The End Times

What kind sick thinking is this--unbiblical that is sure.
Actually if you can renew your mind you may understand what he/she is speaking about and the related verses.

I know the bible well. It does not teach what his post said.
He was giving you a short rundown in a manner of beliefs for those who think with a carnal mind...The lord chooses the foolish things. Babylonians believe in a sky god as do many Christians but Jesus tells us that the kingdom is within us so we have to search the spirit within ourselves at some point in time (examine ourselves). That self examination happens repeatedly throughout our lives as we grow in the spirit. I could continue on explaining what I see in hobilem's post but if you are not ready to hear it you just aren't.

The bible teaches, Jesus will come to the earth at Har-mageddon, leading Gods armies. The ones who worship the image of the beast wont know whwn that will occur. Only those being taught by the real teachers of Jesus will see it coming when it does. Not to say others wont see it at that point--Ezekial is clear--They will have to know, I am Jehovah.
Who is the beast?

Which one--there are 2 listed at Rev 13--Did you read it--cant you see it occurring for years now?
Actually if you can renew your mind you may understand what he/she is speaking about and the related verses.

I know the bible well. It does not teach what his post said.
He was giving you a short rundown in a manner of beliefs for those who think with a carnal mind...The lord chooses the foolish things. Babylonians believe in a sky god as do many Christians but Jesus tells us that the kingdom is within us so we have to search the spirit within ourselves at some point in time (examine ourselves). That self examination happens repeatedly throughout our lives as we grow in the spirit. I could continue on explaining what I see in hobilem's post but if you are not ready to hear it you just aren't.

The bible teaches, Jesus will come to the earth at Har-mageddon, leading Gods armies. The ones who worship the image of the beast wont know whwn that will occur. Only those being taught by the real teachers of Jesus will see it coming when it does. Not to say others wont see it at that point--Ezekial is clear--They will have to know, I am Jehovah.
Who is the beast?

Which one--there are 2 listed at Rev 13--Did you read it--cant you see it occurring for years now?
I was hoping you could shed some light on describing exactly who the beasts are for people can understand it? Is it a carnal manifestation or a spiritual thing that we should be looking for? Or could it possibly happen in both realms and also in each individual person's lives?
I know the bible well. It does not teach what his post said.
He was giving you a short rundown in a manner of beliefs for those who think with a carnal mind...The lord chooses the foolish things. Babylonians believe in a sky god as do many Christians but Jesus tells us that the kingdom is within us so we have to search the spirit within ourselves at some point in time (examine ourselves). That self examination happens repeatedly throughout our lives as we grow in the spirit. I could continue on explaining what I see in hobilem's post but if you are not ready to hear it you just aren't.

The bible teaches, Jesus will come to the earth at Har-mageddon, leading Gods armies. The ones who worship the image of the beast wont know whwn that will occur. Only those being taught by the real teachers of Jesus will see it coming when it does. Not to say others wont see it at that point--Ezekial is clear--They will have to know, I am Jehovah.
Who is the beast?

Which one--there are 2 listed at Rev 13--Did you read it--cant you see it occurring for years now?
I was hoping you could shed some light on describing exactly who the beasts are for people can understand it? Is it a carnal manifestation or a spiritual thing that we should be looking for? Or could it possibly happen in both realms and also in each individual person's lives?

Some keys are in Daniel-- Horn = kingdom-- 10 horns--a place where kingdoms gather. 2 horn-- 2 kingdoms working together to exercise all authority of the 7 headed beast with 10 horns. It has been happening for awhile-- 7 heads = the 7 world powers of all time--4 are listed in Daniel--the roman empire-- the british empire-- the 2 horned beast. But yet in a sense the 7 headed beast with 10 horns is an 8th king in itself. The bible teaches in Daniel or Rev--Its the middle east where it occurs( excercising the authority) they go after--the hidden gold it says.
He was giving you a short rundown in a manner of beliefs for those who think with a carnal mind...The lord chooses the foolish things. Babylonians believe in a sky god as do many Christians but Jesus tells us that the kingdom is within us so we have to search the spirit within ourselves at some point in time (examine ourselves). That self examination happens repeatedly throughout our lives as we grow in the spirit. I could continue on explaining what I see in hobilem's post but if you are not ready to hear it you just aren't.

The bible teaches, Jesus will come to the earth at Har-mageddon, leading Gods armies. The ones who worship the image of the beast wont know whwn that will occur. Only those being taught by the real teachers of Jesus will see it coming when it does. Not to say others wont see it at that point--Ezekial is clear--They will have to know, I am Jehovah.
Who is the beast?

Which one--there are 2 listed at Rev 13--Did you read it--cant you see it occurring for years now?
I was hoping you could shed some light on describing exactly who the beasts are for people can understand it? Is it a carnal manifestation or a spiritual thing that we should be looking for? Or could it possibly happen in both realms and also in each individual person's lives?

Some keys are in Daniel-- Horn = kingdom-- 10 horns--a place where kingdoms gather. 2 horn-- 2 kingdoms working together to exercise all authority of the 7 headed beast with 10 horns. It has been happening for awhile-- 7 heads = the 7 world powers of all time--4 are listed in Daniel--the roman empire-- the british empire-- the 2 horned beast. But yet in a sense the 7 headed beast with 10 horns is an 8th king in itself. The bible teaches in Daniel or Rev--Its the middle east where it occurs( excercising the authority) they go after--the hidden gold it says.

What do you make of Daniel 11 25-28, a verse that Jesus related himself to, " Those who eat at his board will be his undoing" which is in reference to a contemptible creature , a master of stratagem, ascending the throne of the kingdom?
I'd go for 100%.

Those that do not know God or his son would. I know for sure, Jesus is with one religion on earth.

Problem here is that when a Muslim says the same as you've said, but changes Jesus for Mohammed, you'd be like "fake news dude" or something like that. You believe one thing, say it exists, are totally sure of it, and then the exact same thing but a different religion and you're totally sure they're wrong. However had you been born in a Muslim country, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

That's how I know it's 100%
The names carry two totally different meanings and are not synonymous with one another. Jesus is 'Jehovah's salvation with us' added Christ in is 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us'. Mohammad is 'praiseworthy' derived from Arabic 'to praise'. If a person is born in a fully Muslim country they are not allowed to access or seek what the Bible says, they are limited to the Koran and hopes that their god will lead them.

Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

I'm not really sure what your point here is. My point was that people are often religious because of where they were brought up. They all think they're right, but had they been born somewhere else, they'd think something else is right.

You talk about being "spiritually dead" and yes, I probably am. However it probably means something different to me than to you.

For you it's just a reason to say I'm wrong without having to prove one ounce of evidence.

For me it's accepting that some people think differently. I worked with a guy who was "spiritual", no particularly religious, or not of any one religion, but he certainly saw things differently and was ridiculed by some for this. However he wasn't very good at the real world much. Not bad, not good.

I got the feeling his "spirituality" was a way of dealing with the real world. Some people drink, some people have sports, some people do drugs, some people have pets, some people have religion. Different ways of blocking out reality.

It was the same in the OT--One religion had God-Judaism--Others joined who weren't Jewish or Israelite. It works the same today. One religion--The door is open to all.

I'm not really sure I quite understand what you mean.
Problem here is that when a Muslim says the same as you've said, but changes Jesus for Mohammed, you'd be like "fake news dude" or something like that. You believe one thing, say it exists, are totally sure of it, and then the exact same thing but a different religion and you're totally sure they're wrong. However had you been born in a Muslim country, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

That's how I know it's 100%
The names carry two totally different meanings and are not synonymous with one another. Jesus is 'Jehovah's salvation with us' added Christ in is 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us'. Mohammad is 'praiseworthy' derived from Arabic 'to praise'. If a person is born in a fully Muslim country they are not allowed to access or seek what the Bible says, they are limited to the Koran and hopes that their god will lead them.

Anyway, fairy tale if you will, If Jesus did open the eyes of the blind to see, in this way, what do you think that they saw?
You expect someone who is in grave (spiritually dead) with no spiritual eyes or ears (spiritual senses or awareness) to seriously answer that question?

I'm not really sure what your point here is. My point was that people are often religious because of where they were brought up. They all think they're right, but had they been born somewhere else, they'd think something else is right.

You talk about being "spiritually dead" and yes, I probably am. However it probably means something different to me than to you.

For you it's just a reason to say I'm wrong without having to prove one ounce of evidence.

For me it's accepting that some people think differently. I worked with a guy who was "spiritual", no particularly religious, or not of any one religion, but he certainly saw things differently and was ridiculed by some for this. However he wasn't very good at the real world much. Not bad, not good.

I got the feeling his "spirituality" was a way of dealing with the real world. Some people drink, some people have sports, some people do drugs, some people have pets, some people have religion. Different ways of blocking out reality.
All one can go by is what you reveal in your postings through your own words and what they feel in their own spirit when they read the words that you have written.

A lot of people who are spiritual seek yet have not been shown how to find what they seek or find relief in their spirit.

And a lot of people say they have found and probably haven't.

An ex of mine had a friend who thought god was talking to him and told him he'd pass all his exams, so he didn't study, guess what happened.

Satan has 99% fooled--Like this-2Cor 11:12-15

How convenient.

However if you don't "believe" then what you've said is me saying that Snape had everyone fooled in Harry Potter, therefore Harry Potter must be true.
"End Times" not necessarily the "end of the world" ......

We are approaching the end of the current world order .....and the beginning of the New World Order ....

Revelation 19 reveals the end of the reign of Satan on this earth, and
the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ (and the saved of this era) on this earth.

So when is this happening?

Well, on November 1st, Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal openly declared war on the Trump-Nationalist "sovereign" USA,
so I'm confident the end of "sovereign" nations and end of current world order is close at hand.
If "sovereign" USA still standing at end of the year, I'll be surprised.

The following has to do with a "when" .... that I look forward to: "when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard" Isaiah 59:19

I submit we are close to "enemy coming in like a flood"

So you have no clue. Got it.
I and many have a clue .... " "when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard" Isaiah 59:19?

It's just currently over your head.
Who is the beast?

The following verses are singled out of the Revelation to make this point: The beast is a Satan powered king [therefore a man], who has had a terrible head wound, has disappeared, and will publicly reappear, and amaze the world.

Revelation chapter 13

13v1'....I saw a beast coming out of the sea...'

13v2'. ...dragon gave him his power...'

13V3'... .and I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.....'

13v7'....authority over every tribe and people. ....... was given him....

13V12'...and he [beast from earth] makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life....'

Revelation chapter 17

17v3'. ..and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having 7 heads and 10 horns.....'

17v8'....the beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast

that he WAS and IS NOT and WILL COME ....'

17v11'...and the beast that was and is not, is himself also an eighth [king] and is one of the seven...'

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment, I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,

Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.

Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?

I predict/prophecy in Jesus name that John F. Kennedy will publicly reappear, amaze the world, take world power, and is in fact the beast of the Revelation.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of Jesus Christ the living Lord & Savior.


Note there are two beasts of Revelation 13.

One from the sea.The other from the land. One is a Gentile. The other is a Jew.

English is the world's single most widespread language:

A= 1 x 6 = 6, B = 2 x 6 = 12, C = 3 x 6 = 18, D = 4 x 6 = 24, E = 5 x 6 = 30, etc.

K= 66

I= 54

S= 114

S= 114

I = 54

N= 84

G= 42

E= 30

R= 108

+ 666

Kissinger's name equates to '666' by a simple formula.

Kissinger is Jewish

Kissinger is Papal adviser and premier "world statesman'

Kissinger documented evil NWOrder leader

So: Re- Vatican, JFK, and KISSINGER

The question becomes-

Would Jesus Christ allow such literal fulfillment to occur coincidentally?

I say NO, Jesus would not.

Therefore I am COMPELLED to believe that it is prophecy fulfillment in progress.

The confirmation of my contention will be the public and literal reappearance of JFK who will take world power with Kissinger at his side.

I urge anyone to personally study and heed the entire Revelation.

Early in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, God promises to bless anyone who reads or hears the Revelation and heeds it.

'...for the time is near'...'

'....and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast...'

wait and see....

Call on Jesus Read and HEED His Revelation!

The Lord once said, 'Surely, just as I have intended, so it has happened, and just as I have planned, so it will stand......'

Isaiah 14:24


JFK: Sexual sociopath and political faker
Who is the beast?

The following verses are singled out of the Revelation to make this point: The beast is a Satan powered king [therefore a man], who has had a terrible head wound, has disappeared, and will publicly reappear, and amaze the world.

Revelation chapter 13

13v1'....I saw a beast coming out of the sea...'

13v2'. ...dragon gave him his power...'

13V3'... .and I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.....'

13v7'....authority over every tribe and people. ....... was given him....

13V12'...and he [beast from earth] makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life....'

Revelation chapter 17

17v3'. ..and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having 7 heads and 10 horns.....'

17v8'....the beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast

that he WAS and IS NOT and WILL COME ....'

17v11'...and the beast that was and is not, is himself also an eighth [king] and is one of the seven...'

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment, I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,

Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.

Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?

I predict/prophecy in Jesus name that John F. Kennedy will publicly reappear, amaze the world, take world power, and is in fact the beast of the Revelation.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of Jesus Christ the living Lord & Savior.


Note there are two beasts of Revelation 13.

One from the sea.The other from the land. One is a Gentile. The other is a Jew.

English is the world's single most widespread language:

A= 1 x 6 = 6, B = 2 x 6 = 12, C = 3 x 6 = 18, D = 4 x 6 = 24, E = 5 x 6 = 30, etc.

K= 66

I= 54

S= 114

S= 114

I = 54

N= 84

G= 42

E= 30

R= 108

+ 666

Kissinger's name equates to '666' by a simple formula.

Kissinger is Jewish

Kissinger is Papal adviser and premier "world statesman'

Kissinger documented evil NWOrder leader

So: Re- Vatican, JFK, and KISSINGER

The question becomes-

Would Jesus Christ allow such literal fulfillment to occur coincidentally?

I say NO, Jesus would not.

Therefore I am COMPELLED to believe that it is prophecy fulfillment in progress.

The confirmation of my contention will be the public and literal reappearance of JFK who will take world power with Kissinger at his side.

I urge anyone to personally study and heed the entire Revelation.

Early in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, God promises to bless anyone who reads or hears the Revelation and heeds it.

'...for the time is near'...'

'....and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast...'

wait and see....

Call on Jesus Read and HEED His Revelation!

The Lord once said, 'Surely, just as I have intended, so it has happened, and just as I have planned, so it will stand......'

Isaiah 14:24


JFK: Sexual sociopath and political faker
I predict/prophecy in Jesus name that John F. Kennedy will publicly reappear, amaze the world, take world power, and is in fact the beast of the Revelation.

Please Heavenly Father, let it be that obvious,
in Jesus' name
JFK being the supreme Beast is obvious
Just as Vatican being the Great Whore is obvious.
Just as Jesus being the Messiah is obvious

Obvious to those who acquire some knowledge of JFK and knowledge of the Revelation description and connect the dots.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?
This kind of doom and gloom has been predicted for 2000 years.
Revelation and Hebrews are both discredited books.

Most of Jesus' predictions in Matt, Mark, Luke and John seem to be about the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans. Nothing more.

Jesus also says that no one not even he himself knows when the end will come, only his Father-God who lives in Heaven. So why not give it a rest then.

Don't you believe Jesus ??
The Revelation and rest of NT is confirmed more every day. Course, now as then, there are many who choose to be (or pretend to be) blind.

Habakkuk 1:5
Look among the nations, and watch— wonder and be amazed! For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe, though it were told you.
Dangle! All the speculation has left my mind at a loss for words because the simplicity of being anointed with the salvation of Jehovah went wild like an out of control beast on steroids.

Chi X Stigma = 666 If anyone can tell me what that is actually referring to I may take some of y'all's speculations seriously.

edit: P.S. And actually know what they are talking about.
Last edited:
"End Times" not necessarily the "end of the world" ......

We are approaching the end of the current world order .....and the beginning of the New World Order ....

Revelation 19 reveals the end of the reign of Satan on this earth, and
the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ (and the saved of this era) on this earth.

So when is this happening?

Well, on November 1st, Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal openly declared war on the Trump-Nationalist "sovereign" USA,
so I'm confident the end of "sovereign" nations and end of current world order is close at hand.
If "sovereign" USA still standing at end of the year, I'll be surprised.

The following has to do with a "when" .... that I look forward to: "when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard" Isaiah 59:19

I submit we are close to "enemy coming in like a flood"

So you have no clue. Got it.
I and many have a clue .... " "when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard" Isaiah 59:19?

It's just currently over your head.
So when is that exactly? Give me a date.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?
This kind of doom and gloom has been predicted for 2000 years.
Yes, indeed. To be sure, though, this OP is not about any prediction of doom and gloom. It's about the doom and gloom of the past. "These last days," as the writer of Hebrews wrote during the Jewish Wars (1:2).
Revelation and Hebrews are both discredited books.

Most of Jesus' predictions in Matt, Mark, Luke and John seem to be about the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans. Nothing more.

Jesus also says that no one not even he himself knows when the end will come, only his Father-God who lives in Heaven. So why not give it a rest then.

Don't you believe Jesus ??
The fall of Jerusalem, yes. That's exactly what Jesus was saying. And not just the fall of Jerusalem but of the nation.

And I'm not sure that he says that no one will know when the end comes. He says no one will know when he comes. And he was right. He also said that no one would observe the coming of his kingdom. He was right again.

Some have claimed that the building in which he held the last supper (I can't think of the name of it) was where the Church started (mostly Catholics and a few others). Some have said that Pentecost was where the Church started. Some have claimed that it started in Antioch. The Bible doesn't exactly verify any of these. And of course, long before these, congregations were forming and gathering in people's homes.

Nobody saw the Kingdom coming.

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