The entire Democrat platform annihilated in under 6 minutes

[ame=]reagan-lying.avi - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Speed It Up - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks Bud.
I love how Reagan snickers after saying "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"... :lol:

Did he say that to the Iranians after his big arms sale? :lol:

If I remember correctly wasn't that done to get out of the clustefuk Carter left him?

What clusterfuck?

It was Reagan that generated that Clusterfuck.

Reagan's people told the Iranians to hold the hostages until after the election.

1 hour after Reagan was inaugurated..they let them go.

:thup: Good stuff. A real fucking traitor. And you guys worship him.
That Reagan..what a Randy Fellow!

Gipper the Ripper?

The leading lights of the journalistic right, the Wall Street Journal editorial page and the Weekly Standard, are beside themselves over the nation's lackadaisical response to Juanita Broaddrick's charge that Bill Clinton raped her two decades ago. In a Weekly Standard lead editorial, Executive Editor Fred Barnes writes,"The accused ... is now the president of the United States. ... Will he get away with what no other American could get away with--not having to answer the accusation directly?"

No other American? Almost eight years ago, an American of great repute ducked a much-publicized rape rap without answering the accusation directly--and the press quickly abandoned the story.

In Kitty Kelley's 1991 book Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography, actress Selene Walters claims that Ronald Reagan forced her to have sex with him in the early '50s.
Gipper the Ripper?
The GOP was mindless to fall for that then, and still are...

If the GOP was mindless, they would be called Democrats. The only thing dumber than the average Democrat is a liberal/socialist Democrat.

The worst mistake that Reagan ever made was believing that Democrat politicians were honorable, honest Americans that put country ahead of party. Reagan was a conservative, not an ideologe.
As a Liberal, you have no right to speak of the National Debt.

Sounds like someone else we all know....someone I suspect YOU voted for....

Democrats and Obama did not CREATE the National Debt. Republicans DID. Democrats PAYED FOR what they spent. Kennedy and Johnson faced budget SURPLUSES

Ah yes, more ignorant propaganda....

When Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion dollars. It now stands at $17 trillion. Obama added more to the debt in his first 3 years than all presidents in U.S. history combined did in their first 4 years. It's a fact and it's undeniable.

Game. Set. Match junior....

Please provide discretionary Obama spending policies that you claim are responsible for the increase in our debt?

Did Obama create the total meltdown of our economy and housing market that led to the worst recession since the Great Depression?

Did Obama create the total meltdown of our economy and housing market that led to 750,000 jobs being purged per month when he took office??

Did Obama create the two unfunded off-budget 3 trillion dollar wars of ideology???

Oh wait, Obama put those two was IN budget.

With all this Obama spending, he must have asked Congress to raise the debt ceiling 18 times by now, or at least 7 times??? Oh, that was Reagan and G.W. Bush...


You're getting creamed in tennis pea brain...:lol:
Is this an accurate representation of the overburdening regulations?

City of Arlington, TX :: Government :: Environmental Health :: Food Ordinance, Guidelines And Requirements :: Requirements For Ice Cream Push Cart

A mobile push cart is a mobile food unit that operates from a hand-pushed cart and sells only prepackaged, single-portion, ice cream or frozen confections while moving from place to place. In order to operate a mobile push cart within the City of Arlington, the following requirements must be met:


Push carts must have a permitted commissary as a base of operations. This commissary is to provide storage for the pushcarts and food products; as well as sinks or other equipment for cleaning the carts. If the commissary is not under the same ownership as the push cart, then a commissary approval form must be secured, completely filled out, signed and notarized by the commissary owner. This form must include services that the commissary is providing. The notarized commissary approval form will be filed with the application for a Mobile Food Establishment Permit and must be provided at the time of yearly renewal. All commissaries must be pre-approved prior to permitting


Carts must be constructed of smooth, easily cleanable materials such as stainless steel, fiberglass reinforced plastic panels or other approved water-resistant materials. The bottom of the push cart must be at least 6 inches from the ground.

The firm name, address, phone number in 2" letters and the City of Arlington Mobile Food Permit decal must be displayed on the cart in view of the public.


All foods that are to be sold must be stated on the application. Only foods approved by the Administrator may be sold. Absolutely no food preparation is allowed.
Food temperature requirements for cold holding must be met.
All foods must be obtained from approved sources and be properly labeled.
All foods must be properly stored on the push cart or approved commissary location.
At the end of the day, the cart must return to the approved commissary for storage.
Unless otherwise approved, the City of Arlington Zoning Ordinance prohibits a mobile push cart from vending from a single location.
All vending must cease at dusk unless otherwise approved by the administrator.

Permit Requirements

The owner must obtain a Mobile Food Permit and comply with all requirements of the Health, Fire and Zoning Ordinances. Push carts are inspected at the Community Services Department located at 101 S. Mesquite St., Suite 720, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A permit will be issued upon completion of the application, payment of annual permit fee of $225.00, and approval of the construction and sanitation of the unit. All permits expire on December 31st of each year and are non-transferable. All push carts must be inspected and permitted prior to expiration each year. Push carts that sell only pre-packaged, non-potentially hazardous foods; or whole fruits and vegetables are not required to obtain a permit. Contact the Health Code Examiner at 817-459-6769 for more information or to schedule an appointment for an inspection. No inspection will be conducted without all required paperwork.

Rev. 3/06
Did he say that to the Iranians after his big arms sale? :lol:

You mean the arms sale that was approved by the Isreali's in advance (and brokered by them) which freed hostages and created the funds necessary to support the rebel Contra's against the Communist Sandinista's? That win-win-win solution? You mean that arms sale? :lmao:

(Hint: you might want to actually learn about what actually transpired before parroting ignorant libtard propaganda)

It was yet another GOP foreign policy fuck up. It never should have happened.

And yet your completely incapable of articulating what was a "fuck up" about it. The U.S. got the approval of Israel before the deal (because the Israeli's had the most to lose). Then, at the request of the Israeli's, they allowed them to broker the deal.

The results of the deal allowed the U.S. to fund the Contra rebels against the Communist Sandinista's and resulted in the release of hostages. It was basically the most successful "foreign policy" decision in U.S. history.

As I said before, you might want to look into reality before blindly parroting liberal propaganda. Just say'n.... :dunno:
You mean the arms sale that was approved by the Isreali's in advance (and brokered by them) which freed hostages and created the funds necessary to support the rebel Contra's against the Communist Sandinista's? That win-win-win solution? You mean that arms sale? :lmao:

(Hint: you might want to actually learn about what actually transpired before parroting ignorant libtard propaganda)

It was yet another GOP foreign policy fuck up. It never should have happened.

And yet your completely incapable of articulating what was a "fuck up" about it. The U.S. got the approval of Israel before the deal (because the Israeli's had the most to lose). Then, at the request of the Israeli's, they allowed them to broker the deal.

The results of the deal allowed the U.S. to fund the Contra rebels against the Communist Sandinista's and resulted in the release of hostages. It was basically the most successful "foreign policy" decision in U.S. history.

As I said before, you might want to look into reality before blindly parroting liberal propaganda. Just say'n.... :dunno:

Reagan sold arms to a terrorist state. He then used the funds to spend on a bunch of ill-trained rabble in Nicaragua, which itself got rid of the Sandinistas by elections anyway. What a waste. And since when do we require the okay from Israel? Why does the GOP always put Israel in charge of our foreign policy? And this is all a success? OMG, no wonder Mitt lost. Most Americans have finally learned how incompetent the GOP is. Too bad the lesson had to be so soaked with blood.
Please provide discretionary Obama spending policies that you claim are responsible for the increase in our debt?

I guess you never heard of the "Stimulus Package"? And while that was sarcasm, I guarantee you never heard of the Omnibus "stimulus package". Your probably missed that whole "cash for clunkers" thing, uh junior? Or how about the the Wall Street "bailout"? Did you miss the money to GM and Chrysler (which, despite ignorant Dumbocrat propaganda claims, was never paid back).

Did Obama create the total meltdown of our economy and housing market that led to the worst recession since the Great Depression?

Did Obama create the total meltdown of the housing market? No - that was Slick Willy Clinton and his 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which made sure people who couldn't afford homes received homes because of the left's ignorant love of socialism.

That lead to the collapse of our economy - which Obama then pushed over the cliff (as he planned to do per the Cloward/Piven strategy he was taught while at Columbia). $7 trillion in deficit spending is not the result of stupidity. Nobody could be that stupid. Nobody. Regardless of how low their IQ might be. That is a planned strategy to collapse the economy, blame it on capitalism, and attempt to replace it with communism.

Did Obama create the total meltdown of our economy and housing market that led to 750,000 jobs being purged per month when he took office??

Well this is redundant. We just covered this. The housing market was Clinton's fault. Obama then shoved the rest of the economy over the cliff.

Did Obama create the two unfunded off-budget 3 trillion dollar wars of ideology???

Really? So 9/11 never occurred? That was just an "ideology"? How old are you, 12? You weren't around when 9/11 occurred? Really? Because I seem to remember 100% of the country being behind going into Afghanistan to permanently neutralize the threat - including Dumbocrats.

So come on, try rewrite history chief. We're all laughing our asses off as you try... :lol:

Oh wait, Obama put those two was IN budget.

And then he expanded those wars (let me guess - you forgot about the "surge" under Obama, uh?). You probably also forgot that more troops have died under Obama in his first 3 years than 8 years under Bush. And he kept Guantanamo Bay open despite guaranteeing it would be close after his 1st month in office (which to his credit was the right decision and the only time he ever set his enormous ego aside - but it just proves that Bush and the Republicans were right all along).

With all this Obama spending, he must have asked Congress to raise the debt ceiling 18 times by now, or at least 7 times??? Oh, that was Reagan and G.W. Bush...

After calling raising the debt ceiling "a failure of leadership" and "unpatriotic" while Bush was in office, Obama has demanded the debt ceiling be raised EVERY time he has reached it as president. 100% of the times it has occurred. Just goes to show you what a lying piece of shit he is and what a despicable hypocrite.

You're getting creamed in tennis pea brain...:lol:

Facts....they are a bitch, uh brohter?
Reagan would be considered a RINO in today's GOTea Party.

Well, then, it is a safe bet that Harry Truman and John Kennedy would be considered DINO in today's Democratic Party.

And since both of these gentlemen had decency, honesty and integrity, they would have absolutely nothing to do with the Democratic Party of today.
It was yet another GOP foreign policy fuck up. It never should have happened.

And yet your completely incapable of articulating what was a "fuck up" about it. The U.S. got the approval of Israel before the deal (because the Israeli's had the most to lose). Then, at the request of the Israeli's, they allowed them to broker the deal.

The results of the deal allowed the U.S. to fund the Contra rebels against the Communist Sandinista's and resulted in the release of hostages. It was basically the most successful "foreign policy" decision in U.S. history.

As I said before, you might want to look into reality before blindly parroting liberal propaganda. Just say'n.... :dunno:

Reagan sold arms to a terrorist state. He then used the funds to spend on a bunch of ill-trained rabble in Nicaragua, which itself got rid of the Sandinistas by elections anyway. What a waste. And since when do we require the okay from Israel? Why does the GOP always put Israel in charge of our foreign policy? And this is all a success? OMG, no wonder Mitt lost. Most Americans have finally learned how incompetent the GOP is. Too bad the lesson had to be so soaked with blood.

Because Iran is a bigger threat to Israel than anyone else. It was simply a matter of courtesy to an ally. Imagine that! Gasp! :eek:

A concept the ignorant Dumbocrats can't comprehend - courtesy towards allies.

Again, you're incapable of articulating what was a "fuck up" about it. You just know that the liberal propaganda websites that you visit for "comfort food" have told you it was bad and so you run with it. You didn't even know what occurred before I explained it to you.

It was executed well and achieved all of the objectives it set out to achieve. In other words, basically the most successful foreign policy decision in U.S. history.
Reagan would be considered a RINO in today's GOTea Party.

Well, then, it is a safe bet that Harry Truman and John Kennedy would be considered DINO in today's Democratic Party.

And since both of these gentlemen had decency, honesty and integrity, they would have absolutely nothing to do with the Democratic Party of today.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Reality sucks.

It does for Dumbocrats - which is why you guys are always trying to replace reality with your absurd propaganda.

Reagan took over the second worst economy in U.S. history and all he did was create an economic tidal wave which the U.S. rode for 30 years until Clinton collapsed the housing market with typical dumbocrat socialist ignorance.

He rebuilt the U.S. military into the world's premier super power once again and defeated the Soviets without firing a single shot.

It was, unquestionably, the most successful presidency in the modern era. Does that mean it was flawless? Of course not. His granting of amnesty to criminals was itself criminal. But Reagan did what no other GOP president has been able to do in the modern era - repair the damage done to this nation by the Dumbocrats.
Reality sucks.

It does for Dumbocrats - which is why you guys are always trying to replace reality with your absurd propaganda.

Reagan took over the second worst economy in U.S. history and all he did was create an economic tidal wave which the U.S. rode for 30 years until Clinton collapsed the housing market with typical dumbocrat socialist ignorance.

He rebuilt the U.S. military into the world's premier super power once again and defeated the Soviets without firing a single shot.

It was, unquestionably, the most successful presidency in the modern era. Does that mean it was flawless? Of course not. His granting of amnesty to criminals was itself criminal. But Reagan did what no other GOP president has been able to do in the modern era - repair the damage done to this nation by the Dumbocrats.

Senior continues Reagan's policies and we dive into a recession.
Well done.
I voted against him there sweetcheeks, twice, so yes, I am that old, and he was my President so I saw him in action, for eight long painful years.

Yeah bet you hated it. He didn't give out enough free stuff.
Sorry he wasn't there to wipe your ass, and tuck you in at night.

Bet you loved those wonderful Carter years !
Poor Carter, nice guy. Too nice for politics actually. Had he rescued the Iranian Hostages and not been worried about dead soldiers on the way, Reagan would never have been elected.

Carter created the hostage crisis, if he had rescued them he still would have lost dumbass...

The only reason he was elected is Nixon's paranoia...
Best role ronnie ever played....too bad his theories, pandering to the rich, chickenhawk covert bs, blaming the gov't, and letting wall st go wild has wrecked the world. A catastrophe.

Reaganomics lead to the longest and greatest growth in economic history.

but thanks for proving you're ignorant, and unteachable, again

He did 2 things.

He let it be known that aggression would be met with force. It wasn't a coincidence that the Soviet Army had a very bad time in Afghanistan and it started about the same time that Reagan and Company got serious about backing the rebels.

He also increased military spending. Colin Powell (who was a staffer with Casper Weinberger at the time) referred to it as something like, "We were done with our requisition list. We then moved on to our wish list. After that, we moved onto our dream list." That was in his autobiography "My American Journey". Soviet-style communism has an Achille's heel. There is an upper limit it can spend before the entire system grinds to a halt. They found theirs. Later after th Cold War ended, Powell wrote something along the lines of an aide of his saying (about the Russian fleet), "This fleet is going bye bye" meaning it could barely stay afloat. Hence Peristroyka (sp?), hence the coup, hence the end of the Soviet Union.

If you want to blame Reagan for the arguably more dangerous CIS and former Soviet satellite states; go ahead. But the biggest threat this nation ever faced was stared down by the leadership of one man; Ronald Wilson Reagan.

That alone qualifies him for his own mountain--screw Mt. Rushmore.

However, what you saw with Reagan's 8 years was that time period between spending on a credit card and the bill coming due in later administrations. No kidding there was growth. But the reasons are pretty obvious. It silly to give Reagan credit as being some sort of fiscal genius. Obviously he wasn't and it sat a dangerous precedent--every President after him looks at his enduring popularity and sees no problem running up the budget--hell Ronnie got away with it; right?
Best role ronnie ever played....too bad his theories, pandering to the rich, chickenhawk covert bs, blaming the gov't, and letting wall st go wild has wrecked the world. A catastrophe.

Reaganomics lead to the longest and greatest growth in economic history.

but thanks for proving you're ignorant, and unteachable, again

He did 2 things.

He let it be known that aggression would be met with force. It wasn't a coincidence that the Soviet Army had a very bad time in Afghanistan and it started about the same time that Reagan and Company got serious about backing the rebels.

He also increased military spending. Colin Powell (who was a staffer with Casper Weinberger at the time) referred to it as something like, "We were done with our requisition list. We then moved on to our wish list. After that, we moved onto our dream list." That was in his autobiography "My American Journey". Soviet-style communism has an Achille's heel. There is an upper limit it can spend before the entire system grinds to a halt. They found theirs. Later after th Cold War ended, Powell wrote something along the lines of an aide of his saying (about the Russian fleet), "This fleet is going bye bye" meaning it could barely stay afloat. Hence Peristroyka (sp?), hence the coup, hence the end of the Soviet Union.

If you want to blame Reagan for the arguably more dangerous CIS and former Soviet satellite states; go ahead. But the biggest threat this nation ever faced was stared down by the leadership of one man; Ronald Wilson Reagan.

That alone qualifies him for his own mountain--screw Mt. Rushmore.

However, what you saw with Reagan's 8 years was that time period between spending on a credit card and the bill coming due in later administrations. No kidding there was growth. But the reasons are pretty obvious. It silly to give Reagan credit as being some sort of fiscal genius. Obviously he wasn't and it sat a dangerous precedent--every President after him looks at his enduring popularity and sees no problem running up the budget--hell Ronnie got away with it; right?

Nobody said "fiscal genius". He was an economic "genius" in that he realized Dumbocrats had collapsed our economy and that the solution was to get the federal government out of the economy (where it didn't belong in the first place considering the federal government has zero constitutional authority there).

Every problem we've ever experienced stems from the federal governments unconstitutional actions.

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