The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America

FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

This is where I get my stats. BLACKS MURDER TWICE AS MANY WHITES. How can you whine about being the victim?
Such resolute pettiness! No wonder there is no national alarm over this! Your chances of being victimized by another White person is far greater than being victimized by a Black one!

Look at Matthew's stats. If I am incorrect so are the stats...
NewMatilda said:
But you would think that having his work so enthusiastically received by the David Duke website, by,, listed as 'recommended reading' by Nordwave (right above the featured article '10 commandments for National Socialists, by Dr Joseph Goebells'), and attached to the MySpace profile of white supremacists from Ohio might give him pause for thought. Even if you stood by your opinions, you might consider using a more three-dimensional form of expression.

Not Sheehan. 'The Race War of Black Against White' includes many of the themes that have characterised his journalism and books ever since: the linking of race to crime; the way that White racism is described as an understandable reaction to ethnic misbehaviour and the marginalisation of Whites by government, while 'ethnic' misbehaviour itself is seen as somehow innate and inexcusable; and the selective use of statistics combined with anecdotal stories of 'reasonable' White unhappiness in response to persecution by what Damn Edna refers to as 'tinted people'. This material has buttered Sheehan's bread for more than a decade.

It's a wonder White people dare leave their homes each morning, besieged as they are by African American gangsters, Vietnamese triad members, Lebanese Muslim rapists and terrorists, not to mention an Aboriginal 'feral underclass' in Australian rural towns. And all of these sinister characters backed by governments who are at the mercy of ethnic branch-stacking and intent on imposing anti-White discrimination under the guise of multiculturalism. No wonder all the White folk are out there joining militias and voting for One Nation.
Except they aren't.

Paul Sheehan s Dirty War

As Sheehan often and repetitively points out, most Australians are not deeply racist. Perhaps this is because, despite Sheehan's moral panic, they do in fact feel basically safe when they venture onto the streets. Perhaps they don't feel put upon and persecuted by uppity wogs and blackfellas. And perhaps they don't feel that way because, in fact, they aren't

I can kind of sympathize with Shakira Hussein. It must be tough to be in a position where you want to argue back against a proposition and you find your arsenal bare but you still have to make a futile attempt at push-back.

This article was all bluster and condemnation and innuendo but she never actually demonstrates that Sheehan is wrong. She does the equivalent of a pro-smoking advocate pointing out that Hitler was an anti-smoking fanatic and anti-smoking campaigners should be bothered that Hitler sided with them.

Hey, when you have nothing of substance then grasping at any straw is better than nothing, I suppose.
So says YOU! That's good enough for your fan club!
NewMatilda said:
But you would think that having his work so enthusiastically received by the David Duke website, by,, listed as 'recommended reading' by Nordwave (right above the featured article '10 commandments for National Socialists, by Dr Joseph Goebells'), and attached to the MySpace profile of white supremacists from Ohio might give him pause for thought. Even if you stood by your opinions, you might consider using a more three-dimensional form of expression.

Not Sheehan. 'The Race War of Black Against White' includes many of the themes that have characterised his journalism and books ever since: the linking of race to crime; the way that White racism is described as an understandable reaction to ethnic misbehaviour and the marginalisation of Whites by government, while 'ethnic' misbehaviour itself is seen as somehow innate and inexcusable; and the selective use of statistics combined with anecdotal stories of 'reasonable' White unhappiness in response to persecution by what Damn Edna refers to as 'tinted people'. This material has buttered Sheehan's bread for more than a decade.

It's a wonder White people dare leave their homes each morning, besieged as they are by African American gangsters, Vietnamese triad members, Lebanese Muslim rapists and terrorists, not to mention an Aboriginal 'feral underclass' in Australian rural towns. And all of these sinister characters backed by governments who are at the mercy of ethnic branch-stacking and intent on imposing anti-White discrimination under the guise of multiculturalism. No wonder all the White folk are out there joining militias and voting for One Nation.
Except they aren't.

Paul Sheehan s Dirty War

As Sheehan often and repetitively points out, most Australians are not deeply racist. Perhaps this is because, despite Sheehan's moral panic, they do in fact feel basically safe when they venture onto the streets. Perhaps they don't feel put upon and persecuted by uppity wogs and blackfellas. And perhaps they don't feel that way because, in fact, they aren't

...blah...blah...blah...not one word denying the facts..just trying to link him to people he has nothing to do with and weak attempts at character assassination as a distraction.
What's the source of your quote? Some afro centric black supremacist site? Why don't you list it? It's ok...I know why.

The stats are true and accurate.

I did list the on the red highlighted link.. enjoy!
I'm curious...where is it that you came up with the notion that Michael Brown's parents were still together? Could it be because the main stream media has done the same thing with this case as they did with the Trayvon Martin portray him as something he really wasn't?

Let's not bring the Martin case into this. Lets keep it simple.
Did you read the article in the link you posted? I read the entire thing and discovered that Brown's father has always been in his life. There is no mention that Brown's parents were ever married but the article emphasizes that the elder Brown made himself available for his son frequently and seems to have supported him. Note worthy was that he had no criminal record prior to the date he was shot. Most everything in the article puts Michael Brown in a relatively favorable light with the exception of his video taped shoplifting and hearsay evidence that he may have dabbled in marihuana or some unknown drugs. I say all of that without speculating about what happened between him and Wilson...based on YOUR link!

You know that Michael Brown has no prior criminal record how exactly? Because his parents say so? His parents also made him out to be a studious young man about to head off to college in a few days. Where is the proof of that? As far as I can tell Michael Brown was talking about taking some classes at a technical school. When I came out of high school I was "talking" about playing in the NHL. Ask me how many professional hockey games I played in my lifetime, JQ!
NewMatilda said:
But you would think that having his work so enthusiastically received by the David Duke website, by,, listed as 'recommended reading' by Nordwave (right above the featured article '10 commandments for National Socialists, by Dr Joseph Goebells'), and attached to the MySpace profile of white supremacists from Ohio might give him pause for thought. Even if you stood by your opinions, you might consider using a more three-dimensional form of expression.

Not Sheehan. 'The Race War of Black Against White' includes many of the themes that have characterised his journalism and books ever since: the linking of race to crime; the way that White racism is described as an understandable reaction to ethnic misbehaviour and the marginalisation of Whites by government, while 'ethnic' misbehaviour itself is seen as somehow innate and inexcusable; and the selective use of statistics combined with anecdotal stories of 'reasonable' White unhappiness in response to persecution by what Damn Edna refers to as 'tinted people'. This material has buttered Sheehan's bread for more than a decade.

It's a wonder White people dare leave their homes each morning, besieged as they are by African American gangsters, Vietnamese triad members, Lebanese Muslim rapists and terrorists, not to mention an Aboriginal 'feral underclass' in Australian rural towns. And all of these sinister characters backed by governments who are at the mercy of ethnic branch-stacking and intent on imposing anti-White discrimination under the guise of multiculturalism. No wonder all the White folk are out there joining militias and voting for One Nation.
Except they aren't.

Paul Sheehan s Dirty War

As Sheehan often and repetitively points out, most Australians are not deeply racist. Perhaps this is because, despite Sheehan's moral panic, they do in fact feel basically safe when they venture onto the streets. Perhaps they don't feel put upon and persecuted by uppity wogs and blackfellas. And perhaps they don't feel that way because, in fact, they aren't

I can kind of sympathize with Shakira Hussein. It must be tough to be in a position where you want to argue back against a proposition and you find your arsenal bare but you still have to make a futile attempt at push-back.

This article was all bluster and condemnation and innuendo but she never actually demonstrates that Sheehan is wrong. She does the equivalent of a pro-smoking advocate pointing out that Hitler was an anti-smoking fanatic and anti-smoking campaigners should be bothered that Hitler sided with them.

Hey, when you have nothing of substance then grasping at any straw is better than nothing, I suppose.
So says YOU! That's good enough for your fan club!

If you analyze the article all it amounts to is a Point & Sputter attack.
The truth is that because of his age any criminal record Michael Brown MIGHT have had before he turned 18 would be sealed in the Juvenile Court System. You don't have the faintest idea whether he has had brushes with the law prior to that.

What you want me to accept is that Michael Brown is squeaky clean right up to when he becomes an adult and then suddenly for no apparent reason right before he's about to start "college", he does a strong arm robbery of a convenience store and starts a fight with a police officer. You find THAT to be believable, JQ? To be frank...I find it to be highly doubtful.
I'm curious...where is it that you came up with the notion that Michael Brown's parents were still together? Could it be because the main stream media has done the same thing with this case as they did with the Trayvon Martin portray him as something he really wasn't?

Let's not bring the Martin case into this. Lets keep it simple.
Did you read the article in the link you posted? I read the entire thing and discovered that Brown's father has always been in his life. There is no mention that Brown's parents were ever married but the article emphasizes that the elder Brown made himself available for his son frequently and seems to have supported him. Note worthy was that he had no criminal record prior to the date he was shot. Most everything in the article puts Michael Brown in a relatively favorable light with the exception of his video taped shoplifting and hearsay evidence that he may have dabbled in marihuana or some unknown drugs. I say all of that without speculating about what happened between him and Wilson...based on YOUR link!

You know that Michael Brown has no prior criminal record how exactly? Because his parents say so? His parents also made him out to be a studious young man about to head off to college in a few days. Where is the proof of that? As far as I can tell Michael Brown was talking about taking some classes at a technical school. When I came out of high school I was "talking" about playing in the NHL. Ask me how many professional hockey games I played in my lifetime, JQ!

The author of the article in your link says he had no prior criminal history. I guess it would be easy enough to check with the college to see if Brown's name is on the rolls. Are you living close by? Got a number to call?
If his parents were queried further I'm sure one of them could produce copies of the matriculation paperwork to verify their "outrageous" claims.
The truth is that because of his age any criminal record Michael Brown MIGHT have had before he turned 18 would be sealed in the Juvenile Court System. You don't have the faintest idea whether he has had brushes with the law prior to that.

What you want me to accept is that Michael Brown is squeaky clean right up to when he becomes an adult and then suddenly for no apparent reason right before he's about to start "college", he does a strong arm robbery of a convenience store and starts a fight with a police officer. You find THAT to be believable, JQ? To be frank...I find it to be highly doubtful.
You don't have to accept anything and neither do I. When you have proof of his past criminal record and dispense with the spurious assumptions, you will have gained a believer in your premise. Until then I am content to attribute his bizarre, uncharacteristic conduct to the influence of some kind of stimulant /depressant to include paint sniffing or whatever kids do nowadays to get a cheap high!
Well you might have rehabilitated yourself with those admissions !!! Funny deal with those statistics. If you plopped a bunch hispanics into the ghetto, they would exceed the crime statistics of the general hispanic community. Culture and enviroment it is. AND the folklore of hopelessness that kids are pummeled with by the tyranny of low leftist expectations.

You don't know anything about me.

I have fought in four wars. I served my country in various ways for 27 years.

During the height of the U.S. involvement, 1965-69, blacks, who formed 11 percent of the American population, made up 12.6 percent of the soldiers in Vietnam.

Overall, now, blacks are 17.8% of the military. The over represent their percentage in the population, which is 12%.

Service% White% Minorities% Black% Other
Army73.9 %26.1 %21.5 %4.6 %
Navy66.2 %33.8 %19.3 %14.4 %
Marine Corps83.7 %16.3 %11.1 %5.2 %
Air Force78.1 %21.9 %15.6 %6.3 %
Coast Guard82 %18 %6.1 %11.9 %
Total74.6 %25.4 %17.8 %
I just wonder why you have so little respect for people who are over representing themselves in our military, people who are helping to support and protect our country, people who are dying in their service to our country.
NewMatilda said:
But you would think that having his work so enthusiastically received by the David Duke website, by,, listed as 'recommended reading' by Nordwave (right above the featured article '10 commandments for National Socialists, by Dr Joseph Goebells'), and attached to the MySpace profile of white supremacists from Ohio might give him pause for thought. Even if you stood by your opinions, you might consider using a more three-dimensional form of expression.

Not Sheehan. 'The Race War of Black Against White' includes many of the themes that have characterised his journalism and books ever since: the linking of race to crime; the way that White racism is described as an understandable reaction to ethnic misbehaviour and the marginalisation of Whites by government, while 'ethnic' misbehaviour itself is seen as somehow innate and inexcusable; and the selective use of statistics combined with anecdotal stories of 'reasonable' White unhappiness in response to persecution by what Damn Edna refers to as 'tinted people'. This material has buttered Sheehan's bread for more than a decade.

It's a wonder White people dare leave their homes each morning, besieged as they are by African American gangsters, Vietnamese triad members, Lebanese Muslim rapists and terrorists, not to mention an Aboriginal 'feral underclass' in Australian rural towns. And all of these sinister characters backed by governments who are at the mercy of ethnic branch-stacking and intent on imposing anti-White discrimination under the guise of multiculturalism. No wonder all the White folk are out there joining militias and voting for One Nation.
Except they aren't.

Paul Sheehan s Dirty War

As Sheehan often and repetitively points out, most Australians are not deeply racist. Perhaps this is because, despite Sheehan's moral panic, they do in fact feel basically safe when they venture onto the streets. Perhaps they don't feel put upon and persecuted by uppity wogs and blackfellas. And perhaps they don't feel that way because, in fact, they aren't

I can kind of sympathize with Shakira Hussein. It must be tough to be in a position where you want to argue back against a proposition and you find your arsenal bare but you still have to make a futile attempt at push-back.

This article was all bluster and condemnation and innuendo but she never actually demonstrates that Sheehan is wrong. She does the equivalent of a pro-smoking advocate pointing out that Hitler was an anti-smoking fanatic and anti-smoking campaigners should be bothered that Hitler sided with them.

Hey, when you have nothing of substance then grasping at any straw is better than nothing, I suppose.
So says YOU! That's good enough for your fan club!

If you analyze the article all it amounts to is a Point & Sputter attack.
Analyzing your posts on this matter shows a dearth in details explaining your "Point & Sputter conclusion.,
Please show me where your disagreement with the rebuttal to Sheehan's statistical bombardment has something solid to rest upon!
The author of the article in your link says he had no prior criminal history. I guess it would be easy enough to check with the college to see if Brown's name is on the rolls. Are you living close by? Got a number to call?
If his parents were queried further I'm sure one of them could produce copies of the matriculation paperwork to verify their "outrageous" claims.
There is little doubt that Brown was headed out, like many 18-year olds. I am reasonably sure he was qualified for JC without the advantages of affermative action, this one:

Jefferson City Correctional Center - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Well you might have rehabilitated yourself with those admissions !!! Funny deal with those statistics. If you plopped a bunch hispanics into the ghetto, they would exceed the crime statistics of the general hispanic community. Culture and enviroment it is. AND the folklore of hopelessness that kids are pummeled with by the tyranny of low leftist expectations.

You don't know anything about me.

I have fought in four wars. I served my country in various ways for 27 years.

During the height of the U.S. involvement, 1965-69, blacks, who formed 11 percent of the American population, made up 12.6 percent of the soldiers in Vietnam.

Overall, now, blacks are 17.8% of the military. The over represent their percentage in the population, which is 12%.

Service% White% Minorities% Black% Other
Army73.9 %26.1 %21.5 %4.6 %
Navy66.2 %33.8 %19.3 %14.4 %
Marine Corps83.7 %16.3 %11.1 %5.2 %
Air Force78.1 %21.9 %15.6 %6.3 %
Coast Guard82 %18 %6.1 %11.9 %
Total74.6 %25.4 %17.8 %
I just wonder why you have so little respect for people who are over representing themselves in our military, people who are helping to support and protect our country, people who are dying in their service to our country.

Just what have I said that make you think I don't respect Blacks?

I believe I stated that I believe subset of the Black population has a bigotry and violence problem.

The same thing could be said about a subset of the White population, those whites who belong to the KKK.

I believe I've stated several times in this thread, and in the OP, that I believe Blacks to be my equal, and I insist that they act like it. I've said that I believe that Blacks should be treated EQUALLY, without any sort of special preference/deference, excuse or acceptance of violent behavior.

There is really no discrimination worse than the soft-bigotry of low expectations.

The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America

2010 FBI Racial Crime Statistics:

FBI — Table 43a

OK, so let's do the math.

62,593 White Attacks on Black Victims

320,082 Black Attacks on White Victims

Therefore: Blacks commit 5X as many violent Attacks as Whites.

But!, After Normalizing for Population:

197,000,000 Whites in America

38,000,000 Blacks in America

White on Black Attacks per 1000 White People: 0.32
or 1 in 3000 Whites Attack a Black person

Black on White Attacks per 1000 Black People: 8.42
or 1 in 125 Blacks Attack a White Person

8.42 / 0.32 = 26 X

(which in the video is rounded DOWN to 25X, instead of the scientifically flawed, but politically incorrect, 26X)

So, that's the Realty, we have an Epidemic of Black against White RACIAL CRIME in America.

But that isn't the whole story.

The rate at which Blacks Assault Blacks, is far higher than the Rate that ALL other Racial groups Assault Blacks, COMBINED!

Shouldn't these official FBI crime statistics, and the story they tell, come into our narrative on the Ferguson situation?

Doesn't the threat of this kind of violence, which the police have to deal with daily, affect the nature of the wariness and response of police officers everywhere?

Should White Americans start holding themselves much more On-Guard and Wary around Black Americans?

Isn't it time that we stop creating the sense of Entitlement to "Social-Justice-Reprisal-Violence" generated by the special protections, preferential treatment, and racial manipulation propaganda created by Affirmative Action?

Isn't it time for the 45 years of Racial Preference Insanity to END!?


NO, no, and no...not based on the measly RAW NUMBERS those statistics represent!

Me thinks someone's got a bad case of the denials.
I'm curious...where is it that you came up with the notion that Michael Brown's parents were still together? Could it be because the main stream media has done the same thing with this case as they did with the Trayvon Martin portray him as something he really wasn't?

Let's not bring the Martin case into this. Lets keep it simple.
Did you read the article in the link you posted? I read the entire thing and discovered that Brown's father has always been in his life. There is no mention that Brown's parents were ever married but the article emphasizes that the elder Brown made himself available for his son frequently and seems to have supported him. Note worthy was that he had no criminal record prior to the date he was shot. Most everything in the article puts Michael Brown in a relatively favorable light with the exception of his video taped shoplifting and hearsay evidence that he may have dabbled in marihuana or some unknown drugs. I say all of that without speculating about what happened between him and Wilson...based on YOUR link!

You know that Michael Brown has no prior criminal record how exactly? Because his parents say so? His parents also made him out to be a studious young man about to head off to college in a few days. Where is the proof of that? As far as I can tell Michael Brown was talking about taking some classes at a technical school. When I came out of high school I was "talking" about playing in the NHL. Ask me how many professional hockey games I played in my lifetime, JQ!

The author of the article in your link says he had no prior criminal history. I guess it would be easy enough to check with the college to see if Brown's name is on the rolls. Are you living close by? Got a number to call?
If his parents were queried further I'm sure one of them could produce copies of the matriculation paperwork to verify their "outrageous" claims.

No, the author of that article says that Micheal Brown's parents say he has no prior criminal history. This about a young man who we see on video tape committing strong arm robbery. We also know from different sources that Michael Brown consumed alcohol and smoked pot. Correct me if I'm wrong here, JQ but the last time I checked that's illegal for minors as well? We have pictures of Michael Brown on social media brandishing a handgun. Did he have permit to have such a weapon? If not then that is illegal. We have pictures of Michael Brown hanging out with known gang members and flashing gang signs. Michael's mother states that her son wasn't IN a gang but that he had friends that were. Quite frankly, I question if Michael Brown's mother REALLY knows what her son is up to when he's out on the streets? He doesn't live with her...he lives with his grandmother who's been strangely silent about young Michael.

As for whether Michael Brown really WAS about to start college in a few days? It's something that's been taken as gospel by the main stream media and repeated until it's assumed to be fact. I don't make that assumption. I judge Michael Brown on what he's actually DONE with his life.
The truth is that because of his age any criminal record Michael Brown MIGHT have had before he turned 18 would be sealed in the Juvenile Court System. You don't have the faintest idea whether he has had brushes with the law prior to that.

What you want me to accept is that Michael Brown is squeaky clean right up to when he becomes an adult and then suddenly for no apparent reason right before he's about to start "college", he does a strong arm robbery of a convenience store and starts a fight with a police officer. You find THAT to be believable, JQ? To be frank...I find it to be highly doubtful.
You don't have to accept anything and neither do I. When you have proof of his past criminal record and dispense with the spurious assumptions, you will have gained a believer in your premise. Until then I am content to attribute his bizarre, uncharacteristic conduct to the influence of some kind of stimulant /depressant to include paint sniffing or whatever kids do nowadays to get a cheap high!

Is his behavior "uncharacteristic"? I watch that store video, JQ and I see someone who's about as brazen a criminal as I've ever seen. He walks into a local store where being the size he is (6'4" and 290 lbs) he would be easily identifiable, takes an entire box of cigars right from the counter by the register and then saunters out without paying for them. He then comes back into the store, grabs the elderly clerk by the neck and pushes him into a display.

You speak about "spurious assumptions" and then make the assumption that Michael Brown was not a criminal when we know from the video tape that he is in fact just that.
FBI mdash Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

This is where I get my stats. BLACKS MURDER TWICE AS MANY WHITES. How can you whine about being the victim?

You're just tossing crap around. In one post, it's 18 times the rate and now it's "twice as many whites".. At least use the tools of statistics and figure this out. If an aggressor group has a RATE that's twice as high as the victim group -- it doesn't imply NUTS about about the LIKELIHOOD of a member of the victim group being subject to attack. To find that -- you have to get rid of group relative rates and go back to the RAW occurences.

And hell -- I'm less worried about being murdered than being severely injured and robbed by an attacker.
Oldstyle said:
No, the author of that article says that Micheal Brown's parents say he has no prior criminal history. This about a young man who we see on video tape committing strong arm robbery. We also know from different sources that Michael Brown consumed alcohol and smoked pot. Correct me if I'm wrong here, JQ but the last time I checked that's illegal for minors as well?

the author of your link said:
He did not have a criminal record as an adult, and his family said he never got in trouble with the law as a juvenile, either.

The first part of that compound sentence doesn't include a preface alluding to it being a statement by Brown's parents. The author doesn't disclose the source of his disclosure. Had the narrative been spoken it would have been more a soliloquy than a repetition of someone else's thoughts. The second part has the verb "said" in it which shows family input...only for the second phrase.

Oldstyle said:
We have pictures of Michael Brown on social media brandishing a handgun. Did he have permit to have such a weapon? If not then that is illegal. We have pictures of Michael Brown hanging out with known gang members and flashing gang signs. Michael's mother states that her son wasn't IN a gang but that he had friends that were. Quite frankly, I question if Michael Brown's mother REALLY knows what her son is up to when he's out on the streets? He doesn't live with her...he lives with his grandmother who's been strangely silent about young Michael.

Just about everyone has seen that picture of the guy with money in his mouth and a pistol in his hand. Too bad it is NOT a picture of Michael Brown. Maybe Brown did have gangster friends ...he probably couldn't avoid them. And ,he might have flashed gangster signs to look tough or cool on a photograph. Is that really proof of gang affiliation?

Oldstyle said:
As for whether Michael Brown really WAS about to start college in a few days? It's something that's been taken as gospel by the main stream media and repeated until it's assumed to be fact. I don't make that assumption. I judge Michael Brown on what he's actually DONE with his life.

clip from link posted by JQ said:
Shot two days before college
clip from link posted by JQ said:
McSpadden said her son was supposed to start college Monday.
"He was so excited to be setting an example for his younger siblings,

For some reason, that statement has a ring of truth to it. It just isn't something a bereaved parent would make up on the spur of the moment. My guess is if a White mother with blonde hair and blue eyes had said something under similar circumstances ,it would have been more believable to you. Since you seem to have an inherent distrust of Blacks, period, it is little wonder that your skepticism is so acute. I am not hampered by those kind of feelings, at least not to such an extreme degree.
Oldstyle said:
No, the author of that article says that Micheal Brown's parents say he has no prior criminal history. This about a young man who we see on video tape committing strong arm robbery. We also know from different sources that Michael Brown consumed alcohol and smoked pot. Correct me if I'm wrong here, JQ but the last time I checked that's illegal for minors as well?

the author of your link said:
He did not have a criminal record as an adult, and his family said he never got in trouble with the law as a juvenile, either.

The first part of that compound sentence doesn't include a preface alluding to it being a statement by Brown's parents. The author doesn't disclose the source of his disclosure. Had the narrative been spoken it would have been more a soliloquy than a repetition of someone else's thoughts. The second part has the verb "said" in it which shows family input...only for the second phrase.

Oldstyle said:
We have pictures of Michael Brown on social media brandishing a handgun. Did he have permit to have such a weapon? If not then that is illegal. We have pictures of Michael Brown hanging out with known gang members and flashing gang signs. Michael's mother states that her son wasn't IN a gang but that he had friends that were. Quite frankly, I question if Michael Brown's mother REALLY knows what her son is up to when he's out on the streets? He doesn't live with her...he lives with his grandmother who's been strangely silent about young Michael.

Just about everyone has seen that picture of the guy with money in his mouth and a pistol in his hand. Too bad it is NOT a picture of Michael Brown. Maybe Brown did have gangster friends ...he probably couldn't avoid them. And ,he might have flashed gangster signs to look tough or cool on a photograph. Is that really proof of gang affiliation?

Oldstyle said:
As for whether Michael Brown really WAS about to start college in a few days? It's something that's been taken as gospel by the main stream media and repeated until it's assumed to be fact. I don't make that assumption. I judge Michael Brown on what he's actually DONE with his life.

clip from link posted by JQ said:
Shot two days before college
clip from link posted by JQ said:
McSpadden said her son was supposed to start college Monday.
"He was so excited to be setting an example for his younger siblings,

For some reason, that statement has a ring of truth to it. It just isn't something a bereaved parent would make up on the spur of the moment. My guess is if a White mother with blonde hair and blue eyes had said something under similar circumstances ,it would have been more believable to you. Since you seem to have an inherent distrust of Blacks, period, it is little wonder that your skepticism is so acute. I am not hampered by those kind of feelings, at least not to such an extreme degree.

Why exactly does it have a "ring of truth" to it? Michael Brown was supposedly starting "college" in two days and yet he's out robbing a convenience store and starting fights with Police? The only thing that Michael Brown would have been starting if he hadn't been shot was a jail term. He was no longer a minor and he had just committed a strong arm robbery and assault on a Police officer. That would have been the case if his mother WAS white, had blonde hair and blue eyes!
What you've heard from the Brown family is an effort to portray their son in the best light possible. It's a natural reaction that I fully understand. The truth however is that the reason Micheal Brown is dead today is that he was NOT the little angel his mom would like us to believe he was. If he doesn't rob that store...if he doesn't get in the fight with the Police Officer...he's not getting buried today.
Oldstyle said:
Why exactly does it have a "ring of truth" to it? Michael Brown was supposedly starting "college" in two days and yet he's out robbing a convenience store and starting fights with Police? The only thing that Michael Brown would have been starting if he hadn't been shot was a jail term. He was no longer a minor and he had just committed a strong arm robbery and assault on a Police officer. That would have been the case if his mother WAS white, had blonde hair and blue eyes!

You've certainly expressed your "gut" feelings, why can't I? The investigations into the events and allegations of this case have not been finalized; so ,all we know is what the video showed in the store and news coverage showing aftermath clips of the shooting. ALL witness testimony is suspect from both sides. Wide eyed speculation is the best you and I can do... and you are damn good at it!

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