The endless search for a scapegoat continues unabated.

Even if we pretend everything Trump accused the WHO of is right, this is not the time to withhold funding.

CDC director distances himself from Trumpā€™s WHO criticism, saying the agencies ā€˜continue to haveā€™ strong relationship
Trump threatens to adjourn Congress to get his nominees but likely would be impeded by Senate rules

President Trump threatened Wednesday to try to force Congress to adjourn so he could fill his administrationā€™s vacancies without Senate approval, the second time this week he has claimed unprecedented executive authority amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The president cited a never-exercised constitutional power to shut down Congress if the House and Senate are in disagreement over adjourning, pushing both the executive and legislative branches into uncharted territory.
On Monday, Trump had asserted that he had ā€œtotalā€ authority over the decision to reopen the country, overruling governors intent on protecting public health and containing further spread of the coronavirus. He seemed to backtrack Tuesday, suggesting that he would work with the governors on such a step.
Yikes. The POTUS (piece of total unmitigated shit) has lost his mind.
Trump foments resistance to Democratic-imposed shutdowns, but some Republican governors are also wary of moving too fast

"President Trump on Friday amplified his call to reopen the country, suggesting citizens should ā€œliberateā€ themselves even as governors and local officials in areas he said were ready to return to normal expressed concern about moving too soon.
Republican governors have been slow to embrace Trumpā€™s call to lift statewide stay-at-home orders in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic that is killing thousands of Americans. And Democratic governors have increasingly denounced what they describe as a lack of federal leadership in a response effort plagued by shortfalls in testing and equipment.
On Friday, Texas announced a plan for loosening restrictions on economic activity. But the proposal by Gov. Greg Abbott (R) made few immediate changes to the stay-at-home order and left many decisions for the end of the month after consultations with a new ā€œstrike forceā€ of business leaders and medical professionals."
What's the play here? What's the con? Simple. Sit in judgement of the decisions governors are making with respect to how quickly they re-start their state's economies while fomenting anger and resentment among the minions if they don't move as fast as the Divider-in-Chief wants them to.
"Trump on Friday took aim at Democratic-led states, tweeting about a need to ā€œLIBERATEā€ places such as Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia while seeming to side with protesters there who are rebelling against restrictions that match the Trump administrationā€™s own social-distancing recommendations."
The strategy being employed here is no different from the one Trump used to obfuscate Mueller's findings that Individual 1 obstructed the investigation. Or the one he used to obfuscate his extortion of Ukraine for personal political gain. It's called muddy the water. Constantly put out disinformation and outright lies, reinforced by right wing media, to obfuscate the basic fact..................Trump failed the nation by his ineptitude in not preparing the nation for the virus and prioritizing the economy over the public's health once the outbreak began.
The strategy being employed here is no different from the one Trump used to obfuscate Mueller's findings that Individual 1 obstructed the investigation. Or the one he used to obfuscate his extortion of Ukraine for personal political gain. It's called muddy the water. Constantly put out disinformation and outright lies, reinforced by right wing media, to obfuscate the basic fact..................Trump failed the nation by his ineptitude in not preparing the nation for the virus and prioritizing the economy over the public's health once the outbreak began.
Here's another fool that needs politicians to think and do everything for him. Dumbass.
The strategy being employed here is no different from the one Trump used to obfuscate Mueller's findings that Individual 1 obstructed the investigation. Or the one he used to obfuscate his extortion of Ukraine for personal political gain. It's called muddy the water. Constantly put out disinformation and outright lies, reinforced by right wing media, to obfuscate the basic fact..................Trump failed the nation by his ineptitude in not preparing the nation for the virus and prioritizing the economy over the public's health once the outbreak began.
Here's another fool that needs politicians to think and do everything for him. Dumbass.
You'll have to forgive me for dismissing the remarks of a brain dead Trump cultist who does not realize the extent to which he is being manipulated by a master conman.
The strategy being employed here is no different from the one Trump used to obfuscate Mueller's findings that Individual 1 obstructed the investigation. Or the one he used to obfuscate his extortion of Ukraine for personal political gain. It's called muddy the water. Constantly put out disinformation and outright lies, reinforced by right wing media, to obfuscate the basic fact..................Trump failed the nation by his ineptitude in not preparing the nation for the virus and prioritizing the economy over the public's health once the outbreak began.
Here's another fool that needs politicians to think and do everything for him. Dumbass.
You'll have to forgive me for dismissing the remarks of a brain dead Trump cultist who does not realize the extent to which he is being manipulated by a master conman.
Again, dingus, what politicians say, or do, has no effect on my life whatsoever. I take care of myself and my family any way I see fit. You and your needy leftist traitor buds can shove your Trump hate directly up your ass.
Again, dingus, what politicians say, or do, has no effect on my life whatsoever. I take care of myself and my family any way I see fit. You and your needy leftist traitor buds can shove your Trump hate directly up your ass.
As I said.............You'll have to forgive me for dismissing the remarks of a brain dead Trump cultist who does not realize the extent to which he is being manipulated by a master conman.
FEB. 5

Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough. Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now.
Losers and those with 'an axe to grind' look for 'scapegoats'. 'Winners' / 'Survivors' focus on the problem and deal with the hand that has been dealt them.
Trump blames WHO for getting coronavirus pandemic wrong, threatens to withhold funding

President Donald Trump blamed the World Health Organization for getting ā€œevery aspectā€ of the coronavirus pandemic wrong and threatened to withhold funding from the international organization.
The sad truth is Trump got ā€œevery aspectā€ of the coronavirus pandemic wrong. Even sadder, Trumpleton's will lap up the deflection like an alcoholic laps up Jack Daniels.
You're closing in on the TDS influenced number threads to match the Year President Trump will be re-elected 2020.
Losers and those with 'an axe to grind' look for 'scapegoats'. 'Winners' / 'Survivors' focus on the problem and deal with the hand that has been dealt them.
The thing about your spin wheel the democrat and the media is one and the same WHO has covered for China
Why aren't you calling for an investigation to find out the connection between WHO and China?
From your article, Trump gives his reasons for why the WHO was wrong. You didn't give any rationale' or facts why Trump was wrong. Hint: Trump is right, the WHO screwed-up, so this is just one of your daily TDS troll threads.

"They did give us some pretty bad play calling ... with regard to us, theyā€™re taking a lot of heat because they didnā€™t want the borders closed, they called it wrong. They really called, I would say, every aspect of it wrong,ā€ Trump said at a White House press conference Tuesday.
Not surprisingly, you missed the point. As David Frum points out in his excellent article.........
...................Trump is guilty of the things he accuses the WHO of.

He's trying to deflect attention from his own failures by directing attention to the WHO.

Trump's failures are well documented. They have been thoroughly reported. Some, like saying "it's all under control" and "it's all going to be fine," are on video tape. The depth of his failures continue to be revealed, like the recent news of Navarro's memo.

Just as he exposed his ignorance when he said "who knew fixing health care could be so complicated" he did the same by saying "no one could have known it was going to be this bad." That is as big a lie as he has ever told and he has told a lot of them.

He is responsible for the country's failed response. The political stakes for escaping accountability for his failures are high. Hence the attempt to deflect blame on the WHO, CDC, the states, Obama, etc. Trump will keep throwing shit on the wall because he knows it works with his fawning minions. The more it works, the more he throws.
DREP only the deranged take your stupid shit as legit
Thanks for the laugh
HUH???????? Are you just oblivious to all the information that has come to light about how the WHO served as Red China's mouthpiece and helped China mislead the word about the virus for weeks? Do you live down here on this planet?
Instead of funding the WHO, let China do that since they own them, we should put that US money to upgrade the CDC and hospital preparedness.
The thing about your spin wheel the democrat and the media is one and the same WHO has covered for China
Why aren't you calling for an investigation to find out the connection between WHO and China?
Sorry, I can't take lunatic conspiracy theories seriously anymore. I've acknowledged the WHO made mistakes. They have been thoroughly covered by the media. When will acknowledge your Dear Leader made mistakes..........and is till making them?
Instead of funding the WHO, let China do that since they own them, we should put that US money to upgrade the CDC and hospital preparedness.
Just as long as you realize ceding power to China, and to Russia in the ME as Trump has done, under minds our long term interests. A hallmark of Trumpery is only thinking about the moment, not strategic thinking. Long term thinking is harder to do when so much time is spent tweeting and playing golf.
This whole 'Scapegoat' thread and Left's attempt to blame / demonize the President for the Coronavirus response can all be condensed and reflected in one debate, and that debate took place on the Bill Maher Show between Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) and Maher.

Maher used about every single argument and accusation snowflakes have used against the President in this thread. Crenshaw would have none of it, as he refused to allow emotion and a lack of context fuel the false narratives / accusations:

'Maher tried to dunk all over Trump while leaving out critical things that Trump did in response to the pandemic in the context of when he did them, leaving out things Trump did in January like activating the CDC, forming the virus task force, declaring a public health emergency, and restricting travel with China.'

Not only did he talk about Trump restricting travel, rebutting Maherā€™s claims, but he also pointed out the context.

Crenshaw pointed out:

While the Chinese and the WHO were telling the world China had the virus under control...While the WHO was telling the world COVID-19 was not a serious threat and telling the world's countries NOT to close their borders....while Democrats were telling Americans to go about their daily lives - to continue to group in large numbers, ride the subway, & to 'Come to Chinatown'...PRESIDENT TRUMP INSTITUTED A TRAVEL BAN TO ATTEMPT TO LIMIT / STOP THE SPREAD OF COVID-19.

- China knew for months how bad the virus was and continued to allow the virus to spread globally by refusing to stop international flights from the epicenter of the outbreak.

- Democrats, led by Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi opposed the travel ban and personally attacked the President for instituting it, calling his actions Xenophobic and accusing him of engaging in fear-mongering. Now, after this, they declare the President instituted the ban too late and despicably claim they would have imposed it sooner...despite being on record as opposing it. The FACT is if it was left up to the Democrats who SAY they would have imposed the ban sooner - the same people who opposed it - the ban would NOT have been imposed, and many more Americans would have been infected and died.

Crenshaw also destroyed the false narrative that despite the Travel Ban, TRUMP allowed 40,000 people to enter the US after the Ban was put in place.
-- CONTEXT: Crenshaw gilled in what Dems / Maher / snowflakes leave / left out: Those people were U.S. CITIZENS, GREEN-CARD HOLDERS, AND PASSPORT HOLDER - U.S. CITIZENS! So the Trump-haters are attacking the President for allowing US CITIZENS back in THEIR OWN COUNTRY! They are arguing that the President should never have allowed them to come back.

Crenshaw then told Maher, 'If you are saying the ban should have been more restrictive then fine...but...You clearly had the foresight back then but nobody else did."
- Not only did the Democrats NOT see / think Travel Ban restrictions should have been tougher, they didn't even agree with the idea one should have been imposed to begin with. all this crap they are doing now is 'Monday Morning Quarterbacking' AFTER they demonstrated they were completely wrong as it was happening (CONTEXT!).

Faced with THE FACTS, the TIMING, and the proper CONTECTS, Maher was left stuttering and unable to dispute / push back against any of it. The last point Crenshaw made was the most impactful fact that silenced Maher:

ā€œI provide all of that context as we try to basically accuse this man of ā€¦ heā€™s being accused of having blood on his hands,ā€ Crenshaw said. ā€œAnd context is so important here. If weā€™re going to criticize somebodyā€™s actions, we have to do it with the facts they knew at the time. So Iā€™m just trying to be fair here. I donā€™t really care about defending him or his actions. I just care about letting people know the truth. And when people make these accusations, I have to ask them: Is the goal to make Trump look bad or is the goal to get to the truth? Because they are are two separate sets of answers for that.ā€

The Left seeks to affect a 'hit' on the President by criticizing him for his actions regarding his COVID-19 response, which they now say was the right thing to do, while trying to hide / distract from the fact that while this President DID act they either advocated doing NOTHING or declared the country should engage in practices that would have resulted in a greater spread of the virus, many more Americans being infected, and many more Americans dying.


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