The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America

This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!
Even if I believed that violent attacks on wnites were motivated by some sense of entitlement to create their own justice, killing affirmative action would make those sordid tales being sold in school all the more real. Affirmative action needs to be debated on socio economic benefits, and efficacy, and equality. Not sold as a form of crime control..., There MAY BE some mindset that injustice excuses battery and assault. But its wrong. Because as I said, I am guessing that black on black crime statistics are even MORE titulating. And those are not based on entitlement mentalities.

As a White Man, I have more genetic material in common with the most different Black Male on the planet, than I have in common with my own sister.

The problems facing Blacks in America are due to Differential Treatment, but in 2014, the differences which are hurting are as likely to be unjust preferential treatment as unjust detrimental treatment.

The problems in the Black Communities rife with violence have more to do with dysfunctional culture brought on by decades of welfare, addiction, and being taught that they are not the White person's equal without a preference granted by Liberals.

The ability for generation upon generation to exist without a requirement to be productive and competitive in work and in society will DESTROY any people!

I want the violence to stop. I live and work daily around many Blacks who are no different culturally than myself. SOME of them I would estimate have a higher standard of character, and less in the ways of character flaws, than myself.

I KNOW that Black people are my Equal, I insist that they act like it!

I like your post with the exception of the mandate at the end. Your insistence about anything is irrelevant.

But there is more to the Black experience than violence, welfare and Affirmative Action. Most are not a party to the social disruptions and crime any more than Whites are. Most violent crime is indeed intra-racial, not interracial!
married 3 times?
Man, when are you gonna learn?

LOL, yes, well, my first wife and my last and current wife are the same person. We got married too young, but after some learning, settled down.


Nice. We renewed our vows 8 years ago.
How's your husband doing? How can he stand you.

Today in america everyone is assigned a legally-enforceable racial category by the government.

entitlements, rights and privileges are then granted or denied based on one's racial membership, with non-whites given preferences over whites.

The federal government utilizes these racist practices to prevent .....racism....and people have been indoctrinated to think this makes perfect sense.

I disagree. Most people know affirmative action makes no sense at all. But they're powerless to stop it since both parties accept it.
This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!

I have that data somewhere..BJS data... I can dig it up.

If I remember right it's in the neighborhood of 30,000 negro on white rapes per year.

The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America

2010 FBI Racial Crime Statistics:

FBI — Table 43a

OK, so let's do the math.

62,593 White Attacks on Black Victims

320,082 Black Attacks on White Victims

Therefore: Blacks commit 5X as many violent Attacks as Whites.

But!, After Normalizing for Population:

197,000,000 Whites in America

38,000,000 Blacks in America

White on Black Attacks per 1000 White People: 0.32
or 1 in 3000 Whites Attack a Black person

Black on White Attacks per 1000 Black People: 8.42
or 1 in 125 Blacks Attack a White Person

8.42 / 0.32 = 26 X

(which in the video is rounded DOWN to 25X, instead of the scientifically flawed, but politically incorrect, 26X)

So, that's the Realty, we have an Epidemic of Black against White RACIAL CRIME in America.

But that isn't the whole story.

The rate at which Blacks Assault Blacks, is far higher than the Rate that ALL other Racial groups Assault Blacks, COMBINED!

Shouldn't these official FBI crime statistics, and the story they tell, come into our narrative on the Ferguson situation?

Doesn't the threat of this kind of violence, which the police have to deal with daily, affect the nature of the wariness and response of police officers everywhere?

Should White Americans start holding themselves much more On-Guard and Wary around Black Americans?

Isn't it time that we stop creating the sense of Entitlement to "Social-Justice-Reprisal-Violence" generated by the special protections, preferential treatment, and racial manipulation propaganda created by Affirmative Action?

Isn't it time for the 45 years of Racial Preference Insanity to END!?


NO, no, and no...not based on the measly RAW NUMBERS those statistics represent!

Still pretending you don't understand percentages, basic math and correlation.

Disingenuous, but I know why you do it.

You aren't pretending, you really don't know basic math and how percentages can be used to make things look worse than they are.
The Epidemic of Racial Crimes in America

2010 FBI Racial Crime Statistics:

FBI — Table 43a

OK, so let's do the math.

62,593 White Attacks on Black Victims

320,082 Black Attacks on White Victims

Therefore: Blacks commit 5X as many violent Attacks as Whites.

But!, After Normalizing for Population:

197,000,000 Whites in America

38,000,000 Blacks in America

White on Black Attacks per 1000 White People: 0.32
or 1 in 3000 Whites Attack a Black person

Black on White Attacks per 1000 Black People: 8.42
or 1 in 125 Blacks Attack a White Person

8.42 / 0.32 = 26 X

(which in the video is rounded DOWN to 25X, instead of the scientifically flawed, but politically incorrect, 26X)

So, that's the Realty, we have an Epidemic of Black against White RACIAL CRIME in America.

But that isn't the whole story.

The rate at which Blacks Assault Blacks, is far higher than the Rate that ALL other Racial groups Assault Blacks, COMBINED!

Shouldn't these official FBI crime statistics, and the story they tell, come into our narrative on the Ferguson situation?

Doesn't the threat of this kind of violence, which the police have to deal with daily, affect the nature of the wariness and response of police officers everywhere?

Should White Americans start holding themselves much more On-Guard and Wary around Black Americans?

Isn't it time that we stop creating the sense of Entitlement to "Social-Justice-Reprisal-Violence" generated by the special protections, preferential treatment, and racial manipulation propaganda created by Affirmative Action?

Isn't it time for the 45 years of Racial Preference Insanity to END!?


NO, no, and no...not based on the measly RAW NUMBERS those statistics represent!

Still pretending you don't understand percentages, basic math and correlation.

Disingenuous, but I know why you do it.

You aren't pretending, you really don't know basic math and how percentages can be used to make things look worse than they are.

LMAO..Dance for me puppet. Dance!
If white cops would do their jobs........blacks wouldn't kill each other. Racist cops.....they leave blacks alone and kill each other, or they "harass" them to try to keep order.

Racist both ways!
This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!

I have that data somewhere..BJS data... I can dig it up.

If I remember right it's in the neighborhood of 30,000 negro on white rapes per year

Casting no aspersions on the general White male population, I'd have to wonder why gay white males like you holler rape when you come to gangland looking for sex.
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This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!

I have that data somewhere..BJS data... I can dig it up.

If I remember right it's in the neighborhood of 30,000 negro on white rapes per

Casting no aspersions on the general White male population, I'd have to wonder why gay white males like you holler rape when you come to gangland looking for sex.

Dance little negro puppet!..Dance for me!
I command you..LMAO
BTW --- Welcome to USMB Kurmudgeon. And what the heck does affirmative action have to do with Assault and Battery??

I'll answer that question if you don't mind.

What DOES Affirmative Action have to do with Assault & Battery? Quite simply...AA didn't do ANYTHING to better the life of the average black person from depressed urban areas. Don't get me wrong...AA HAS helped blacks! One need look no further than statistics that show that the income of upscale blacks has grown at a higher rate than almost any other demographic over the past 30 years. It's helped up scale blacks like Barry Obama, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Clarence Thomas and countless others move out of the Middle Class and into the category of the wealthy. At the same time that blacks from Ivy League schools were cashing in big time on the necessity of the Private and Public sectors to hire minorities or face legal action...poor blacks in depressed urban areas that didn't go to elite high schools were turned out into the world with almost zero applicable skills to gain employment. Why was Michael Brown stealing things from convenience stores and fighting with the Police? Because Michael Brown didn't go to Northfield Mount Herman or The Punahou School. He wouldn't have fit Joe Biden's famous description of his running mate as "articulate, bright and clean". Michael Brown fits the description of just one more street kid, flashing gang signs and guns on social media and refusing to get out of the street for a police car even after he just robbed a store! What does a kid like Michael Brown have to look forward to? He can't get work. He doesn't have the skills to survive in college. Michael Brown is like so many other black kids growing up poor in urban areas. "Hope" is a stump speech that some black guy who has NOTHING in common with him gives.
This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!

I have that data somewhere..BJS data... I can dig it up.

If I remember right it's in the neighborhood of 30,000 negro on white rapes per

Casting no aspersions on the general White male population, I'd have to wonder why gay white males like you holler rape when you come to gangland looking for sex.

Dance little negro puppet!..Dance for me!
I command you..LMAO
AWWWW, I feel yer pain! Heh heh heh!
This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!

I have that data somewhere..BJS data... I can dig it up.

If I remember right it's in the neighborhood of 30,000 negro on white rapes per

Casting no aspersions on the general White male population, I'd have to wonder why gay white males like you holler rape when you come to gangland looking for sex.

Dance little negro puppet!..Dance for me!
I command you..LMAO
AWWWW, I feel yer pain! Heh heh heh!
Dance! Dance I say! I own as your told!
OR -- take your little factoids and control for INCOME and EDUCATION of the aggressors --- but your dude in the video doesn't WANT this to be about Income or Education -- he wants it to be about race.. Smart cookie.. Dumb consumers.

Poverty driving crime? Let's see:

What did surprise him was that when he looked at families which had started poor and got richer, the younger children—those born into relative affluence—were just as likely to misbehave when they were teenagers as their elder siblings had been. Family income was not, per se, the determining factor.

That suggests two, not mutually exclusive, possibilities. One is that a family’s culture, once established, is “sticky”—that you can, to put it crudely, take the kid out of the neighbourhood, but not the neighbourhood out of the kid. Given, for example, children’s propensity to emulate elder siblings whom they admire, that sounds perfectly plausible. The other possibility is that genes which predispose to criminal behaviour (several studies suggest such genes exist) are more common at the bottom of society than at the top, perhaps because the lack of impulse-control they engender also tends to reduce someone’s earning capacity.​
This is the sort of stuff that got pat buchanan fired by MSNBC. You are not allowed to point out stats that show blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites. Pat also said FBI stats say several thousand black on white rapes occur every year and ZERO white on black rapes!!!

The truth doesn't mean anything to blacks or liberals. These are emotional thinkers that live for one thing...Getting whitey.
Even if I believed that violent attacks on wnites were motivated by some sense of entitlement to create their own justice, killing affirmative action would make those sordid tales being sold in school all the more real. Affirmative action needs to be debated on socio economic benefits, and efficacy, and equality. Not sold as a form of crime control..., There MAY BE some mindset that injustice excuses battery and assault. But its wrong. Because as I said, I am guessing that black on black crime statistics are even MORE titulating. And those are not based on entitlement mentalities.

As a White Man, I have more genetic material in common with the most different Black Male on the planet, than I have in common with my own sister.

I know exactly what you're doing here, I know the source of your claim and I know how you're grossly misinterpreted the source. Doesn't this claim of yours strike you as counter-intuitive? Don't mistake something that is counter-intuitive as being profound.

Your original, uncorrupted source, has been invalidated so that whole bogus line of reasoning, even when properly applied (which you're not doing) is now just wrong.
Well you might have rehabilitated yourself with those admissions !!! Funny deal with those statistics. If you plopped a bunch hispanics into the ghetto, they would exceed the crime statistics of the general hispanic community. Culture and enviroment it is. AND the folklore of hopelessness that kids are pummeled with by the tyranny of low leftist expectations.

You don't know anything about me.

I have fought in four wars. I served my country in various ways for 27 years.

I am a mature American with many years of leadership and scientific experience, and a great aptitude for math.

I am married to a Hispanic women, have been married three times, and all have been mixed race marriages. My wife of 25 years now is Hispanic American.

I am a father of two grown daughters, and a grandfather of five mixed race grand children.

I am currently studying sociology and political science.


married 3 times?
Man, when are you gonna learn?

Hey hey hey I got third time lucky myself. :) Some times you hit a home run instead of striking out. Ok so he's a lib. But he seems like a smart lib at least.
Every few days a black attacks a white in the knock out game. Blacks end up killing over 400 whites per year compared to around 200 for whites....

Blacks are sore losers and that is all they're good at.

Most American blacks are really shitty people. Very bigoted.

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