The End Times

we are in the very end minutes of the last days do some resesrch

We are in the last minutes of the current world order. '

However, the supreme Beast (yet to publicly emerge) must rule the One World Government (not yet in place)

for 3.5 years before the day of Christ return in power (as per Revelation 19).
correct and look at the world stage we are getting close to taking down the harlot - america
we are in the very end minutes of the last days do some resesrch

We are in the last minutes of the current world order. '

However, the supreme Beast (yet to publicly emerge) must rule the One World Government (not yet in place)

for 3.5 years before the day of Christ return in power (as per Revelation 19).

correct and look at the world stage we are getting close to taking down the harlot - america

To make way for the One World Government the Beast will rule for 3.5 years,

Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal is taking down all the "sovereign" nations including "sovereign" USA.

And Vatican minion's will claim USA/NYCity is the harlot of the Revelation.

However, in fact the Vatican is the harlot of the Revelation.

we are in the very end minutes of the last days do some resesrch

We are in the last minutes of the current world order. '

However, the supreme Beast (yet to publicly emerge) must rule the One World Government (not yet in place)

for 3.5 years before the day of Christ return in power (as per Revelation 19).

correct and look at the world stage we are getting close to taking down the harlot - america

To make way for the One World Government the Beast will rule for 3.5 years,

Satan's Pope led Globalist cabal is taking down all the "sovereign" nations including "sovereign" USA.

And the Vatican's minion media will claim USA is the harlot of the Revelation.

However, in fact the Vatican is the harlot of the Revelation.

the vatican is the mother of the harlot
the vatican is the mother of the harlot

Protestants generally are not critical of their old mother cult.
And Jews WANT all to think the Great Whore was/is the Church.

Its real Christians who tell the truth about the Great Whore of Rome.

The Vatican fulfillment of Rev 17&18 is God-given confirmation of the truth of Jesus Christ.

The Fulfillment reveals that such as the Inquisitions were not Christian activities,

but rather Papist activities. People need to know this

Though many modern alleged "Christians" are oblivious to and/or deny the following fulfillment, many others have seen the fulfillment for centuries.
It was a main battle-cry of the Reformation era Protestants and was common knowledge in Protestant circles until a few decades ago
[as Protestantism lost it’s salty savor/corrupted].

One presents EVIDENCE in order to convince. Prophecy fulfillment is EVIDENCE.

Servants of Jesus seek to convince all that the NT is true, and Jesus is Lord.

Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto His servants ..." Rev 1:1

Servants of Jesus see the Vatican's perfect, unique, visible and verifiable fulfillment

of the Revelation's ch 17&18 description of the Great Whore Mother is highly significant,

precious God-given EVIDENCE confirming the truth of the NT and Lordship of Jesus

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.

The following is a correlation of some of the Revelations descriptions,

and unique fulfillment found in well known facts re: the Vatican.

From chapters 17 & 18 …. IFO = IN FULFILLMENT OF

Rev 17:2 '.....with whom the kings of the earth committed immorality....'.

IFO 17:2 - Immoral ties of the Vatican with earthly rulers are presently and historically verifiable.

Rev 17:4 '.....and the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet...'.

IFO 17:4 - Find a picture of the Cardinals in full costume.

Rev 17:5 '.....Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots....'.

IFO 17:5 - The Vatican calls herself the 'mother' 'church' because the denominations

came out of her. The denominations share her perversion.

Rev 17:6 '.....drunk with the blood of saints...'.

IFO 17:6 - Study the inquisitions. A policy of murder & torture of real people,

carried out openly over centuries. Inspired and directed by men who claim to be

the unique and direct representatives of Jesus Christ.

Rev 17:9 ' hills on which the woman sits....'.

IFO 17:9 - Rome is uniquely famous for its seven hills.

NO OTHER city nearly as famously nicknamed “city of 7 hills” as Rome has been since before NT was written.

For centuries the consensus of Roman Catholic and non-RC commentators was that Rome was the Revelation "city of 7 hills" ...
just RC commentators claimed it meant pre-Papal Rome. [many still claim this]

Naturally with a billion Papist in the world, the truth regarding the Great Whore

is oft disputed and RCs are happy to claim the “city of 7 hills” is any city other than Rome.

Rev 17:15 '.....The waters which you saw where the woman sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues....'.

IFO 17:15 - The worldwide influence of the Vatican is obvious.

Rev 17:18 '.....and the woman you saw is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth...'.

IFO 17:18 -The popes long ruled openly over the kings of the known world. Every king knew that if he bucked the papacy,
then the pope would - could - did encourage the citizens to revolt. This principle is still in practice today.

Rev 18:4 '.....voice from heaven saying: Come out of her MY people...'.

IFO 18:4 - Some R.C.'s belong to Jesus and will come out.

[they will also come out of the denominations] This is happening now, and has happened before.

Rev 18:12-19 ....describes the great wealth of the great whore.

IFO 18:12-19- Vatican's financial assets [open & hidden] are enormous.

The Revelation says there is a great whore in the city of 7 hills. Lo and behold, there is.

Most commentators place the writing of the Revelation at around 90AD, well before the Vatican existed.

This visible and verifiable fulfillment is God-given evidence confirming the truth of Jesus Christ.

"Come out of her MY people..." [Rev.18:4]

Seeing the fulfillment is a faith strengthening blessing. Being in denial is not.

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.


State church of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia
the vatican is the mother of the harlot

Protestants generally are not critical of their old mother cult.
And Jews WANT all to think the Great Whore was/is the Church.

Its real Christians who tell the truth about the Great Whore of Rome.

The Vatican fulfillment of Rev 17&18 is God-given confirmation of the truth of Jesus Christ.

The Fulfillment reveals that such as the Inquisitions were not Christian activities,

but rather Papist activities. People need to know this

Though many modern alleged "Christians" are oblivious to and/or deny the following fulfillment, many others have seen the fulfillment for centuries.
It was a main battle-cry of the Reformation era Protestants and was common knowledge in Protestant circles until a few decades ago
[as Protestantism lost it’s salty savor/corrupted].

One presents EVIDENCE in order to convince. Prophecy fulfillment is EVIDENCE.

Servants of Jesus seek to convince all that the NT is true, and Jesus is Lord.

Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto His servants ..." Rev 1:1

Servants of Jesus see the Vatican's perfect, unique, visible and verifiable fulfillment

of the Revelation's ch 17&18 description of the Great Whore Mother is highly significant,

precious God-given EVIDENCE confirming the truth of the NT and Lordship of Jesus

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.

The following is a correlation of some of the Revelations descriptions,

and unique fulfillment found in well known facts re: the Vatican.

From chapters 17 & 18 …. IFO = IN FULFILLMENT OF

Rev 17:2 '.....with whom the kings of the earth committed immorality....'.

IFO 17:2 - Immoral ties of the Vatican with earthly rulers are presently and historically verifiable.

Rev 17:4 '.....and the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet...'.

IFO 17:4 - Find a picture of the Cardinals in full costume.

Rev 17:5 '.....Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots....'.

IFO 17:5 - The Vatican calls herself the 'mother' 'church' because the denominations

came out of her. The denominations share her perversion.

Rev 17:6 '.....drunk with the blood of saints...'.

IFO 17:6 - Study the inquisitions. A policy of murder & torture of real people,

carried out openly over centuries. Inspired and directed by men who claim to be

the unique and direct representatives of Jesus Christ.

Rev 17:9 ' hills on which the woman sits....'.

IFO 17:9 - Rome is uniquely famous for its seven hills.

NO OTHER city nearly as famously nicknamed “city of 7 hills” as Rome has been since before NT was written.

For centuries the consensus of Roman Catholic and non-RC commentators was that Rome was the Revelation "city of 7 hills" ...
just RC commentators claimed it meant pre-Papal Rome. [many still claim this]

Naturally with a billion Papist in the world, the truth regarding the Great Whore

is oft disputed and RCs are happy to claim the “city of 7 hills” is any city other than Rome.

Rev 17:15 '.....The waters which you saw where the woman sits, are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues....'.

IFO 17:15 - The worldwide influence of the Vatican is obvious.

Rev 17:18 '.....and the woman you saw is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth...'.

IFO 17:18 -The popes long ruled openly over the kings of the known world. Every king knew that if he bucked the papacy,
then the pope would - could - did encourage the citizens to revolt. This principle is still in practice today.

Rev 18:4 '.....voice from heaven saying: Come out of her MY people...'.

IFO 18:4 - Some R.C.'s belong to Jesus and will come out.

[they will also come out of the denominations] This is happening now, and has happened before.

Rev 18:12-19 ....describes the great wealth of the great whore.

IFO 18:12-19- Vatican's financial assets [open & hidden] are enormous.

The Revelation says there is a great whore in the city of 7 hills. Lo and behold, there is.

Most commentators place the writing of the Revelation at around 90AD, well before the Vatican existed.

This visible and verifiable fulfillment is God-given evidence confirming the truth of Jesus Christ.

"Come out of her MY people..." [Rev.18:4]

Seeing the fulfillment is a faith strengthening blessing. Being in denial is not.

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.


State church of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia
what exactly is a Rea Christian? opposed to the fake ones and if Christians are the chosen ones which denomination will Jesus choose please? Jesus would not be involved in any religion of today they all began with evil intent and are all corrupted especially christanity...
What exactly is a Real Christian? opposed to the fake ones

and if Christians are the chosen ones which denomination will Jesus choose please?

Jesus would not be involved in any religion of today they all began with evil intent and are all corrupted especially christanity...

In era of the original apostles, water baptism of new believers signified newly acquired faith in Jesus.

After the Roman Empire empowered the Trinitarian cult (380 AD) water baptism came to mean becoming a member of the Trinitarian Roman State "church"
which evolved into the cults that comprise modern organized christianish religion.

NOW water baptism is entrance ritual into any of hundreds of water-baptizing clergy-led cults that comprise organized religion.

“COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE” Revelation 18:4 (command - not suggestion)

Jesus’s people have and will continue to come out of the Great Whore
and her family of water-baptized clergy-led Protestant cults.
IOW: Out of ALL the water-baptizing, clergy-led “churches” that comprise organized religion.

And into: JESUS’S CHURCH – THE Church:

Loves one another,
Jesus Christ is the founder,
Each member confess Jesus same as Peter did [Matt 16],
Each member exercises faith in Jesus Christ.
Each member individually led and taught by the NT revealed Word and Spirit of Jesus,
Has leaders (in truth not masters) (1 Cor 12)
Has no earthly HQ,Has no special day,
Has no “clergy/layman” distinction,
Has no special translation/version of the Bible,
Has no ‘name brand’ (like Lutheran, SDAdentist, LDSaints, Baptist, Messianic Jews etc),
Honors no seminary degrees,
Honors no earthly water baptism,
Has no “church” membership list kept on earth,
Member names are on Jesus’s list in heaven.
Members need only their native tongue.

The Church. The Flock-Body-Bride of Christ.
Wanna be a member? If so, then call on then heed Jesus.

Come out of the many christianish [mostly Trinitarian] cults that evolved from the Roman State “church”

State church of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia

What exactly is a Real Christian? opposed to the fake ones

and if Christians are the chosen ones which denomination will Jesus choose please?

Jesus would not be involved in any religion of today they all began with evil intent and are all corrupted especially christanity...

In era of the original apostles, water baptism of new believers signified newly acquired faith in Jesus.

After the Roman Empire empowered the Trinitarian cult (380 AD) water baptism came to mean becoming a member of the Trinitarian Roman State "church"
which evolved into the cults that comprise modern organized christianish religion.

NOW water baptism is entrance ritual into any of hundreds of water-baptizing clergy-led cults that comprise organized religion.

“COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE” Revelation 18:4 (command - not suggestion)

Jesus’s people have and will continue to come out of the Great Whore
and her family of water-baptized clergy-led Protestant cults.
IOW: Out of ALL the water-baptizing, clergy-led “churches” that comprise organized religion.

And into: JESUS’S CHURCH – THE Church:

Loves one another,
Jesus Christ is the founder,
Each member confess Jesus same as Peter did [Matt 16],
Each member exercises faith in Jesus Christ.
Each member individually led and taught by the NT revealed Word and Spirit of Jesus,
Has leaders (in truth not masters) (1 Cor 12)
Has no earthly HQ,Has no special day,
Has no “clergy/layman” distinction,
Has no special translation/version of the Bible,
Has no ‘name brand’ (like Lutheran, SDAdentist, LDSaints, Baptist, Messianic Jews etc),
Honors no seminary degrees,
Honors no earthly water baptism,
Has no “church” membership list kept on earth,
Member names are on Jesus’s list in heaven.
Members need only their native tongue.

The Church. The Flock-Body-Bride of Christ.
Wanna be a member? If so, then call on then heed Jesus.

Come out of the many christianish [mostly Trinitarian] cults that evolved from the Roman State “church”

State church of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia

From your comments, it seems that you don't believe in the Trinity? I've asked this question several times, but no one has given me an answer.

Our sin was against God. SO only God could pay the price for that sin, and allow forgiveness. Jesus paid that price. So, if Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Is that what you believe? There is also Scriptural confirmation for the Deity of Christ.

"All things were created by Him (JESUS) and for Him. And without Him was not anything made that was made."

Jesus also used Gods own words to describe Himself. I AM. In Revelation, Jesus is described as King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus shares many titles that were historically reserved for God. The Jews knew exactly what Jesus meant when He said ""Very truly I tell you," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!" That is why they tried to kill Him. He claimed equality with God.

I believe that many people, including yourself, have a distorted view of just exactly what the Trinity is. It is not three Gods, as some claim. It is one God, or the essence of God, existing as three distinct persons. That's the clearest definition that I have come across. They are three, yet at the same time They are one. It's a concept that we cannot really wrap our minds around, but God cannot be comprehended. All we know about Him is what He has revealed to us.
In the first century, Peter addressed dispirited audiences in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia to tell them that they were ransomed from the futile ways of their forefathers (1 Peter 1:1, 18). Who were their forefathers? And what were their futile ways? Their forefathers were Israelites. Their futile ways were idolatry and paganism. That is essentially the entire conflict of the Old Testament. Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 sum the up the obedience-disobedience dichotomy well enough, but virtually all the books deal with it.

Peter is telling his contemporaries that Jesus has liberated Israel from its idolatry. Christ came once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin (Heb. 9:26). Christ flipped the world upside-down. Paganism no longer rules it; Christianity does. The people of God no longer give in to the idol worship of their oppressors; they turn to the Cross and Worship the living God at their will. And so do their former oppressors.

Note in Hebrews 9:26 another key element: Jesus has appeared at the end of the ages. He has appeared at the end of the ages. The passage is in the present perfect tense. Even in the first century, Peter is telling his audiences what has already taken place. The end times have come and gone. Numerous passages in the New Testament speak to this notion, yet Christians for the last two to three hundred years have been preaching a different Gospel. They do not recognize the terrible events at the end of the Jewish Age that John records in Revelation, and they do not recognize the Kingdom of God that is now all around them.

A critical reading of the Scriptures tells us that the end times have passed and a new covenant age has arrived. Keep in mind that the Scriptures do not promise a world without war; it promises a world in which God’s Kingdom prevails. After the old covenant expires, this new world would come. That is, after the end times, the Church would prevail. To the Hebrew writers, these end times were future, save for a scant handful in the first century to whom the end times were present. Paul, for example, believed himself a witness to this transformational period when he says that the present form of this world is passing away (1 Cor. 7:31) and that the end of the ages has come (1 Cor. 10:11).

Other Hebrew writers affirm this sentiment, writing in the present tense, that in their time – the latter part of the first century – the last days were upon them. Here are a few more passages on the imminence of the last days:

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world (Heb. 1:1 & 2).

You have laid up treasure in the last days (James 5:3);

He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you (1 Peter 1:20);

For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God (1 Peter 4:17);

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour (1 John 2:18).

These are written in the present tense. The authors are addressing their contemporaries. Phrases like these last days, have laid up, and was made manifest indicate that these authors are witnessing the end of the age. Phrases like these should tell us what Jesus and others in the first century meant when they said that the Kingdom is “at hand.” They meant that it is coming. From their perspective, the Kingdom was already coming.
We are in the very end of the end days. The world stage proves it. And people are so evil its ridiculous

that's how the desert religions hope to save themselves by having their redeemer spar them at the cost of everyone else ... they are the most corrupt of them all, their acquiescence to allow evil to save themselves.
All organized religions are corrupt and Jesus would not be a part of them they are all in for a very rude awakening

Jesus speaks to 7 congregations in (revelation( occurring as we speak)--proving he is with--ONE- single religion. 34,000 religionssssss claiming to be Christian, but only one is.

Jesus would not be involved w/ any organized religion on earth today. They are so corrupt and were created with evil intent...
We are in the very end of the end days. The world stage proves it. And people are so evil its ridiculous

that's how the desert religions hope to save themselves by having their redeemer spar them at the cost of everyone else ... they are the most corrupt of them all, their acquiescence to allow evil to save themselves.
All organized religions are corrupt and Jesus would not be a part of them they are all in for a very rude awakening

Jesus speaks to 7 congregations in (revelation( occurring as we speak)--proving he is with--ONE- single religion. 34,000 religionssssss claiming to be Christian, but only one is.

Not a wise place to stand calling Jesus a liar. He started one single religion. It is here on earth today--Just as Jesus said it would be--its hated.
We are in the very end of the end days. The world stage proves it. And people are so evil its ridiculous

that's how the desert religions hope to save themselves by having their redeemer spar them at the cost of everyone else ... they are the most corrupt of them all, their acquiescence to allow evil to save themselves.
All organized religions are corrupt and Jesus would not be a part of them they are all in for a very rude awakening

Jesus speaks to 7 congregations in (revelation( occurring as we speak)--proving he is with--ONE- single religion. 34,000 religionssssss claiming to be Christian, but only one is.

Jesus would not be involved w/ any organized religion on earth today. They are so corrupt and were created with evil intent...
We are in the very end of the end days. The world stage proves it. And people are so evil its ridiculous

that's how the desert religions hope to save themselves by having their redeemer spar them at the cost of everyone else ... they are the most corrupt of them all, their acquiescence to allow evil to save themselves.
All organized religions are corrupt and Jesus would not be a part of them they are all in for a very rude awakening

Jesus speaks to 7 congregations in (revelation( occurring as we speak)--proving he is with--ONE- single religion. 34,000 religionssssss claiming to be Christian, but only one is.

Not a wise place to stand calling Jesus a liar. He started one single religion. It is here on earth today--Just as Jesus said it would be--its hated.
Jesus started no religion - he came to show he was here and for us to believe jesus would not be involved with any religion of today they are all corrupt
that's how the desert religions hope to save themselves by having their redeemer spar them at the cost of everyone else ... they are the most corrupt of them all, their acquiescence to allow evil to save themselves.
All organized religions are corrupt and Jesus would not be a part of them they are all in for a very rude awakening

Jesus speaks to 7 congregations in (revelation( occurring as we speak)--proving he is with--ONE- single religion. 34,000 religionssssss claiming to be Christian, but only one is.

Jesus would not be involved w/ any organized religion on earth today. They are so corrupt and were created with evil intent...
that's how the desert religions hope to save themselves by having their redeemer spar them at the cost of everyone else ... they are the most corrupt of them all, their acquiescence to allow evil to save themselves.
All organized religions are corrupt and Jesus would not be a part of them they are all in for a very rude awakening

Jesus speaks to 7 congregations in (revelation( occurring as we speak)--proving he is with--ONE- single religion. 34,000 religionssssss claiming to be Christian, but only one is.

Not a wise place to stand calling Jesus a liar. He started one single religion. It is here on earth today--Just as Jesus said it would be--its hated.
Jesus started no religion - he came to show he was here and for us to believe jesus would not be involved with any religion of today they are all corrupt

One stands out from the rest--The one that has Jesus--The world hates truth.
Not only do New Testament writers expressly state that the end times were a first-century phenomena, but Jesus states expressly that his return was also beginning in the first century.

Jesus instructs his disciples to preach the Gospel throughout Galilee, warning them that they will rile the people and divide families with their message (Matt. 10:5-23). And he tells them that they will not have traversed the countryside before the Son of Man comes (5:23). Does this mean that the State of Israel was so immense that twelve men would need more than two thousand years to canvas it? That’s preposterous.

Note that Jesus sends out seventy-two other followers in pairs with similar instructions (Luke 10:1-12). They go and then report back to him (10:17). The Son of Man, therefore, was coming. Even while Jesus was still conducting his ministry, he would make manifest glimmers of his Parousia. While the seventy-two were out preaching, Jesus saw Satan falling from heaven. Jesus was beginning to contain the idolatry of God’s people. Great changes in the world were beginning to materialize.

Why would anyone in this day and age believe that we still live under an old covenant? If we are, then put down your shellfish.
I read the entries in this thread with some amusement. Maybe some dismay.

You all swear by some cataclysmic future, citing verses that you need to interpret because no one else except you gets it.

Why not cite verses that state unequivocally that Jesus would not return until at least two thousand years after his crucifixion? Why not cite verses that state unequivocally that he did not complete his mission on the Cross, despite what he said?

Yea, maybe I'm more dismayed than amused.
Not only do New Testament writers expressly state that the end times were a first-century phenomena, but Jesus states expressly that his return was also beginning in the first century.

Jesus instructs his disciples to preach the Gospel throughout Galilee, warning them that they will rile the people and divide families with their message (Matt. 10:5-23). And he tells them that they will not have traversed the countryside before the Son of Man comes (5:23). Does this mean that the State of Israel was so immense that twelve men would need more than two thousand years to canvas it? That’s preposterous.

Note that Jesus sends out seventy-two other followers in pairs with similar instructions (Luke 10:1-12). They go and then report back to him (10:17). The Son of Man, therefore, was coming. Even while Jesus was still conducting his ministry, he would make manifest glimmers of his Parousia. While the seventy-two were out preaching, Jesus saw Satan falling from heaven. Jesus was beginning to contain the idolatry of God’s people. Great changes in the world were beginning to materialize.

Why would anyone in this day and age believe that we still live under an old covenant? If we are, then put down your shellfish.
m,any are deceived we have been in new covenant since Jesus died onthe cross
Not only do New Testament writers expressly state that the end times were a first-century phenomena, but Jesus states expressly that his return was also beginning in the first century.

Jesus instructs his disciples to preach the Gospel throughout Galilee, warning them that they will rile the people and divide families with their message (Matt. 10:5-23). And he tells them that they will not have traversed the countryside before the Son of Man comes (5:23). Does this mean that the State of Israel was so immense that twelve men would need more than two thousand years to canvas it? That’s preposterous.

Note that Jesus sends out seventy-two other followers in pairs with similar instructions (Luke 10:1-12). They go and then report back to him (10:17). The Son of Man, therefore, was coming. Even while Jesus was still conducting his ministry, he would make manifest glimmers of his Parousia. While the seventy-two were out preaching, Jesus saw Satan falling from heaven. Jesus was beginning to contain the idolatry of God’s people. Great changes in the world were beginning to materialize.

Why would anyone in this day and age believe that we still live under an old covenant? If we are, then put down your shellfish.
m,any are deceived we have been in new covenant since Jesus died onthe cross

The new covenant= LOVE---Not only for family and friends, but the same love to ones enemies as well---the majority have failed this real love of the new covenant.
Not only do New Testament writers expressly state that the end times were a first-century phenomena, but Jesus states expressly that his return was also beginning in the first century.

Yes, the "end times" were in the first century, but many lying pastors say otherwise, and there are plenty of dumbshits to believe them. (The end times is the end of the old covenant, not the end of the world.)

Why would anyone in this day and age believe that we still live under an old covenant? If we are, then put down your shellfish.

As there are no priests, and can never be priests again, it's impossible to follow the old covenant. But, Talmludizers (Zionists, Judaizers) enjoy pretending Christ hasn't come.
Not only do New Testament writers expressly state that the end times were a first-century phenomena, but Jesus states expressly that his return was also beginning in the first century.

Yes, the "end times" were in the first century, but many lying pastors say otherwise, and there are plenty of dumbshits to believe them. (The end times is the end of the old covenant, not the end of the world.)

Why would anyone in this day and age believe that we still live under an old covenant? If we are, then put down your shellfish.

As there are no priests, and can never be priests again, it's impossible to follow the old covenant. But, Talmludizers (Zionists, Judaizers) enjoy pretending Christ hasn't come.
are youinsane that is not what revelation is about lol
The new covenant= LOVE---Not only for family and friends, but the same love to ones enemies as well---the majority have failed this real love of the new covenant.

Jesus taught us to hate God's enemies. He taught us by demonstration (his unceasing hatred who showed to unbelieving Jews). He taught us by upholding the Old Testament (which tell us to hate God's enemies with a perfect hatred). And he taught us in parables, such as the Good Samaritan (Love your neighbor, but Jews aren't your neighbor).

Jesus said "love your enemies". Do you think you're God? Why do you equate your enemies with God's enemies, you arrogant shithead? Jesus made one statement in the entire bible about loving your enemies. Jesus also told people to hate their parents. Why don't you hate your parents, hypocrite? I love my parents, but I'm not a hypocrite because I recognize Jesus was speaking in hyperbole, both times.
The new covenant= LOVE---Not only for family and friends, but the same love to ones enemies as well---the majority have failed this real love of the new covenant.

Jesus taught us to hate God's enemies. He taught us by demonstration (his unceasing hatred who showed to unbelieving Jews). He taught us by upholding the Old Testament (which tell us to hate God's enemies with a perfect hatred). And he taught us in parables, such as the Good Samaritan (Love your neighbor, but Jews aren't your neighbor).

Jesus said "love your enemies". Do you think you're God? Why do you equate your enemies with God's enemies, you arrogant shithead? Jesus made one statement in the entire bible about loving your enemies. Jesus also told people to hate their parents. Why don't you hate your parents, hypocrite? I love my parents, but I'm not a hypocrite because I recognize Jesus was speaking in hyperbole, both times.
so as not to fall into satans trap sweety... will you follow your parents to hell if that is their choice or heaven with Jesus

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