The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America

Oldstyle said:
Why exactly does it have a "ring of truth" to it? Michael Brown was supposedly starting "college" in two days and yet he's out robbing a convenience store and starting fights with Police? The only thing that Michael Brown would have been starting if he hadn't been shot was a jail term. He was no longer a minor and he had just committed a strong arm robbery and assault on a Police officer. That would have been the case if his mother WAS white, had blonde hair and blue eyes!

You've certainly expressed your "gut" feelings, why can't I? The investigations into the events and allegations of this case have not been finalized; so ,all we know is what the video showed in the store and news coverage showing aftermath clips of the shooting. ALL witness testimony is suspect from both sides. Wide eyed speculation is the best you and I can do... and you are damn good at it!

Oh, I admit that I am speculating on some things. On others I'm simply stating a fact.

What's been appalling to me is the number of people in the main stream media who have accepted as fact things that have not been shown to BE fact!

For you to come here and say definitively that Michael Brown had no criminal record when he had only turned 18 on May 20th is amusing. The truth is...we don't know what his juvenile record was before May 20th because if there is one it's sealed by law in the Juvenile Court system. All we really know is that Michael Brown hadn't been caught committing a crime from May 20th until August 9th...a period of about 70 DAYS! To portray him as squeaky clean when he's on video robbing a store and assaulting the store clerk is laughable.
What you've heard from the Brown family is an effort to portray their son in the best light possible. It's a natural reaction that I fully understand. The truth however is that the reason Micheal Brown is dead today is that he was NOT the little angel his mom would like us to believe he was. If he doesn't rob that store...if he doesn't get in the fight with the Police Officer...he's not getting buried today.
I don't totally disagree with what you are saying here but the scope of your assessment is limited. Evidently he had survived for 18 years without being killed by police or gangsters. Some, as of yet unpublished ,factor might show why. Surely, no one could survive long if the behavior displayed by Brown on the day of his untimely demise was truly an innate characteristic. Considering that you think his juvenile records were sealed, any serious misconduct making him a menace to society would have landed him in juvenile hall. There doesn't seem to be a record or rumor that anything like that ever occurred!
Oldstyle said:
Why exactly does it have a "ring of truth" to it? Michael Brown was supposedly starting "college" in two days and yet he's out robbing a convenience store and starting fights with Police? The only thing that Michael Brown would have been starting if he hadn't been shot was a jail term. He was no longer a minor and he had just committed a strong arm robbery and assault on a Police officer. That would have been the case if his mother WAS white, had blonde hair and blue eyes!

You've certainly expressed your "gut" feelings, why can't I? The investigations into the events and allegations of this case have not been finalized; so ,all we know is what the video showed in the store and news coverage showing aftermath clips of the shooting. ALL witness testimony is suspect from both sides. Wide eyed speculation is the best you and I can do... and you are damn good at it!

Oh, I admit that I am speculating on some things. On others I'm simply stating a fact.

What's been appalling to me is the number of people in the main stream media who have accepted as fact things that have not been shown to BE fact!

For you to come here and say definitively that Michael Brown had no criminal record when he had only turned 18 on May 20th is amusing. The truth is...we don't know what his juvenile record was before May 20th because if there is one it's sealed by law in the Juvenile Court system. All we really know is that Michael Brown hadn't been caught committing a crime from May 20th until August 9th...a period of about 70 DAYS! To portray him as squeaky clean when he's on video robbing a store and assaulting the store clerk is laughable.
Wow, he made it from May to August without a criminal record!
Oldstyle said:
Why exactly does it have a "ring of truth" to it? Michael Brown was supposedly starting "college" in two days and yet he's out robbing a convenience store and starting fights with Police? The only thing that Michael Brown would have been starting if he hadn't been shot was a jail term. He was no longer a minor and he had just committed a strong arm robbery and assault on a Police officer. That would have been the case if his mother WAS white, had blonde hair and blue eyes!

You've certainly expressed your "gut" feelings, why can't I? The investigations into the events and allegations of this case have not been finalized; so ,all we know is what the video showed in the store and news coverage showing aftermath clips of the shooting. ALL witness testimony is suspect from both sides. Wide eyed speculation is the best you and I can do... and you are damn good at it!

Oh, I admit that I am speculating on some things. On others I'm simply stating a fact.

What's been appalling to me is the number of people in the main stream media who have accepted as fact things that have not been shown to BE fact!

For you to come here and say definitively that Michael Brown had no criminal record when he had only turned 18 on May 20th is amusing. The truth is...we don't know what his juvenile record was before May 20th because if there is one it's sealed by law in the Juvenile Court system. All we really know is that Michael Brown hadn't been caught committing a crime from May 20th until August 9th...a period of about 70 DAYS! To portray him as squeaky clean when he's on video robbing a store and assaulting the store clerk is laughable.

For someone to project their perspective as fact is even more appalling. Events thought to be factual can be dismantled and impugned by good attorneys or prosecutors. Illusions can also be manufactured and made to look factual too. To get at the truth, a hardcore impartial analysis is necessary by experienced examiners!

Again , by now any sealed records pertaining to Michael Brown would likely have been released by now, at least in acknowledging the fact that any exist at all.Perhaps, though, Wilson's defense team might be saving that disclosure for court. I am mindful of the fact that any such disclosure has to be shared by the prosecution and, ultimately, by Holder and his Justice Department.
Those sealed records are no barrier for Holder or for Wilson's attorneys. If they exist at all.
Oldstyle said:
Why exactly does it have a "ring of truth" to it? Michael Brown was supposedly starting "college" in two days and yet he's out robbing a convenience store and starting fights with Police? The only thing that Michael Brown would have been starting if he hadn't been shot was a jail term. He was no longer a minor and he had just committed a strong arm robbery and assault on a Police officer. That would have been the case if his mother WAS white, had blonde hair and blue eyes!

You've certainly expressed your "gut" feelings, why can't I? The investigations into the events and allegations of this case have not been finalized; so ,all we know is what the video showed in the store and news coverage showing aftermath clips of the shooting. ALL witness testimony is suspect from both sides. Wide eyed speculation is the best you and I can do... and you are damn good at it!

Oh, I admit that I am speculating on some things. On others I'm simply stating a fact.

What's been appalling to me is the number of people in the main stream media who have accepted as fact things that have not been shown to BE fact!

For you to come here and say definitively that Michael Brown had no criminal record when he had only turned 18 on May 20th is amusing. The truth is...we don't know what his juvenile record was before May 20th because if there is one it's sealed by law in the Juvenile Court system. All we really know is that Michael Brown hadn't been caught committing a crime from May 20th until August 9th...a period of about 70 DAYS! To portray him as squeaky clean when he's on video robbing a store and assaulting the store clerk is laughable.

For someone to project their perspective as fact is even more appalling. Events thought to be factual can be dismantled and impugned by good attorneys or prosecutors. Illusions can also be manufactured and made to look factual too. To get at the truth, a hardcore impartial analysis is necessary by experienced examiners!

Again , by now any sealed records pertaining to Michael Brown would likely have been released by now, at least in acknowledging the fact that any exist at all.Perhaps, though, Wilson's defense team might be saving that disclosure for court. I am mindful of the fact that any such disclosure has to be shared by the prosecution and, ultimately, by Holder and his Justice Department.
Those sealed records are no barrier for Holder or for Wilson's attorneys. If they exist at all.
Do you really not understand how our criminal justice system works, JQ? Someone's sealed juvenile records can't be "released". If Wilson's defense team discloses them in court then I will guarantee you that those lawyers will all be up on contempt of court charges. The prosecution doesn't have to "share" them with the defense nor with Holder and the Justice Department.
Do you really not understand how our criminal justice system works, JQ? Someone's sealed juvenile records can't be "released". If Wilson's defense team discloses them in court then I will guarantee you that those lawyers will all be up on contempt of court charges. The prosecution doesn't have to "share" them with the defense nor with Holder and the Justice Department.

If Officer Wilson happened to have Juvenile Records which might impune his character, the Eric Holder Justice department would not only release those in court, but also provide them in complete detail to the press and the Black-Rage Activists.

Despite that blatant violation of the Law, America cowering from the Race-Card would shrug like they did at the Schemes, Lies and Obstruction of Justice, of Eric Holder in Fast&Furious, "MyPeople", Shamir Shabazz "Kill Cracker Babies", and coverup assistance in the IRS abuse of power.

Seven More Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder FrontPage Magazine

Black Pastors Impeach Holder CNS News

Eric Holder Proudly Admits He Violates His Oath of Office..Says Everyone Should - BuzzPo

If the court system still had an ounce of honor and true Justice, Eric Holder would be in prison.

This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!
Whoa, are you saying that rapists wont even have sex with black women? I guess the obesity in the black community has at least this one advantage!
This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!
Whoa, are you saying that rapists wont even have sex with black women? I guess the obesity in the black community has at least this one advantage!

Oldstyle said:
Do you really not understand how our criminal justice system works, JQ? Someone's sealed juvenile records can't be "released". If Wilson's defense team discloses them in court then I will guarantee you that those lawyers will all be up on contempt of court charges. The prosecution doesn't have to "share" them with the defense nor with Holder and the Justice Department.

Oh, I do understand how our criminal justice system works. You don't seem to understand that the legislatures of every state has their own way of doing things. Since we are talking about Missouri, I took the liberty of researching their Juvenile records laws to facilitate a better understanding. Won't you share this enlightment with me? Review this link and you might revise your post # 86. Hopefully, you will have a better opinion of me, too.

Missouri Think Before You Plead

Who can access juvenile records?
Public: Juvenile records are not open to public inspection, except by a court order allowing a person with a “legitimate interest” to view the records.[28]However, if a child is adjudicated for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the records of the dispositional hearing and proceedings related will be open to the public to the same extent as adult criminal proceedings.[29]However, the social summaries, investigations, and status reports submitted to the court by any treating agency after the dispositional hearing are kept confidential and open to inspection only with approval of a juvenile court judge.[30]Additionally, peace officers’ records on a juvenile are treated as adult records if the delinquent is seventeen years or older.[31]

A juvenile officer is authorized to make public: information concerning an offense, substance of a petition, status of proceedings, and any other information that does not specifically identify the child or the child’s family for youth fifteen and a half years and older who violate a traffic ordinance which is not a felony.[32]

State Agencies: School districts may report or disclose education records to law enforcement and juvenile justice authorities if the disclosure concerns law enforcement's or juvenile justice authorities' ability to effectively serve, prior to adjudication, the student whose records are released.[33]

If an agency is part of the effort to assist with the youth’s case, his/her arrest record and information about his case can be distributed to that agency.[34] Additionally, if an organization compiles statistics on juvenile adjudication, the data and information can be released to that agency with measures to protect the confidentiality of the juvenile.[35]For example, records of juvenile court proceedings can be disclosed to the child fatality review panel reviewing the child's death, unless the juvenile court on its own motion, or upon application by the juvenile officer, enters an order to seal the records of the victim child.[36]
Juvenile records are also available to criminal justice agencies and the court is required to provide information, when asked, on each juvenile record to the Department of Youth Services.[37]

Service Providers: Juvenile records may be disclosed to any person or agency providing or proposed to provide treatment to the child, including officials at the child’s school.[38]
Victims/Victims’ Families: Victims and their immediate family have open access to general information in a juvenile’s file except the location and the duration of treatment for the juvenile.[39]

Juveniles: While there is no specific mention of the accused juvenile’s access, closed records are accessible to the defendant of a criminal case.[40]
Oldstyle said:
Why exactly does it have a "ring of truth" to it? Michael Brown was supposedly starting "college" in two days and yet he's out robbing a convenience store and starting fights with Police? The only thing that Michael Brown would have been starting if he hadn't been shot was a jail term. He was no longer a minor and he had just committed a strong arm robbery and assault on a Police officer. That would have been the case if his mother WAS white, had blonde hair and blue eyes!

You've certainly expressed your "gut" feelings, why can't I? The investigations into the events and allegations of this case have not been finalized; so ,all we know is what the video showed in the store and news coverage showing aftermath clips of the shooting. ALL witness testimony is suspect from both sides. Wide eyed speculation is the best you and I can do... and you are damn good at it!

Oh, I admit that I am speculating on some things. On others I'm simply stating a fact.

What's been appalling to me is the number of people in the main stream media who have accepted as fact things that have not been shown to BE fact!

For you to come here and say definitively that Michael Brown had no criminal record when he had only turned 18 on May 20th is amusing. The truth is...we don't know what his juvenile record was before May 20th because if there is one it's sealed by law in the Juvenile Court system. All we really know is that Michael Brown hadn't been caught committing a crime from May 20th until August 9th...a period of about 70 DAYS! To portray him as squeaky clean when he's on video robbing a store and assaulting the store clerk is laughable.

For someone to project their perspective as fact is even more appalling. Events thought to be factual can be dismantled and impugned by good attorneys or prosecutors. Illusions can also be manufactured and made to look factual too. To get at the truth, a hardcore impartial analysis is necessary by experienced examiners!

Again , by now any sealed records pertaining to Michael Brown would likely have been released by now, at least in acknowledging the fact that any exist at all.Perhaps, though, Wilson's defense team might be saving that disclosure for court. I am mindful of the fact that any such disclosure has to be shared by the prosecution and, ultimately, by Holder and his Justice Department.
Those sealed records are no barrier for Holder or for Wilson's attorneys. If they exist at all.

If Michael Brown had a juvenile record it would never come up in a court proceeding. Such records are inadmissible and not subject to discovery.
Oldstyle said:
Do you really not understand how our criminal justice system works, JQ? Someone's sealed juvenile records can't be "released". If Wilson's defense team discloses them in court then I will guarantee you that those lawyers will all be up on contempt of court charges. The prosecution doesn't have to "share" them with the defense nor with Holder and the Justice Department.

Oh, I do understand how our criminal justice system works. You don't seem to understand that the legislatures of every state has their own way of doing things. Since we are talking about Missouri, I took the liberty of researching their Juvenile records laws to facilitate a better understanding. Won't you share this enlightment with me? Review this link and you might revise your post # 86. Hopefully, you will have a better opinion of me, too.

Missouri Think Before You Plead

Who can access juvenile records?
Public: Juvenile records are not open to public inspection, except by a court order allowing a person with a “legitimate interest” to view the records.[28]However, if a child is adjudicated for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the records of the dispositional hearing and proceedings related will be open to the public to the same extent as adult criminal proceedings.[29]However, the social summaries, investigations, and status reports submitted to the court by any treating agency after the dispositional hearing are kept confidential and open to inspection only with approval of a juvenile court judge.[30]Additionally, peace officers’ records on a juvenile are treated as adult records if the delinquent is seventeen years or older.[31]

A juvenile officer is authorized to make public: information concerning an offense, substance of a petition, status of proceedings, and any other information that does not specifically identify the child or the child’s family for youth fifteen and a half years and older who violate a traffic ordinance which is not a felony.[32]

State Agencies: School districts may report or disclose education records to law enforcement and juvenile justice authorities if the disclosure concerns law enforcement's or juvenile justice authorities' ability to effectively serve, prior to adjudication, the student whose records are released.[33]

If an agency is part of the effort to assist with the youth’s case, his/her arrest record and information about his case can be distributed to that agency.[34] Additionally, if an organization compiles statistics on juvenile adjudication, the data and information can be released to that agency with measures to protect the confidentiality of the juvenile.[35]For example, records of juvenile court proceedings can be disclosed to the child fatality review panel reviewing the child's death, unless the juvenile court on its own motion, or upon application by the juvenile officer, enters an order to seal the records of the victim child.[36]
Juvenile records are also available to criminal justice agencies and the court is required to provide information, when asked, on each juvenile record to the Department of Youth Services.[37]

Service Providers: Juvenile records may be disclosed to any person or agency providing or proposed to provide treatment to the child, including officials at the child’s school.[38]
Victims/Victims’ Families: Victims and their immediate family have open access to general information in a juvenile’s file except the location and the duration of treatment for the juvenile.[39]

Juveniles: While there is no specific mention of the accused juvenile’s access, closed records are accessible to the defendant of a criminal case.[40]

I went right to the Missouri statutes themselves, JQ

Section 211-321 Juvenile court records confidentiality

"211.321. 1. Records of juvenile court proceedings as well as all information obtained and social records prepared in the discharge of official duty for the court shall not be open to inspection or their contents disclosed, except by order of the court to persons having a legitimate interest therein, unless a petition or motion to modify is sustained which charges the child with an offense which, if committed by an adult, would be a class A felony under the criminal code of Missouri, or capital murder, first degree murder, or second degree murder or except as provided in subsection 2 of this section. In addition, whenever a report is required under section 557.026, there shall also be included a complete list of certain violations of the juvenile code for which the defendant had been adjudicated a delinquent while a juvenile. This list shall be made available to the probation officer and shall be included in the presentence report. The violations to be included in the report are limited to the following: rape, sodomy, murder, kidnapping, robbery, arson, burglary or any acts involving the rendering or threat of serious bodily harm. The supreme court may promulgate rules to be followed by the juvenile courts in separating the records."

Once again...I'm seeing that in order to release that information one would need a court order.
Oldstyle said:
Do you really not understand how our criminal justice system works, JQ? Someone's sealed juvenile records can't be "released". If Wilson's defense team discloses them in court then I will guarantee you that those lawyers will all be up on contempt of court charges. The prosecution doesn't have to "share" them with the defense nor with Holder and the Justice Department.

Oh, I do understand how our criminal justice system works. You don't seem to understand that the legislatures of every state has their own way of doing things. Since we are talking about Missouri, I took the liberty of researching their Juvenile records laws to facilitate a better understanding. Won't you share this enlightment with me? Review this link and you might revise your post # 86. Hopefully, you will have a better opinion of me, too.

Missouri Think Before You Plead

Who can access juvenile records?
Public: Juvenile records are not open to public inspection, except by a court order allowing a person with a “legitimate interest” to view the records.[28]However, if a child is adjudicated for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the records of the dispositional hearing and proceedings related will be open to the public to the same extent as adult criminal proceedings.[29]However, the social summaries, investigations, and status reports submitted to the court by any treating agency after the dispositional hearing are kept confidential and open to inspection only with approval of a juvenile court judge.[30]Additionally, peace officers’ records on a juvenile are treated as adult records if the delinquent is seventeen years or older.[31]

A juvenile officer is authorized to make public: information concerning an offense, substance of a petition, status of proceedings, and any other information that does not specifically identify the child or the child’s family for youth fifteen and a half years and older who violate a traffic ordinance which is not a felony.[32]

State Agencies: School districts may report or disclose education records to law enforcement and juvenile justice authorities if the disclosure concerns law enforcement's or juvenile justice authorities' ability to effectively serve, prior to adjudication, the student whose records are released.[33]

If an agency is part of the effort to assist with the youth’s case, his/her arrest record and information about his case can be distributed to that agency.[34] Additionally, if an organization compiles statistics on juvenile adjudication, the data and information can be released to that agency with measures to protect the confidentiality of the juvenile.[35]For example, records of juvenile court proceedings can be disclosed to the child fatality review panel reviewing the child's death, unless the juvenile court on its own motion, or upon application by the juvenile officer, enters an order to seal the records of the victim child.[36]
Juvenile records are also available to criminal justice agencies and the court is required to provide information, when asked, on each juvenile record to the Department of Youth Services.[37]

Service Providers: Juvenile records may be disclosed to any person or agency providing or proposed to provide treatment to the child, including officials at the child’s school.[38]
Victims/Victims’ Families: Victims and their immediate family have open access to general information in a juvenile’s file except the location and the duration of treatment for the juvenile.[39]

Juveniles: While there is no specific mention of the accused juvenile’s access, closed records are accessible to the defendant of a criminal case.[40]

I went right to the Missouri statutes themselves, JQ

Section 211-321 Juvenile court records confidentiality

"211.321. 1. Records of juvenile court proceedings as well as all information obtained and social records prepared in the discharge of official duty for the court shall not be open to inspection or their contents disclosed, except by order of the court to persons having a legitimate interest therein, unless a petition or motion to modify is sustained which charges the child with an offense which, if committed by an adult, would be a class A felony under the criminal code of Missouri, or capital murder, first degree murder, or second degree murder or except as provided in subsection 2 of this section. In addition, whenever a report is required under section 557.026, there shall also be included a complete list of certain violations of the juvenile code for which the defendant had been adjudicated a delinquent while a juvenile. This list shall be made available to the probation officer and shall be included in the presentence report. The violations to be included in the report are limited to the following: rape, sodomy, murder, kidnapping, robbery, arson, burglary or any acts involving the rendering or threat of serious bodily harm. The supreme court may promulgate rules to be followed by the juvenile courts in separating the records."

Once again...I'm seeing that in order to release that information one would need a court order.

Again, you are assuming that the people abusing the records is acting and being required to act under the "RULE-OF-LAW".

Eric Holder and the Obama DOJ has shown over and over again, it is NOT and Does not need to abide by the Rule-of-Law, their use of the Race-Card has made them a Rogue Administration which is Above-the-Law!

So, the Prosecution who is attacking Officer Williams will have the option to use Juvenile records, if any exist, of Officer Williams, against him, and suppress any use of juvenile records of M. Brown, which we KNOW exist.

The Defense Legal Team of Officer Williams will NOT be allowed to use any Juvenile records at all.

This is, and will continue to be, a Kangaroo Court and miscarriage of JUSTICE!

Oldstyle said:
Once again...I'm seeing that in order to release that information one would need a court order.

When did you see that need the first time, in my excerpted link? Don't pretend your original argument turned upon the notion that a court order was needed to release sealed Juvenile records to the public. Your position was that those records couldn't be released at all, not even to the US attorney General. This excerpt proves you wrong:

Missouri statute linked by Oldstyle said:
(1) The juvenile officer is authorized at any time:

(a) To provide information to or discuss matters concerning the child, the violation of law or the case with the victim, witnesses, officials at the child's school, law enforcement officials, prosecuting attorneys, any person or agency having or proposed to have legal or actual care, custody or control of the child, or any person or agency providing or proposed to provide treatment of the child. Information received pursuant to this paragraph shall not be released to the general public, but shall be released only to the persons or agencies listed in this paragraph; ** (Holder is technically the prosecuting attorney in any ensuing civil case or he could just get the information as a Law Enforcement official.)

(b) To make public information concerning the offense, the substance of the petition, the status of proceedings in the juvenile court and any other information which does not specifically identify the child or the child's family;

(2) After a child has been adjudicated delinquent pursuant to subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of section 211.031, for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the records of the dispositional hearing and proceedings related thereto shall be open to the public to the same extent that records of criminal proceedings are open to the public. However, the social summaries, investigations or updates in the nature of presentence investigations, and status reports submitted to the court by any treating agency or individual after the dispositional order is entered shall be kept confidential and shall be opened to inspection only by order of the judge of the juvenile court;

If Brown had a criminal record of any import he most certainly would have been placed in a reform school.
His friends would have noticed his absence and would probably know why through the grapevine.
I don' t believe Michael Brown was habitually the bad apple he appeared to be on the day he died! ANd I don't believe he has sealed criminal records. I may be proven wrong later but right now, I'm standing by my "gut' feeling!

**=Denotes my input in parenthesis in para. 1 a.
Oldstyle said:
Once again...I'm seeing that in order to release that information one would need a court order.

When did you see that need the first time, in my excerpted link? Don't pretend your original argument turned upon the notion that a court order was needed to release sealed Juvenile records to the public. Your position was that those records couldn't be released at all, not even to the US attorney General. This excerpt proves you wrong:

Missouri statute linked by Oldstyle said:
(1) The juvenile officer is authorized at any time:

(a) To provide information to or discuss matters concerning the child, the violation of law or the case with the victim, witnesses, officials at the child's school, law enforcement officials, prosecuting attorneys, any person or agency having or proposed to have legal or actual care, custody or control of the child, or any person or agency providing or proposed to provide treatment of the child. Information received pursuant to this paragraph shall not be released to the general public, but shall be released only to the persons or agencies listed in this paragraph; ** (Holder is technically the prosecuting attorney in any ensuing civil case or he could just get the information as a Law Enforcement official.)

(b) To make public information concerning the offense, the substance of the petition, the status of proceedings in the juvenile court and any other information which does not specifically identify the child or the child's family;

(2) After a child has been adjudicated delinquent pursuant to subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of section 211.031, for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the records of the dispositional hearing and proceedings related thereto shall be open to the public to the same extent that records of criminal proceedings are open to the public. However, the social summaries, investigations or updates in the nature of presentence investigations, and status reports submitted to the court by any treating agency or individual after the dispositional order is entered shall be kept confidential and shall be opened to inspection only by order of the judge of the juvenile court;

If Brown had a criminal record of any import he most certainly would have been placed in a reform school.
His friends would have noticed his absence and would probably know why through the grapevine.
I don' t believe Michael Brown was habitually the bad apple he appeared to be on the day he died! ANd I don't believe he has sealed criminal records. I may be proven wrong later but right now, I'm standing by my "gut' feeling!

**=Denotes my input in parenthesis in para. 1 a.

Once again...I'm seeing that in order to release that information one would need a court order. [/quote]

When did you see that need the first time, in my excerpted link? Don't pretend your original argument turned upon the notion that a court order was needed to release sealed Juvenile records to the public. Your position was that those records couldn't be released at all, not even to the US attorney General. This excerpt proves you wrong:

Missouri statute linked by Oldstyle said:
(1) The juvenile officer is authorized at any time:

(a) To provide information to or discuss matters concerning the child, the violation of law or the case with the victim, witnesses, officials at the child's school, law enforcement officials, prosecuting attorneys, any person or agency having or proposed to have legal or actual care, custody or control of the child, or any person or agency providing or proposed to provide treatment of the child. Information received pursuant to this paragraph shall not be released to the general public, but shall be released only to the persons or agencies listed in this paragraph; ** (Holder is technically the prosecuting attorney in any ensuing civil case or he could just get the information as a Law Enforcement official.)

(b) To make public information concerning the offense, the substance of the petition, the status of proceedings in the juvenile court and any other information which does not specifically identify the child or the child's family;

(2) After a child has been adjudicated delinquent pursuant to subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of section 211.031, for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the records of the dispositional hearing and proceedings related thereto shall be open to the public to the same extent that records of criminal proceedings are open to the public. However, the social summaries, investigations or updates in the nature of presentence investigations, and status reports submitted to the court by any treating agency or individual after the dispositional order is entered shall be kept confidential and shall be opened to inspection only by order of the judge of the juvenile court;

If Brown had a criminal record of any import he most certainly would have been placed in a reform school.
His friends would have noticed his absence and would probably know why through the grapevine.
I don' t believe Michael Brown was habitually the bad apple he appeared to be on the day he died! ANd I don't believe he has sealed criminal records. I may be proven wrong later but right now, I'm standing by my "gut' feeling!

**=Denotes my input in parenthesis in para. 1 a.[/QUOTE]

The reason that I went directly to the Missouri statutes themselves instead of your source, JQ was because of the following disclaimer from that source:

"ABA Criminal Justice Section Disclaimer
Please note that the American Bar Association’s Juvenile Collateral Consequences Project is intended as a type of ‘wiki-based’ endeavor that relies on users to verify and update the resources available on the website."

You are not citing Missouri're citing a "wiki-based" interpretation of Missouri statutes that may or may not be accurate...hence the warning from the ABA not to assume everything contained in their project to be factual.
I think that after a person is dead their juvenile records can be released. Maybe someone mentioned that already?

I don't know..and don't care.
If saint michael of brown touched the cop..never mind punching him, it was a good shoot.
This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!
Whoa, are you saying that rapists wont even have sex with black women? I guess the obesity in the black community has at least this one advantage!


facts are racist. you're a racist.
And as for whether or not Eric Holder could gain access to juvenile records as the Attorney General of the United State? I'd be surprised if he could not, quite frankly but what would shock me would be if he subsequently released those records to the general public without first obtaining the permission of the court. There is a huge difference between government officials having the ability to look at sealed juvenile records and those same officials having the ability to release them to the public. Any official who did so without a court order would be looking at a contempt of court citation.
Oldstyle said:
Once again...I'm seeing that in order to release that information one would need a court order.

When did you see that need the first time, in my excerpted link? Don't pretend your original argument turned upon the notion that a court order was needed to release sealed Juvenile records to the public. Your position was that those records couldn't be released at all, not even to the US attorney General. This excerpt proves you wrong:

Missouri statute linked by Oldstyle said:
(1) The juvenile officer is authorized at any time:

(a) To provide information to or discuss matters concerning the child, the violation of law or the case with the victim, witnesses, officials at the child's school, law enforcement officials, prosecuting attorneys, any person or agency having or proposed to have legal or actual care, custody or control of the child, or any person or agency providing or proposed to provide treatment of the child. Information received pursuant to this paragraph shall not be released to the general public, but shall be released only to the persons or agencies listed in this paragraph; ** (Holder is technically the prosecuting attorney in any ensuing civil case or he could just get the information as a Law Enforcement official.)

(b) To make public information concerning the offense, the substance of the petition, the status of proceedings in the juvenile court and any other information which does not specifically identify the child or the child's family;

(2) After a child has been adjudicated delinquent pursuant to subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of section 211.031, for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the records of the dispositional hearing and proceedings related thereto shall be open to the public to the same extent that records of criminal proceedings are open to the public. However, the social summaries, investigations or updates in the nature of presentence investigations, and status reports submitted to the court by any treating agency or individual after the dispositional order is entered shall be kept confidential and shall be opened to inspection only by order of the judge of the juvenile court;

If Brown had a criminal record of any import he most certainly would have been placed in a reform school.
His friends would have noticed his absence and would probably know why through the grapevine.
I don' t believe Michael Brown was habitually the bad apple he appeared to be on the day he died! ANd I don't believe he has sealed criminal records. I may be proven wrong later but right now, I'm standing by my "gut' feeling!

**=Denotes my input in parenthesis in para. 1 a.

I'm curious, JQ...does your "gut" tell you that was Michael Brown's first use of his size to physically intimidate? My "gut" tells me that the man shown on that store video tape was very comfortable doing what he did. What's very hard for me to buy into is that Michael Brown suddenly morphed into a "bad apple" on that particular Saturday afternoon. I'm inclined to believe that he had been a bully for some time and that his behavior was most likely escalating. Generally speaking one doesn't start out strong arming convenience works up to that point. My "gut" feeling is that when the full court press to portray Michael Brown as a "good kid" dies down, we'll get the real version of who he was and it's NOT going to be pretty.
Oldstyle said:
Once again...I'm seeing that in order to release that information one would need a court order.

When did you see that need the first time, in my excerpted link? Don't pretend your original argument turned upon the notion that a court order was needed to release sealed Juvenile records to the public. Your position was that those records couldn't be released at all, not even to the US attorney General. This excerpt proves you wrong:

Missouri statute linked by Oldstyle said:
(1) The juvenile officer is authorized at any time:

(a) To provide information to or discuss matters concerning the child, the violation of law or the case with the victim, witnesses, officials at the child's school, law enforcement officials, prosecuting attorneys, any person or agency having or proposed to have legal or actual care, custody or control of the child, or any person or agency providing or proposed to provide treatment of the child. Information received pursuant to this paragraph shall not be released to the general public, but shall be released only to the persons or agencies listed in this paragraph; ** (Holder is technically the prosecuting attorney in any ensuing civil case or he could just get the information as a Law Enforcement official.)

(b) To make public information concerning the offense, the substance of the petition, the status of proceedings in the juvenile court and any other information which does not specifically identify the child or the child's family;

(2) After a child has been adjudicated delinquent pursuant to subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of section 211.031, for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the records of the dispositional hearing and proceedings related thereto shall be open to the public to the same extent that records of criminal proceedings are open to the public. However, the social summaries, investigations or updates in the nature of presentence investigations, and status reports submitted to the court by any treating agency or individual after the dispositional order is entered shall be kept confidential and shall be opened to inspection only by order of the judge of the juvenile court;

If Brown had a criminal record of any import he most certainly would have been placed in a reform school.
His friends would have noticed his absence and would probably know why through the grapevine.
I don' t believe Michael Brown was habitually the bad apple he appeared to be on the day he died! ANd I don't believe he has sealed criminal records. I may be proven wrong later but right now, I'm standing by my "gut' feeling!

**=Denotes my input in parenthesis in para. 1 a.

I'm curious, JQ...does your "gut" tell you that was Michael Brown's first use of his size to physically intimidate? My "gut" tells me that the man shown on that store video tape was very comfortable doing what he did. What's very hard for me to buy into is that Michael Brown suddenly morphed into a "bad apple" on that particular Saturday afternoon. I'm inclined to believe that he had been a bully for some time and that his behavior was most likely escalating. Generally speaking one doesn't start out strong arming convenience works up to that point. My "gut" feeling is that when the full court press to portray Michael Brown as a "good kid" dies down, we'll get the real version of who he was and it's NOT going to be pretty.

if the cop isn't charged..or goes to trial and is found not guilty...6 months later...a year later....until the end of time...... negroes will still say saint michael of brown was shot in the back while on his knees with his hands up because he was jaywalking.

just like saint trayvon of martin...They don't care about the white man's justice system unless they can screw it over...think O.J.

They are raised in the constant atmosphere of racial jealousy and envy of whites their whole lives. It's all they know.

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