession.

Anytime now, just waiting?

View attachment 81798

Go back to threading your chest, meathead....

Reality check: A good barometer of how expensive stocks are is to look at the so-called P/E ratio. It's a way to see how much higher the stock price (the P in the equation) is compared to the actual earnings (the E in the equation) of companies.

In March 2000, the P/E for the Nasdaq was a sky-high 175, according to data pulled by Nasdaq and Bloomberg that looks at earnings from the prior 12 months.

Compare that to today: the P/E now is just under 32

Reality check: Tech stocks aren't at bubble levels
Toddsterpatriot could you jump in and explain the overall market to slime here?

He can' me.........I'm familiar with his oeuvre......
The budget and national debt are two entirely different animals.

The national debt is in astronomical numbers and rising.

The interest alone on the national debt is bankrupting us.

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

What will the national debt be when he leaves office?

How much money has he given away to foreign governments?

How much has he spent on senseless deadly costly wars?

How many mosques has he built on foreign soil?

How many luxury vacations has his wife and daughters taken?
How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Go on, Sonny.....give it a shot....
It's all a matter of record, public record, and easily researched.

Do you expect me to do the research for you?

Federal Debt, Deficits and Spending
Debt The U.S. government’s debt owed to the public has more than doubled. It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

And the debt also has grown dramatically even when measured as a percentage of the growing economy, from 52 percent of gross domestic product at the end of fiscal year 2009 to just under 74 percent at the end of fiscal 2015, according to the most recent estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Spending Federal spending, however, has increased much less. Total federal outlays in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 last year totaled just under $3.69 trillion, according to final U.S. Treasury figures. That’s just 4.8 percent above the total outlays for fiscal 2009, which was well underway when Obama took office.

To be sure, Obama was responsible for some of the FY 2009 spending, but as we’ve shown in detail elsewhere, his early spending initiatives added — at most — $203 billion to the fiscal year 2009 spending levels that were set before he took office. Even attributing that extra FY 2009 spending to Obama brings the total increase in outlays since he took office to 11.3 percent over the level he inherited.

Massive federal deficits continue: The final figure for FY 2015 was $438.9 billion. That was about $44.5 billion less than the shortfall in fiscal year 2014, but CBO projects that without further spending cuts or revenue increases, deficits will soon be growing larger again, and will top $1 trillion in FY 2025.

Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, currently stands at nearly $18.9 trillion, up nearly 78 percent under Obama.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)
8 more years of Hillary.

Well, 4 maybe. As long as the Republicans don't nominate a clown next time.
I don't think she has the health for the general. I don't think she will make it.

Hillary stood up to an 11 hour grilling by a hostile panel.......

I'm betting your prostate wouldn't allow you to last 22 minutes...

Yo, they showed a glimpse of her leaving after 11 hours of grilling:

I guess she didn`t hold up as well as everybody thought?

I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.
Congress took the blame for the downgrades, but whether you acknowledge that or not, do you know what the current rating is?
BTW, have you looked at the stock markets lately. There are some records being broken there too.

Yo, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, this is reality!

The Dot-com Bubble was a speculative bubble in the shares of early internet companies called “Dot-coms.” From the mid to late-1990s, technology company stocks in the Nasdaq stock index soared to incredible heights,
making scores of investors and technology company founders extremely wealthy. At this time, many people began to believe that technology had led to the creation of a “New Economy” where the traditional business cycle and recessions were a thing of the past. These “New Economy” beliefs led to excessive risk-taking in business and investments as Dot-com companies went public (such as the infamous and Webvan) even though they had negative earnings or astronomically high business valuations. In early 2000, the technology stock bubble crashed spectacularly as the Nasdaq plunged from 5,000 to nearly 1,000 by 2002 and the U.S. economy was hurled into a recession.

Anytime now, just waiting?

View attachment 81798

Go back to threading your chest, meathead....

Reality check: A good barometer of how expensive stocks are is to look at the so-called P/E ratio. It's a way to see how much higher the stock price (the P in the equation) is compared to the actual earnings (the E in the equation) of companies.

In March 2000, the P/E for the Nasdaq was a sky-high 175, according to data pulled by Nasdaq and Bloomberg that looks at earnings from the prior 12 months.

Compare that to today: the P/E now is just under 32

Reality check: Tech stocks aren't at bubble levels
Toddsterpatriot could you jump in and explain the overall market to slime here?

Oh...btw,.....that's the NASDAQ which is prone to more elevated P/Es (please don't oblige me to explain why)...
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Hostage taking
Homo's killed
Retards killed
Economy destroyed
Islamic Operative

Just the math.


Economy destroyed


so you won't embarrass yourself again, allow me to show you what "economy destroyed" looks like


Any questions?

With all his deficit spending, why does Obama have the weakest recovery ever?
The budget and national debt are two entirely different animals.

The national debt is in astronomical numbers and rising.

The interest alone on the national debt is bankrupting us.

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

What will the national debt be when he leaves office?

How much money has he given away to foreign governments?

How much has he spent on senseless deadly costly wars?

How many mosques has he built on foreign soil?

How many luxury vacations has his wife and daughters taken?
How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Go on, Sonny.....give it a shot....
It's all a matter of record, public record, and easily researched.

Do you expect me to do the research for you?

Federal Debt, Deficits and Spending
Debt The U.S. government’s debt owed to the public has more than doubled. It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

And the debt also has grown dramatically even when measured as a percentage of the growing economy, from 52 percent of gross domestic product at the end of fiscal year 2009 to just under 74 percent at the end of fiscal 2015, according to the most recent estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Spending Federal spending, however, has increased much less. Total federal outlays in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 last year totaled just under $3.69 trillion, according to final U.S. Treasury figures. That’s just 4.8 percent above the total outlays for fiscal 2009, which was well underway when Obama took office.

To be sure, Obama was responsible for some of the FY 2009 spending, but as we’ve shown in detail elsewhere, his early spending initiatives added — at most — $203 billion to the fiscal year 2009 spending levels that were set before he took office. Even attributing that extra FY 2009 spending to Obama brings the total increase in outlays since he took office to 11.3 percent over the level he inherited.

Massive federal deficits continue: The final figure for FY 2015 was $438.9 billion. That was about $44.5 billion less than the shortfall in fiscal year 2014, but CBO projects that without further spending cuts or revenue increases, deficits will soon be growing larger again, and will top $1 trillion in FY 2025.

Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, currently stands at nearly $18.9 trillion, up nearly 78 percent under Obama.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

That doesn't answer the close attention to how this is phrased...

It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

Next, you want to learn about "structural deficits".....

Once you've done so, we can take another look - 'k?
The budget and national debt are two entirely different animals.

The national debt is in astronomical numbers and rising.

The interest alone on the national debt is bankrupting us.

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

What will the national debt be when he leaves office?

How much money has he given away to foreign governments?

How much has he spent on senseless deadly costly wars?

How many mosques has he built on foreign soil?

How many luxury vacations has his wife and daughters taken?
How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Go on, Sonny.....give it a shot....
When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man.

Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White House.

When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011.

PHOTOS: See Obama's biggest White House fails

Congress and the president have just agreed to undo one of the only successful fiscal restraint mechanisms in a generation,” said Pete Sepp, president of the National Taxpayers Union. “The progress on reducing spending and the deficit has just become much more problematic.”

Some budget analysts scoff at the claim made by the administration and by House Speaker John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican, that the budget agreement’s $112 billion in spending increases is fully funded by cuts elsewhere. Mr. Boehner left Congress last week.

Obama presidency to end with $20 trillion national debt
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Hostage taking
Homo's killed
Retards killed
Economy destroyed
Islamic Operative

Just the math.


Economy destroyed


so you won't embarrass yourself again, allow me to show you what "economy destroyed" looks like


Any questions?

With all his deficit spending, why does Obama have the weakest recovery ever?
Thanks for showing, maybe you can explain to Slime.
8 more years of Hillary.

Well, 4 maybe. As long as the Republicans don't nominate a clown next time.
I don't think she has the health for the general. I don't think she will make it.

Hillary stood up to an 11 hour grilling by a hostile panel.......

I'm betting your prostate wouldn't allow you to last 22 minutes...

Yo, they showed a glimpse of her leaving after 11 hours of grilling:

I guess she didn`t hold up as well as everybody thought?


Judging by the couture, I'm guessin' that's your old lady
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.
Congress took the blame for the downgrades, but whether you acknowledge that or not, do you know what the current rating is?
BTW, have you looked at the stock markets lately. There are some records being broken there too.

Yo, wipe the sleep out of your eyes, this is reality!

The Dot-com Bubble was a speculative bubble in the shares of early internet companies called “Dot-coms.” From the mid to late-1990s, technology company stocks in the Nasdaq stock index soared to incredible heights,
making scores of investors and technology company founders extremely wealthy. At this time, many people began to believe that technology had led to the creation of a “New Economy” where the traditional business cycle and recessions were a thing of the past. These “New Economy” beliefs led to excessive risk-taking in business and investments as Dot-com companies went public (such as the infamous and Webvan) even though they had negative earnings or astronomically high business valuations. In early 2000, the technology stock bubble crashed spectacularly as the Nasdaq plunged from 5,000 to nearly 1,000 by 2002 and the U.S. economy was hurled into a recession.

Anytime now, just waiting?

View attachment 81798

Go back to threading your chest, meathead....

Reality check: A good barometer of how expensive stocks are is to look at the so-called P/E ratio. It's a way to see how much higher the stock price (the P in the equation) is compared to the actual earnings (the E in the equation) of companies.

In March 2000, the P/E for the Nasdaq was a sky-high 175, according to data pulled by Nasdaq and Bloomberg that looks at earnings from the prior 12 months.

Compare that to today: the P/E now is just under 32

Reality check: Tech stocks aren't at bubble levels
Toddsterpatriot could you jump in and explain the overall market to slime here?

He can' me.........I'm familiar with his oeuvre......

Yo, I advise you to put all your money in the Stock Market, that way I can see you on T.V. jumping out a window of a High Rise Building!

The budget and national debt are two entirely different animals.

The national debt is in astronomical numbers and rising.

The interest alone on the national debt is bankrupting us.

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

What will the national debt be when he leaves office?

How much money has he given away to foreign governments?

How much has he spent on senseless deadly costly wars?

How many mosques has he built on foreign soil?

How many luxury vacations has his wife and daughters taken?
How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Go on, Sonny.....give it a shot....
It's all a matter of record, public record, and easily researched.

Do you expect me to do the research for you?

Federal Debt, Deficits and Spending
Debt The U.S. government’s debt owed to the public has more than doubled. It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

And the debt also has grown dramatically even when measured as a percentage of the growing economy, from 52 percent of gross domestic product at the end of fiscal year 2009 to just under 74 percent at the end of fiscal 2015, according to the most recent estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Spending Federal spending, however, has increased much less. Total federal outlays in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 last year totaled just under $3.69 trillion, according to final U.S. Treasury figures. That’s just 4.8 percent above the total outlays for fiscal 2009, which was well underway when Obama took office.

To be sure, Obama was responsible for some of the FY 2009 spending, but as we’ve shown in detail elsewhere, his early spending initiatives added — at most — $203 billion to the fiscal year 2009 spending levels that were set before he took office. Even attributing that extra FY 2009 spending to Obama brings the total increase in outlays since he took office to 11.3 percent over the level he inherited.

Massive federal deficits continue: The final figure for FY 2015 was $438.9 billion. That was about $44.5 billion less than the shortfall in fiscal year 2014, but CBO projects that without further spending cuts or revenue increases, deficits will soon be growing larger again, and will top $1 trillion in FY 2025.

Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, currently stands at nearly $18.9 trillion, up nearly 78 percent under Obama.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

That doesn't answer the close attention to how this is phrased...

It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

Next, you want to learn about "structural deficits".....

Once you've done so, we can take another look - 'k?
I'm talking about the national DEBT.
YOUR QUESTION: - How much has Obama added to the national debt?

I gave you the answer.
The budget and national debt are two entirely different animals.

The national debt is in astronomical numbers and rising.

The interest alone on the national debt is bankrupting us.

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

What will the national debt be when he leaves office?

How much money has he given away to foreign governments?

How much has he spent on senseless deadly costly wars?

How many mosques has he built on foreign soil?

How many luxury vacations has his wife and daughters taken?
How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Go on, Sonny.....give it a shot....
It's all a matter of record, public record, and easily researched.

Do you expect me to do the research for you?

Federal Debt, Deficits and Spending
Debt The U.S. government’s debt owed to the public has more than doubled. It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

And the debt also has grown dramatically even when measured as a percentage of the growing economy, from 52 percent of gross domestic product at the end of fiscal year 2009 to just under 74 percent at the end of fiscal 2015, according to the most recent estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Spending Federal spending, however, has increased much less. Total federal outlays in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 last year totaled just under $3.69 trillion, according to final U.S. Treasury figures. That’s just 4.8 percent above the total outlays for fiscal 2009, which was well underway when Obama took office.

To be sure, Obama was responsible for some of the FY 2009 spending, but as we’ve shown in detail elsewhere, his early spending initiatives added — at most — $203 billion to the fiscal year 2009 spending levels that were set before he took office. Even attributing that extra FY 2009 spending to Obama brings the total increase in outlays since he took office to 11.3 percent over the level he inherited.

Massive federal deficits continue: The final figure for FY 2015 was $438.9 billion. That was about $44.5 billion less than the shortfall in fiscal year 2014, but CBO projects that without further spending cuts or revenue increases, deficits will soon be growing larger again, and will top $1 trillion in FY 2025.

Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, currently stands at nearly $18.9 trillion, up nearly 78 percent under Obama.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

That doesn't answer the close attention to how this is phrased...

It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

Next, you want to learn about "structural deficits".....

Once you've done so, we can take another look - 'k?
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, currently stands at nearly $18.9 trillion, up nearly 78 percent under Obama.
The budget and national debt are two entirely different animals.

The national debt is in astronomical numbers and rising.

The interest alone on the national debt is bankrupting us.

How much has Obama added to the national debt?

What will the national debt be when he leaves office?

How much money has he given away to foreign governments?

How much has he spent on senseless deadly costly wars?

How many mosques has he built on foreign soil?

How many luxury vacations has his wife and daughters taken?
How much has Obama added to the national debt?

Go on, Sonny.....give it a shot....
It's all a matter of record, public record, and easily researched.

Do you expect me to do the research for you?

Federal Debt, Deficits and Spending
Debt The U.S. government’s debt owed to the public has more than doubled. It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

And the debt also has grown dramatically even when measured as a percentage of the growing economy, from 52 percent of gross domestic product at the end of fiscal year 2009 to just under 74 percent at the end of fiscal 2015, according to the most recent estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Spending Federal spending, however, has increased much less. Total federal outlays in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 last year totaled just under $3.69 trillion, according to final U.S. Treasury figures. That’s just 4.8 percent above the total outlays for fiscal 2009, which was well underway when Obama took office.

To be sure, Obama was responsible for some of the FY 2009 spending, but as we’ve shown in detail elsewhere, his early spending initiatives added — at most — $203 billion to the fiscal year 2009 spending levels that were set before he took office. Even attributing that extra FY 2009 spending to Obama brings the total increase in outlays since he took office to 11.3 percent over the level he inherited.

Massive federal deficits continue: The final figure for FY 2015 was $438.9 billion. That was about $44.5 billion less than the shortfall in fiscal year 2014, but CBO projects that without further spending cuts or revenue increases, deficits will soon be growing larger again, and will top $1 trillion in FY 2025.

Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, currently stands at nearly $18.9 trillion, up nearly 78 percent under Obama.

Obama’s Numbers (January 2016 Update)

That doesn't answer the close attention to how this is phrased...

It is now more than $13.6 trillion, an increase of 116 percent since Obama first took office.

Next, you want to learn about "structural deficits".....

Once you've done so, we can take another look - 'k?
Total debt, counting money the government owes to itself, currently stands at nearly $18.9 trillion, up nearly 78 percent under Obama.
I was told the original title was "trolling" so new title SAME content.

As we all to slowly come to the end of this political nightmare called Obama I think its only right to addressed the political highlights of this nightmare we call government by democrats.

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Hostage taking
Homo's killed
Retards killed
Economy destroyed
Islamic Operative

Just the math.


Economy destroyed


so you won't embarrass yourself again, allow me to show you what "economy destroyed" looks like


Any questions?

With all his deficit spending, why does Obama have the weakest recovery ever?

This is exactly what I'm talking about.....

What is the average contribution to GDP from "Government consumption expenditures and gross investment" since the first FY under Obama? I'm guessing you have no idea where to look.......but I'm gonna cut you some slack.....

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Do you want to tell everyone the size of the Obama/Reagan and Obama/Bush "spreads" for this category?

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