The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America

Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks.

In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes were committed by Blacks against Whites in the U.S.

Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than Whites the same age.

Some 90% of the victims of race crimes are Whites.

Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites..

1.3 million of the 6.6 million violent crimes committed in the U.S. each year are interracial.

Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders in the U.S.,

compared to 58,000 Americans killed in Vietnam and 38,000 killed in Korea!!

[above stats were collected by an Australian reporter, Neil Sheehan]
Oldstyle said:
What does a kid like Michael Brown have to look forward to? He can't get work. He doesn't have the skills to survive in college. Michael Brown is like so many other black kids growing up poor in urban areas. "Hope" is a stump speech that some black guy who has NOTHING in common with him gives

I guess you either overlooked or ignored the interview with Michael Brown's parents. Other than that small portion of his life captured during his final hours, your homing skills were focused on the stereotype rather than the facts.
If I remember correctly, he came from a two parent home and, according to his father, had a promising future ahead of him... in fact he was purported to be scheduled to attend technical college.

Michael Brown Mom says teen killed by police was working toward a better life -[/quote]
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This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!

I have that data somewhere..BJS data... I can dig it up.

If I remember right it's in the neighborhood of 30,000 negro on white rapes per

Casting no aspersions on the general White male population, I'd have to wonder why gay white males like you holler rape when you come to gangland looking for sex.

Dance little negro puppet!..Dance for me!
I command you..LMAO
AWWWW, I feel yer pain! Heh heh heh!
Dance! Dance I say! I own as your told!
SHADDUP, fool ... you're dismissed!
Well you might have rehabilitated yourself with those admissions !!! Funny deal with those statistics. If you plopped a bunch hispanics into the ghetto, they would exceed the crime statistics of the general hispanic community. Culture and enviroment it is. AND the folklore of hopelessness that kids are pummeled with by the tyranny of low leftist expectations.

You don't know anything about me.

I have fought in four wars. I served my country in various ways for 27 years.

I am a mature American with many years of leadership and scientific experience, and a great aptitude for math.

I am married to a Hispanic women, have been married three times, and all have been mixed race marriages. My wife of 25 years now is Hispanic American.

I am a father of two grown daughters, and a grandfather of five mixed race grand children.

I am currently studying sociology and political science.


married 3 times?
Man, when are you gonna learn?

Hey hey hey I got third time lucky myself. :) Some times you hit a home run instead of striking out. Ok so he's a lib. But he seems like a smart lib at least.
Can't be TOO smart if he married YOU!
Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks.

In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes were committed by Blacks against Whites in the U.S.

Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than Whites the same age.

Some 90% of the victims of race crimes are Whites.

Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites..

1.3 million of the 6.6 million violent crimes committed in the U.S. each year are interracial.

Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders in the U.S.,

compared to 58,000 Americans killed in Vietnam and 38,000 killed in Korea!!

[above stats were collected by an Australian reporter, Neil Sheehan]

All due respect, but accuracy matters

His name is Paul Sheehan..Here's the article he wrote

by Paul Sheehan. Saturday, 20 May 1995

The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost almost as many lives as the Vietnam War. It determined the result of last year's congressional election.

Yet the American news media do not want to talk about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists is to be discredited. So let's start suggesting, immediately.

No matter how crime figures are massaged by those who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the official statistics portray: for the past 30 years a large segment of black America has waged a war of violent retribution against white America.

And the problem is getting worse, not better. In the past 20 years, violent crime has increased more than four times faster than the population. Young blacks (under 18) are more violent than previous generations and are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than young whites.

Nearly all the following figures, which speak for themselves, have not been reported in America:

  • * According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.

    * Most victims of race crime - about 90 per cent - are white, according to the survey "Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims", published in 1993.

    * Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.

    * Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.

    * According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.
These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960's, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern civil rights movement.

Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war.

When non-violent crimes (burglary, larceny, car theft and personal theft) are included, the cumulative totals become prodigious. The Bureau of Justice Statistics says 27 million non-violent crimes were committed in the US in 1992, and the survey found that 31 per cent of the robberies involved black offenders and white victims (while only 2 per cent in the reverse).

When all the crime figures are calculated, it appears that black Americans have committed at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years. It is the great defining disaster of American life and American ideals since World War II.

All these are facts, yet by simply writing this story, by assembling the facts in this way, I would be deemed a racist by the American news media. It prefers to maintain a paternalistic double-standard in its coverage of black America, a lower standard.
Every few days a black attacks a white in the knock out game. Blacks end up killing over 400 whites per year compared to around 200 for whites....

Blacks are sore losers and that is all they're good at.

Stop lying. Every few days? Link! And I wonder how many of those interracial homicides are justified or self defense! Your over active imagination embellishes your statistical obsessions to the point of lunacy!
Oldstyle said:
What does a kid like Michael Brown have to look forward to? He can't get work. He doesn't have the skills to survive in college. Michael Brown is like so many other black kids growing up poor in urban areas. "Hope" is a stump speech that some black guy who has NOTHING in common with him gives

I guess you either overlooked or ignored the interview with Michael Brown's parents. Other than that small portion of his life captured during his final hours, your homing skills were focused on the stereotype rather than the facts.
If I remember correctly, he came from a two parent home and, according to his father, had a promising future ahead of him... in fact he was purported to be scheduled to attend technical college.

Michael Brown Mom says teen killed by police was working toward a better life -

You obviously don't know very much about Michael Brown, JQ! I guess you could say that he came from a two parent home...right up until his mother and father divorced when he was 3! When he was shot he was living with his grandmother.

As for his promising future? He was trying to get a job working at a supermarket and was "talking" about taking some classes to learn air conditioning repair at a technical school. He was not described as a good student despite the attempt by his mother to put a nice face on his scholastic aptitude.
NewMatilda said:
But you would think that having his work so enthusiastically received by the David Duke website, by,, listed as 'recommended reading' by Nordwave (right above the featured article '10 commandments for National Socialists, by Dr Joseph Goebells'), and attached to the MySpace profile of white supremacists from Ohio might give him pause for thought. Even if you stood by your opinions, you might consider using a more three-dimensional form of expression.

Not Sheehan. 'The Race War of Black Against White' includes many of the themes that have characterised his journalism and books ever since: the linking of race to crime; the way that White racism is described as an understandable reaction to ethnic misbehaviour and the marginalisation of Whites by government, while 'ethnic' misbehaviour itself is seen as somehow innate and inexcusable; and the selective use of statistics combined with anecdotal stories of 'reasonable' White unhappiness in response to persecution by what Damn Edna refers to as 'tinted people'. This material has buttered Sheehan's bread for more than a decade.

It's a wonder White people dare leave their homes each morning, besieged as they are by African American gangsters, Vietnamese triad members, Lebanese Muslim rapists and terrorists, not to mention an Aboriginal 'feral underclass' in Australian rural towns. And all of these sinister characters backed by governments who are at the mercy of ethnic branch-stacking and intent on imposing anti-White discrimination under the guise of multiculturalism. No wonder all the White folk are out there joining militias and voting for One Nation.
Except they aren't.

Paul Sheehan s Dirty War

As Sheehan often and repetitively points out, most Australians are not deeply racist. Perhaps this is because, despite Sheehan's moral panic, they do in fact feel basically safe when they venture onto the streets. Perhaps they don't feel put upon and persecuted by uppity wogs and blackfellas. And perhaps they don't feel that way because, in fact, they aren't
Oldstyle said:
What does a kid like Michael Brown have to look forward to? He can't get work. He doesn't have the skills to survive in college. Michael Brown is like so many other black kids growing up poor in urban areas. "Hope" is a stump speech that some black guy who has NOTHING in common with him gives

JQPublic1 said:
I guess you either overlooked or ignored the interview with Michael Brown's parents. Other than that small portion of his life captured during his final hours, your homing skills were focused on the stereotype rather than the facts.
If I remember correctly, he came from a two parent home and, according to his father, had a promising future ahead of him... in fact he was purported to be scheduled to attend technical college.

Michael Brown Mom says teen killed by police was working toward a better life -

Oldstyle said:
You obviously don't know very much about Michael Brown, JQ! I guess you could say that he came from a two parent home...right up until his mother and father divorced when he was 3! When he was shot he was living with his grandmother.

As for his promising future? He was trying to get a job working at a supermarket and was "talking" about taking some classes to learn air conditioning repair at a technical school. He was not described as a good student despite the attempt by his mother to put a nice face on his scholastic aptitude.

Do you expect me to take your word for it? I gave you a link... I'd like to have you return the favor. Common courtesy!
NewMatilda said:
But you would think that having his work so enthusiastically received by the David Duke website, by,, listed as 'recommended reading' by Nordwave (right above the featured article '10 commandments for National Socialists, by Dr Joseph Goebells'), and attached to the MySpace profile of white supremacists from Ohio might give him pause for thought. Even if you stood by your opinions, you might consider using a more three-dimensional form of expression.

Not Sheehan. 'The Race War of Black Against White' includes many of the themes that have characterised his journalism and books ever since: the linking of race to crime; the way that White racism is described as an understandable reaction to ethnic misbehaviour and the marginalisation of Whites by government, while 'ethnic' misbehaviour itself is seen as somehow innate and inexcusable; and the selective use of statistics combined with anecdotal stories of 'reasonable' White unhappiness in response to persecution by what Damn Edna refers to as 'tinted people'. This material has buttered Sheehan's bread for more than a decade.

It's a wonder White people dare leave their homes each morning, besieged as they are by African American gangsters, Vietnamese triad members, Lebanese Muslim rapists and terrorists, not to mention an Aboriginal 'feral underclass' in Australian rural towns. And all of these sinister characters backed by governments who are at the mercy of ethnic branch-stacking and intent on imposing anti-White discrimination under the guise of multiculturalism. No wonder all the White folk are out there joining militias and voting for One Nation.
Except they aren't.

Paul Sheehan s Dirty War

As Sheehan often and repetitively points out, most Australians are not deeply racist. Perhaps this is because, despite Sheehan's moral panic, they do in fact feel basically safe when they venture onto the streets. Perhaps they don't feel put upon and persecuted by uppity wogs and blackfellas. And perhaps they don't feel that way because, in fact, they aren't

I can kind of sympathize with Shakira Hussein. It must be tough to be in a position where you want to argue back against a proposition and you find your arsenal bare but you still have to make a futile attempt at push-back.

This article was all bluster and condemnation and innuendo but she never actually demonstrates that Sheehan is wrong. She does the equivalent of a pro-smoking advocate pointing out that Hitler was an anti-smoking fanatic and anti-smoking campaigners should be bothered that Hitler sided with them.

Hey, when you have nothing of substance then grasping at any straw is better than nothing, I suppose.
NewMatilda said:
But you would think that having his work so enthusiastically received by the David Duke website, by,, listed as 'recommended reading' by Nordwave (right above the featured article '10 commandments for National Socialists, by Dr Joseph Goebells'), and attached to the MySpace profile of white supremacists from Ohio might give him pause for thought. Even if you stood by your opinions, you might consider using a more three-dimensional form of expression.

Not Sheehan. 'The Race War of Black Against White' includes many of the themes that have characterised his journalism and books ever since: the linking of race to crime; the way that White racism is described as an understandable reaction to ethnic misbehaviour and the marginalisation of Whites by government, while 'ethnic' misbehaviour itself is seen as somehow innate and inexcusable; and the selective use of statistics combined with anecdotal stories of 'reasonable' White unhappiness in response to persecution by what Damn Edna refers to as 'tinted people'. This material has buttered Sheehan's bread for more than a decade.

It's a wonder White people dare leave their homes each morning, besieged as they are by African American gangsters, Vietnamese triad members, Lebanese Muslim rapists and terrorists, not to mention an Aboriginal 'feral underclass' in Australian rural towns. And all of these sinister characters backed by governments who are at the mercy of ethnic branch-stacking and intent on imposing anti-White discrimination under the guise of multiculturalism. No wonder all the White folk are out there joining militias and voting for One Nation.
Except they aren't.

Paul Sheehan s Dirty War

As Sheehan often and repetitively points out, most Australians are not deeply racist. Perhaps this is because, despite Sheehan's moral panic, they do in fact feel basically safe when they venture onto the streets. Perhaps they don't feel put upon and persecuted by uppity wogs and blackfellas. And perhaps they don't feel that way because, in fact, they aren't

...blah...blah...blah...not one word denying the facts..just trying to link him to people he has nothing to do with and weak attempts at character assassination as a distraction.
What's the source of your quote? Some afro centric black supremacist site? Why don't you list it? It's ok...I know why.

The stats are true and accurate.
Oldstyle said:
What does a kid like Michael Brown have to look forward to? He can't get work. He doesn't have the skills to survive in college. Michael Brown is like so many other black kids growing up poor in urban areas. "Hope" is a stump speech that some black guy who has NOTHING in common with him gives

JQPublic1 said:
I guess you either overlooked or ignored the interview with Michael Brown's parents. Other than that small portion of his life captured during his final hours, your homing skills were focused on the stereotype rather than the facts.
If I remember correctly, he came from a two parent home and, according to his father, had a promising future ahead of him... in fact he was purported to be scheduled to attend technical college.

Michael Brown Mom says teen killed by police was working toward a better life -

Oldstyle said:
You obviously don't know very much about Michael Brown, JQ! I guess you could say that he came from a two parent home...right up until his mother and father divorced when he was 3! When he was shot he was living with his grandmother.

As for his promising future? He was trying to get a job working at a supermarket and was "talking" about taking some classes to learn air conditioning repair at a technical school. He was not described as a good student despite the attempt by his mother to put a nice face on his scholastic aptitude.

Do you expect me to take your word for it? I gave you a link... I'd like to have you return the favor. Common courtesy!
I'm curious...where is it that you came up with the notion that Michael Brown's parents were still together? Could it be because the main stream media has done the same thing with this case as they did with the Trayvon Martin portray him as something he really wasn't?
I'm curious...where is it that you came up with the notion that Michael Brown's parents were still together? Could it be because the main stream media has done the same thing with this case as they did with the Trayvon Martin portray him as something he really wasn't?

Let's not bring the Martin case into this. Lets keep it simple.
Did you read the article in the link you posted? I read the entire thing and discovered that Brown's father has always been in his life. There is no mention that Brown's parents were ever married but the article emphasizes that the elder Brown made himself available for his son frequently and seems to have supported him. Note worthy was that he had no criminal record prior to the date he was shot. Most everything in the article puts Michael Brown in a relatively favorable light with the exception of his video taped shoplifting and hearsay evidence that he may have dabbled in marihuana or some unknown drugs. I say all of that without speculating about what happened between him and Wilson...based on YOUR link!

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