The End Of The Nightmare

Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

Obama isn't the guy who shut down the government and threatened to default on our loans. That was all on you guys... Next lame argument.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Yes, four people who went over and broke Iran's laws... Not seeing a problem here.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

Most of the gays killed in Orlando were Hispanic. I should also point out that the worst shooting up to that point was VA Tech, where 32 nice white kids were shot by an Asian kid who got a couple of guns. I suspect you didn't denounce Bush at the time for letting this happen.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Uh, the SB shooter didn't kill "retards". He killed his coworkers who worked with the disabled.
^ that x 100

DarkFurby ain't none too bright
Are you a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Debt Worryier?
Hell No
We've established that you are a "Debt Worryier".......I'm disinclined to believe that you have never cast a vote for a Supply Side Huckster....
It's easy to believe you have cast numerous votes for the "government spending makes the economy grow" con artists.

The POTUS for whom I have voted have presided over the lowest rates of growth in federal spending since Eisenhower.....


That's true only if you dishonest push about $700 billion in new spending into the Bush administration.

Let's try this again, Bri.....

Amuse me, me your math for this.....cause it's a lead pipe cinch that you have it all wrong....

And do name the POTUS for whom you have voted under whom we saw a lower rate of growth in federal spending than under Clinton or Obama...

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