The End Times

So, the topic of the New Jerusalem came up among my friends and me (Rev 21). They said that this massive city - some 1400 miles cubed - will actually descend from heaven as John describes. I asked, "Do you really think Jesus would take for his bride a giant cube?"

No, they argued. The New Jerusalem is as a bride adorned for Christ (21:2). I referred them to 21:9, where John doesn't merely liken it to a bride, but actually calls it his bride. So they said that the angel is showing him the church.

"Yes, he's showing him the New Jerusalem," I said. No, just the church, they insisted. "No," I said. "Are you not reading the passage? The angel says he'll show him the Bride, and then proceeds to show him the New Jerusalem."

Futurists (Dispensationalists) have shit for brains, and the Devil for a father. They claim Antichrists (aka Jews) are God's chosen people. Nothing is too stupid and unchristian for them to believe.

They insist a city as big as the moon, and made of soft metal, will come down and be a wonderful place to live, even though such a city is impossible and would be a horrible place to live. But, then they reject that Jesus is literally married to that city. I would like to say the idea of Jesus actually being married to the city is a degree of stupidity too much, even for them. But, they reject it because they have a faggot idea in mind, Jesus is married to them. Men in these futurist churches sing "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs, as they imagine themselves being personally Jesus' bride.

The New Jerusalem represents the church. And, the city is called our mother. It is our mother, the church, whom is married to Jesus, and only symbolically.
In Voyage of the Dawn Treader, one of C S Lewis' Narnia stories, Lucy finds a magic book in a magician's home, and flips through the pages very enthusiastically. But as she reads, she discovers that she can't flip back to the pages she had read to refresh her memory, and she forgets it. Quite a bit of it, in fact. Pretty much everything except a tree, a hill, a cup, and a sword. Still, however, she likes the story.

That is how Christians have been reading the Bible. It is simply a book on personal salvation, even though very few passages in it mention that idea.

Before the dispensationalists began developing their theories in the 19th century, and even before the Puritans, to my mind, Christians took the Scriptures for what they were, and conquered. Armenia, Rome, the Byzantine Empire, Iceland, and eventually a host of others would declare Christianity their state religion. And a host of countries that stopped short of taking official steps, like the United States, nonetheless embraced Christianity as their national faith. They conquered not to tyrannize but to liberate.

Now believers are inclusive, ecumenical, and they wonder why the faith has been suffering. They no longer conquer.

Not to trivialize an assurance of salvation, for that indeed is a testimony of Christians and not altogether absent from the Scriptures, but much more prevalent in the story is God's presence on the earth. The big story is of His people's idolatry and subsequent exile from Paradise (and all the drama in the OT that that entailed), and then of unmerited forgiveness and redemption (the work of the Messiah) and the Messiah's rein in heaven and on earth.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Modern Christians have turned the story into a cartoon. Jesus will come riding in on a cloud. A giant city will fall out of the sky. Christians will meet each other in mid-air. And they cling to these goofy notions like they're the Gospel truth.

I have realized in recent months how difficult it is to knock sense into a Christian's head.
Who is the beast?

The following verses are singled out of the Revelation to make this point: The beast is a Satan powered king [therefore a man], who has had a terrible head wound, has disappeared, and will publicly reappear, and amaze the world.

Revelation chapter 13

13v1'....I saw a beast coming out of the sea...'

13v2'. ...dragon gave him his power...'

13V3'... .and I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.....'

13v7'....authority over every tribe and people. ....... was given him....

13V12'...and he [beast from earth] makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life....'

Revelation chapter 17

17v3'. ..and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having 7 heads and 10 horns.....'

17v8'....the beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast

that he WAS and IS NOT and WILL COME ....'

17v11'...and the beast that was and is not, is himself also an eighth [king] and is one of the seven...'

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment, I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,

Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.

Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?

I predict/prophecy in Jesus name that John F. Kennedy will publicly reappear, amaze the world, take world power, and is in fact the beast of the Revelation.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of Jesus Christ the living Lord & Savior.


Note there are two beasts of Revelation 13.

One from the sea.The other from the land. One is a Gentile. The other is a Jew.

English is the world's single most widespread language:

A= 1 x 6 = 6, B = 2 x 6 = 12, C = 3 x 6 = 18, D = 4 x 6 = 24, E = 5 x 6 = 30, etc.

K= 66

I= 54

S= 114

S= 114

I = 54

N= 84

G= 42

E= 30

R= 108

+ 666

Kissinger's name equates to '666' by a simple formula.

Kissinger is Jewish

Kissinger is Papal adviser and premier "world statesman'

Kissinger documented evil NWOrder leader

So: Re- Vatican, JFK, and KISSINGER

The question becomes-

Would Jesus Christ allow such literal fulfillment to occur coincidentally?

I say NO, Jesus would not.

Therefore I am COMPELLED to believe that it is prophecy fulfillment in progress.

The confirmation of my contention will be the public and literal reappearance of JFK who will take world power with Kissinger at his side.

I urge anyone to personally study and heed the entire Revelation.

Early in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, God promises to bless anyone who reads or hears the Revelation and heeds it.

'...for the time is near'...'

'....and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast...'

wait and see....

Call on Jesus Read and HEED His Revelation!

The Lord once said, 'Surely, just as I have intended, so it has happened, and just as I have planned, so it will stand......'

Isaiah 14:24


JFK: Sexual sociopath and political faker

That's some crazy shit dude!

Let me give you a better interpretation.

“And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names." (Rev.13:1)

Who is this beast? The 'beast' in Revelation has both a generic and specific application. Generically, is represents the Roman empire. Specifically, it represents Nero Caesar. This beast also has seven heads, which Revelation 17:9 tells us are “seven mountains." Most New Testament scholars recognize that the seven mountains represent the famous seven hills of Rome. The seven hills of Rome are mentioned in the writings of antiquity, both Christian and pagan. The ten horns, with the crowns, are in reference to the ten empirical provinces of Rome.

The seven mountains represent the seven hills of Rome. But John also tells us that they represent seven kings. Of these seven kings, he tells us five have already fallen. The sixth king is the one who John says, is now reigning.

Who are these seven kings? Josephus, the Jewish historian of that period, clearly points out that Julius Caesar was the first emperor of Rome and that he was followed in succession by Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. The sixth was none other than Nero. "Five have fallen, one is".

In addition, John states, “the other has not yet come” (the seventh), “and when he comes, he must remain a little while." Following Nero came Galba, who reigned less than seven months!

Nero was not only the sixth emperor of Rome, he was the first to persecute Christians. That persecution began in the middle of November 64 A.D. and continued until June 8, 68 A.D. when Nero committed suicide, a period of 42 months. Take note how this fits with Revelation 13:5, which says:

“And there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given him."

Revelation 13:10 tells us:

“If anyone leads into captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed.” The fact that Nero killed by the sword is well documented. It is also well documented that he was himself killed by the sword – by his own hand!

So what about this head that was slain, and his fatal head wound healed?

Here we have to look again at the beast both generically and specifically. When Nero committed suicide, two important things happened. First, with the death of Nero, the Julian-Claudian line of emperors came to an end. In other words, the bloodline which had received worship from the Roman Empire had been cut off forever. To the superstitious world of that time this was most significant. This was no small matter to the subjects of the Roman Empire.

Second, catastrophe upon catastrophe followed the death of Nero and the extinction of the Roman Empire’s founding family. The empire found itself engulfed in civil wars, to the extent that “eternal Rome” was in danger of being reduced to rubble. It was a period of great instability, to the point where the empire itself was in danger of imploding.

Suetonius wrote concerning the long months following Nero’s death, that the empire “for a long time had been unsettled, and as it were, drifting, through the usurpation and violent death of the three emperors, was at last taken in hand and given stability by the Flavian family.”

Titus Flavius Vespasianus restored political stability and established a new dynasty of the Roman Empire. Under the rule of Vespasian the empire was revived and the Beast lived once more. The mortal head wound was healed!

Now on the Revelation 17:

Who is this woman riding the beast, this whore of Babylon? Revelation 16:6; 17:1-6; 18:20, 24 tell us that Babylon was drunk with the blood of the prophets. This is a critical point! The term "the prophets" appears 88 times in the New Testament. The overwhelmingly normal usage of the term refers to Old Testament prophets. Now neither the city of Rome, the Roman Catholic church, apostate Christianity, nor any modern world-wide church ever persecuted Old Testament prophets! But Babylon of Revelation did, therefore none of these can be identified as Babylon; it is just that simple! What city persecuted the Old Testament prophets and filled the Cup of her Sin by so doing? It was Jerusalem.

Comparing Matthew 23 with Revelation plainly reveals this. In Matthew 23:31 Jesus said it was Jerusalem that had killed the prophets; in Revelation it is Babylon. In Matthew 23:32 Jesus said the Jews were about to fill the cup of their sin by continuing to persecute those sent to her; in Revelation 17 Babylon has filled her cup by persecuting not only the prophets of old but the followers of Jesus as well. In Matthew 23:35 Jesus said Jerusalem was guilty of "all the blood shed on the earth," In Revelation 18:24 Babylon bears the guilt for "all the blood shed on the earth." In Matthew 23:36 Jesus said judgment on Jerusalem for killing the prophets would come in his generation; in Revelation Jesus said "Behold, I come quickly" (22:6, 10, 12, 20). Such parallels are not accidental!

Finally, the Great City Babylon is "spiritually called Sodom," (Rev. 11:8). The only city in the Bible, other than historical Sodom, that is ever called Sodom is Jerusalem (Isaiah 1:10; Jer. 23:14, Ezek. 16:44f). Babylon is also "where the Lord was crucified" (Rev. 11:8). Jesus was not crucified in Rome, or by the Catholic church; Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem! Jerusalem is the whore of Babylon.

To me, it is crystal-clear that these events in Revelation were perfectly fulfilled in the first century. Everything fits perfectly. There is simply no need to push it all off into the future.
Last edited:
I haven't attended Bible study lately. The study of Revelation we embarked on has gone one direction - toward futurism, and dissent is frowned on.

The way I read the Scriptures, the end times have passed and the era of peace, prosperity, and happiness is here. The kingdom of heaven is here.

Daniel says that when the last foreign ruler subjugates Israel, God will establish His kingdom on the earth (2:44). While Israel was subject to Rome, its last foreign ruler, Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And there we have it. Christianity is the kingdom of heaven on the earth. The wars and earthquakes that Jesus warned his generation of in the Olivet discourse occurred during the Roman-Jewish Wars, after which Israel finally and fully lost all viability as a state. After the failed Bar Kokhba Revolt in AD 132, the Jewish Age had come to an end, and the Christian Age, like a fig tree in springtime sprouting green shoots, waiting for summer, ready to blossom, would begin.

I'm aware that most Christians believe that the end of the age that the Bible tells us of refers to the end of the current age, and I don't understand why. Might someone enlighten me? Has the Apocalypse come and gone? Why or why not?

I used to believe that there was a higher power,thats what we have all been brainwashed by our parents and then their parents before them,i was no exception.But you got to use logic and common sense,the world is too fucked up for their to be a god.Here in the western world the sheep have been so brainwashed on this.

I always wondered then since if there is no goad,how did we get here which i get asked a lot.answer? Evolution.
damn sure are a lot of bible believing posters here who keep their noses way too much in the bible spending so much times reading all the rambles in that stuff.:biggrin:
damn sure are a lot of bible believing posters here who keep their noses way too much in the bible spending so much times reading all the rambles in that stuff.:biggrin:
Some if us find more than ramblings in it. It must hold some interest to you of some kind since you also posted in this thread.
I used to believe that there was a higher power,thats what we have all been brainwashed by our parents and then their parents before them,i was no exception.But you got to use logic and common sense,the world is too fucked up for their to be a god.Here in the western world the sheep have been so brainwashed on this.

The world is exactly as bad as it should be expected, given that Satan had been the ruler of this world (according to Jesus). You won't find God by looking at the corruption of the world.
Who is the beast?

The following verses are singled out of the Revelation to make this point: The beast is a Satan powered king [therefore a man], who has had a terrible head wound, has disappeared, and will publicly reappear, and amaze the world.

Revelation chapter 13

13v1'....I saw a beast coming out of the sea...'

13v2'. ...dragon gave him his power...'

13V3'... .and I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.....'

13v7'....authority over every tribe and people. ....... was given him....

13V12'...and he [beast from earth] makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life....'

Revelation chapter 17

17v3'. ..and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having 7 heads and 10 horns.....'

17v8'....the beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast

that he WAS and IS NOT and WILL COME ....'

17v11'...and the beast that was and is not, is himself also an eighth [king] and is one of the seven...'

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment, I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,

Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.

Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?

I predict/prophecy in Jesus name that John F. Kennedy will publicly reappear, amaze the world, take world power, and is in fact the beast of the Revelation.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of Jesus Christ the living Lord & Savior.


Note there are two beasts of Revelation 13.

One from the sea.The other from the land. One is a Gentile. The other is a Jew.

English is the world's single most widespread language:

A= 1 x 6 = 6, B = 2 x 6 = 12, C = 3 x 6 = 18, D = 4 x 6 = 24, E = 5 x 6 = 30, etc.

K= 66

I= 54

S= 114

S= 114

I = 54

N= 84

G= 42

E= 30

R= 108

+ 666

Kissinger's name equates to '666' by a simple formula.

Kissinger is Jewish

Kissinger is Papal adviser and premier "world statesman'

Kissinger documented evil NWOrder leader

So: Re- Vatican, JFK, and KISSINGER

The question becomes-

Would Jesus Christ allow such literal fulfillment to occur coincidentally?

I say NO, Jesus would not.

Therefore I am COMPELLED to believe that it is prophecy fulfillment in progress.

The confirmation of my contention will be the public and literal reappearance of JFK who will take world power with Kissinger at his side.

I urge anyone to personally study and heed the entire Revelation.

Early in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, God promises to bless anyone who reads or hears the Revelation and heeds it.

'...for the time is near'...'

'....and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast...'

wait and see....

Call on Jesus Read and HEED His Revelation!

The Lord once said, 'Surely, just as I have intended, so it has happened, and just as I have planned, so it will stand......'

Isaiah 14:24


JFK: Sexual sociopath and political faker

That's some crazy shit dude!

Let me give you a better interpretation.

“And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names." (Rev.13:1)

Who is this beast? The 'beast' in Revelation has both a generic and specific application. Generically, is represents the Roman empire. Specifically, it represents Nero Caesar. This beast also has seven heads, which Revelation 17:9 tells us are “seven mountains." Most New Testament scholars recognize that the seven mountains represent the famous seven hills of Rome. The seven hills of Rome are mentioned in the writings of antiquity, both Christian and pagan. The ten horns, with the crowns, are in reference to the ten empirical provinces of Rome.

The seven mountains represent the seven hills of Rome. But John also tells us that they represent seven kings. Of these seven kings, he tells us five have already fallen. The sixth king is the one who John says, is now reigning.

Who are these seven kings? Josephus, the Jewish historian of that period, clearly points out that Julius Caesar was the first emperor of Rome and that he was followed in succession by Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. The sixth was none other than Nero. "Five have fallen, one is".

In addition, John states, “the other has not yet come” (the seventh), “and when he comes, he must remain a little while." Following Nero came Galba, who reigned less than seven months!

Nero was not only the sixth emperor of Rome, he was the first to persecute Christians. That persecution began in the middle of November 64 A.D. and continued until June 8, 68 A.D. when Nero committed suicide, a period of 42 months. Take note how this fits with Revelation 13:5, which says:

“And there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given him."

Revelation 13:10 tells us:

“If anyone leads into captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed.” The fact that Nero killed by the sword is well documented. It is also well documented that he was himself killed by the sword – by his own hand!

So what about this head that was slain, and his fatal head wound healed?

Here we have to look again at the beast both generically and specifically. When Nero committed suicide, two important things happened. First, with the death of Nero, the Julian-Claudian line of emperors came to an end. In other words, the bloodline which had received worship from the Roman Empire had been cut off forever. To the superstitious world of that time this was most significant. This was no small matter to the subjects of the Roman Empire.

Second, catastrophe upon catastrophe followed the death of Nero and the extinction of the Roman Empire’s founding family. The empire found itself engulfed in civil wars, to the extent that “eternal Rome” was in danger of being reduced to rubble. It was a period of great instability, to the point where the empire itself was in danger of imploding.

Suetonius wrote concerning the long months following Nero’s death, that the empire “for a long time had been unsettled, and as it were, drifting, through the usurpation and violent death of the three emperors, was at last taken in hand and given stability by the Flavian family.”

Titus Flavius Vespasianus restored political stability and established a new dynasty of the Roman Empire. Under the rule of Vespasian the empire was revived and the Beast lived once more. The mortal head wound was healed!

Now on the Revelation 17:

Who is this woman riding the beast, this whore of Babylon? Revelation 16:6; 17:1-6; 18:20, 24 tell us that Babylon was drunk with the blood of the prophets. This is a critical point! The term "the prophets" appears 88 times in the New Testament. The overwhelmingly normal usage of the term refers to Old Testament prophets. Now neither the city of Rome, the Roman Catholic church, apostate Christianity, nor any modern world-wide church ever persecuted Old Testament prophets! But Babylon of Revelation did, therefore none of these can be identified as Babylon; it is just that simple! What city persecuted the Old Testament prophets and filled the Cup of her Sin by so doing? It was Jerusalem.

Comparing Matthew 23 with Revelation plainly reveals this. In Matthew 23:31 Jesus said it was Jerusalem that had killed the prophets; in Revelation it is Babylon. In Matthew 23:32 Jesus said the Jews were about to fill the cup of their sin by continuing to persecute those sent to her; in Revelation 17 Babylon has filled her cup by persecuting not only the prophets of old but the followers of Jesus as well. In Matthew 23:35 Jesus said Jerusalem was guilty of "all the blood shed on the earth," In Revelation 18:24 Babylon bears the guilt for "all the blood shed on the earth." In Matthew 23:36 Jesus said judgment on Jerusalem for killing the prophets would come in his generation; in Revelation Jesus said "Behold, I come quickly" (22:6, 10, 12, 20). Such parallels are not accidental!

Finally, the Great City Babylon is "spiritually called Sodom," (Rev. 11:8). The only city in the Bible, other than historical Sodom, that is ever called Sodom is Jerusalem (Isaiah 1:10; Jer. 23:14, Ezek. 16:44f). Babylon is also "where the Lord was crucified" (Rev. 11:8). Jesus was not crucified in Rome, or by the Catholic church; Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem! Jerusalem is the whore of Babylon.

To me, it is crystal-clear that these events in Revelation were perfectly fulfilled in the first century. Everything fits perfectly. There is simply no need to push it all off into the future.
This beast is the beast of the sea (Rome); or the beast from abroad. It is one beast; the emperor is just the mouth of this beast (13:5).

The beast of the land, of course, is composed of Zealots and Idumeans (the two horns). To them, Judea was their land (ge). Even Paul refers to the Zealots as beasts (1 Cor. 15:32) after they chase him out of a synagogue in Ephesus (Acts 19:9).
Who is the beast?
The following verses are singled out of the Revelation to make this point: The beast is a Satan powered king [therefore a man], who has had a terrible head wound, has disappeared, and will publicly reappear, and amaze the world.
Revelation chapter 13
13v1'....I saw a beast coming out of the sea...'
13v2'. ...dragon gave him his power...'
13V3'... .and I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.....'
13v7'....authority over every tribe and people. ....... was given him....
13V12'...and he [beast from earth] makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life....'
Revelation chapter 17
17v3'. ..and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having 7 heads and 10 horns.....'
17v8'....the beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that he WAS and IS NOT and WILL COME ....'
17v11'...and the beast that was and is not, is himself also an eighth [king] and is one of the seven...'
Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment, I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,
Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.
Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?
I predict/prophecy in Jesus name that John F. Kennedy will publicly reappear, amaze the world, take world power, and is in fact the beast of the Revelation.
This fulfillment will confirm the truth of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
This fulfillment will confirm the truth of Jesus Christ the living Lord & Savior.
KISSINGER and 666 Note there are two beasts of Revelation 13. One from the sea.The other from the land. One is a Gentile. The other is a Jew.
English is the world's single most widespread language:
A= 1 x 6 = 6, B = 2 x 6 = 12, C = 3 x 6 = 18, D = 4 x 6 = 24, E = 5 x 6 = 30, etc. K= 66 I= 54 S= 114 S= 114 I = 54 N= 84 G= 42 E= 30 R= 108 + 666
Kissinger's name equates to '666' by a simple formula.Kissinger is JewishKissinger is Papal adviser and premier "world statesman'
Kissinger documented evil NWOrder leader So: Re- Vatican, JFK, and KISSINGER The question becomes-
Would Jesus Christ allow such literal fulfillment to occur coincidentally? I say NO, Jesus would not.
Therefore I am COMPELLED to believe that it is prophecy fulfillment in progress.
The confirmation of my contention will be the public and literal reappearance of JFK who will take world power with Kissinger at his side.
I urge anyone to personally study and heed the entire Revelation.
Early in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, God promises to bless anyone who reads or hears the Revelation and heeds it.
'...for the time is near'...' '....and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast...' wait and see....
Call on Jesus Read and HEED His Revelation!
The Lord once said, 'Surely, just as I have intended, so it has happened, and just as I have planned, so it will stand......' Isaiah 14:24
SLINGING SEEDS JFK: Sexual sociopath and political faker

That's some crazy shit dude! Let me give you a better interpretation.
To me, it is crystal-clear that these events in Revelation were perfectly fulfilled in the first century.
Everything fits perfectly. There is simply no need to push it all off into the future.

Thanks for sharing a favorite absurd Vatican-Globalist interpretation.
Who is the beast?

The following verses are singled out of the Revelation to make this point: The beast is a Satan powered king [therefore a man], who has had a terrible head wound, has disappeared, and will publicly reappear, and amaze the world.

Revelation chapter 13

13v1'....I saw a beast coming out of the sea...'

13v2'. ...dragon gave him his power...'

13V3'... .and I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed.....'

13v7'....authority over every tribe and people. ....... was given him....

13V12'...and he [beast from earth] makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life....'

Revelation chapter 17

17v3'. ..and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having 7 heads and 10 horns.....'

17v8'....the beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and to go to destruction. And those who dwell on the earth will wonder, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast

that he WAS and IS NOT and WILL COME ....'

17v11'...and the beast that was and is not, is himself also an eighth [king] and is one of the seven...'

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment, I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,

Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.

Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?

I predict/prophecy in Jesus name that John F. Kennedy will publicly reappear, amaze the world, take world power, and is in fact the beast of the Revelation.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

This fulfillment will confirm the truth of Jesus Christ the living Lord & Savior.


Note there are two beasts of Revelation 13.

One from the sea.The other from the land. One is a Gentile. The other is a Jew.

English is the world's single most widespread language:

A= 1 x 6 = 6, B = 2 x 6 = 12, C = 3 x 6 = 18, D = 4 x 6 = 24, E = 5 x 6 = 30, etc.

K= 66

I= 54

S= 114

S= 114

I = 54

N= 84

G= 42

E= 30

R= 108

+ 666

Kissinger's name equates to '666' by a simple formula.

Kissinger is Jewish

Kissinger is Papal adviser and premier "world statesman'

Kissinger documented evil NWOrder leader

So: Re- Vatican, JFK, and KISSINGER

The question becomes-

Would Jesus Christ allow such literal fulfillment to occur coincidentally?

I say NO, Jesus would not.

Therefore I am COMPELLED to believe that it is prophecy fulfillment in progress.

The confirmation of my contention will be the public and literal reappearance of JFK who will take world power with Kissinger at his side.

I urge anyone to personally study and heed the entire Revelation.

Early in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, God promises to bless anyone who reads or hears the Revelation and heeds it.

'...for the time is near'...'

'....and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast...'

wait and see....

Call on Jesus Read and HEED His Revelation!

The Lord once said, 'Surely, just as I have intended, so it has happened, and just as I have planned, so it will stand......'

Isaiah 14:24


JFK: Sexual sociopath and political faker

That's some crazy shit dude!

Let me give you a better interpretation.

“And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names." (Rev.13:1)

Who is this beast? The 'beast' in Revelation has both a generic and specific application. Generically, is represents the Roman empire. Specifically, it represents Nero Caesar. This beast also has seven heads, which Revelation 17:9 tells us are “seven mountains." Most New Testament scholars recognize that the seven mountains represent the famous seven hills of Rome. The seven hills of Rome are mentioned in the writings of antiquity, both Christian and pagan. The ten horns, with the crowns, are in reference to the ten empirical provinces of Rome.

The seven mountains represent the seven hills of Rome. But John also tells us that they represent seven kings. Of these seven kings, he tells us five have already fallen. The sixth king is the one who John says, is now reigning.

Who are these seven kings? Josephus, the Jewish historian of that period, clearly points out that Julius Caesar was the first emperor of Rome and that he was followed in succession by Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. The sixth was none other than Nero. "Five have fallen, one is".

In addition, John states, “the other has not yet come” (the seventh), “and when he comes, he must remain a little while." Following Nero came Galba, who reigned less than seven months!

Nero was not only the sixth emperor of Rome, he was the first to persecute Christians. That persecution began in the middle of November 64 A.D. and continued until June 8, 68 A.D. when Nero committed suicide, a period of 42 months. Take note how this fits with Revelation 13:5, which says:

“And there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given him."

Revelation 13:10 tells us:

“If anyone leads into captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed.” The fact that Nero killed by the sword is well documented. It is also well documented that he was himself killed by the sword – by his own hand!

So what about this head that was slain, and his fatal head wound healed?

Here we have to look again at the beast both generically and specifically. When Nero committed suicide, two important things happened. First, with the death of Nero, the Julian-Claudian line of emperors came to an end. In other words, the bloodline which had received worship from the Roman Empire had been cut off forever. To the superstitious world of that time this was most significant. This was no small matter to the subjects of the Roman Empire.

Second, catastrophe upon catastrophe followed the death of Nero and the extinction of the Roman Empire’s founding family. The empire found itself engulfed in civil wars, to the extent that “eternal Rome” was in danger of being reduced to rubble. It was a period of great instability, to the point where the empire itself was in danger of imploding.

Suetonius wrote concerning the long months following Nero’s death, that the empire “for a long time had been unsettled, and as it were, drifting, through the usurpation and violent death of the three emperors, was at last taken in hand and given stability by the Flavian family.”

Titus Flavius Vespasianus restored political stability and established a new dynasty of the Roman Empire. Under the rule of Vespasian the empire was revived and the Beast lived once more. The mortal head wound was healed!

Now on the Revelation 17:

Who is this woman riding the beast, this whore of Babylon? Revelation 16:6; 17:1-6; 18:20, 24 tell us that Babylon was drunk with the blood of the prophets. This is a critical point! The term "the prophets" appears 88 times in the New Testament. The overwhelmingly normal usage of the term refers to Old Testament prophets. Now neither the city of Rome, the Roman Catholic church, apostate Christianity, nor any modern world-wide church ever persecuted Old Testament prophets! But Babylon of Revelation did, therefore none of these can be identified as Babylon; it is just that simple! What city persecuted the Old Testament prophets and filled the Cup of her Sin by so doing? It was Jerusalem.

Comparing Matthew 23 with Revelation plainly reveals this. In Matthew 23:31 Jesus said it was Jerusalem that had killed the prophets; in Revelation it is Babylon. In Matthew 23:32 Jesus said the Jews were about to fill the cup of their sin by continuing to persecute those sent to her; in Revelation 17 Babylon has filled her cup by persecuting not only the prophets of old but the followers of Jesus as well. In Matthew 23:35 Jesus said Jerusalem was guilty of "all the blood shed on the earth," In Revelation 18:24 Babylon bears the guilt for "all the blood shed on the earth." In Matthew 23:36 Jesus said judgment on Jerusalem for killing the prophets would come in his generation; in Revelation Jesus said "Behold, I come quickly" (22:6, 10, 12, 20). Such parallels are not accidental!

Finally, the Great City Babylon is "spiritually called Sodom," (Rev. 11:8). The only city in the Bible, other than historical Sodom, that is ever called Sodom is Jerusalem (Isaiah 1:10; Jer. 23:14, Ezek. 16:44f). Babylon is also "where the Lord was crucified" (Rev. 11:8). Jesus was not crucified in Rome, or by the Catholic church; Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem! Jerusalem is the whore of Babylon.

To me, it is crystal-clear that these events in Revelation were perfectly fulfilled in the first century. Everything fits perfectly. There is simply no need to push it all off into the future.
This beast is the beast of the sea (Rome); or the beast from abroad. It is one beast; the emperor is just the mouth of this beast (13:5).

The beast of the land, of course, is composed of Zealots and Idumeans (the two horns). To them, Judea was their land (ge). Even Paul refers to the Zealots as beasts (1 Cor. 15:32) after they chase him out of a synagogue in Ephesus (Acts 19:9).

Thanks for sharing your usual ridiculous interpretations
English is the world's single most widespread language:

A= 1 x 6 = 6, B = 2 x 6 = 12, C = 3 x 6 = 18, D = 4 x 6 = 24, E = 5 x 6 = 30, etc.

K= 66

I= 54

S= 114

S= 114

I = 54

N= 84

G= 42

E= 30

R= 108

+ 666

Kissinger's name equates to '666' by a simple formula.

2000 years ago, letters were the numbers. There was no made-up-bullshit to turn letters into numbers. Where do you get A=1x6, etc? It's just made up bullshit.

Kissinger? He's a very old man who is going to be dead any day now. You bring up more made up bullshit which exposes an embarrassing effect of Futurists, the naming of people who come and go, like setting dates that come and go. As these people and dates come and go, they just expose that you make up shit.

Naming Kissinger tells me you're an old man who was a young man in Kissinger's days of power. When you were young and your mind was sharp, you were still too blind to see how unchristian and stupid you Futurist doctrine was. Now that your mind is old and dull, what chance do you have to see? 1988 came and went, and you didn't get a clue.

All that's left for you is to protest against, with utmost lameness, better doctrine, as you vote Zionist sons of Satan which damage America and the church.
when will be the end times? I'm waiting

We are now very close to the END of the era of Satan's rule on earth (as per Revelation 20:1-3).

We are even closer to the time Revelation 13 public emergence of the Beast will occur.

Pay no attention to the dullards and Satan's shills that claim such as the Beast has already come and ruled and the "marking" has already happened and Christ has already returned and His 1000 year reign has already taken place.

Revelation 13->forward reveals the future scenario.
when will be the end times? I'm waiting

We are now very close to the END of the era of Satan's rule on earth (as per Revelation 20:1-3).

We are even closer to the time Revelation 13 public emergence of the Beast will occur.

Pay no attention to the dullards and Satan's shills that claim such as the Beast has already come and ruled and the "marking" has already happened and Christ has already returned and His 1000 year reign has already taken place.

Yes, please freaks, pay no attention to the rest of us. In fact, just go away and hide, and, above all, stay away from ALL children. Thank you in advance.

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