The Enemy Within

On this, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, it seems appropriate to discuss those Americans who not only disagree with the view of America and Americans as a force for good but actively promote their disdain to include violent opposition to our national interests.
I speak of that influential group which fills the heads of impressionable college kids with their twisted POV. Shortly after 9/11, then Professor Ward Churchill found use for it as a "teaching" lesson, claiming we deserved to be attacked and that those killed were "little Eichmans" (Nazis). Today, Churchill still stands by his comments and the small but influential cabal to which he belongs still inculcate our kids with their particular brand of hate. The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Obama said in his speech last night, ISIS is not an Islamic religious group. :eusa_think:

The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Or maybe it will be some gun toting twisted extreme right wing fucks who can't wait for RaHoWa.
There are plenty of drooling right wing tards on this forum looking forward to a second Civil War.

It's a good idea to recognize the enemy within whether it be loony left or, in the case of Tim McVey, loony right. Don't you agree?
The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Or maybe it will be some gun toting twisted extreme right wing fucks who can't wait for RaHoWa.
There are plenty of drooling right wing tards on this forum looking forward to a second Civil War.

It's a good idea to recognize the enemy within whether it be loony left or, in the case of Tim McVey, loony right. Don't you agree?
It's a good idea to stop all this Us vs. Them mindset bullshit. The extremes are born out of divisiveness.
On this, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, it seems appropriate to discuss those Americans who not only disagree with the view of America and Americans as a force for good but actively promote their disdain to include violent opposition to our national interests.
I speak of that influential group which fills the heads of impressionable college kids with their twisted POV. Shortly after 9/11, then Professor Ward Churchill found use for it as a "teaching" lesson, claiming we deserved to be attacked and that those killed were "little Eichmans" (Nazis). Today, Churchill still stands by his comments and the small but influential cabal to which he belongs still inculcate our kids with their particular brand of hate. The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Ron Paul claimed the same thing

Proving only that even a broken clock is correct twice a day.
Was that your point or are you defending those who teach and preach hate for America in our schools?

I have never heard of Ward Churchill......I HAVE heard of Ron Paul

Why isn't your thread about him?
On this, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, it seems appropriate to discuss those Americans who not only disagree with the view of America and Americans as a force for good but actively promote their disdain to include violent opposition to our national interests.
I speak of that influential group which fills the heads of impressionable college kids with their twisted POV. Shortly after 9/11, then Professor Ward Churchill found use for it as a "teaching" lesson, claiming we deserved to be attacked and that those killed were "little Eichmans" (Nazis). Today, Churchill still stands by his comments and the small but influential cabal to which he belongs still inculcate our kids with their particular brand of hate. The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Yes, there are many Ward Churchill's/BillAyers being groomed in our country. Friday night on Fox, 9 Eastern, Megyn Kelly has Ward Churchill and Dinesh D`Souza in debate. Should be informative, to say the least.

I wonder if D'Souza will be asked about his upcoming prison sentencing?
On this, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, it seems appropriate to discuss those Americans who not only disagree with the view of America and Americans as a force for good but actively promote their disdain to include violent opposition to our national interests.
I speak of that influential group which fills the heads of impressionable college kids with their twisted POV. Shortly after 9/11, then Professor Ward Churchill found use for it as a "teaching" lesson, claiming we deserved to be attacked and that those killed were "little Eichmans" (Nazis). Today, Churchill still stands by his comments and the small but influential cabal to which he belongs still inculcate our kids with their particular brand of hate. The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Obama said in his speech last night, ISIS is not an Islamic religious group. :eusa_think:

There is a bit of room to differentiate between the rabid Islamists and the Islamic religionists.
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Yes, there are many Ward Churchill's/BillAyers being groomed in our country. Friday night on Fox, 9 Eastern, Megyn Kelly has Ward Churchill and Dinesh D`Souza in debate. Should be informative, to say the least.
You must have a different definition of "informative" than I have. Yours must include the phrase "freak show" in it.

well that was so informative
Yes, there are many Ward Churchill's/BillAyers being groomed in our country. Friday night on Fox, 9 Eastern, Megyn Kelly has Ward Churchill and Dinesh D`Souza in debate. Should be informative, to say the least.
You must have a different definition of "informative" than I have. Yours must include the phrase "freak show" in it.

well that was so informative and on topic
so you don't like them others might
It's a freak show. It is entertainment. A gladiator show.

Don't mistake it for "informative". It's bread and circuses for the bloodthirsty audience.
The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Or maybe it will be some gun toting twisted extreme right wing fucks who can't wait for RaHoWa.
There are plenty of drooling right wing tards on this forum looking forward to a second Civil War.

It's a good idea to recognize the enemy within whether it be loony left or, in the case of Tim McVey, loony right. Don't you agree?
It's a good idea to stop all this Us vs. Them mindset bullshit. The extremes are born out of divisiveness.

Soooo, you believe their is no need to recognize and confront those who teach and preach hate for America and Americans. Got it.
On this, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, it seems appropriate to discuss those Americans who not only disagree with the view of America and Americans as a force for good but actively promote their disdain to include violent opposition to our national interests.
I speak of that influential group which fills the heads of impressionable college kids with their twisted POV. Shortly after 9/11, then Professor Ward Churchill found use for it as a "teaching" lesson, claiming we deserved to be attacked and that those killed were "little Eichmans" (Nazis). Today, Churchill still stands by his comments and the small but influential cabal to which he belongs still inculcate our kids with their particular brand of hate. The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

You worrying about radicals inculcating kids with hate was also happening in the 50's and 60's. Then it was the john birch society among others leading that charge.
Obama said in his speech last night, ISIS is not an Islamic religious group. :eusa_think:

He's right. They are totalitarian maniacs wearing an Islamic flag pin.

I see. So you are willing to recognize the difference between Islamics and Islamists but not those who teach and preach hate for America and Americans in our schools. Got it.
On this, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, it seems appropriate to discuss those Americans who not only disagree with the view of America and Americans as a force for good but actively promote their disdain to include violent opposition to our national interests.
I speak of that influential group which fills the heads of impressionable college kids with their twisted POV. Shortly after 9/11, then Professor Ward Churchill found use for it as a "teaching" lesson, claiming we deserved to be attacked and that those killed were "little Eichmans" (Nazis). Today, Churchill still stands by his comments and the small but influential cabal to which he belongs still inculcate our kids with their particular brand of hate. The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

You worrying about radicals inculcating kids with hate was also happening in the 50's and 60's. Then it was the john birch society among others leading that charge.

Woo. What is with you knee-jerk libs and your need to protect and defend those who hate America and Americans and are proud of it?
I agree that the us vs them mentality is harmful. There are some "us" here who see a "them" behind every bush (no pun intended) and would gladly throw out the Constitution in order to deny them equality. They also don't mind lying to further their wacko agenda.
The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Or maybe it will be some gun toting twisted extreme right wing fucks who can't wait for RaHoWa.
There are plenty of drooling right wing tards on this forum looking forward to a second Civil War.

It's a good idea to recognize the enemy within whether it be loony left or, in the case of Tim McVey, loony right. Don't you agree?
It's a good idea to stop all this Us vs. Them mindset bullshit. The extremes are born out of divisiveness.

Soooo, you believe their is no need to recognize and confront those who teach and preach hate for America and Americans. Got it.
I confront them all the time. But I also confront the lying manipulators who help create them. Fox News, MSNBC, Breitbart, CNS News, Washington Times, Daily Kos, Daily Caller, Glenn Beck, Infowars, Alex Jones. All guilty.

These manufacturers of bullshit are deliberately feeding the frenzy.
I find the OP's "Us vs. Them" mentality to be ironic.

For some reason, it is extremely important to Fox News and other hack media outlets that this country be divided.

We cannot get to where we are supposed to be unless we all get there together.
^ that.

In the end, TV is about "selling stuff" (ad revenue) and that is attained through creating controversy so people will tune-in. Thats why I don't watch TV. Seems like many SEVERE rw'ers rely exclusively on TV for their *cough* "news/info"

Severe rw'ers :tinfoil: want to be told by Megyn/Rush that our President is a kenyan usurper :rolleyes:

Eisenhower the American Hater.

On this, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, it seems appropriate to discuss those Americans who not only disagree with the view of America and Americans as a force for good but actively promote their disdain to include violent opposition to our national interests.
I speak of that influential group which fills the heads of impressionable college kids with their twisted POV. Shortly after 9/11, then Professor Ward Churchill found use for it as a "teaching" lesson, claiming we deserved to be attacked and that those killed were "little Eichmans" (Nazis). Today, Churchill still stands by his comments and the small but influential cabal to which he belongs still inculcate our kids with their particular brand of hate. The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

You worrying about radicals inculcating kids with hate was also happening in the 50's and 60's. Then it was the john birch society among others leading that charge.

Woo. What is with you knee-jerk libs and your need to protect and defend those who hate America and Americans and are proud of it?

I wasn't defending anyone, just saying there have always been radicals on both the left and the right. The birchers were the 50's. Most people figured them to be loons but even loons deserve to be heard. I don't know who hates America because I don't know what's in their hearts. So how do you determine who an America hater is?
On this, the 13th anniversary of 9/11, it seems appropriate to discuss those Americans who not only disagree with the view of America and Americans as a force for good but actively promote their disdain to include violent opposition to our national interests.
I speak of that influential group which fills the heads of impressionable college kids with their twisted POV. Shortly after 9/11, then Professor Ward Churchill found use for it as a "teaching" lesson, claiming we deserved to be attacked and that those killed were "little Eichmans" (Nazis). Today, Churchill still stands by his comments and the small but influential cabal to which he belongs still inculcate our kids with their particular brand of hate. The next round of terror attacks on America will be perpetrated not by al Qaeda or ISIS or whatever rabid Islamist terror gang is popular but rather by US anarchists/socialists who are currently being groomed for the job in our universities.

Obama said in his speech last night, ISIS is not an Islamic religious group. :eusa_think:

Well Obama would know, after all he is our first Islamic President.

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