The Exodus of Businesses from China Begins

One positive thing from this mess created by China.

To me it sounded as if they were sourcing materials from different countries, not "leaving" China. Stopping doing business with China, yes. But I could be wrong. I'm no economy wonk.
And they're not turning to the US, at least I didn't see that in this article.

They said it was due to tariffs (the numbers are from 2019). They predict more will leave now due to the virus. But coming back here right now would be pretty dumb, considering what a shitshow we've got going on over here right now. Telling US citizens to make masks out of paper towels and bras? Wear bandannas? WTF? While our numbers continue to sickeningly climb.
There needs to be an open backlash against the Communists, just as there was against the Communists in Russia in the 70s and 80s. Then it was the threat of nuclear war and their oppressive system. Today, the communists are FAR stronger, they have nukes, oppressive system, and now a massive military, economic might and International power. On top of this, they now lie openly and receive cover as Western economies and citizens perish.

If there isn't a backlash against this, it will never happen. I visit CNN and MSNBC enough to know they have been quite silent on China. Why? This is extremely unhealthy for all of us, and, for the citizens in China who are oppressed and have no voice for them from the West, only obedience.
One positive thing from this mess created by China.

To me it sounded as if they were sourcing materials from different countries, not "leaving" China. Stopping doing business with China, yes. But I could be wrong. I'm no economy wonk.
And they're not turning to the US, at least I didn't see that in this article.

They said it was due to tariffs (the numbers are from 2019). They predict more will leave now due to the virus. But coming back here right now would be pretty dumb, considering what a shitshow we've got going on over here right now. Telling US citizens to make masks out of paper towels and bras? Wear bandannas? WTF? While our numbers continue to sickeningly climb.
‘Supply chain’ means the primary companies source of product. Which means they’re cutting Made in China out of their businesses.
One positive thing from this mess created by China.

I'm not posting much here anymore. Every time I ask a lib an answer to a question I get this. How do you take it?
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