The events in Jerusalem

RE: The events in Jerusalem
※→ abi, et al,

Actions like this Mob Mentality are not morally defensible. There can be no explanation for this type of barbaric activity.

Mohammed Abu Khudair
Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli settlers on an East Jerusalem street.[4][5] His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive....
Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir - Wikipedia

This damn settler thing is ridiculous and now an ongoing war crime for 1/2 a century.

This does not help the Israeli cause. If anything, it damages the cause and reflects badly on the integrity and character of the Israeli (as a whole).

What will make it even worse, is if the local Jew Community in the venue attempts to hide these dastardly perpetrators.

My heart goes out to the family and friends in this tragedy.

Most Respectfully,
My heart goes out to the family and friends in this tragedy.
But, your heart does not go out to all the rest of those who suffer the abuse of zionism. You defend land theft and murder daily, you defend racist apartheid, you defend war criminality and insane violations of very basic human rights.

I am not convinced, so I'm not yet buying.
My heart goes out to the family and friends in this tragedy.
But, your heart does not go out to all the rest of those who suffer the abuse of zionism. You defend land theft and murder daily, you defend racist apartheid, you defend war criminality and insane violations of very basic human rights.

I am not convinced, so I'm not yet buying.

Is everyone forgetting what this tragedy was in response to? Another tragedy which involved the loss of life in higher numbers.
Is everyone forgetting what this tragedy was in response to? Another tragedy which involved the loss of life in higher numbers.
Are you forgetting that zionists gunned down 29 Muslims as they worshiped in their mosque and that that is what led to the first intifada?
Exactly. Abi has, as usual, distorted things by inserting into a thread about what is currently happening in Jerusalem NOW an event that happened over three years ago.
Exactly. Abi has, as usual, distorted things by inserting into a thread about what is currently happening in Jerusalem NOW an event that happened over three years ago.
You lied there, Teddy.

17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khudair

I inserted nothing, it was brought up, I googled it and posted what I learned. Please complain to aris2chat.
Is everyone forgetting what this tragedy was in response to? Another tragedy which involved the loss of life in higher numbers.
Are you forgetting that zionists gunned down 29 Muslims as they worshiped in their mosque and that that is what led to the first intifada?

You brought up a specific incident in which an Arab teen was killed and made it sound like it just happened out of the blue, for no reason at all. Now, if you want to quit being disingenuous, and discuss other acts of terror, I can do that.
Is everyone forgetting what this tragedy was in response to? Another tragedy which involved the loss of life in higher numbers.
Are you forgetting that zionists gunned down 29 Muslims as they worshiped in their mosque and that that is what led to the first intifada?

You brought up a specific incident in which an Arab teen was killed and made it sound like it just happened out of the blue, for no reason at all. Now, if you want to quit being disingenuous, and discuss other acts of terror, I can do that.
As I explained to to Teddy above, I inserted nothing, it was brought up, I googled it and posted what I learned. Please complain to aris2chat.
Is everyone forgetting what this tragedy was in response to? Another tragedy which involved the loss of life in higher numbers.
Are you forgetting that zionists gunned down 29 Muslims as they worshiped in their mosque and that that is what led to the first intifada?

1) Your timeline is out-of-whack. The first intifada happened around 1987. The Goldstein incident happened in 1994.

2) The Tomb of the Patriarchs consists of BOTH a mosque and a synagogue.

3) Why are you bringing up these random acts of terror? My mother was a nurse in Israel during the time of the horrific Kiryat Shemona terrorist attack. Would you like to discuss that?
RE: The events in Jerusalem
※→ abi, eddyearp, et al,

I am susceptible to the confusion of the day; even more so when it is aimed directly at me

My heart goes out to the family and friends in this tragedy.
But, your heart does not go out to all the rest of those who suffer the abuse of zionism.

Condolences are offered in the bubble of a personal interaction; not as part of a political agenda or rhetoric. The expression of sympathy in the death of a person is about the extinguished life; not about the why in a political context.

Exactly. Abi has, as usual, distorted things by inserting into a thread about what is currently happening in Jerusalem NOW an event that happened over three years ago.

I did not make the connection between the events and their place on the timeline. I just assumed that it was connected to real-time events.

You defend land theft and murder daily, you defend racist apartheid, you defend war criminality and insane violations of very basic human rights.
I am not convinced, so I'm not yet buying.

I don't think you understand the first thing about:

The various levels of the land dispute...
The various deaths in the context of the circumstances and depraved indifference...
You certainly don't understand the difference between assimilation (Israel more diverse than Palestine) and apartheid in the context of Palestine...
You certainly do not know the definition and the elements of the offense of "apartheid..."
You certainly do not understand what a war crime is (either from the perspective of the Arab Palestinians or the Israelis)...​

AND ⇒ I don't think you know anything at all about the topic of Basic Human Rights as it applies to the operation of the Israelis relative to the territories. Just what are these rights you claim are the Israelis insanely violate. LET's address your number one concern first... Comply and distinctly...

Most Respectfully,
Actually abi, I am wrong and you are right. This whole thread was started over three years ago and was not about current events now. Waltky bumped it.

I stand corrected.
Actually abi, I am wrong and you are right. This whole thread was started over three years ago and was not about current events now. Waltky bumped it.

I stand corrected.
Thank-you, pass it along to foreveryoung if you would. He seemed to believe you.

1) Your timeline is out-of-whack. The first intifada happened around 1987. The Goldstein incident happened in 1994.
I stand corrected, it set off events though, that led to the IDF assassinating and wounding several more Palestinians. And it was hardly an "incident." It was a terrorist attack that ended with 29 Palestinians murdered including children, 125 wounded and the zionist psychopath murdered by those who finally overpowered him.

2) The Tomb of the Patriarchs consists of BOTH a mosque and a synagogue.
You are now justifying a mass murder because there was also a Jewish place to worship? That's extremely odd.

3) Why are you bringing up these random acts of terror? My mother was a nurse in Israel during the time of the horrific Kiryat Shemona terrorist attack. Would you like to discuss that?
I would love to. Will you start a thread on the the "Yom Kippur" war?

I don't think you understand the first thing about:
But I do. You can pretend to defend the obviously wrong, but you can't.

The various levels of the land dispute...
✪ Calling this a land dispute is zionist propaganda. In 1948, Ben-Gurion declared independence for the zionists in Palestine. The zionist argument is as stupid as assuming that a Christian group from America could march an army into Mexico, place a flag on Mexican land and declare it as theirs. If anyone dared argue, they would ask why they don't have the same rights to self-determination as other peoples. Read any thread here you want. It's always the same crap. Or, we go to Palestine wasn't a real place. It does not matter how you label the territory as there were people there and:

The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925[1][2][3] was a law of Mandatory Palestine governing the giving of citizenship to the population of the state. It was announced on 24 July 1925 and came into force on 1 August 1925....
Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925 - Wikipedia

That was over two decades before Ben-Gurion began the Nakba.

I don't think you understand the first thing about:
But I do. You can pretend to defend the obviously wrong, but you can't.

The various levels of the land dispute...
✪ Calling this a land dispute is zionist propaganda. In 1948, Ben-Gurion declared independence for the zionists in Palestine. The zionist argument is as stupid as assuming that a Christian group from America could march an army into Mexico, place a flag on Mexican land and declare it as theirs. If anyone dared argue, they would ask why they don't have the same rights to self-determination as other peoples. Read any thread here you want. It's always the same crap. Or, we go to Palestine wasn't a real place. It does not matter how you label the territory as there were people there and:

The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925[1][2][3] was a law of Mandatory Palestine governing the giving of citizenship to the population of the state. It was announced on 24 July 1925 and came into force on 1 August 1925....
Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925 - Wikipedia

That was over two decades before Ben-Gurion began the Nakba.
You borrowed that from Tinmore in the other thread.
We already answered about it to Tinmore in another thread.
Keep thinking that it means what you think it means and it advances your cause.


I don't think you understand the first thing about:
But I do. You can pretend to defend the obviously wrong, but you can't.

The various levels of the land dispute...
✪ Calling this a land dispute is zionist propaganda. In 1948, Ben-Gurion declared independence for the zionists in Palestine. The zionist argument is as stupid as assuming that a Christian group from America could march an army into Mexico, place a flag on Mexican land and declare it as theirs. If anyone dared argue, they would ask why they don't have the same rights to self-determination as other peoples. Read any thread here you want. It's always the same crap. Or, we go to Palestine wasn't a real place. It does not matter how you label the territory as there were people there and:

The Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925[1][2][3] was a law of Mandatory Palestine governing the giving of citizenship to the population of the state. It was announced on 24 July 1925 and came into force on 1 August 1925....
Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925 - Wikipedia

That was over two decades before Ben-Gurion began the Nakba.
You borrowed that from Tinmore in the other thread.
We already answered about it to Tinmore in another thread.
Keep thinking that it means what you think it means and it advances your cause.

What is your answer? There are no Palestinians?
Mohammed Abu Khudair
Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian, was forced into a car by Israeli settlers on an East Jerusalem street.[4][5] His family immediately reported the fact to Israeli Police who located his charred body a few hours later at Givat Shaul in the Jerusalem Forest. Preliminary results from the autopsy suggested that he was beaten and burnt while still alive....
Kidnapping and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir - Wikipedia

This damn settler thing is ridiculous and now an ongoing war crime for 1/2 a century.

The murder was horrible, probably revenge for the 3 Israeli teenagers that were kidnapped and executed by Hamas.

This is what they got:
On 30 November 2015, the two minors involved were found guilty of Khdeirs' murder, and were respectively sentenced to life and 21 years imprisonment on 4 February. On 3 May 2016, Ben David was sentenced to life in prison and an additional 20 years.[26]

Q. If they were Arabs would You be more supportive, claiming Jews are fair game, and no one deserves jail?

Yawn..,, Have one response: The Fogel Family

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