The End Times

Actually Rev teaches--Jesus rides the white horse( righteous war) at har-mageddon( end of trib) to this earth, leading Gods angelic armies to wipe the wicked and wickedness off of Gods earth and capture satan and his angels and abyss them for 1000 years. He brings Gods kingdom rule with him.( Dan 2:44)

"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war."

Heaven standing open shows that first the seals are broken revealing what was hidden inside then The Rider wages war with the sword that comes out of his mouth. And the armies of heaven follow him...

This war is a war of words.

"When he saw the hoards advancing to attack, he did not so much as lift a finger against them. He had no spear in his hand, no weapon at all; only, as I watched, he poured what seemed like a stream of fire out of his mouth, a breath of flame from his lips, and a storm of sparks from his tongue." 2 esdras 13;10

What is an Esdras-- Rev as well speaks of the slaughtered on the earth getting eaten by the birds and such. Even the kings--As Rev 16 points out---EVERY kingdom( govt,armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus when he comes. They are now as well.

lol, What is an Esdras? You really should round out your education.

Anyway, I highly doubt that it will be all that dramatic. When Jesus appeared the first time he was little more than an immoral drunken nuisance spouting hubris, an uncultured cultic magician leading people astray, or just another mentally ill false prophet in the eyes of the ruling authorities. If his second coming will be like a thief in the night he probably will make even less of a blip on the radar until after the fact.

Remember? Even when those who sleep in the dust of the earth are awakened, "The wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them shall understand."

While everyone who bears the mark of the beast is waiting for a warrior Jesus to come down from the sky to lead some supernatural military campaign against every nation of the world, he will, in a very mysterious manner and in a very disturbing disguise, tie up the big bad wolf, make off with all of his possessions , and disappear into the morning light before any of his drunken sentries even know what hit them.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Sounds pretty screwy. :cuckoo: lol...

Even so, by then what he came to do will be done....and no one will be able to undo it.

Remember what I said?

The marking of Gods servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

What kind sick thinking is this--unbiblical that is sure.
Actually if you can renew your mind you may understand what he/she is speaking about and the related verses.

I know the bible well. It does not teach what his post said.
Actually Rev teaches--Jesus rides the white horse( righteous war) at har-mageddon( end of trib) to this earth, leading Gods angelic armies to wipe the wicked and wickedness off of Gods earth and capture satan and his angels and abyss them for 1000 years. He brings Gods kingdom rule with him.( Dan 2:44)

"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war."

Heaven standing open shows that first the seals are broken revealing what was hidden inside then The Rider wages war with the sword that comes out of his mouth. And the armies of heaven follow him...

This war is a war of words.

"When he saw the hoards advancing to attack, he did not so much as lift a finger against them. He had no spear in his hand, no weapon at all; only, as I watched, he poured what seemed like a stream of fire out of his mouth, a breath of flame from his lips, and a storm of sparks from his tongue." 2 esdras 13;10

What is an Esdras-- Rev as well speaks of the slaughtered on the earth getting eaten by the birds and such. Even the kings--As Rev 16 points out---EVERY kingdom( govt,armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus when he comes. They are now as well.

lol, What is an Esdras? You really should round out your education.

Anyway, I highly doubt that it will be all that dramatic. When Jesus appeared the first time he was little more than an immoral drunken nuisance spouting hubris, an uncultured cultic magician leading people astray, or just another mentally ill false prophet in the eyes of the ruling authorities. If his second coming will be like a thief in the night he probably will make even less of a blip on the radar until after the fact.

Remember? Even when those who sleep in the dust of the earth are awakened, "The wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them shall understand."

While everyone who bears the mark of the beast is waiting for a warrior Jesus to come down from the sky to lead some supernatural military campaign against every nation of the world, he will, in a very mysterious manner and in a very disturbing disguise, tie up the big bad wolf, make off with all of his possessions , and disappear into the morning light before any of his drunken sentries even know what hit them.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Sounds pretty screwy. :cuckoo: lol...

Even so, by then what he came to do will be done....and no one will be able to undo it.

Remember what I said?

The marking of Gods servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

What kind sick thinking is this--unbiblical that is sure.
Actually if you can renew your mind you may understand what he/she is speaking about and the related verses.

Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

No, I am not given to fantasy. Sometimes its solely for the benefit of those standing around, watching.
"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war."

Heaven standing open shows that first the seals are broken revealing what was hidden inside then The Rider wages war with the sword that comes out of his mouth. And the armies of heaven follow him...

This war is a war of words.

"When he saw the hoards advancing to attack, he did not so much as lift a finger against them. He had no spear in his hand, no weapon at all; only, as I watched, he poured what seemed like a stream of fire out of his mouth, a breath of flame from his lips, and a storm of sparks from his tongue." 2 esdras 13;10

What is an Esdras-- Rev as well speaks of the slaughtered on the earth getting eaten by the birds and such. Even the kings--As Rev 16 points out---EVERY kingdom( govt,armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus when he comes. They are now as well.

lol, What is an Esdras? You really should round out your education.

Anyway, I highly doubt that it will be all that dramatic. When Jesus appeared the first time he was little more than an immoral drunken nuisance spouting hubris, an uncultured cultic magician leading people astray, or just another mentally ill false prophet in the eyes of the ruling authorities. If his second coming will be like a thief in the night he probably will make even less of a blip on the radar until after the fact.

Remember? Even when those who sleep in the dust of the earth are awakened, "The wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them shall understand."

While everyone who bears the mark of the beast is waiting for a warrior Jesus to come down from the sky to lead some supernatural military campaign against every nation of the world, he will, in a very mysterious manner and in a very disturbing disguise, tie up the big bad wolf, make off with all of his possessions , and disappear into the morning light before any of his drunken sentries even know what hit them.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Sounds pretty screwy. :cuckoo: lol...

Even so, by then what he came to do will be done....and no one will be able to undo it.

Remember what I said?

The marking of Gods servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

What kind sick thinking is this--unbiblical that is sure.
Actually if you can renew your mind you may understand what he/she is speaking about and the related verses.

I know the bible well. It does not teach what his post said.
He was giving you a short rundown in a manner of beliefs for those who think with a carnal mind...The lord chooses the foolish things. Babylonians believe in a sky god as do many Christians but Jesus tells us that the kingdom is within us so we have to search the spirit within ourselves at some point in time (examine ourselves). That self examination happens repeatedly throughout our lives as we grow in the spirit. I could continue on explaining what I see in hobilem's post but if you are not ready to hear it you just aren't.
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Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

No, I am not given to fantasy. Sometimes its solely for the benefit of those standing around, watching.
I have seen way too much in the spirit to not know that the spiritual realm is not real. Shocking to the carnal flesh at first but thankfully the process comes over time as we are prepared for what it is we are meant to learn during our time here in the carnal flesh.
The end tomes is here and it is a very slow process. A chronological year is much faster than a divine year, because of relativistic terms. Even the book of Romans points to this, when mentioning the groaning of the entire universe. People are tagged now more than ever before, and people ask for tagging or get no visas, get no food, get no survival. The book of revelations is also correct, in that once you get yourself tagged and "just do your job", your sins and crimes against God will be unfixable.
#146: Yes, you've pointed to the religious pathology that attempts to steal "divine" time and claim it for religion, when the signifier, "divine" is relative only to the signified: the signified being the person actually living that time. Atheists also enjoy a "divine time", though one not as tormented by the either/or, because the future is quite undecided and is not tempted into the once-and-for-all of the xian mental geometry.
Revelations is like the sexual fix in xianity: John of Patmos quilling frantically away into the night, whilst yonder on Lesbos, the girls are having a ball. John of Patmos. Now there was a worker!
Only a depraved mind would assume that the Bible is written as a sexual document.
#146: Yes, you've pointed to the religious pathology that attempts to steal "divine" time and claim it for religion, when the signifier, "divine" is relative only to the signified: the signified being the person actually living that time. Atheists also enjoy a "divine time", though one not as tormented by the either/or, because the future is quite undecided and is not tempted into the once-and-for-all of the xian mental geometry.

The future is not undecided, though does depend on the present and the past. Mathematically, the past can also be partially defined by the future. The Mazwell equations have wave solutions in negative time, going from future to past. Hehe.
I would say the Western religions are based a lot on fear, Judaism, Islam and Christianity. There are lots of made up things, like hell etc that are used just for that purpose.

99% of all religion on earth is false religion=Babylon the great. that includes 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.

I'd go for 100%.

Those that do not know God or his son would. I know for sure, Jesus is with one religion on earth.

Problem here is that when a Muslim says the same as you've said, but changes Jesus for Mohammed, you'd be like "fake news dude" or something like that. You believe one thing, say it exists, are totally sure of it, and then the exact same thing but a different religion and you're totally sure they're wrong. However had you been born in a Muslim country, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

That's how I know it's 100%
The names carry two totally different meanings and are not synonymous with one another. Jesus is 'Jehovah's salvation with us' added Christ in is 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us'. Mohammad is 'praiseworthy' derived from Arabic 'to praise'. If a person is born in a fully Muslim country they are not allowed to access or seek what the Bible says, they are limited to the Koran and hopes that their god will lead them.

Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

I'm not really sure what your point here is. My point was that people are often religious because of where they were brought up. They all think they're right, but had they been born somewhere else, they'd think something else is right.

You talk about being "spiritually dead" and yes, I probably am. However it probably means something different to me than to you.

For you it's just a reason to say I'm wrong without having to prove one ounce of evidence.

For me it's accepting that some people think differently. I worked with a guy who was "spiritual", no particularly religious, or not of any one religion, but he certainly saw things differently and was ridiculed by some for this. However he wasn't very good at the real world much. Not bad, not good.

I got the feeling his "spirituality" was a way of dealing with the real world. Some people drink, some people have sports, some people do drugs, some people have pets, some people have religion. Different ways of blocking out reality.
99% of all religion on earth is false religion=Babylon the great. that includes 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.

I'd go for 100%.

Those that do not know God or his son would. I know for sure, Jesus is with one religion on earth.

Problem here is that when a Muslim says the same as you've said, but changes Jesus for Mohammed, you'd be like "fake news dude" or something like that. You believe one thing, say it exists, are totally sure of it, and then the exact same thing but a different religion and you're totally sure they're wrong. However had you been born in a Muslim country, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

That's how I know it's 100%
The names carry two totally different meanings and are not synonymous with one another. Jesus is 'Jehovah's salvation with us' added Christ in is 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us'. Mohammad is 'praiseworthy' derived from Arabic 'to praise'. If a person is born in a fully Muslim country they are not allowed to access or seek what the Bible says, they are limited to the Koran and hopes that their god will lead them.

Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

I'm not really sure what your point here is. My point was that people are often religious because of where they were brought up. They all think they're right, but had they been born somewhere else, they'd think something else is right.

You talk about being "spiritually dead" and yes, I probably am. However it probably means something different to me than to you.

For you it's just a reason to say I'm wrong without having to prove one ounce of evidence.

For me it's accepting that some people think differently. I worked with a guy who was "spiritual", no particularly religious, or not of any one religion, but he certainly saw things differently and was ridiculed by some for this. However he wasn't very good at the real world much. Not bad, not good.

I got the feeling his "spirituality" was a way of dealing with the real world. Some people drink, some people have sports, some people do drugs, some people have pets, some people have religion. Different ways of blocking out reality.
All one can go by is what you reveal in your postings through your own words and what they feel in their own spirit when they read the words that you have written.

A lot of people who are spiritual seek yet have not been shown how to find what they seek or find relief in their spirit.
I'd go for 100%.

Those that do not know God or his son would. I know for sure, Jesus is with one religion on earth.

Problem here is that when a Muslim says the same as you've said, but changes Jesus for Mohammed, you'd be like "fake news dude" or something like that. You believe one thing, say it exists, are totally sure of it, and then the exact same thing but a different religion and you're totally sure they're wrong. However had you been born in a Muslim country, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

That's how I know it's 100%
The names carry two totally different meanings and are not synonymous with one another. Jesus is 'Jehovah's salvation with us' added Christ in is 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us'. Mohammad is 'praiseworthy' derived from Arabic 'to praise'. If a person is born in a fully Muslim country they are not allowed to access or seek what the Bible says, they are limited to the Koran and hopes that their god will lead them.

Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

I'm not really sure what your point here is. My point was that people are often religious because of where they were brought up. They all think they're right, but had they been born somewhere else, they'd think something else is right.

You talk about being "spiritually dead" and yes, I probably am. However it probably means something different to me than to you.

For you it's just a reason to say I'm wrong without having to prove one ounce of evidence.

For me it's accepting that some people think differently. I worked with a guy who was "spiritual", no particularly religious, or not of any one religion, but he certainly saw things differently and was ridiculed by some for this. However he wasn't very good at the real world much. Not bad, not good.

I got the feeling his "spirituality" was a way of dealing with the real world. Some people drink, some people have sports, some people do drugs, some people have pets, some people have religion. Different ways of blocking out reality.
All one can go by is what you reveal in your postings through your own words and what they feel in their own spirit when they read the words that you have written.

A lot of people who are spiritual seek yet have not been shown how to find what they seek or find relief in their spirit.

And a lot of people say they have found and probably haven't.

An ex of mine had a friend who thought god was talking to him and told him he'd pass all his exams, so he didn't study, guess what happened.
A lot of people who are spiritual seek yet have not been shown how to find what they seek or find relief in their spirit.

And a lot of people say they have found and probably haven't.

An ex of mine had a friend who thought god was talking to him and told him he'd pass all his exams, so he didn't study, guess what happened.
I have to agree with you a lot of people haven't found it but a purpose and reason for all things. It is a bit late and about my bed time so perhaps we can discuss things later.
"End Times" not necessarily the "end of the world" ......

We are approaching the end of the current world order .....and the beginning of the New World Order ....

Revelation 19 reveals the end of the reign of Satan on this earth, and
the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ (and the saved of this era) on this earth.

So when is this happening?

Well, on November 1st, Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal openly declared war on the Trump-Nationalist "sovereign" USA,
so I'm confident the end of "sovereign" nations and end of current world order is close at hand.
If "sovereign" USA still standing at end of the year, I'll be surprised.

The following has to do with a "when" .... that I look forward to: "when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard" Isaiah 59:19

I submit we are close to "enemy coming in like a flood"

So you have no clue. Got it.
Speculation leaves us clueless. Always. Theory after theory, with virtually every solar eclipse, every major natural disaster or economic depression, or every war or upheaval that alters the political landscape, the end is near. This is the year.

Futurists are little more than doomsday prophets. Not to insult or belittle, but that, fundamentally, is the pattern.

A critical study of Revelation as literature without such strict, wooden literalism, however, highlights parallels with the First Jewish War. As I mentioned in an earlier post, two significant parallels are the three and a half years that the Christians fled Jerusalem (the woman, i.e., bride of Christ), and the way that the Roman horsemen, from a distance, might be reminiscent of locusts.

With this approach in mind, other parallels become apparent. The 100-pound hailstones in 16:21, for example, can easily be construed as the 100-pound stones that the Jews rolled off a casement roof at Masada onto the Roman soldiers. Also, the beast of the earth (the home-grown beast as opposed to the beast of the sea, or the beast from abroad (Rome)), is a two-horned beast (chapter 13). Two factions (horns), essentially, comprised the opposition to Rome: the Zealots and the Idumeans. The Apostle Paul refers to the Zealots of Ephesus as beasts (1 Cor. 15:32) after they chase him out of a synagogue (Acts 19:9).

More parallels exist, of course; I'll not mention them all. Look for yourselves; they're quite apparent. And a vivid retelling of the Great Revolt, of course, does not detract from the prophecy, that the Kingdom, a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots (Luke 21:29-32), would blossom into a kingdom in the summertime, after the Last Days. And that is what Christianity did; it grew to prevail upon the world. It made the earth new.
What is an Esdras-- Rev as well speaks of the slaughtered on the earth getting eaten by the birds and such. Even the kings--As Rev 16 points out---EVERY kingdom( govt,armies, supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition to Jesus when he comes. They are now as well.

lol, What is an Esdras? You really should round out your education.

Anyway, I highly doubt that it will be all that dramatic. When Jesus appeared the first time he was little more than an immoral drunken nuisance spouting hubris, an uncultured cultic magician leading people astray, or just another mentally ill false prophet in the eyes of the ruling authorities. If his second coming will be like a thief in the night he probably will make even less of a blip on the radar until after the fact.

Remember? Even when those who sleep in the dust of the earth are awakened, "The wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them shall understand."

While everyone who bears the mark of the beast is waiting for a warrior Jesus to come down from the sky to lead some supernatural military campaign against every nation of the world, he will, in a very mysterious manner and in a very disturbing disguise, tie up the big bad wolf, make off with all of his possessions , and disappear into the morning light before any of his drunken sentries even know what hit them.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Sounds pretty screwy. :cuckoo: lol...

Even so, by then what he came to do will be done....and no one will be able to undo it.

Remember what I said?

The marking of Gods servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

What kind sick thinking is this--unbiblical that is sure.
Actually if you can renew your mind you may understand what he/she is speaking about and the related verses.

I know the bible well. It does not teach what his post said.
He was giving you a short rundown in a manner of beliefs for those who think with a carnal mind...The lord chooses the foolish things. Babylonians believe in a sky god as do many Christians but Jesus tells us that the kingdom is within us so we have to search the spirit within ourselves at some point in time (examine ourselves). That self examination happens repeatedly throughout our lives as we grow in the spirit. I could continue on explaining what I see in hobilem's post but if you are not ready to hear it you just aren't.

The bible teaches, Jesus will come to the earth at Har-mageddon, leading Gods armies. The ones who worship the image of the beast wont know whwn that will occur. Only those being taught by the real teachers of Jesus will see it coming when it does. Not to say others wont see it at that point--Ezekial is clear--They will have to know, I am Jehovah.
99% of all religion on earth is false religion=Babylon the great. that includes 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian.

I'd go for 100%.

Those that do not know God or his son would. I know for sure, Jesus is with one religion on earth.

Problem here is that when a Muslim says the same as you've said, but changes Jesus for Mohammed, you'd be like "fake news dude" or something like that. You believe one thing, say it exists, are totally sure of it, and then the exact same thing but a different religion and you're totally sure they're wrong. However had you been born in a Muslim country, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

That's how I know it's 100%
The names carry two totally different meanings and are not synonymous with one another. Jesus is 'Jehovah's salvation with us' added Christ in is 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us'. Mohammad is 'praiseworthy' derived from Arabic 'to praise'. If a person is born in a fully Muslim country they are not allowed to access or seek what the Bible says, they are limited to the Koran and hopes that their god will lead them.

Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

I'm not really sure what your point here is. My point was that people are often religious because of where they were brought up. They all think they're right, but had they been born somewhere else, they'd think something else is right.

You talk about being "spiritually dead" and yes, I probably am. However it probably means something different to me than to you.

For you it's just a reason to say I'm wrong without having to prove one ounce of evidence.

For me it's accepting that some people think differently. I worked with a guy who was "spiritual", no particularly religious, or not of any one religion, but he certainly saw things differently and was ridiculed by some for this. However he wasn't very good at the real world much. Not bad, not good.

I got the feeling his "spirituality" was a way of dealing with the real world. Some people drink, some people have sports, some people do drugs, some people have pets, some people have religion. Different ways of blocking out reality.

It was the same in the OT--One religion had God-Judaism--Others joined who weren't Jewish or Israelite. It works the same today. One religion--The door is open to all.
lol, What is an Esdras? You really should round out your education.

Anyway, I highly doubt that it will be all that dramatic. When Jesus appeared the first time he was little more than an immoral drunken nuisance spouting hubris, an uncultured cultic magician leading people astray, or just another mentally ill false prophet in the eyes of the ruling authorities. If his second coming will be like a thief in the night he probably will make even less of a blip on the radar until after the fact.

Remember? Even when those who sleep in the dust of the earth are awakened, "The wicked will continue in wickedness and none of them shall understand."

While everyone who bears the mark of the beast is waiting for a warrior Jesus to come down from the sky to lead some supernatural military campaign against every nation of the world, he will, in a very mysterious manner and in a very disturbing disguise, tie up the big bad wolf, make off with all of his possessions , and disappear into the morning light before any of his drunken sentries even know what hit them.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Sounds pretty screwy. :cuckoo: lol...

Even so, by then what he came to do will be done....and no one will be able to undo it.

Remember what I said?

The marking of Gods servants occurs between the breaking of the sixth and seventh seals, securing the faithful from destruction.

What kind sick thinking is this--unbiblical that is sure.
Actually if you can renew your mind you may understand what he/she is speaking about and the related verses.

I know the bible well. It does not teach what his post said.
He was giving you a short rundown in a manner of beliefs for those who think with a carnal mind...The lord chooses the foolish things. Babylonians believe in a sky god as do many Christians but Jesus tells us that the kingdom is within us so we have to search the spirit within ourselves at some point in time (examine ourselves). That self examination happens repeatedly throughout our lives as we grow in the spirit. I could continue on explaining what I see in hobilem's post but if you are not ready to hear it you just aren't.

The bible teaches, Jesus will come to the earth at Har-mageddon, leading Gods armies. The ones who worship the image of the beast wont know whwn that will occur. Only those being taught by the real teachers of Jesus will see it coming when it does. Not to say others wont see it at that point--Ezekial is clear--They will have to know, I am Jehovah.
Who is the beast?
Those that do not know God or his son would. I know for sure, Jesus is with one religion on earth.

Problem here is that when a Muslim says the same as you've said, but changes Jesus for Mohammed, you'd be like "fake news dude" or something like that. You believe one thing, say it exists, are totally sure of it, and then the exact same thing but a different religion and you're totally sure they're wrong. However had you been born in a Muslim country, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

That's how I know it's 100%
The names carry two totally different meanings and are not synonymous with one another. Jesus is 'Jehovah's salvation with us' added Christ in is 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us'. Mohammad is 'praiseworthy' derived from Arabic 'to praise'. If a person is born in a fully Muslim country they are not allowed to access or seek what the Bible says, they are limited to the Koran and hopes that their god will lead them.

Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

I'm not really sure what your point here is. My point was that people are often religious because of where they were brought up. They all think they're right, but had they been born somewhere else, they'd think something else is right.

You talk about being "spiritually dead" and yes, I probably am. However it probably means something different to me than to you.

For you it's just a reason to say I'm wrong without having to prove one ounce of evidence.

For me it's accepting that some people think differently. I worked with a guy who was "spiritual", no particularly religious, or not of any one religion, but he certainly saw things differently and was ridiculed by some for this. However he wasn't very good at the real world much. Not bad, not good.

I got the feeling his "spirituality" was a way of dealing with the real world. Some people drink, some people have sports, some people do drugs, some people have pets, some people have religion. Different ways of blocking out reality.
All one can go by is what you reveal in your postings through your own words and what they feel in their own spirit when they read the words that you have written.

A lot of people who are spiritual seek yet have not been shown how to find what they seek or find relief in their spirit.

And a lot of people say they have found and probably haven't.

An ex of mine had a friend who thought god was talking to him and told him he'd pass all his exams, so he didn't study, guess what happened.

Satan has 99% fooled--Like this-2Cor 11:12-15

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