The Evolution of the Republican Narrative

Just look at the laws Democrats are breaking today and you can be sure they will accuse Republicans of doing that exact thing tomorrow. That's the deep states favorite trick.
Hypocrisy is rampant in both parties. Trump bitching about a witch hunt for 3 years and then immediately trying to start a witch hunt into Biden is a perfect example.

UMMMM,, it was a witch hunt for three yrs,,,after all they found nothing,,,

You referring to Hillarys emails?
that one was already confirmed by the FBI,,,
Biden's candidacy is incidental....Ukraine has been a sewer of corruption and an international one-stop for money laundering ever since the fall of the USSR....If you believe that Biden, Clinton, Kerry, and the rest of the Oboingo regime aren't up to their armpits in that sewage, you need a serious reality check.

And yet in all of your infinite wisdom don't stop to ask why now investigate it? Why only when Biden jumps into the presidential race. Why didn't anyone give a shit until now?

youre to fucking ignorant and stupid to know they have been looking into this for over a yr

someday you need to tell us what it feels like to be a fucking moron,,,

LOL, you'll believe anything they tell you, wont ya?

I believe what the documents tell me,,,

No you don't. You cherry pick to fit your narrative. Who are you trying to kid?
Just look at the laws Democrats are breaking today and you can be sure they will accuse Republicans of doing that exact thing tomorrow. That's the deep states favorite trick.
Hypocrisy is rampant in both parties. Trump bitching about a witch hunt for 3 years and then immediately trying to start a witch hunt into Biden is a perfect example.

UMMMM,, it was a witch hunt for three yrs,,,after all they found nothing,,,
Nothing? Haha Ok. I guess you weren’t paying attention... there are a couple hundred pages of a report that aren’t blank with nothing. Give them a read.
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!
/——/ You asshats got nothing. President Trump was doing his job like he was supposed to. This is a massive set up and fake outrage. Obozo with held aid to the Ukraine for 8 years and not a peep of protest from the Leftards. BTW, you dismissal of our complaints doesn’t make them invalid. There is dirt on Biden and the witnesses are Deep Staters in spite of your mockery.
Just look at the laws Democrats are breaking today and you can be sure they will accuse Republicans of doing that exact thing tomorrow. That's the deep states favorite trick.
Hypocrisy is rampant in both parties. Trump bitching about a witch hunt for 3 years and then immediately trying to start a witch hunt into Biden is a perfect example.

UMMMM,, it was a witch hunt for three yrs,,,after all they found nothing,,,

You referring to Hillarys emails?
that one was already confirmed by the FBI,,,

To be a nothing burger, you're right.
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!

There was and is no substance. Talk about national disgrace? You have a congress who has hamstrung the guy driving the bus. Don't like the presidant that's fine, But let the work be done. Don't like the wall, fine, but putting out conversations with the leaders of other countries? And on no evidence other what a guy said to another guy who heard a guy talking about another guy who talked to a guy who listened to a guy on the phone with the presidant? Let me put you to the test, should we get transcripts for every conversation Obama had after this happened?

Don't bother I already know you are okay with that. Y'all need to let the ass hurt go. For three years you dumbshits have promised every Friday Trump would be frog walked out of the whitehouse and you have been wrong. And now that you see the final nail going into the impeachment coffin y'all cry. Stop already. Turn off the news and go live. You will be less pissed. Obama was supposed to end the world. He didn't. Trump won't either.
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!
/——/ You asshats got nothing. President Trump was doing his job like he was supposed to. This is a massive set up and fake outrage. Obozo with held aid to the Ukraine for 8 years and not a peep of protest from the Leftards. BTW, you dismissal of our complaints doesn’t make them invalid. There is dirt on Biden and the witnesses are Deep Staters in spite of your mockery.

Baaaaa says the sheep.
Just look at the laws Democrats are breaking today and you can be sure they will accuse Republicans of doing that exact thing tomorrow. That's the deep states favorite trick.
Hypocrisy is rampant in both parties. Trump bitching about a witch hunt for 3 years and then immediately trying to start a witch hunt into Biden is a perfect example.

I guess I fail to understand how anyone believes what Trump did with Ukraine is as crooked(if at all) as what Biden did. The Biden thiing stinks to high heavens.
There is a letter from Ron Johnston calling for the reform of the prosecutors office. Was he trying to buy off Hunter Biden?
Biden's candidacy is incidental....Ukraine has been a sewer of corruption and an international one-stop for money laundering ever since the fall of the USSR....If you believe that Biden, Clinton, Kerry, and the rest of the Oboingo regime aren't up to their armpits in that sewage, you need a serious reality check.

And yet in all of your infinite wisdom don't stop to ask why now investigate it? Why only when Biden jumps into the presidential race. Why didn't anyone give a shit until now?

youre to fucking ignorant and stupid to know they have been looking into this for over a yr

someday you need to tell us what it feels like to be a fucking moron,,,

LOL, you'll believe anything they tell you, wont ya?

I believe what the documents tell me,,,

No you don't. You cherry pick to fit your narrative. Who are you trying to kid?

did you read my mind again????

seems you arent very good at that either,,,

it might be I have more information than you do,,,
Just look at the laws Democrats are breaking today and you can be sure they will accuse Republicans of doing that exact thing tomorrow. That's the deep states favorite trick.
Hypocrisy is rampant in both parties. Trump bitching about a witch hunt for 3 years and then immediately trying to start a witch hunt into Biden is a perfect example.

UMMMM,, it was a witch hunt for three yrs,,,after all they found nothing,,,

You referring to Hillarys emails?
that one was already confirmed by the FBI,,,

To be a nothing burger, you're right.
exactly the opposite,,,but they choose to not send it to the prosecutor

he didnt want to get arkancided,,,
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!
/——/ You asshats got nothing. President Trump was doing his job like he was supposed to. This is a massive set up and fake outrage. Obozo with held aid to the Ukraine for 8 years and not a peep of protest from the Leftards. BTW, you dismissal of our complaints doesn’t make them invalid. There is dirt on Biden and the witnesses are Deep Staters in spite of your mockery.
There ya go... that’s the new narrative. Exactly what I was talking about.

now you just need to get the facts to back it up... which they don’t
Just look at the laws Democrats are breaking today and you can be sure they will accuse Republicans of doing that exact thing tomorrow. That's the deep states favorite trick.
Hypocrisy is rampant in both parties. Trump bitching about a witch hunt for 3 years and then immediately trying to start a witch hunt into Biden is a perfect example.

UMMMM,, it was a witch hunt for three yrs,,,after all they found nothing,,,
Nothing? Haha Ok. I guess you weren’t paying attention... there are a couple hundred pages of a report that aren’t blank with nothing. Give them a read.
you want me to read blank pages???
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!

There was and is no substance. Talk about national disgrace? You have a congress who has hamstrung the guy driving the bus. Don't like the presidant that's fine, But let the work be done. Don't like the wall, fine, but putting out conversations with the leaders of other countries? And on no evidence other what a guy said to another guy who heard a guy talking about another guy who talked to a guy who listened to a guy on the phone with the presidant? Let me put you to the test, should we get transcripts for every conversation Obama had after this happened?

Don't bother I already know you are okay with that. Y'all need to let the ass hurt go. For three years you dumbshits have promised every Friday Trump would be frog walked out of the whitehouse and you have been wrong. And now that you see the final nail going into the impeachment coffin y'all cry. Stop already. Turn off the news and go live. You will be less pissed. Obama was supposed to end the world. He didn't. Trump won't either.

You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I don’t support impeachment and have been pretty outspoken about it. You should talk less and listen more.
Just look at the laws Democrats are breaking today and you can be sure they will accuse Republicans of doing that exact thing tomorrow. That's the deep states favorite trick.
Hypocrisy is rampant in both parties. Trump bitching about a witch hunt for 3 years and then immediately trying to start a witch hunt into Biden is a perfect example.

UMMMM,, it was a witch hunt for three yrs,,,after all they found nothing,,,
Nothing? Haha Ok. I guess you weren’t paying attention... there are a couple hundred pages of a report that aren’t blank with nothing. Give them a read.
you want me to read blank pages???
No, you misread. Try again
Just look at the laws Democrats are breaking today and you can be sure they will accuse Republicans of doing that exact thing tomorrow. That's the deep states favorite trick.
Hypocrisy is rampant in both parties. Trump bitching about a witch hunt for 3 years and then immediately trying to start a witch hunt into Biden is a perfect example.

UMMMM,, it was a witch hunt for three yrs,,,after all they found nothing,,,
Nothing? Haha Ok. I guess you weren’t paying attention... there are a couple hundred pages of a report that aren’t blank with nothing. Give them a read.
you want me to read blank pages???
No, you misread. Try again
if there was anything on those pages then why isnt he being impeached for them instead of this???
Biden's candidacy is incidental....Ukraine has been a sewer of corruption and an international one-stop for money laundering ever since the fall of the USSR....If you believe that Biden, Clinton, Kerry, and the rest of the Oboingo regime aren't up to their armpits in that sewage, you need a serious reality check.
Prove it and prosecute... I don’t think you can because the facts don’t support your conspiracy theories.
That's what Barr and Durham appear to be working on, Chumlee.

I guess you didn't get the memo that their investigation has expanded and actual criminal acts are being looked at.
We’ve been hearing about that for how long now?? I won’t hold my breath
We've heard about that for a few months...Even state and local criminal investigations take time...They only recently tracked down Joseph Mifsud....I don't suppose you even know who that is, do you?
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!
/——/ You asshats got nothing. President Trump was doing his job like he was supposed to. This is a massive set up and fake outrage. Obozo with held aid to the Ukraine for 8 years and not a peep of protest from the Leftards. BTW, you dismissal of our complaints doesn’t make them invalid. There is dirt on Biden and the witnesses are Deep Staters in spite of your mockery.
There ya go... that’s the new narrative. Exactly what I was talking about.

now you just need to get the facts to back it up... which they don’t
/-----/ "now you just need to get the facts to back it up... which they don’."
There is video of Biden admitting what he did, Obozo did withhold money from Ukraine for 8 years and the witnesses are career employees of the Gubmint and not elected officials. But all you can do is reject these facts and mark my post FUNNY.
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!

There was and is no substance. Talk about national disgrace? You have a congress who has hamstrung the guy driving the bus. Don't like the presidant that's fine, But let the work be done. Don't like the wall, fine, but putting out conversations with the leaders of other countries? And on no evidence other what a guy said to another guy who heard a guy talking about another guy who talked to a guy who listened to a guy on the phone with the presidant? Let me put you to the test, should we get transcripts for every conversation Obama had after this happened?

Don't bother I already know you are okay with that. Y'all need to let the ass hurt go. For three years you dumbshits have promised every Friday Trump would be frog walked out of the whitehouse and you have been wrong. And now that you see the final nail going into the impeachment coffin y'all cry. Stop already. Turn off the news and go live. You will be less pissed. Obama was supposed to end the world. He didn't. Trump won't either.

You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I don’t support impeachment and have been pretty outspoken about it. You should talk less and listen more.

Your right about that. Everyone could listen a bit more, this Biden shit is a witch hunt? Here, watch this,

What if Dubya did that? You aren't honest about this because you are emotionally invested in it. Should Biden release all transcripts of his dealings with Ukrine while he was VP? Had trim or any trump cabinet member been cought on video saying anything close to anything like what's in either of those videos it would be lights out. you can atleast be honest about it.
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!
/——/ You asshats got nothing. President Trump was doing his job like he was supposed to. This is a massive set up and fake outrage. Obozo with held aid to the Ukraine for 8 years and not a peep of protest from the Leftards. BTW, you dismissal of our complaints doesn’t make them invalid. There is dirt on Biden and the witnesses are Deep Staters in spite of your mockery.
There ya go... that’s the new narrative. Exactly what I was talking about.

now you just need to get the facts to back it up... which they don’t
/-----/ "now you just need to get the facts to back it up... which they don’."
There is video of Biden admitting what he did, Obozo did withhold money from Ukraine for 8 years and the witnesses are career employees of the Gubmint and not elected officials. But all you can do is reject these facts and mark my post FUNNY.

But that's a "conspiracy theory"....He knows this because Wolf Schnitzel told him so!
I need to call this out right now....

The initial response to the Impeachment inquiry was an attack on the process. Nobody wanted to talk about the substance they just wanted to complain that the process wasn’t fair.

Now the process is opening up to the public, some are still holding on to the “we don't get our witnesses” argument but that’s dying fast... most have shifted to the “heresay” and “deep state” arguments saying that these witnesses are all deep staffers that are out to get Trump and nobody heard anything directly from Trump. But this argument is dying as well.

So for all you relentlessly holding on to this bunk narrative while avoiding to address the substance let me save you some time and tell you what your shift is going to be in the next few weeks.

The only argument that you have is to admit that Trump held aid to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce investigations into crowdstrike and Biden... evaluate that’s what obviously happened! your position will be “So what? That’s perfectly fine”. Now for it to be fine and justified a case will have to be made that Biden was corrupt and the crowdstrike conspiracy has legs. This will become the focus of the debate.

They need a witch-hunt to get the dirt on Biden and I don’t see any serious institution opening investigations into these items based on the current known facts. I know all the trumpsters need is an investigation but I don’t think they will be able to justify it in a serious way.

This all makes for a great reality TV show but is a national disgrace and embarrassment to see our president and our country engaging this way. We should all be ashamed. All I have to say is, DO BETTER BE BETTER!
/——/ You asshats got nothing. President Trump was doing his job like he was supposed to. This is a massive set up and fake outrage. Obozo with held aid to the Ukraine for 8 years and not a peep of protest from the Leftards. BTW, you dismissal of our complaints doesn’t make them invalid. There is dirt on Biden and the witnesses are Deep Staters in spite of your mockery.
There ya go... that’s the new narrative. Exactly what I was talking about.

now you just need to get the facts to back it up... which they don’t
/-----/ "now you just need to get the facts to back it up... which they don’."
There is video of Biden admitting what he did, Obozo did withhold money from Ukraine for 8 years and the witnesses are career employees of the Gubmint and not elected officials. But all you can do is reject these facts and mark my post FUNNY.

It's the butthurt. It's driven them mad. "Attack the process"? The process should never have been started. Everyone knows it. If an impeachment inquiry was okay for trump, then an honest person could look at Obama and Biden and they would have to agree that those two need to be looked into and throughly as Trump is right now. All this lamentation from the op is because his team failed again. That's all.

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