The End Times

China? Russia? The USA? lol.. When did the truth become a guess?

No. Its not about a new king in any government. " King is your word, my task is to bear witness to the truth."

Scripture identifies Jesus as the contemptible creature who was never given the honor of royalty, a master of stratagem, who would ascend the throne during times of intrigue..

Remember? "those who eat at his board will be his undoing."

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never never been told, and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

The bible teaches a new king of the north will rise during these last days. There was to be a ;pushing between the first king of the north and king of the south=The cold war. Russia divided since then, a new king of the north pops up?
The last days have been going on for thousands of years. The "end times" are the end of the seasons or you could even say a point in time when all things of the spirit are planted and the faithful take rest in the lord's spirit (by faith we take rest in our spirit knowing no matter what God is in control or you could say peace of mind for our soul). First let's look at who is the king (spiritually speaking) over all of the kings of the earth and then perhaps we can see what the king of the north is talking about. Who rules the hearts and minds of men? Then ask which men or how are we defining men at this point as that would leave out women (a strict division of male and female humans not both being created in the image of God?). Would not the men be speaking about those ancient hosts that God created to do his will? Could the last days for a believer be speaking about the days that the lord's spirit in us is bringing us to a place in the spirit where we can become overcomers of the carnal world that dwells or rules in our own minds? After all that is was Jesus did when his time was done and he said "It is finished". He allowed his flesh to be crucified in order to overcome it as an ensample for those who would follow him into the everlasting to be as the angels.

King of the North you could also say are things kept from view of a carnal mind while the propaganda of Babel rules the carnally minded human. Hidden treasures.....lurking in the background while one (human with the living soul) is still sleeping or traversing the wilderness.

Russia...I hear is boiling up to depart (spiritually speaking) and Christian churches are popping up all over over there.

Israel is the northern kingdom, Judah the southern kingdom. The kingdom of the north was comprised of the ten "lost ' tribes. Jesus was sent to retrieve the lost sheep of the house of Israel, That makes him the king of the northern kingdom.... or rather, the Messiah of the lost tribes of the northern kingdom.

The contemptible creature, the king of the north, who was not given the honor of royalty is defeated by the southern kingdom and withdraws to his homeland ( in the sky). He then returns after a time to wreak havoc on many at a time when they least expect it. All of that including the fact that scripture associates this contemptible creature with Jesus by citing the prophecy, "those who eat at his board will be his undoing, shows that kjw47 doesn't know what he is talking about inciting fear about some imaginary world war with russia and china.

Funny as hell that a guy who professes to belong to the only true church says that the kingdom of the north represents Russia and the contemptible king of the north that he fears is the antichrist is identified by scripture as Jesus.

How sad it must be to live in such deplorable thoughts about Gods son.

I never said there will be a war between Russia and china--Stop making bull up.

What country did you say represents the northern kingdom if not Israel?? Russia. lol...

Who is the contemptible creature that was denied the honor of royalty? The gospels point to Jesus. "Those who eat at his board will be his undoing" Is that a deplorable thought? lol...

You think he was or is loved and accepted by anyone? How does that fit in with the prophecy of the suffering servant? You profess to love and believe in Jesus but when his teaching is revealed you don't believe and then reject the revelation as contemptible. lol....

Why do the churches still celebrate his death? To proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.

Why until then? Because when he comes he comes to destroy the antichrist, the false substitute counterfeit Jesus that is the only Jesus anyone alive today has ever known. Pretentious holy rollers who have made a living lying in the name of the Lord promoting a belief in a three in one edible mangod might find that contemptible too.." "And kings curl their lips in disgust. for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

When Jesus spoke of the time when the Jews will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled , what do you think he meant?

The reason they are called--king is because they are the most powerful on earth.
Israel has been cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39) for over 1900 years they outright refuse to do verse 39. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen.
At the last supper Jesus said--keep on doing this in remembrance of me.( only members of the little flock attended the last supper_(Luke 12:32)--the anointed--these are the bride of Christ=144,000 Rev 14:3--the only ones bought from the earth to heaven.
The king of the north and king of the south are govts of men. Usa--Russia,--But it says a new king of the North will arise? Terrorism?, Russia standing back up? China?
It said there would be a pushing= cold war vs Usa-Russia. Russia split up after that.

China? Russia? The USA? lol.. When did the truth become a guess?

No. Its not about a new king in any government. " King is your word, my task is to bear witness to the truth."

Scripture identifies Jesus as the contemptible creature who was never given the honor of royalty, a master of stratagem, who would ascend the throne during times of intrigue..

Remember? "those who eat at his board will be his undoing."

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never never been told, and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

The bible teaches a new king of the north will rise during these last days. There was to be a ;pushing between the first king of the north and king of the south=The cold war. Russia divided since then, a new king of the north pops up?
The last days have been going on for thousands of years. The "end times" are the end of the seasons or you could even say a point in time when all things of the spirit are planted and the faithful take rest in the lord's spirit (by faith we take rest in our spirit knowing no matter what God is in control or you could say peace of mind for our soul). First let's look at who is the king (spiritually speaking) over all of the kings of the earth and then perhaps we can see what the king of the north is talking about. Who rules the hearts and minds of men? Then ask which men or how are we defining men at this point as that would leave out women (a strict division of male and female humans not both being created in the image of God?). Would not the men be speaking about those ancient hosts that God created to do his will? Could the last days for a believer be speaking about the days that the lord's spirit in us is bringing us to a place in the spirit where we can become overcomers of the carnal world that dwells or rules in our own minds? After all that is was Jesus did when his time was done and he said "It is finished". He allowed his flesh to be crucified in order to overcome it as an ensample for those who would follow him into the everlasting to be as the angels.

King of the North you could also say are things kept from view of a carnal mind while the propaganda of Babel rules the carnally minded human. Hidden treasures.....lurking in the background while one (human with the living soul) is still sleeping or traversing the wilderness.

Russia...I hear is boiling up to depart (spiritually speaking) and Christian churches are popping up all over over there.

You are mistaken. Putin banned the only Christian religion that was over there. Religions belonging to a divided house( 33,000 trinity based religions) that will not stand( Mark 3:24-26) popping up over there.

Both male and female are created in Gods image= the ability to LOVE and REASON( is Gods image)
Banned "the only Christian religion"? I am curious, do you witness to your own precepts or those given and even written in time from the spirit of the lord?

Jesus said--the world will hate you if you follow me. One religion does.
The bible teaches a new king of the north will rise during these last days. There was to be a ;pushing between the first king of the north and king of the south=The cold war. Russia divided since then, a new king of the north pops up?
The last days have been going on for thousands of years. The "end times" are the end of the seasons or you could even say a point in time when all things of the spirit are planted and the faithful take rest in the lord's spirit (by faith we take rest in our spirit knowing no matter what God is in control or you could say peace of mind for our soul). First let's look at who is the king (spiritually speaking) over all of the kings of the earth and then perhaps we can see what the king of the north is talking about. Who rules the hearts and minds of men? Then ask which men or how are we defining men at this point as that would leave out women (a strict division of male and female humans not both being created in the image of God?). Would not the men be speaking about those ancient hosts that God created to do his will? Could the last days for a believer be speaking about the days that the lord's spirit in us is bringing us to a place in the spirit where we can become overcomers of the carnal world that dwells or rules in our own minds? After all that is was Jesus did when his time was done and he said "It is finished". He allowed his flesh to be crucified in order to overcome it as an ensample for those who would follow him into the everlasting to be as the angels.

King of the North you could also say are things kept from view of a carnal mind while the propaganda of Babel rules the carnally minded human. Hidden treasures.....lurking in the background while one (human with the living soul) is still sleeping or traversing the wilderness.

Russia...I hear is boiling up to depart (spiritually speaking) and Christian churches are popping up all over over there.

Israel is the northern kingdom, Judah the southern kingdom. The kingdom of the north was comprised of the ten "lost ' tribes. Jesus was sent to retrieve the lost sheep of the house of Israel, That makes him the king of the northern kingdom.... or rather, the Messiah of the lost tribes of the northern kingdom.

The contemptible creature, the king of the north, who was not given the honor of royalty is defeated by the southern kingdom and withdraws to his homeland ( in the sky). He then returns after a time to wreak havoc on many at a time when they least expect it. All of that including the fact that scripture associates this contemptible creature with Jesus by citing the prophecy, "those who eat at his board will be his undoing, shows that kjw47 doesn't know what he is talking about inciting fear about some imaginary world war with russia and china.

Funny as hell that a guy who professes to belong to the only true church says that the kingdom of the north represents Russia and the contemptible king of the north that he fears is the antichrist is identified by scripture as Jesus.

How sad it must be to live in such deplorable thoughts about Gods son.

I never said there will be a war between Russia and china--Stop making bull up.

What country did you say represents the northern kingdom if not Israel?? Russia. lol...

Who is the contemptible creature that was denied the honor of royalty? The gospels point to Jesus. "Those who eat at his board will be his undoing" Is that a deplorable thought? lol...

You think he was or is loved and accepted by anyone? How does that fit in with the prophecy of the suffering servant? You profess to love and believe in Jesus but when his teaching is revealed you don't believe and then reject the revelation as contemptible. lol....

Why do the churches still celebrate his death? To proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.

Why until then? Because when he comes he comes to destroy the antichrist, the false substitute counterfeit Jesus that is the only Jesus anyone alive today has ever known. Pretentious holy rollers who have made a living lying in the name of the Lord promoting a belief in a three in one edible mangod might find that contemptible too.." "And kings curl their lips in disgust. for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

When Jesus spoke of the time when the Jews will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled , what do you think he meant?
Why don't you believe in the Holy Trinity? In the book of Genesis, God said let US make man in OUR own image. Who do you think He was talking to? The Bible also states that everything was made by Him (JESUS) and for Him. And without Him was not anything made that was made. Jesus claimed to be equal with God. He proved this by living a sinless life, and then offering that life as payment for our sins. He further proved it by rising from the dead. Hundreds of people saw him after he rose again, and the disciples watched as he ascended into Heaven. Those same disciples also suffered imprisonment, torture and death rather than deny a risen Christ. Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. Believe it.

Let us ( YHVH(Jehovah) and his master worker( prov 8) make man in our image.
China? Russia? The USA? lol.. When did the truth become a guess?

No. Its not about a new king in any government. " King is your word, my task is to bear witness to the truth."

Scripture identifies Jesus as the contemptible creature who was never given the honor of royalty, a master of stratagem, who would ascend the throne during times of intrigue..

Remember? "those who eat at his board will be his undoing."

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust. For they see what they had never never been told, and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

The bible teaches a new king of the north will rise during these last days. There was to be a ;pushing between the first king of the north and king of the south=The cold war. Russia divided since then, a new king of the north pops up?
The last days have been going on for thousands of years. The "end times" are the end of the seasons or you could even say a point in time when all things of the spirit are planted and the faithful take rest in the lord's spirit (by faith we take rest in our spirit knowing no matter what God is in control or you could say peace of mind for our soul). First let's look at who is the king (spiritually speaking) over all of the kings of the earth and then perhaps we can see what the king of the north is talking about. Who rules the hearts and minds of men? Then ask which men or how are we defining men at this point as that would leave out women (a strict division of male and female humans not both being created in the image of God?). Would not the men be speaking about those ancient hosts that God created to do his will? Could the last days for a believer be speaking about the days that the lord's spirit in us is bringing us to a place in the spirit where we can become overcomers of the carnal world that dwells or rules in our own minds? After all that is was Jesus did when his time was done and he said "It is finished". He allowed his flesh to be crucified in order to overcome it as an ensample for those who would follow him into the everlasting to be as the angels.

King of the North you could also say are things kept from view of a carnal mind while the propaganda of Babel rules the carnally minded human. Hidden treasures.....lurking in the background while one (human with the living soul) is still sleeping or traversing the wilderness.

Russia...I hear is boiling up to depart (spiritually speaking) and Christian churches are popping up all over over there.

You are mistaken. Putin banned the only Christian religion that was over there. Religions belonging to a divided house( 33,000 trinity based religions) that will not stand( Mark 3:24-26) popping up over there.

Both male and female are created in Gods image= the ability to LOVE and REASON( is Gods image)
Banned "the only Christian religion"? I am curious, do you witness to your own precepts or those given and even written in time from the spirit of the lord?

Jesus said--the world will hate you if you follow me. One religion does.
Who in this world has hated you for standing on the truth, any great powers or principalities go after you lately? Has anyone stolen your name and use it in an improper manner then accused you for what they did when it all went wrong for them as they attempted to steal what was rightfully yours?

BTW, it looks to me more like Russia banned the prostitutes of religion standing on the street corners like lowlife prostitutes working for Babylon. Have you been paying attention to all the NGO's claiming to be doing good works yet they are workers of inequity to enrich themselves in the name of God these days?

There is MAN and there is son of MAN....most haven't made it to the fully MAN state yet. Remember Jesus came as son of MAN to show the rest how to overcome that son of perdition in themselves.
The bible teaches a new king of the north will rise during these last days. There was to be a ;pushing between the first king of the north and king of the south=The cold war. Russia divided since then, a new king of the north pops up?
The last days have been going on for thousands of years. The "end times" are the end of the seasons or you could even say a point in time when all things of the spirit are planted and the faithful take rest in the lord's spirit (by faith we take rest in our spirit knowing no matter what God is in control or you could say peace of mind for our soul). First let's look at who is the king (spiritually speaking) over all of the kings of the earth and then perhaps we can see what the king of the north is talking about. Who rules the hearts and minds of men? Then ask which men or how are we defining men at this point as that would leave out women (a strict division of male and female humans not both being created in the image of God?). Would not the men be speaking about those ancient hosts that God created to do his will? Could the last days for a believer be speaking about the days that the lord's spirit in us is bringing us to a place in the spirit where we can become overcomers of the carnal world that dwells or rules in our own minds? After all that is was Jesus did when his time was done and he said "It is finished". He allowed his flesh to be crucified in order to overcome it as an ensample for those who would follow him into the everlasting to be as the angels.

King of the North you could also say are things kept from view of a carnal mind while the propaganda of Babel rules the carnally minded human. Hidden treasures.....lurking in the background while one (human with the living soul) is still sleeping or traversing the wilderness.

Russia...I hear is boiling up to depart (spiritually speaking) and Christian churches are popping up all over over there.

Israel is the northern kingdom, Judah the southern kingdom. The kingdom of the north was comprised of the ten "lost ' tribes. Jesus was sent to retrieve the lost sheep of the house of Israel, That makes him the king of the northern kingdom.... or rather, the Messiah of the lost tribes of the northern kingdom.

The contemptible creature, the king of the north, who was not given the honor of royalty is defeated by the southern kingdom and withdraws to his homeland ( in the sky). He then returns after a time to wreak havoc on many at a time when they least expect it. All of that including the fact that scripture associates this contemptible creature with Jesus by citing the prophecy, "those who eat at his board will be his undoing, shows that kjw47 doesn't know what he is talking about inciting fear about some imaginary world war with russia and china.

Funny as hell that a guy who professes to belong to the only true church says that the kingdom of the north represents Russia and the contemptible king of the north that he fears is the antichrist is identified by scripture as Jesus.

How sad it must be to live in such deplorable thoughts about Gods son.

I never said there will be a war between Russia and china--Stop making bull up.

What country did you say represents the northern kingdom if not Israel?? Russia. lol...

Who is the contemptible creature that was denied the honor of royalty? The gospels point to Jesus. "Those who eat at his board will be his undoing" Is that a deplorable thought? lol...

You think he was or is loved and accepted by anyone? How does that fit in with the prophecy of the suffering servant? You profess to love and believe in Jesus but when his teaching is revealed you don't believe and then reject the revelation as contemptible. lol....

Why do the churches still celebrate his death? To proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.

Why until then? Because when he comes he comes to destroy the antichrist, the false substitute counterfeit Jesus that is the only Jesus anyone alive today has ever known. Pretentious holy rollers who have made a living lying in the name of the Lord promoting a belief in a three in one edible mangod might find that contemptible too.." "And kings curl their lips in disgust. for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

When Jesus spoke of the time when the Jews will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled , what do you think he meant?

The reason they are called--king is because they are the most powerful on earth.
Israel has been cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39) for over 1900 years they outright refuse to do verse 39. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen.
At the last supper Jesus said--keep on doing this in remembrance of me.( only members of the little flock attended the last supper_(Luke 12:32)--the anointed--these are the bride of Christ=144,000 Rev 14:3--the only ones bought from the earth to heaven.

With all due respect you are out of your mind. Israel is never cut off. They are provided a safe place to hide in the wilderness during the times of the gentiles and even when they go astray there is provided in the law, an eternal covenant, a way open to be restored to purity and precise instructions for the ritual expiation of sin.
Why don't you believe in the Holy Trinity?

ONE reason is because Jesus said

"This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent." John 17:3

In the book of Genesis, God said let US make man in OUR own image. Who do you think He was talking to?
His sons

Why don't you believe in the Holy Trinity?

ONE reason is because Jesus said

"This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent." John 17:3

In the book of Genesis, God said let US make man in OUR own image. Who do you think He was talking to?
His sons
Colossians 1:16

For by Him (JESUS) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him:

I and my Father are one.

If you have seen me, then you have seen the Father.

I could go on.

Also, think about this. Jesus paid the price for our sin. That sin was against God. Now ask yourself just who could pay the price for that sin but God Himself. If Jesus is not God, then He must be a created being, and Salvation is not based on anything God did for us, but a created being.
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The bible teaches a new king of the north will rise during these last days. There was to be a ;pushing between the first king of the north and king of the south=The cold war. Russia divided since then, a new king of the north pops up?
The last days have been going on for thousands of years. The "end times" are the end of the seasons or you could even say a point in time when all things of the spirit are planted and the faithful take rest in the lord's spirit (by faith we take rest in our spirit knowing no matter what God is in control or you could say peace of mind for our soul). First let's look at who is the king (spiritually speaking) over all of the kings of the earth and then perhaps we can see what the king of the north is talking about. Who rules the hearts and minds of men? Then ask which men or how are we defining men at this point as that would leave out women (a strict division of male and female humans not both being created in the image of God?). Would not the men be speaking about those ancient hosts that God created to do his will? Could the last days for a believer be speaking about the days that the lord's spirit in us is bringing us to a place in the spirit where we can become overcomers of the carnal world that dwells or rules in our own minds? After all that is was Jesus did when his time was done and he said "It is finished". He allowed his flesh to be crucified in order to overcome it as an ensample for those who would follow him into the everlasting to be as the angels.

King of the North you could also say are things kept from view of a carnal mind while the propaganda of Babel rules the carnally minded human. Hidden treasures.....lurking in the background while one (human with the living soul) is still sleeping or traversing the wilderness.

Russia...I hear is boiling up to depart (spiritually speaking) and Christian churches are popping up all over over there.

You are mistaken. Putin banned the only Christian religion that was over there. Religions belonging to a divided house( 33,000 trinity based religions) that will not stand( Mark 3:24-26) popping up over there.

Both male and female are created in Gods image= the ability to LOVE and REASON( is Gods image)
Banned "the only Christian religion"? I am curious, do you witness to your own precepts or those given and even written in time from the spirit of the lord?

Jesus said--the world will hate you if you follow me. One religion does.
Who in this world has hated you for standing on the truth, any great powers or principalities go after you lately? Has anyone stolen your name and use it in an improper manner then accused you for what they did when it all went wrong for them as they attempted to steal what was rightfully yours?

BTW, it looks to me more like Russia banned the prostitutes of religion standing on the street corners like lowlife prostitutes working for Babylon. Have you been paying attention to all the NGO's claiming to be doing good works yet they are workers of inequity to enrich themselves in the name of God these days?

There is MAN and there is son of MAN....most haven't made it to the fully MAN state yet. Remember Jesus came as son of MAN to show the rest how to overcome that son of perdition in themselves.

Jesus, apostles( not John) followers-murdered, because the world hates the truth Jesus brought. Try not celebrating the holidays and watch the hatred rise.- from supposed friends and family.
Russia banned these-Luke 10--Acts 20:20)
The last days have been going on for thousands of years. The "end times" are the end of the seasons or you could even say a point in time when all things of the spirit are planted and the faithful take rest in the lord's spirit (by faith we take rest in our spirit knowing no matter what God is in control or you could say peace of mind for our soul). First let's look at who is the king (spiritually speaking) over all of the kings of the earth and then perhaps we can see what the king of the north is talking about. Who rules the hearts and minds of men? Then ask which men or how are we defining men at this point as that would leave out women (a strict division of male and female humans not both being created in the image of God?). Would not the men be speaking about those ancient hosts that God created to do his will? Could the last days for a believer be speaking about the days that the lord's spirit in us is bringing us to a place in the spirit where we can become overcomers of the carnal world that dwells or rules in our own minds? After all that is was Jesus did when his time was done and he said "It is finished". He allowed his flesh to be crucified in order to overcome it as an ensample for those who would follow him into the everlasting to be as the angels.

King of the North you could also say are things kept from view of a carnal mind while the propaganda of Babel rules the carnally minded human. Hidden treasures.....lurking in the background while one (human with the living soul) is still sleeping or traversing the wilderness.

Russia...I hear is boiling up to depart (spiritually speaking) and Christian churches are popping up all over over there.

Israel is the northern kingdom, Judah the southern kingdom. The kingdom of the north was comprised of the ten "lost ' tribes. Jesus was sent to retrieve the lost sheep of the house of Israel, That makes him the king of the northern kingdom.... or rather, the Messiah of the lost tribes of the northern kingdom.

The contemptible creature, the king of the north, who was not given the honor of royalty is defeated by the southern kingdom and withdraws to his homeland ( in the sky). He then returns after a time to wreak havoc on many at a time when they least expect it. All of that including the fact that scripture associates this contemptible creature with Jesus by citing the prophecy, "those who eat at his board will be his undoing, shows that kjw47 doesn't know what he is talking about inciting fear about some imaginary world war with russia and china.

Funny as hell that a guy who professes to belong to the only true church says that the kingdom of the north represents Russia and the contemptible king of the north that he fears is the antichrist is identified by scripture as Jesus.

How sad it must be to live in such deplorable thoughts about Gods son.

I never said there will be a war between Russia and china--Stop making bull up.

What country did you say represents the northern kingdom if not Israel?? Russia. lol...

Who is the contemptible creature that was denied the honor of royalty? The gospels point to Jesus. "Those who eat at his board will be his undoing" Is that a deplorable thought? lol...

You think he was or is loved and accepted by anyone? How does that fit in with the prophecy of the suffering servant? You profess to love and believe in Jesus but when his teaching is revealed you don't believe and then reject the revelation as contemptible. lol....

Why do the churches still celebrate his death? To proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.

Why until then? Because when he comes he comes to destroy the antichrist, the false substitute counterfeit Jesus that is the only Jesus anyone alive today has ever known. Pretentious holy rollers who have made a living lying in the name of the Lord promoting a belief in a three in one edible mangod might find that contemptible too.." "And kings curl their lips in disgust. for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

When Jesus spoke of the time when the Jews will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled , what do you think he meant?

The reason they are called--king is because they are the most powerful on earth.
Israel has been cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:37-39) for over 1900 years they outright refuse to do verse 39. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen.
At the last supper Jesus said--keep on doing this in remembrance of me.( only members of the little flock attended the last supper_(Luke 12:32)--the anointed--these are the bride of Christ=144,000 Rev 14:3--the only ones bought from the earth to heaven.

With all due respect you are out of your mind. Israel is never cut off. They are provided a safe place to hide in the wilderness during the times of the gentiles and even when they go astray there is provided in the law, an eternal covenant, a way open to be restored to purity and precise instructions for the ritual expiation of sin.

What don't you understand about--Your house is cut off unless they do verse 39--they have refused for over 1900 years. Matt 23:37-39
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

The end of times is yet to come but we are sure in the preliminary stages.
The last days have been going on for thousands of years. The "end times" are the end of the seasons or you could even say a point in time when all things of the spirit are planted and the faithful take rest in the lord's spirit (by faith we take rest in our spirit knowing no matter what God is in control or you could say peace of mind for our soul). First let's look at who is the king (spiritually speaking) over all of the kings of the earth and then perhaps we can see what the king of the north is talking about. Who rules the hearts and minds of men? Then ask which men or how are we defining men at this point as that would leave out women (a strict division of male and female humans not both being created in the image of God?). Would not the men be speaking about those ancient hosts that God created to do his will? Could the last days for a believer be speaking about the days that the lord's spirit in us is bringing us to a place in the spirit where we can become overcomers of the carnal world that dwells or rules in our own minds? After all that is was Jesus did when his time was done and he said "It is finished". He allowed his flesh to be crucified in order to overcome it as an ensample for those who would follow him into the everlasting to be as the angels.

King of the North you could also say are things kept from view of a carnal mind while the propaganda of Babel rules the carnally minded human. Hidden treasures.....lurking in the background while one (human with the living soul) is still sleeping or traversing the wilderness.

Russia...I hear is boiling up to depart (spiritually speaking) and Christian churches are popping up all over over there.

You are mistaken. Putin banned the only Christian religion that was over there. Religions belonging to a divided house( 33,000 trinity based religions) that will not stand( Mark 3:24-26) popping up over there.

Both male and female are created in Gods image= the ability to LOVE and REASON( is Gods image)
Banned "the only Christian religion"? I am curious, do you witness to your own precepts or those given and even written in time from the spirit of the lord?

Jesus said--the world will hate you if you follow me. One religion does.
Who in this world has hated you for standing on the truth, any great powers or principalities go after you lately? Has anyone stolen your name and use it in an improper manner then accused you for what they did when it all went wrong for them as they attempted to steal what was rightfully yours?

BTW, it looks to me more like Russia banned the prostitutes of religion standing on the street corners like lowlife prostitutes working for Babylon. Have you been paying attention to all the NGO's claiming to be doing good works yet they are workers of inequity to enrich themselves in the name of God these days?

There is MAN and there is son of MAN....most haven't made it to the fully MAN state yet. Remember Jesus came as son of MAN to show the rest how to overcome that son of perdition in themselves.

Jesus, apostles( not John) followers-murdered, because the world hates the truth Jesus brought. Try not celebrating the holidays and watch the hatred rise.- from supposed friends and family.
Russia banned these-Luke 10--Acts 20:20)
Try telling a Jehovah Witness that just told you how much wealth they had accumulated the things that you have seen in the holy spirit and watch them rush to their car and never bother to come back. Better read on through the rest of those verses in Luke as human's do not get to "justify" themselves as to what in their own precepts is righteousness in the sight of the Lord.

Acts 20:20 does not say that people are supposed to go out and witness by their human precepts...................I have suffered the lies that certain church members in various churches locally perpetrated against Rod and I in order to justify their own lies and in order to satiate their own greed so I still do not buy that Russia is doing the wrong thing by denying certain people access in their country.
Acts 23:23 Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

The end of times is yet to come but we are sure in the preliminary stages.
That's not what the Bible says.

The writer of Hebrews says that he is witnessing the end times. Daniel and Paul say that God's kingdom is established on the earth. John says in Revelation that the Kingdom will prevail on the earth.

And it did.

Jesus said that terrible things - a "tribulation - would happen in his generation.

They did.

I'm amazed at the way so many Christians have reduced the story of the Bible to one only of personal salvation, and at their criticism of Christianity for whatever its shortcomings may or may not be - for not fixing the problem of evil - while overlooking the profound changes it has made in the world - the new earth it has created.

The Bible does not say that evil would be eliminated; it says, rather, that the Lord would reign amidst his enemies.

The age - that is, the Jewish Age - has passed.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

The end of times is yet to come but we are sure in the preliminary stages.
That's not what the Bible says.

The writer of Hebrews says that he is witnessing the end times. Daniel and Paul say that God's kingdom is established on the earth. John says in Revelation that the Kingdom will prevail on the earth.

And it did.

Jesus said that terrible things - a "tribulation - would happen in his generation.

They did.

I'm amazed at the way so many Christians have reduced the story of the Bible to one only of personal salvation, and at their criticism of Christianity for whatever its shortcomings may or may not be - for not fixing the problem of evil - while overlooking the profound changes it has made in the world - the new earth it has created.

The Bible does not say that evil would be eliminated; it says, rather, that the Lord would reign amidst his enemies.

The age - that is, the Jewish Age - has passed.
There has never been a Jewish age. So far there has only been the age of darkness.

What did Jesus say when he was led away to be crucified?

"Now is your hour, the hour when darkness reigns..."

And he said that the tribulation will continue unabated from then until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled, come to an end, upon his second coming. And so it has come to pass.

In the next world there is neither Jew nor gentile.
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I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

The end of times is yet to come but we are sure in the preliminary stages.

The whole world has watched Rev 13 pass before their eyes for many years now, We are well past that point in Rev.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

The end of times is yet to come but we are sure in the preliminary stages.

The whole world has watched Rev 13 pass before their eyes for many years now, We are well past that point in Rev.

Your ridiculous bs is noted.
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

The end of times is yet to come but we are sure in the preliminary stages.

The whole world has watched Rev 13 pass before their eyes for many years now, We are well past that point in Rev.

Your ridiculous bs is noted.

What a sad response, Only one that does not know God and his will could respond like that.
So, the topic of the New Jerusalem came up among my friends and me (Rev 21). They said that this massive city - some 1400 miles cubed - will actually descend from heaven as John describes. I asked, "Do you really think Jesus would take for his bride a giant cube?"

No, they argued. The New Jerusalem is as a bride adorned for Christ (21:2). I referred them to 21:9, where John doesn't merely liken it to a bride, but actually calls it his bride. So they said that the angel is showing him the church.

"Yes, he's showing him the New Jerusalem," I said. No, just the church, they insisted. "No," I said. "Are you not reading the passage? The angel says he'll show him the Bride, and then proceeds to show him the New Jerusalem."

They continued to ignore me their own contradiction, so I reminded them that the arrival of such a kingdom would not go unnoticed. They agreed.

"Well, that's contrary to what Jesus says," I said. "He says the coming of his kingdom is not observable." They pooh-poohed me again, so I referred them to Luke 17:20 & 21.

They still ignored me.

I'm amazed at how deeply popular culture has so influenced evangelical Christianity, even to the point of denying the Gospel. It's disconcerting; not entirely the domain of leftists, even many Christians feel compelled toward crisis. Something terrible is looming, and we must be involved somehow.

Disconcerting and discouraging.
So, the topic of the New Jerusalem came up among my friends and me (Rev 21). They said that this massive city - some 1400 miles cubed - will actually descend from heaven as John describes. I asked, "Do you really think Jesus would take for his bride a giant cube?"

No, they argued. The New Jerusalem is as a bride adorned for Christ (21:2). I referred them to 21:9, where John doesn't merely liken it to a bride, but actually calls it his bride. So they said that the angel is showing him the church.

"Yes, he's showing him the New Jerusalem," I said. No, just the church, they insisted. "No," I said. "Are you not reading the passage? The angel says he'll show him the Bride, and then proceeds to show him the New Jerusalem."

They continued to ignore me their own contradiction, so I reminded them that the arrival of such a kingdom would not go unnoticed. They agreed.

"Well, that's contrary to what Jesus says," I said. "He says the coming of his kingdom is not observable." They pooh-poohed me again, so I referred them to Luke 17:20 & 21.

They still ignored me.

I'm amazed at how deeply popular culture has so influenced evangelical Christianity, even to the point of denying the Gospel. It's disconcerting; not entirely the domain of leftists, even many Christians feel compelled toward crisis. Something terrible is looming, and we must be involved somehow.

Disconcerting and discouraging.
The carnal aspect fears when the spirit is moving to put down (humble) the carnality (son of perdition) of the human.

Which spiritual host built Babylon who is a mighty hunter before the Lord? Nimrod maybe?

Who builds the temple but angers the Lord for taking to worshiping of the foreign wives taken by him? Solomon is it not?

Remain in good cheer and seek the truth in all things as it all is revealed in the Lord's time. No one said it was going to be easy and there would not be tribulation along the way but still try to stay in good spirits.

Deuteronomy 8:16
Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end;

Even the heavenly highwaymen has a job to do.
So, the topic of the New Jerusalem came up among my friends and me (Rev 21). They said that this massive city - some 1400 miles cubed - will actually descend from heaven as John describes. I asked, "Do you really think Jesus would take for his bride a giant cube?"

No, they argued. The New Jerusalem is as a bride adorned for Christ (21:2). I referred them to 21:9, where John doesn't merely liken it to a bride, but actually calls it his bride. So they said that the angel is showing him the church.

"Yes, he's showing him the New Jerusalem," I said. No, just the church, they insisted. "No," I said. "Are you not reading the passage? The angel says he'll show him the Bride, and then proceeds to show him the New Jerusalem."

Futurists (Dispensationalists) have shit for brains, and the Devil for a father. They claim Antichrists (aka Jews) are God's chosen people. Nothing is too stupid and unchristian for them to believe.

They insist a city as big as the moon, and made of soft metal, will come down and be a wonderful place to live, even though such a city is impossible and would be a horrible place to live. But, then they reject that Jesus is literally married to that city. I would like to say the idea of Jesus actually being married to the city is a degree of stupidity too much, even for them. But, they reject it because they have a faggot idea in mind, Jesus is married to them. Men in these futurist churches sing "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs, as they imagine themselves being personally Jesus' bride.

The New Jerusalem represents the church. And, the city is called our mother. It is our mother, the church, whom is married to Jesus, and only symbolically.

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