The EU has threatened Russia with the loss of Saint-Petersburg


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Would someone dare to say similar to Trump, for example USA can lose NYC? It is unbelievable how many insults Putin tolerated last time.bombing in Syria, Armenia, too bold Israel and now so-called 'Estonia' - a failed state without people is allow to treat Russia.
Putin shall grasp the more he accepts western insults the quickly near WWIII. The target of NATO and western countries is the totally annihilation of Russia and its people.The more Putin became weak the higher is probability of nuclear attack against Russia.There are not any 'western partners', only enemies who are waiting for attack
If Putin getting old and sick he shall go and give the way to more brave patriots

Russia could lose control over St. Petersburg and other cities of the country, if Moscow decides to attack Estonia. In an interview with “European truth” said the former President of the Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves.

The EU has threatened Russia with the loss of Saint-Petersburg | Russian news EN
Putin shall break all relationship with the West and go East.
The Russian capital shall be removed from Russia to Vladivostok.
Better Russia became a part of China and survive in 21st century as to became a toilet paper for EU and NATO

The EU are desperate to hang on to a weak branch in the tree and so directing blame and anger at Russia is SOP for them...the EU is crumbling now Italy wants out and then Spain will follow....forming the EU was stupid and now we see did not work it is not working and so the next mis step is to threaten Russia? Well go ahead EU but do it without the US.....this time you are on your own ya bunch of pansies and PC nutjobs.....
Would someone dare to say similar to Trump, for example USA can lose NYC? It is unbelievable how many insults Putin tolerated last time.bombing in Syria, Armenia, too bold Israel and now so-called 'Estonia' - a failed state without people is allow to treat Russia.
Putin shall grasp the more he accepts western insults the quickly near WWIII. The target of NATO and western countries is the totally annihilation of Russia and its people.The more Putin became weak the higher is probability of nuclear attack against Russia.There are not any 'western partners', only enemies who are waiting for attack
If Putin getting old and sick he shall go and give the way to more brave patriots

Russia could lose control over St. Petersburg and other cities of the country, if Moscow decides to attack Estonia. In an interview with “European truth” said the former President of the Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves.

The EU has threatened Russia with the loss of Saint-Petersburg | Russian news EN
Hitler also wanted St. Petersburg, where is he now? Modern Russia has all kinds of new sophisticated weapons to defend her borders now.

Actually, I haven't heard about any EU intentions to annex Russian territories lately in mainstream Russian news. What I have seen is that many EU leaders (French, German, Bulgarian) rushed to Moscow to make deals with Russia due to Trump's cutting US deals with Europe.

Poor Europe seems to be helpless: it needs a boss :badgrin:
As usual with this OP the OP is a LIE. The EU has said nothiing about St Petersburg and only a loon would think that they ever would.
St Petersburg is a beautiful city but , like most of Russia, the people there are backward fucks.
As usual with this OP the OP is a LIE. The EU has said nothiing about St Petersburg and only a loon would think that they ever would.
St Petersburg is a beautiful city but , like most of Russia, the people there are backward fucks.
Tommy, don't insult the Russians! It's racist BTW, and you seem to forget you are supposed to be a tolerant liberal (oh, what a joke!).

BTW, have you had a sex change surgery lately? Before you were looking like grumpy Hitler on your Avatar and now like a happy Muslim woman.
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As usual with this OP the OP is a LIE. The EU has said nothiing about St Petersburg and only a loon would think that they ever would.
St Petersburg is a beautiful city but , like most of Russia, the people there are backward fucks.
Tommy, don't insult the Russians! It's racist BTW, and you seem to forget you are supposed to be a tolerant liberal (oh, what a joke!).

BTW, have you had a sex change surgery lately? Before you were looking like grumpy Hitler on your Avatar and now like a happy Muslim woman.
She was a Palestinian nurse that the Israeli army murdered last week.
Would someone dare to say similar to Trump, for example USA can lose NYC? It is unbelievable how many insults Putin tolerated last time.bombing in Syria, Armenia, too bold Israel and now so-called 'Estonia' - a failed state without people is allow to treat Russia.
Putin shall grasp the more he accepts western insults the quickly near WWIII. The target of NATO and western countries is the totally annihilation of Russia and its people.The more Putin became weak the higher is probability of nuclear attack against Russia.There are not any 'western partners', only enemies who are waiting for attack
If Putin getting old and sick he shall go and give the way to more brave patriots

Russia could lose control over St. Petersburg and other cities of the country, if Moscow decides to attack Estonia. In an interview with “European truth” said the former President of the Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves.

The EU has threatened Russia with the loss of Saint-Petersburg | Russian news EN
Hitler also wanted St. Petersburg, where is he now? Modern Russia has all kinds of new sophisticated weapons to defend her borders now.

The biggest Problem of Russia is the Gusski Fifth Column. As long it run the country exist danger your 'sophisticated weapons' will suddenly defend NATO and Israel.
As usual with this OP the OP is a LIE. The EU has said nothiing about St Petersburg and only a loon would think that they ever would.
St Petersburg is a beautiful city but , like most of Russia, the people there are backward fucks.
Tommy, don't insult the Russians! It's racist .

You are prohibit to insult jews, muslims, blacks & Co.
Anyone is allowed to piss on Russians and Russia, to murder them like in Odessa four years ago.
Putin shall break all relationship with the West and go East.
The Russian capital shall be removed from Russia to Vladivostok.
Better Russia became a part of China and survive in 21st century as to became a toilet paper for EU and NATO

As Putin is an ex-KGB agent, he naturally sides with China on matters, so that would be expected.
Putin shall break all relationship with the West and go East.
The Russian capital shall be removed from Russia to Vladivostok.
Better Russia became a part of China and survive in 21st century as to became a toilet paper for EU and NATO

As Putin is an ex-KGB agent, he naturally sides with China on matters, so that would be expected.

Russia can gain nothing by the West, only China matters

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