The fabric of our lives

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
What is mestic?

Dress made from cow manure: would you wear it?
June 20, 2017

Manure Couture or dress from cow manure in lay terms, designed by Dutch fashion designer cum entrepreneur Jalila Essaidi is the newest entrant in the fast fashion segment of today’s fashion world. Jalila’s invention soon caught the attention of the big shots in the industry. And just last month she won an award, the Global Change Award which came complete with a $160,000 grant which Jalila has stated will be used to convince fashion experts everywhere that cow manure is the next best material to be making dresses out of! This award was given to Jalila and four other innovative designers by H&M. One of the other winners had a patented technology to turn wine into fake leather which was quite innovative.


Dress Made From Cow Manure: Would You Wear It? | World Top Updates
OooooooKkkkkkkk. So I wonder how much it costs to process the cow manure into workable fabric? Does it smell? How durable is it?
That does it! I'm making my own clothing from now on. No more buying any clothing anywhere. Not ever! And furthermore, eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
If this is religion, then file under atheism? Just look at the threads they've started recently.

Actually, it seems like a breakthrough in science if they can get manufacturers to buy in. Certainly, I would listen.
OooooooKkkkkkkk. So I wonder how much it costs to process the cow manure into workable fabric? Does it smell? How durable is it?
That does it! I'm making my own clothing from now on. No more buying any clothing anywhere. Not ever! And furthermore, eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Grow cotton, silkworms and raise sheep eh? Spinning wheel and hand loom? or are you going to make your own flax linen?

OooooooKkkkkkkk. So I wonder how much it costs to process the cow manure into workable fabric? Does it smell? How durable is it?
That does it! I'm making my own clothing from now on. No more buying any clothing anywhere. Not ever! And furthermore, eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Grow cotton, silkworms and raise sheep eh? Spinning wheel and hand loom? or are you going to make your own flax linen?

Nope. I own a quilt store in Wyoming and have hundreds of yards of 100% cotton fabrics purchased before this cowshit fabric made the fashion scene, and I can simply stop buying fabric and have enough fabric to last for 3 lifetimes if I live to be 150. <giggle> I don't need this fabric noise in my life!
OooooooKkkkkkkk. So I wonder how much it costs to process the cow manure into workable fabric? Does it smell? How durable is it?
That does it! I'm making my own clothing from now on. No more buying any clothing anywhere. Not ever! And furthermore, eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Grow cotton, silkworms and raise sheep eh? Spinning wheel and hand loom? or are you going to make your own flax linen?

Nope. I own a quilt store in Wyoming and have hundreds of yards of 100% cotton fabrics purchased before this cowshit fabric made the fashion scene, and I can simply stop buying fabric and have enough fabric to last for 3 lifetimes if I live to be 150. <giggle> I don't need this fabric noise in my life!

I have lots of cotton also, lots of linen, wool and some silk.
What is mestic?

Dress made from cow manure: would you wear it?
June 20, 2017

Manure Couture or dress from cow manure in lay terms, designed by Dutch fashion designer cum entrepreneur Jalila Essaidi is the newest entrant in the fast fashion segment of today’s fashion world. Jalila’s invention soon caught the attention of the big shots in the industry. And just last month she won an award, the Global Change Award which came complete with a $160,000 grant which Jalila has stated will be used to convince fashion experts everywhere that cow manure is the next best material to be making dresses out of! This award was given to Jalila and four other innovative designers by H&M. One of the other winners had a patented technology to turn wine into fake leather which was quite innovative.


Dress Made From Cow Manure: Would You Wear It? | World Top Updates

I doubt I'd wear the dress, but I have no problem with the material.
OooooooKkkkkkkk. So I wonder how much it costs to process the cow manure into workable fabric? Does it smell? How durable is it?
That does it! I'm making my own clothing from now on. No more buying any clothing anywhere. Not ever! And furthermore, eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Grow cotton, silkworms and raise sheep eh? Spinning wheel and hand loom? or are you going to make your own flax linen?

Nope. I own a quilt store in Wyoming and have hundreds of yards of 100% cotton fabrics purchased before this cowshit fabric made the fashion scene, and I can simply stop buying fabric and have enough fabric to last for 3 lifetimes if I live to be 150. <giggle> I don't need this fabric noise in my life!

Liberals seem to have a preoccupation with shit,
before this cowshit fabric made the fashion scene

It involves separating the cellulose found in the manure and converting it into a rather soft fabric. This fabric called Mestic and is also the name of the product line by Jalila.

the "s" word was not used for a reason - cattle are vegetarians, thankfully it is not those posters that live in the fog of perpetual deception attempting to utilize naturally provided remedy's for our modern society. - undoubtedly they would discover more ways to pollute our Garden for their own personal gain.
the "s" word was not used for a reason - cattle are vegetarians, thankfully it is not those posters that live in the fog of perpetual deception attempting to utilize naturally provided remedy's for our modern society. - undoubtedly they would discover more ways to pollute our Garden for their own personal gain.

The s-word is saved for atheists and ags and what they spew. I said as much in my post. Cow manure isn't the same. Not all animal manure is sh*t and there is a big difference in the amount animals produce, but I would think atheists and ags produce much more on this board in terms of smell.

One major difference between humans and animal feces is how much of it is produced. For example, according to, the average human eliminates 2 pounds of waste per day. This is a stark contrast to animals such as elephants that eliminate up to 80 pounds per day. Farm animals such as pigs defecate 12 pounds per day and cattle eliminate 92 pounds per day.

Horse, cow, goat, sheep and rabbit manure can be used as a means of fertilization. Because these animals are all plant-eaters, their manure is high in nutrients and organic matter, which can help stimulate the growth of crops and grass. For example, cow manure can be used as a top dressing for crops and for soil improvement. According to, anywhere from 75 percent to 90 percent of the plant nutrients fed to animals are excreted in their manure. Manure of meat-eating animals such as dogs should not be used as fertilizer because it can contain harmful bacteria and parasites."

Differences Between Human & Animal Manure

Thus, the clothes and plastic products are not using sh*t, but natural or organic manure. It probably is a breakthrough in terms of technology and farming.
OooooooKkkkkkkk. So I wonder how much it costs to process the cow manure into workable fabric? Does it smell? How durable is it?
That does it! I'm making my own clothing from now on. No more buying any clothing anywhere. Not ever! And furthermore, eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Grow cotton, silkworms and raise sheep eh? Spinning wheel and hand loom? or are you going to make your own flax linen?

Nope. I own a quilt store in Wyoming and have hundreds of yards of 100% cotton fabrics purchased before this cowshit fabric made the fashion scene, and I can simply stop buying fabric and have enough fabric to last for 3 lifetimes if I live to be 150. <giggle> I don't need this fabric noise in my life!

Liberals seem to have a preoccupation with shit,
before this cowshit fabric made the fashion scene

It involves separating the cellulose found in the manure and converting it into a rather soft fabric. This fabric called Mestic and is also the name of the product line by Jalila.

the "s" word was not used for a reason - cattle are vegetarians, thankfully it is not those posters that live in the fog of perpetual deception attempting to utilize naturally provided remedy's for our modern society. - undoubtedly they would discover more ways to pollute our Garden for their own personal gain.

Cow's milk, cow meat, and cow shit which is a mixture of grass, water, and proteins the rancher augments the best meat producing cows are not vegetable matter, sweetie.

I'd say you have never been to a farm nor ever thought a biological process such as shit through. A tree may look like a vegetable, but if you hug one, it blesses you back, and you know it is a spirited and loving being. Native Americans knew this about other animals and trees and considered these natural phenomena brothers and sisters and treated them with respect like the thoughtful persons they were and have always been.

Don't get self-righteous with this woman about what is and is not important to kill--a cow or a forest so we can have wooden floors, toothpicks, etc. If you want to use plastics, be my guest. There's a sea full of it in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, and the square miles they cover are in the millions. Those plastics didn't get there for no reason. Anyone who has ever thrown a plastic cup overboard on a sea cruise put the shit for fish there, fishermen throw their styro and other plastic shit overboard, because they may have seen the first mate or even the captain do throw his plastic shit overboard, too.

When was the last time you were in a bathroom, saw a piece of garbage on the floor, used a piece of toilet paper to pick it up and put it in the trash?

Too damn good to lower yourself to such janitorial work?

That's why this planet has shit problems. People don't give a shit about anything. Save your goody-two shoes moronic leftist commie shit for somebody else who doesn't pay attention to details, and when you multiply that by countless offenses of 99% of this nation's 400,000,000 persons, do the math. That's the environmental shit problem sanitation departments in every community have to deal with. And why do I pick up shit left on the floor by some moron? Because Professor Ingram at Oregon State University gave a gracious lecture to her class on Aesthetics of Sport on the little things that are important about living life here on the earth, 37 years ago. She was tired of athletic stars acting like shit spreaders, and thought it might be nice if the great and admired athletes she taught would learn a little about the aesthetics of good sportsmanship that tending to life's shit can be. She may be a star in God's heaven right now, looking down on the seas full of plastic shit that is killing our beautiful and beneficent fish and will bring hunger to the nations whose poor depend on whatever they can catch in the ocean. Lately, scientists have been checking regular fish the poor on the coastlines eat. Yep. The fish are sick because the little pieces of plastic shit in their system of every color in the rainbow are wedged in their flesh, and wouldn't you know their numbers are way down because they die off, sink to the bottom, and when their flesh has deteriorated, the plastic shit chips remain down there if they don't get stirred up and float up to be taken in by another fish, which will die when its body is overladen with plastic shit. Do you get my drift, O hater of conservatives like me? :cranky:

All because stupid people do shit rather than pick up something unpleasant off the floor at home, the office, the theater, the ship at sea, and anywhere else they go to live their lives in their own little finite me-first world who let someone else deal with the shit of life. Unfortunately, there is so much shit left around, that someday never comes for dealing with that much of it.

Now you know about bullshit, do something about it wherever you go. And that is not a request, Mr. or Ms. Self-Righteous person.
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Unfortunately not as much any more, people want polyester or a polyester blend so it doesn't wrinkle hence doesn't have to be ironed. That's why Dockers stopped using 100% cotton eons ago, it wasn't selling and the whiners were complaining. Natural fabrics cost are going up because fewer manufacturers are using them, look at the cost per yard of 100% wool, rayon has replaced silk, linen is wonderful but look at it wrong and it wrinkles. The one lest affected is cotton but even that is not completely immune.
Unfortunately not as much any more, people want polyester or a polyester blend so it doesn't wrinkle hence doesn't have to be ironed. That's why Dockers stopped using 100% cotton eons ago, it wasn't selling and the whiners were complaining. Natural fabrics cost are going up because fewer manufacturers are using them, look at the cost per yard of 100% wool, rayon has replaced silk, linen is wonderful but look at it wrong and it wrinkles. The one lest affected is cotton but even that is not completely immune.
Well, there are expenses, and there are expenses. 100% polyester, and anything it is attached to can, under the slightest heat, meld together and form a moisture seal. Therefore, if it is covering human skin after, say, a nice little half hour in a dryer that heats the air substantially, it can become as blended as baggie plastic, you know, the stuff that warnings say do not expose small children to, because they may be smothered?

Well, the nice little moisture seal also provides bacteria, funguses, and viruses the perfect, and I do mean perfect, environment for their successful multiplication into a life-threatening situation if even one of the bacteria hiding on the skin was flesh-eating bacteria that multiplies asexually, thankyouverymuch.

Thank you, God, for not letting me know too much about flesh-eating bacteria when I took microbiology 101 a bazillion years back! Amen.

Proceed, everyone. St. Beautress will behave for at least 30 more seconds. :funnyface:
People who wear clothes are causing Climate Change because cotton has to be cultivated by diesel tractors

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