The End Times

A toddler is likely to have no fear of walking out onto a busy street without looking for car coming. Because the toddler is ignorant.
No, in John, there are many more than seven miracles, and, in John, they are not "miracles", they are "signs". In John 2:11, we read about his "first" sign. Then, in John 4:54 we read about his "second sign". The odd thing here is that between John 2:11 and John 4:54, we read this at John 2:23: "Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was doing" So we have the first sign in John 2:11 and the second sign in John:4:54, yet in between those two, we have "many signs". What gives? Well, that is a tell-tale sign of editing.

Yes, you are right, they are signs. "Miracles" can be misleading. And yes there is evidence of unknown editors. And yes,there are political implications. There was no such thing as a separation between church and state then unlike now where we have the appearance of a separation.

The breaking of the seals are indeed signs of something that only the Messiah could do. Thats the point of the signs in the Gospels, thats the point in the Revelation.

"And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, "Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?"

The question of who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll revealing what was hidden inside is a challenge like "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born."
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:ack-1: If you think the end times have come and gone, tell me, have you visited Christ in his Temple in Jerusalem? When was the Temple completed? How long did it take Christ to defeat the World Military? How much blood actually did fill the Valley of Jehoshaphat? < How high is a horses bridle? Who lead that defeated NWO army that invaded Israel, for spoils?? Who was that old anti-Christ anyway? Can we buy and sell again without the mark? What were the names of the 2 prophets that were killed in the street and who came back to life right in front of the tv cameras? Was it Enoch, or Moses?

Peace? Where? If Satan has already been chained in the abyss, it must be an awfully long chain...
The end times are just getting started and you'll recognize the tribulation period because there will not be enough room and time to bury the dead because of the hatred we have for each other. All of these things will happen prior to Christ's return. Never in history of the world has life been taken to the brink of annihilation. We are gearing up for just that now.
When Issac and Ishmael wrap their arms around each other in brotherly love, the millennial reign of Christ has begun.. Maranatha Lord, Maranatha...

I should clarify that I don't believe the entire book of Revelation is past tense. I think it switches to a futurist view in the last couple of chapters.
The book is prophetic, even claiming to be (1:3), which accounts for an expectation of future events, i.e., the new earth and new heaven.

I'm still stumped as to why people cannot see how heaven and earth have been made new since then. Or how they don't see Christ in the church; John himself saw him there (2:1).
The "end times" is when the sun will start to die and grow big enough to swallow the earth. Not going to happen for billions of years.
"End Times" not necessarily the "end of the world" ......

We are approaching the end of the current world order .....and the beginning of the New World Order ....

Revelation 19 reveals the end of the reign of Satan on this earth, and
the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ (and the saved of this era) on this earth.
I see throughout history Satan has used various means to try to mess up things. He lied to Adam & Eve. He tried to destroy the nation of Israel more than once. He tried to have Jesus killed as an infant. He tried to have Jesus murdered before his time.He tried his darnedest to tempt Jesus. He tried to destroy the Church from without and within.

He has tried to use Science to distort facts of history. And He has brought corruption and heresy into the Church in every attempt to embarrass and undermine the Gospel message.

Now the nation of Israel has been brought back into the limelight as the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. We have wars and rumors of war everywhere. We have the total corruption of the institution of marriage and people demonstrating love only for themselves and their accomplishments. And earth shaking event seem to happen daily (not just earthquakes).

There has not been a catching away (Rapture) as of yet. The 2 witnesses have not condemned the nations and 666 has not yet raised its ugly head. And where is the One World Government? Who is the Anti-Christ? Jesus is not seated on the Throne of David along with the returned CHURCH to rule with a rod of iron.

I believe everything is in place; however, a generation can be number of things up to 100 years and the countdown may have started in 1948, at the point of the 6 Day War or perhaps some other moment like when Israel gained control of Jerusalem....

Christ has not rejected HIS CHURCH. GOD has not reject ISRAEL. I believe the Millennial Kingdom is in sight of some living today. But I do believe things will get WORSE and not better.
"End Times" not necessarily the "end of the world" ......

We are approaching the end of the current world order .....and the beginning of the New World Order ....

Revelation 19 reveals the end of the reign of Satan on this earth, and
the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ (and the saved of this era) on this earth.
So when is this happening?
You guys can carry on your conversations but I would like to point out It is end of DAYS not end of TIMES.... IT is a huge clue...Think Symbolism...Again at Passover we are told All the days of your life are the days of your life but the NIGHTS belong to the time of the Moschiach.... Meaning when the DAYS end we will go into the NIGHT..The Night Star(prophet) will eclipse the Morning Star( prophet)...The world will not end it will carry on as it always has but many a belief system will be overturned and overthrown.. Think how it was for the Israelites when they left Egypt they still brought their idols with them it wasn’t till that generation died out and a new generation replaced them untainted with their idols that the people were accepting of these ideals...It will be the same with our generation all the old ideas and idols will die out with the passing of the tainted generation to the newer untainted one....
Jesus himself promised to appoint his faithful and discreet slave( real teachers on earth) here in these last days, and truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4) it has-- So he is with one denomination. The one that is different from the rest and no part of this world.

Maybe Jesus did promise to appoint teachers in the last days when he would come as a thief in the night but he would have to be here to do that and first reveal the truth to them.

Until that time the best your church or any other church could do is guess. Your guess that the earth will be destroyed and recreated literally or that Jesus appointed 144,000 Jehovah witnesses to teach in the last days (even though he hasn't appeared yet or taught them anything) isn't really any better than any other nonsensical prediction or unsubstantiated assertion made in the dark.

The test would be which church if any would recognize his voice from among all the noise and chaos created by the cacophony of false teaching from the legions of false teachers and false messiahs whenever he does show up..

The way I see it, so far, unbelievers and sinners are in the only church busy doing the work that Jesus commanded his followers to do, by rejecting all that is false, superstitious, or irrational in preference for a truth based experience of life that is in more perfect harmony with actual reality.


"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Jesus began his presence here at Rev 6--he receives his crown. This occurred in 1914-- Jesus comes in the flesh to earth at Har-mageddon. Most will not like it.

Before Jesus can reveal anything written inside or appoint anyone to teach anything, he breaks the seals placed on scripture,something that no one else in heaven or on earth could do..

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break the seals placed on scripture in full view of believers and unbelievers alike neither did he appoint anyone in 1914 to teach anything about what was hidden inside..

I bet you don't even know what the seals placed on scripture are much less what they conceal, so how could they have been already broken?

My teachers are correct, Rev 6 occurred in 1914--Michael battled satan and his angels and cast them out of heaven forever, to the earth. He came as a devouring lion, angry, knowing his time is short--ww1--millions slaughtered in hatred--After ww1--Millions upon millions died( other 3 riders) from the filth of slaughtering one another, diseases, starvation, etc.
One of the main points found there is--He receives his crown--Only Jesus is getting the crown, yet Michael got it.

God cast Satan out of heaven like a lightning bolt.
Adam willingly transferred dominion over the earth to Satan.
Christ came to take the condemnation for our sins away from us, and will
be returning to prevent us from destroying all life on earth and will take control over His earth and everything else our Father has created for Him and us.

Christ said, "When you see these thingS. < the key is the S on the end of the word. Did the Millerites forget that before the Rapture happens, that Israel would be born again in one day? Had knowledge increased at the same TIME there was an increase in earthquakes? Was a one World government being formed? Was Israel being forced into a false peace treaty by the world?
When you see these things happening, He is at the door.
He is at the door.

We who are in Christ all get crowns. For various things. Praying for Christ's return garners a crown. Winning souls to Christ, another. If you accept the gift of life Christ is offering you, then you are a child of the Most High and co-heir with our brother, Christ. You are Royalty. When we realize just exactly what Christ saved us from, we will gladly lay our crowns at His feet.

Not what the bible teaches. I have studied it for over 50 years from many views.
Jesus began his presence here at Rev 6--he receives his crown. This occurred in 1914-- Jesus comes in the flesh to earth at Har-mageddon. Most will not like it.

Before Jesus can reveal anything written inside or appoint anyone to teach anything, he breaks the seals placed on scripture,something that no one else in heaven or on earth could do..

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break the seals placed on scripture in full view of believers and unbelievers alike neither did he appoint anyone in 1914 to teach anything about what was hidden inside..

I bet you don't even know what the seals placed on scripture are much less what they conceal, so how could they have been already broken?

Who cares? The "scriptures" are the words of men, not of any god.

Who cares? lol... Who can say?

Those words written by whomever clearly have had a peculiar effect on human history to say the least, more so that any other collection of stories written by men. Wouldn't you agree?

For what its worth, those words clearly state that the marking of God's servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

Note this.

Soon, very soon, you will find out who cares...

The separating of the sheep and goats occurs during the tribulation. By Jesus and his bride=The little flock( Luke 12:32)= 144,000
The separating of the sheep and goats happens immediately after the Tribulation, and the nations are judged according to how they treated Israel.
Keep in mind that the Judge is the most loving, benevolent heart in all of creation. Here is a sample of how harshly that wonderful man will condemn the goats:
Isaiah 19:25
The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.

All judging has been given to Jesus and his 144,000--- Jesus will be the one to condemn the majority on earth to the lake of fire. He is Gods image--We all see how God deals with the unrepentant in the OT. Jesus will do no different.
Jesus himself promised to appoint his faithful and discreet slave( real teachers on earth) here in these last days, and truth would become abundant( Dan 12:4) it has-- So he is with one denomination. The one that is different from the rest and no part of this world.

Maybe Jesus did promise to appoint teachers in the last days when he would come as a thief in the night but he would have to be here to do that and first reveal the truth to them.

Until that time the best your church or any other church could do is guess. Your guess that the earth will be destroyed and recreated literally or that Jesus appointed 144,000 Jehovah witnesses to teach in the last days (even though he hasn't appeared yet or taught them anything) isn't really any better than any other nonsensical prediction or unsubstantiated assertion made in the dark.

The test would be which church if any would recognize his voice from among all the noise and chaos created by the cacophony of false teaching from the legions of false teachers and false messiahs whenever he does show up..

The way I see it, so far, unbelievers and sinners are in the only church busy doing the work that Jesus commanded his followers to do, by rejecting all that is false, superstitious, or irrational in preference for a truth based experience of life that is in more perfect harmony with actual reality.


"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Jesus began his presence here at Rev 6--he receives his crown. This occurred in 1914-- Jesus comes in the flesh to earth at Har-mageddon. Most will not like it.

Before Jesus can reveal anything written inside or appoint anyone to teach anything, he breaks the seals placed on scripture,something that no one else in heaven or on earth could do..

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break the seals placed on scripture in full view of believers and unbelievers alike neither did he appoint anyone in 1914 to teach anything about what was hidden inside..

I bet you don't even know what the seals placed on scripture are much less what they conceal, so how could they have been already broken?

My teachers are correct, Rev 6 occurred in 1914--Michael battled satan and his angels and cast them out of heaven forever, to the earth. He came as a devouring lion, angry, knowing his time is short--ww1--millions slaughtered in hatred--After ww1--Millions upon millions died( other 3 riders) from the filth of slaughtering one another, diseases, starvation, etc.
One of the main points found there is--He receives his crown--Only Jesus is getting the crown, yet Michael got it.

Rev 6 is about the breaking of the seven seals placed on scripture that prevent everyone from looking inside.

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

These seven miracles are the seven seals placed on the scroll, which of course represents scripture, which prevent people from understanding what is written inside..

Your teachers are mistaken. The scroll is opened by the lamb. Maybe you are thinking about some other chapter?

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break any of the seals that were placed on scripture revealing what was written inside.

If he did, no one alive on earth today would believe any of those fake healers slapping people on the foreheads.

No one would still be looking up into the sky for him to return.....

99% of all religions claiming to be Christian--aren't. They do not have Jesus, thus remain in darkness of their twistings. The world hates Gods truth. They have rejected the revealed truths that are now abundant.
Jesus began his presence here at Rev 6--he receives his crown. This occurred in 1914-- Jesus comes in the flesh to earth at Har-mageddon. Most will not like it.

Before Jesus can reveal anything written inside or appoint anyone to teach anything, he breaks the seals placed on scripture,something that no one else in heaven or on earth could do..

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break the seals placed on scripture in full view of believers and unbelievers alike neither did he appoint anyone in 1914 to teach anything about what was hidden inside..

I bet you don't even know what the seals placed on scripture are much less what they conceal, so how could they have been already broken?

Who cares? The "scriptures" are the words of men, not of any god.

Who cares? lol... Who can say?

Those words written by whomever clearly have had a peculiar effect on human history to say the least, more so that any other collection of stories written by men. Wouldn't you agree?

For what its worth, those words clearly state that the marking of God's servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

Note this.

Soon, very soon, you will find out who cares...

The seperating of the sheep and goats occurs during the tribulation. By Jesus and his bride=The little flock( Luke 12:32)= 144,000

Jesus, most likely in a disturbing disguise, appears a second time to end the tribulation with the breath of his mouth, destroying the antichrist, the false counterfeit three in one edible mangod unleashed on the world in 325 c.e., ..according to scripture that is.

Think. If he is going to use his mouth to destroy the antichrist, he would have to be here on earth in the flesh to even have a mouth.

Just as the light from God divided the darkness on the first day of the creation of heaven and earth, the light that comes out the mouth of the lamb will divide the sheep from the goats creating a new heaven and a new earth.

At this late hour anyone who would want to turn back the clock to darker days reveals which side of the fence that they already are on...

Actually Rev teaches--Jesus rides the white horse( righteous war) at har-mageddon( end of trib) to this earth, leading Gods angelic armies to wipe the wicked and wickedness off of Gods earth and capture satan and his angels and abyss them for 1000 years. He brings Gods kingdom rule with him.( Dan 2:44)
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

Surely the whole point about the "End Times" is to scare the hell out of people (literally) and therefore we can't be at the End Times because then otherwise Christianity would serve no purpose.

Make no mistake about it, fear is a major motivational part of the Christian message, but it's not exclusive to Christianity, Fear is the primary motivation that drives all of the Abrahamic religions. Fear of judgment? Yes, but even more so, the fear of knowledge - the fear of truth! Because of fear, they don't dare question their own religions! That's because their own religions make it perfectly clear that to question what they have been taught is to potentially fall into the hands of satan, the deceiver.
Jesus began his presence here at Rev 6--he receives his crown. This occurred in 1914-- Jesus comes in the flesh to earth at Har-mageddon. Most will not like it.

Before Jesus can reveal anything written inside or appoint anyone to teach anything, he breaks the seals placed on scripture,something that no one else in heaven or on earth could do..

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break the seals placed on scripture in full view of believers and unbelievers alike neither did he appoint anyone in 1914 to teach anything about what was hidden inside..

I bet you don't even know what the seals placed on scripture are much less what they conceal, so how could they have been already broken?

My teachers are correct, Rev 6 occurred in 1914--Michael battled satan and his angels and cast them out of heaven forever, to the earth. He came as a devouring lion, angry, knowing his time is short--ww1--millions slaughtered in hatred--After ww1--Millions upon millions died( other 3 riders) from the filth of slaughtering one another, diseases, starvation, etc.
One of the main points found there is--He receives his crown--Only Jesus is getting the crown, yet Michael got it.

Rev 6 is about the breaking of the seven seals placed on scripture that prevent everyone from looking inside.

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

These seven miracles are the seven seals placed on the scroll, which of course represents scripture, which prevent people from understanding what is written inside..

Your teachers are mistaken. The scroll is opened by the lamb. Maybe you are thinking about some other chapter?

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break any of the seals that were placed on scripture revealing what was written inside.

If he did, no one alive on earth today would believe any of those fake healers slapping people on the foreheads.

No one would still be looking up into the sky for him to return.....

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

No, in John, there are many more than seven miracles, and, in John, they are not "miracles", they are "signs". In John 2:11, we read about his "first" sign. Then, in John 4:54 we read about his "second sign". The odd thing here is that between John 2:11 and John 4:54, we read this at John 2:23: "Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was doing" So we have the first sign in John 2:11 and the second sign in John:4:54, yet in between those two, we have "many signs". What gives? Well, that is a tell-tale sign of editing. The gospel of John was edited and revised several times between its first draft, and the final product, a process which likely took years. Whenever you see an obvious "seam" like this in the bible, you are seeing evidence of editorial intervention. It would be nice if the bible was as simple as evangelicals would like it to be, but it isn't. It is far more involved, and dare I say, even far more political. Believers just don't want to hear about that side of it.

I would say the Western religions are based a lot on fear, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. There are lots of made up things, like hell etc that are used just for that purpose.

99% of all religion on earth is false religion=Babylon the great. that includes 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

Surely the whole point about the "End Times" is to scare the hell out of people (literally) and therefore we can't be at the End Times because then otherwise Christianity would serve no purpose.

Make no mistake about it, fear is a major motivational part of the Christian message, but it's not exclusive to Christianity, Fear is the primary motivation that drives all of the Abrahamic religions. Fear of judgment? Yes, but even more so, the fear of knowledge - the fear of truth! Because of fear, they don't dare question their own religions! That's because their own religions make it perfectly clear that to question what they have been taught is to potentially fall into the hands of satan, the deceiver.
Before Jesus can reveal anything written inside or appoint anyone to teach anything, he breaks the seals placed on scripture,something that no one else in heaven or on earth could do..

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break the seals placed on scripture in full view of believers and unbelievers alike neither did he appoint anyone in 1914 to teach anything about what was hidden inside..

I bet you don't even know what the seals placed on scripture are much less what they conceal, so how could they have been already broken?

My teachers are correct, Rev 6 occurred in 1914--Michael battled satan and his angels and cast them out of heaven forever, to the earth. He came as a devouring lion, angry, knowing his time is short--ww1--millions slaughtered in hatred--After ww1--Millions upon millions died( other 3 riders) from the filth of slaughtering one another, diseases, starvation, etc.
One of the main points found there is--He receives his crown--Only Jesus is getting the crown, yet Michael got it.

Rev 6 is about the breaking of the seven seals placed on scripture that prevent everyone from looking inside.

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

These seven miracles are the seven seals placed on the scroll, which of course represents scripture, which prevent people from understanding what is written inside..

Your teachers are mistaken. The scroll is opened by the lamb. Maybe you are thinking about some other chapter?

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break any of the seals that were placed on scripture revealing what was written inside.

If he did, no one alive on earth today would believe any of those fake healers slapping people on the foreheads.

No one would still be looking up into the sky for him to return.....

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

No, in John, there are many more than seven miracles, and, in John, they are not "miracles", they are "signs". In John 2:11, we read about his "first" sign. Then, in John 4:54 we read about his "second sign". The odd thing here is that between John 2:11 and John 4:54, we read this at John 2:23: "Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was doing" So we have the first sign in John 2:11 and the second sign in John:4:54, yet in between those two, we have "many signs". What gives? Well, that is a tell-tale sign of editing. The gospel of John was edited and revised several times between its first draft, and the final product, a process which likely took years. Whenever you see an obvious "seam" like this in the bible, you are seeing evidence of editorial intervention. It would be nice if the bible was as simple as evangelicals would like it to be, but it isn't. It is far more involved, and dare I say, even far more political. Believers just don't want to hear about that side of it.

I would say the Western religions are based a lot on fear, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. There are lots of made up things, like hell etc that are used just for that purpose.

99% of all religion on earth is false religion=Babylon the great. that includes 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.

I'd go for 100%.
Before Jesus can reveal anything written inside or appoint anyone to teach anything, he breaks the seals placed on scripture,something that no one else in heaven or on earth could do..

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break the seals placed on scripture in full view of believers and unbelievers alike neither did he appoint anyone in 1914 to teach anything about what was hidden inside..

I bet you don't even know what the seals placed on scripture are much less what they conceal, so how could they have been already broken?

Who cares? The "scriptures" are the words of men, not of any god.

Who cares? lol... Who can say?

Those words written by whomever clearly have had a peculiar effect on human history to say the least, more so that any other collection of stories written by men. Wouldn't you agree?

For what its worth, those words clearly state that the marking of God's servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

Note this.

Soon, very soon, you will find out who cares...

The seperating of the sheep and goats occurs during the tribulation. By Jesus and his bride=The little flock( Luke 12:32)= 144,000

Jesus, most likely in a disturbing disguise, appears a second time to end the tribulation with the breath of his mouth, destroying the antichrist, the false counterfeit three in one edible mangod unleashed on the world in 325 c.e., ..according to scripture that is.

Think. If he is going to use his mouth to destroy the antichrist, he would have to be here on earth in the flesh to even have a mouth.

Just as the light from God divided the darkness on the first day of the creation of heaven and earth, the light that comes out the mouth of the lamb will divide the sheep from the goats creating a new heaven and a new earth.

At this late hour anyone who would want to turn back the clock to darker days reveals which side of the fence that they already are on...

Actually Rev teaches--Jesus rides the white horse( righteous war) at har-mageddon( end of trib) to this earth, leading Gods angelic armies to wipe the wicked and wickedness off of Gods earth and capture satan and his angels and abyss them for 1000 years. He brings Gods kingdom rule with him.( Dan 2:44)

"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war."

Heaven standing open shows that first the seals are broken revealing what was hidden inside then The Rider wages war with the sword that comes out of his mouth. And the armies of heaven follow him...

This war is a war of words.

"When he saw the hoards advancing to attack, he did not so much as lift a finger against them. He had no spear in his hand, no weapon at all; only, as I watched, he poured what seemed like a stream of fire out of his mouth, a breath of flame from his lips, and a storm of sparks from his tongue." 2 esdras 13;10
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"End Times" not necessarily the "end of the world" ......

We are approaching the end of the current world order .....and the beginning of the New World Order ....

Revelation 19 reveals the end of the reign of Satan on this earth, and
the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ (and the saved of this era) on this earth.

So when is this happening?

Well, on November 1st, Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal openly declared war on the Trump-Nationalist "sovereign" USA,
so I'm confident the end of "sovereign" nations and end of current world order is close at hand.
If "sovereign" USA still standing at end of the year, I'll be surprised.

The following has to do with a "when" .... that I look forward to: "when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard" Isaiah 59:19

I submit we are close to "enemy coming in like a flood"

I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

Surely the whole point about the "End Times" is to scare the hell out of people (literally) and therefore we can't be at the End Times because then otherwise Christianity would serve no purpose.

Make no mistake about it, fear is a major motivational part of the Christian message, but it's not exclusive to Christianity, Fear is the primary motivation that drives all of the Abrahamic religions. Fear of judgment? Yes, but even more so, the fear of knowledge - the fear of truth! Because of fear, they don't dare question their own religions! That's because their own religions make it perfectly clear that to question what they have been taught is to potentially fall into the hands of satan, the deceiver.
Before Jesus can reveal anything written inside or appoint anyone to teach anything, he breaks the seals placed on scripture,something that no one else in heaven or on earth could do..

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break the seals placed on scripture in full view of believers and unbelievers alike neither did he appoint anyone in 1914 to teach anything about what was hidden inside..

I bet you don't even know what the seals placed on scripture are much less what they conceal, so how could they have been already broken?

My teachers are correct, Rev 6 occurred in 1914--Michael battled satan and his angels and cast them out of heaven forever, to the earth. He came as a devouring lion, angry, knowing his time is short--ww1--millions slaughtered in hatred--After ww1--Millions upon millions died( other 3 riders) from the filth of slaughtering one another, diseases, starvation, etc.
One of the main points found there is--He receives his crown--Only Jesus is getting the crown, yet Michael got it.

Rev 6 is about the breaking of the seven seals placed on scripture that prevent everyone from looking inside.

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

These seven miracles are the seven seals placed on the scroll, which of course represents scripture, which prevent people from understanding what is written inside..

Your teachers are mistaken. The scroll is opened by the lamb. Maybe you are thinking about some other chapter?

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break any of the seals that were placed on scripture revealing what was written inside.

If he did, no one alive on earth today would believe any of those fake healers slapping people on the foreheads.

No one would still be looking up into the sky for him to return.....

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

No, in John, there are many more than seven miracles, and, in John, they are not "miracles", they are "signs". In John 2:11, we read about his "first" sign. Then, in John 4:54 we read about his "second sign". The odd thing here is that between John 2:11 and John 4:54, we read this at John 2:23: "Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was doing" So we have the first sign in John 2:11 and the second sign in John:4:54, yet in between those two, we have "many signs". What gives? Well, that is a tell-tale sign of editing. The gospel of John was edited and revised several times between its first draft, and the final product, a process which likely took years. Whenever you see an obvious "seam" like this in the bible, you are seeing evidence of editorial intervention. It would be nice if the bible was as simple as evangelicals would like it to be, but it isn't. It is far more involved, and dare I say, even far more political. Believers just don't want to hear about that side of it.

I would say the Western religions are based a lot on fear, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. There are lots of made up things, like hell etc that are used just for that purpose.

99% of all religion on earth is false religion=Babylon the great. that includes 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.

But of course, you're in the 1%, right? The arrogance is unbelievable.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

Surely the whole point about the "End Times" is to scare the hell out of people (literally) and therefore we can't be at the End Times because then otherwise Christianity would serve no purpose.

Make no mistake about it, fear is a major motivational part of the Christian message, but it's not exclusive to Christianity, Fear is the primary motivation that drives all of the Abrahamic religions. Fear of judgment? Yes, but even more so, the fear of knowledge - the fear of truth! Because of fear, they don't dare question their own religions! That's because their own religions make it perfectly clear that to question what they have been taught is to potentially fall into the hands of satan, the deceiver.
My teachers are correct, Rev 6 occurred in 1914--Michael battled satan and his angels and cast them out of heaven forever, to the earth. He came as a devouring lion, angry, knowing his time is short--ww1--millions slaughtered in hatred--After ww1--Millions upon millions died( other 3 riders) from the filth of slaughtering one another, diseases, starvation, etc.
One of the main points found there is--He receives his crown--Only Jesus is getting the crown, yet Michael got it.

Rev 6 is about the breaking of the seven seals placed on scripture that prevent everyone from looking inside.

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

These seven miracles are the seven seals placed on the scroll, which of course represents scripture, which prevent people from understanding what is written inside..

Your teachers are mistaken. The scroll is opened by the lamb. Maybe you are thinking about some other chapter?

Jesus did not appear in 1914 and break any of the seals that were placed on scripture revealing what was written inside.

If he did, no one alive on earth today would believe any of those fake healers slapping people on the foreheads.

No one would still be looking up into the sky for him to return.....

In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles.

No, in John, there are many more than seven miracles, and, in John, they are not "miracles", they are "signs". In John 2:11, we read about his "first" sign. Then, in John 4:54 we read about his "second sign". The odd thing here is that between John 2:11 and John 4:54, we read this at John 2:23: "Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, observing His signs which He was doing" So we have the first sign in John 2:11 and the second sign in John:4:54, yet in between those two, we have "many signs". What gives? Well, that is a tell-tale sign of editing. The gospel of John was edited and revised several times between its first draft, and the final product, a process which likely took years. Whenever you see an obvious "seam" like this in the bible, you are seeing evidence of editorial intervention. It would be nice if the bible was as simple as evangelicals would like it to be, but it isn't. It is far more involved, and dare I say, even far more political. Believers just don't want to hear about that side of it.

I would say the Western religions are based a lot on fear, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. There are lots of made up things, like hell etc that are used just for that purpose.

99% of all religion on earth is false religion=Babylon the great. that includes 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.

I'd go for 100%.

Those that do not know God or his son would. I know for sure, Jesus is with one religion on earth.

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