The End Of The Nightmare

The nightmare is Donald Trump. And when he is soundly wiped out on election night this nation will finally get a good nights sleep.

How will you sleep after Hillary moves a couple dozen muzzie savages into your neighborhood?

Trump has flip-flopped all over the Muslim issue himself. One week prior to stating no Muslims, he was for letting Syrian refugees in
Trump calls for taking in Syrian refugees

So from letting NO MUSLIMS in, he says he will but they have to be really--really--really vetted.--LOL
Has Trump given up on mass deportation for illegals and temporarily banning Muslim visitors? - Hot Air

You don't know what Trump is going to do. He has a real habit of stating one thing one day, then the exact opposite the next.

William Arthur Niskanen (March 13, 1933, Bend, Oregon – October 26, 2011, Washington, D.C.) was an American economist noted as one of the architects of President Ronald Reagan's economic programme and for his contributions to public choice theory. He was also a long-time chairman of the libertarian Cato Institute.

Stephen Moore (born February 16, 1960) is an American economic writer and policy analyst. He founded and served as president of the Club for Growth from 1999 to 2004. Moore is a former member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. In 2014, The Heritage Foundation announced that Moore would become its chief economist. In 2015, Moore's title at Heritage changed from Chief Economist to Distinguished Visiting Fellow.[1] Moore is known for advocating free-market policies and supply-side economics.[2]
Yes, I read their CV's, moron. They certainly aren't advocating free market policies in the article you cited. They're defending big government.


Roughly what percent of it did you actually read, lying spiv?

This study assesses the Reagan supply-side policies by comparing the nation’s economic performance in the Reagan years (1981-89) with its performance in the immediately preceding Ford-Carter years (1974-81) and in the Bush-Clinton years that followed (1989-95).

On 8 of the 10 key economic variables examined, the American economy performed better during the Reagan years than during the pre- and post-Reagan years.

It was written in 1996........History would make fools of the late Mr. Niskanen, and the very much alive Cretin of Brobdingnagian proportions, Mr. Moore....

It's not an issue I care to debate. Left wingers and right wingers have been debating this since the end of the Reagan administration. Nothing we say is going to change anyone's mind.

It is an issue you are not at all QUALIFIED to debate, Bri.......nice try though....

I've debated it for years, moron. What makes you "qualified" to debate it? Certainly not your innate intelligence.

Only if "rebleating what you've been told to think, but do not understand" is any part of your definition of debate
I notice that you failed to answer the question......again...
What is the question?
Are you a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Debt Worryier?
Hell No
We've established that you are a "Debt Worryier".......I'm disinclined to believe that you have never cast a vote for a Supply Side Huckster....
It's easy to believe you have cast numerous votes for the "government spending makes the economy grow" con artists.

The POTUS for whom I have voted have presided over the lowest rates of growth in federal spending since Eisenhower.....

There's a fairly good chance that the HildaBeast is going to win.

If she does, it's also entirely possible that we're looking at a One-Term Presidency.

Given the nature of the most corrupt husband and wife political tag-team to ever soil the America political landscape...

There's a good chance that she, in turn, will either be impeached, or simply lose the goodwill of the American People, long before 2020...

So long as the Pubs don't put-up Attila the Hun next time, maybe they've got a shot at another turn at-bat...
What is the question?
Are you a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Debt Worryier?
Hell No
We've established that you are a "Debt Worryier".......I'm disinclined to believe that you have never cast a vote for a Supply Side Huckster....
It's easy to believe you have cast numerous votes for the "government spending makes the economy grow" con artists.

The POTUS for whom I have voted have presided over the lowest rates of growth in federal spending since Eisenhower.....


That's true only if you dishonest push about $700 billion in new spending into the Bush administration.
Now our current crap fest in charge has set a new record, never done before in the entire history of our beloved United States. No president has ever done it despite depressions, recessions or even war. Obama presided over not one but two of the only credit downgrades of our country in its entire history.

Obama isn't the guy who shut down the government and threatened to default on our loans. That was all on you guys... Next lame argument.

No president since James Earl "Jimmy" Carter has presided over more Americans taken hostage by Islamic countries or any country for that matter. There are as a matter of fact STILL American hostages in Iran that have been held LONGER than those held by Iran during Carter.

Yes, four people who went over and broke Iran's laws... Not seeing a problem here.

Not by body count but by number of attacks from outside terrorists no president has ever presided over such a massive increase while doing nothing. Islamic State attacks have become so permitted by this president we know longer wonder "if" but "when".

NO President has presided over the killing of white minority groups in this country in its entire history. The Orlando killing of homo's while Islamic fueled was designed, plotted and carried out and in fact killed more white homo's then the riots at Stonewall.

Most of the gays killed in Orlando were Hispanic. I should also point out that the worst shooting up to that point was VA Tech, where 32 nice white kids were shot by an Asian kid who got a couple of guns. I suspect you didn't denounce Bush at the time for letting this happen.

The community center in San Bernardino was a center for working with the retarded. So Obama gets yet another first. No president has presided over a larger mass killing of retards in the history of the United States.

Uh, the SB shooter didn't kill "retards". He killed his coworkers who worked with the disabled.
There's a fairly good chance that the HildaBeast is going to win.

If she does, it's also entirely possible that we're looking at a One-Term Presidency.

Given the nature of the most corrupt husband and wife political tag-team to ever soil the America political landscape...

There's a good chance that she, in turn, will either be impeached, or simply lose the goodwill of the American People, long before 2020...

So long as the Pubs don't put-up Attila the Hun next time, maybe they've got a shot at another turn at-bat...

The Republican Party's problems run deeper than NaziTrump.

I do think it's unlikely that she will win a second term, because one party hasn't won four elections in a row since 1944. Before that, it was 1908. before that, it was 1876. (And they STOLE 1876, so that doesn't count.)

But the GOP has a problem in that they've completely alienated the non-white portion of the population. They've alienated women. They've alienated working people. demographics is not the GOP's friend.
Are you a Recidivist Supply Side Voting Debt Worryier?
Hell No
We've established that you are a "Debt Worryier".......I'm disinclined to believe that you have never cast a vote for a Supply Side Huckster....
It's easy to believe you have cast numerous votes for the "government spending makes the economy grow" con artists.

The POTUS for whom I have voted have presided over the lowest rates of growth in federal spending since Eisenhower.....


That's true only if you dishonest push about $700 billion in new spending into the Bush administration.

Amuse me, me your math for this.....cause it's a lead pipe cinch that you have it all wrong....

And do name the POTUS for whom you have voted under whom we saw a lower rate of growth in federal spending than under Clinton or Obama...
There's a fairly good chance that the HildaBeast is going to win.

If she does, it's also entirely possible that we're looking at a One-Term Presidency.

Given the nature of the most corrupt husband and wife political tag-team to ever soil the America political landscape...

There's a good chance that she, in turn, will either be impeached, or simply lose the goodwill of the American People, long before 2020...

So long as the Pubs don't put-up Attila the Hun next time, maybe they've got a shot at another turn at-bat...

The Republican Party's problems run deeper than NaziTrump.

I do think it's unlikely that she will win a second term, because one party hasn't won four elections in a row since 1944. Before that, it was 1908. before that, it was 1876. (And they STOLE 1876, so that doesn't count.)

But the GOP has a problem in that they've completely alienated the non-white portion of the population. They've alienated women. They've alienated working people. demographics is not the GOP's friend.
The way forward for the Pubs is to begin out-Democrat-ing the Democrats.
There's a fairly good chance that the HildaBeast is going to win.

If she does, it's also entirely possible that we're looking at a One-Term Presidency.

Given the nature of the most corrupt husband and wife political tag-team to ever soil the America political landscape...

There's a good chance that she, in turn, will either be impeached, or simply lose the goodwill of the American People, long before 2020...

So long as the Pubs don't put-up Attila the Hun next time, maybe they've got a shot at another turn at-bat...

The Republican Party's problems run deeper than NaziTrump.

I do think it's unlikely that she will win a second term, because one party hasn't won four elections in a row since 1944. Before that, it was 1908. before that, it was 1876. (And they STOLE 1876, so that doesn't count.)

But the GOP has a problem in that they've completely alienated the non-white portion of the population. They've alienated women. They've alienated working people. demographics is not the GOP's friend.
The way forward for the Pubs is to begin out-Democrat-ing the Democrats.

You mean handing out free shit?
This clown blew threw trillions and what do we have to show for it? Nobody with a brain would hire this idiot to run a company or make investments.
There's a fairly good chance that the HildaBeast is going to win.

If she does, it's also entirely possible that we're looking at a One-Term Presidency.

Given the nature of the most corrupt husband and wife political tag-team to ever soil the America political landscape...

There's a good chance that she, in turn, will either be impeached, or simply lose the goodwill of the American People, long before 2020...

So long as the Pubs don't put-up Attila the Hun next time, maybe they've got a shot at another turn at-bat...

The Republican Party's problems run deeper than NaziTrump.

I do think it's unlikely that she will win a second term, because one party hasn't won four elections in a row since 1944. Before that, it was 1908. before that, it was 1876. (And they STOLE 1876, so that doesn't count.)

But the GOP has a problem in that they've completely alienated the non-white portion of the population. They've alienated women. They've alienated working people. demographics is not the GOP's friend.
The way forward for the Pubs is to begin out-Democrat-ing the Democrats.

You mean handing out free shit?
Not really.

More like abandoning the Corporatists and Conservatives and converting the Republican Party back into what it was in its early times...

The Party of the Common Man...

The Party that average citizens of all colors would rather vote for...

The Party that Lincoln would recognize 150 years later, and applaud...

The only way that the party survives as the 21st unfolds...
There's a fairly good chance that the HildaBeast is going to win.

If she does, it's also entirely possible that we're looking at a One-Term Presidency.

Given the nature of the most corrupt husband and wife political tag-team to ever soil the America political landscape...

There's a good chance that she, in turn, will either be impeached, or simply lose the goodwill of the American People, long before 2020...

So long as the Pubs don't put-up Attila the Hun next time, maybe they've got a shot at another turn at-bat...

The Republican Party's problems run deeper than NaziTrump.

I do think it's unlikely that she will win a second term, because one party hasn't won four elections in a row since 1944. Before that, it was 1908. before that, it was 1876. (And they STOLE 1876, so that doesn't count.)

But the GOP has a problem in that they've completely alienated the non-white portion of the population. They've alienated women. They've alienated working people. demographics is not the GOP's friend.
The way forward for the Pubs is to begin out-Democrat-ing the Democrats.

You mean handing out free shit?
Not really.

More like abandoning the Corporatists and Conservatives and converting the Republican Party back into what it was in its early times...

The Party of the Common Man...

The Party that average citizens of all colors would rather vote for...

The Party that Lincoln would recognize 150 years later, and applaud...

The only way that the party survives as the 21st unfolds...

What would it do to indicate that?
There's a fairly good chance that the HildaBeast is going to win.

If she does, it's also entirely possible that we're looking at a One-Term Presidency.

Given the nature of the most corrupt husband and wife political tag-team to ever soil the America political landscape...

There's a good chance that she, in turn, will either be impeached, or simply lose the goodwill of the American People, long before 2020...

So long as the Pubs don't put-up Attila the Hun next time, maybe they've got a shot at another turn at-bat...

The Republican Party's problems run deeper than NaziTrump.

I do think it's unlikely that she will win a second term, because one party hasn't won four elections in a row since 1944. Before that, it was 1908. before that, it was 1876. (And they STOLE 1876, so that doesn't count.)

But the GOP has a problem in that they've completely alienated the non-white portion of the population. They've alienated women. They've alienated working people. demographics is not the GOP's friend.
The way forward for the Pubs is to begin out-Democrat-ing the Democrats.

You mean handing out free shit?
Not really.

More like abandoning the Corporatists and Conservatives and converting the Republican Party back into what it was in its early times...

The Party of the Common Man...

The Party that average citizens of all colors would rather vote for...

The Party that Lincoln would recognize 150 years later, and applaud...

The only way that the party survives as the 21st unfolds...

What would it do to indicate that?
Not indicate that...

Become that...

They can begin by shoving the stuffed-shirt GOP Old Guard the hell out of the way...

Followed by a concerted and successful effort to woo Labor away from the Democrats...

That's a good start, and would keep them busy for a while...
another great thing if Trump wins, well depending on what state u live in,,,our property values should shoot up gradually,,,,Like they did with Bush !!!!!

Wow..... What a logic........ Prices shoot up....... Is that what you want that value of your house is so high that your kids or granchildren cannot afford to buy a house? Maybe you are not aware that we have this problem right now.
If you think prices are high now. Think what will be the prices of ALL commodities if Trump wins. I will be a nightmare for everyone.............. Be very careful what you wish for.
The way forward for the Pubs is to begin out-Democrat-ing the Democrats.

No, the way forward for the GOP is to stop trying to trick white males into voting against their own economic interests to serve the One Percent. Because, first, there aren't enough angry white males to win elections anymore and secondly, they are starting to wise up.
The way forward for the Pubs is to begin out-Democrat-ing the Democrats.

No, the way forward for the GOP is to stop trying to trick white males into voting against their own economic interests to serve the One Percent. Because, first, there aren't enough angry white males to win elections anymore and secondly, they are starting to wise up.
Says the klansman from the democrat plantation.....

Are you proud to be a part of,the kkk?

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