The Face of our next President - 2012

A black republican will never go far. There are far to many racists in that party to actually have him run for president. If you think I am wrong, please respond to this..

Tell me Cain will do well with republicans in:
W. Virginia
etc etc

That is the difference between our parties. We can back, support and encourage a qualified black candidate. Just like we would have supported Hillary if she beat Obama. The republicans will only support older white males. Period. This is why they will lose in 2012.
Herman Cain: if pizza is a major campaign issue, he has a chance. Otherwise, he knows nothing. Some concerns:

He is an ignoramus on foreign policy issues such as Israel -- “Right of return?” – and he admitted he has no idea what to do about the war in Afghanistan.
He was hollering in May about making people reread the Constitution, and then proceeded to reel off quotes from the Constitution, which are actually from the Declaration of Independence. Later he started hollering about who, under the Constitution, controls bankruptcy laws, and got it completely wrong. Thus endeth the history lesson.
He wants to cut corporate tax rates, return to the gold standard, “reform” Social Security, ban abortion, repeal Obamacare, ban same-sex marriage, and impose the suicidally impractical Fair Tax.
He won’t appoint a Muslim to high office because Muslims allegedly want to impose sharia law, although he is now parsing his statement
He called Planned Parenthood “a planned genocide…to kill black babies.”
He is 65 and has already battled advanced cancer.
It is difficult to see how the GOP is going to pivot from years of race-baiting, to backing a black pizza guy. It would require an entire change in mentality and strategy. And against Cain, Obama could put some of the south in play.

So, yes, nominate him please! Not only will he be crushed in 2012, he will actually put the deep South back in play.

Have you tasted Godfathers pizza?

He does deserve credit for getting people to eat that shit

I said the same thing..
Herman Cain: if pizza is a major campaign issue, he has a chance. Otherwise, he knows nothing. Some concerns:

He is an ignoramus on foreign policy issues such as Israel -- “Right of return?” – and he admitted he has no idea what to do about the war in Afghanistan.
He was hollering in May about making people reread the Constitution, and then proceeded to reel off quotes from the Constitution, which are actually from the Declaration of Independence. Later he started hollering about who, under the Constitution, controls bankruptcy laws, and got it completely wrong. Thus endeth the history lesson.
He wants to cut corporate tax rates, return to the gold standard, “reform” Social Security, ban abortion, repeal Obamacare, ban same-sex marriage, and impose the suicidally impractical Fair Tax.
He won’t appoint a Muslim to high office because Muslims allegedly want to impose sharia law, although he is now parsing his statement
He called Planned Parenthood “a planned genocide…to kill black babies.”
He is 65 and has already battled advanced cancer.
It is difficult to see how the GOP is going to pivot from years of race-baiting, to backing a black pizza guy. It would require an entire change in mentality and strategy. And against Cain, Obama could put some of the south in play.

So, yes, nominate him please! Not only will he be crushed in 2012, he will actually put the deep South back in play.

You're right.
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a black republican will never go far. There are far to many racists in that party to actually have him run for president. If you think i am wrong, please respond to this..

Tell me cain will do well with republicans in:
W. Virginia
etc etc

that is the difference between our parties. We can back, support and encourage a qualified black candidate. Just like we would have supported hillary if she beat obama. the republicans will only support older white males. Period. This is why they will lose in 2012.

Nope, how can you vote for a person who can't keep the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution straight. Like I said I'll vote for him over Obama but I think just about anyone would do as good as Obama, and probably better.

Are you talking about John Boehner who is the current head of the GOP in the House? Furthermore, Cain will not poll more than 5-10% as I previously mentioned today:

The majority of the time I see Cain being mentioned on this board it's either:

A.) He's a successful businessman.

B.) Used to beat Liberals over the head with imaginary racism arguments.

As Polk said, when the rubber meets the road, the majority of Conservatives will not vote for Cain.

As I detail why here:

Be fearful of CoCain arrogant liberal. He will knock Obama's socks off and the Obama crowd won't be able to use their solo weapon, the race card!

You're assuming he'd win the nomination.

Do you know Cain doesn't support an audit of the Federal Reserve?

[ame=]YouTube - No Need To Audit the Federal Reserve According to Herman Cain[/ame]

That will make him lose a segment of the Republican Party.

The fact he's African American will also make him lose a smaller segment of the GOP who are still stuck in the 1950's.

He's also a supporter of the Gold Standard which will lose him some votes. He also opposes Abortion, even in the case of rape and incest.

He's also willing to discriminate against Muslims and not allow them into his cabinet. Between his views on Abortion and this, he'll lose a good portion of the moderate vote in the GOP.

In a field where he would come off as just another Social Conservative Republican who panders to the base, nothing stands out about him as a candidate. In that case, those with the largest name power will have the advantage.

Anyone who is willing to vote for Cain is more likely to vote for either Mitt Romney or Ron Paul first. Especially since those same people likely supported either candidate in 2008.

Let's go down the line as to why Cain won't win the GOP nomination, shall we?

Cain supported the TARP bailouts (though Paul Ryan did too) and still does:

Political positions of Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cain supported the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bank bailouts as a way to save the economy, viewing it as an investment opportunity for the taxpayers. In a 2008 editorial, Cain wrote, "Owning a part of the major banks in America is not a bad thing. We could make a profit while solving a problem."[1] In May 2011, regarding his TARP support, Cain said "I don’t have any regrets . . . I studied the situation. I didn’t have trouble with the idea; I had trouble with its implementation, picking winners and losers."[2]

Supporting TARP and a bailout in general is not popular within the GOP currently.

He doesn't believe there is a need to audit the federal reserve and believes in returning to the Gold Standard as previously mentioned. This will lose him some votes, especially those who are deciding between him and Ron Paul.

He calls Social Security a scam and wants to reform the system using "free market solutions". That will lose him some votes with older voters.

He opposes Abortion in all cases as previously mentioned and also wants to ban Gay Marriage through DOMA on a federal level. Clearly a Conservative who has no problem using the power of Big Government to circumvent states rights when he feels necessary.

As for foreign policy, he is no different in his position than the majority of other candidates. Supports Israel, opposes the New Start treaty, doesn't like Iran or North Korea, etc.

He supports Paul Ryan's budget plan which will lose him more votes, especially with the older demographic.

As previously mentioned, he says he would feel uncomfortable with appointing a Muslim to a federal position. This will drive away moderates.

Conclusion: As previously stated, in a field where star power helps, Cain is no different for the most part from your average run-of-the-mill social Conservative. What sets him apart from most of the field is his business experience. However, in a field that has Mitt Romney, this will lose some of its luster. I would be surprised if he ends up polling more than 5% in the primaries, and I would be definitely surprised if he polls more than 10%.
Herman Cain: if pizza is a major campaign issue, he has a chance. Otherwise, he knows nothing. Some concerns:

He is an ignoramus on foreign policy issues such as Israel -- “Right of return?” – and he admitted he has no idea what to do about the war in Afghanistan.
He was hollering in May about making people reread the Constitution, and then proceeded to reel off quotes from the Constitution, which are actually from the Declaration of Independence. Later he started hollering about who, under the Constitution, controls bankruptcy laws, and got it completely wrong. Thus endeth the history lesson.
He wants to cut corporate tax rates, return to the gold standard, “reform” Social Security, ban abortion, repeal Obamacare, ban same-sex marriage, and impose the suicidally impractical Fair Tax.
He won’t appoint a Muslim to high office because Muslims allegedly want to impose sharia law, although he is now parsing his statement
He called Planned Parenthood “a planned genocide…to kill black babies.”
He is 65 and has already battled advanced cancer.
It is difficult to see how the GOP is going to pivot from years of race-baiting, to backing a black pizza guy. It would require an entire change in mentality and strategy. And against Cain, Obama could put some of the south in play.

So, yes, nominate him please! Not only will he be crushed in 2012, he will actually put the deep South back in play.

You're right.

I can't imagine a Republican candidate ever saying the following and winning the GOP nomination today:

"Owning a part of the major banks in America is not a bad thing. We could make a profit while solving a problem."

Socialist! :lol:
Meet our next President of the United States, Mr. Herman Cain!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Self-made millionaire, experienced business leader, talk show host, other words, EVERYTHING Obama is not.

Oh yeah, he's black on both sides of his family. Not just one. ;)

His official website: Home | - Take back our government


37856_1475743487190_1041781835_1388149_2987452_n.jpg[ - Herman Cain's SRLC Speech - Uploaded by rightscoop

The New Herman Cain Show on

LOL. There is a extreme right wing faction of the Republican Party that is determined to never again have a black President of the United States of America. They don't like BHO...what makes you think they'll stomach another, just because he has a -R, after his name? Herman Cain is a fool, and an "Uncle Tom" of the first magnitude. If you think Pawlenty, Romney or Palin are going to sit idly by, and let him get the nomination by default, then you have underestimated them. I'll bet you money.

Just what we need on this board, another fucking racist.

Excuse me, but I'm no racist...and one can't be racist against one's own race...however, one can be a race traitor..and that is exactly what Herman Cain is...a conservative white apologist.
Meet our next President of the United States, Mr. Herman Cain!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Self-made millionaire, experienced business leader, talk show host, other words, EVERYTHING Obama is not.

Oh yeah, he's black on both sides of his family. Not just one. ;)

His official website: Home | - Take back our government


37856_1475743487190_1041781835_1388149_2987452_n.jpg[ - Herman Cain's SRLC Speech - Uploaded by rightscoop

The New Herman Cain Show on

LOL. There is a extreme right wing faction of the Republican Party that is determined to never again have a black President of the United States of America. They don't like BHO...what makes you think they'll stomach another, just because he has a -R, after his name? Herman Cain is a fool, and an "Uncle Tom" of the first magnitude. If you think Pawlenty, Romney or Palin are going to sit idly by, and let him get the nomination by default, then you have underestimated them. I'll bet you money.

How many times do Republicans have to tell you that skin color is not important CHARACTER is. It's Democrats that constantly make race an issue.

LOL. Tell that to any tea partier. LOL
LOL. There is a extreme right wing faction of the Republican Party that is determined to never again have a black President of the United States of America. They don't like BHO...what makes you think they'll stomach another, just because he has a -R, after his name? Herman Cain is a fool, and an "Uncle Tom" of the first magnitude. If you think Pawlenty, Romney or Palin are going to sit idly by, and let him get the nomination by default, then you have underestimated them. I'll bet you money.

Just what we need on this board, another fucking racist.

Excuse me, but I'm no racist...and one can't be racist against one's own race...however, one can be a race traitor..and that is exactly what Herman Cain is...a conservative white apologist.

Is that the new way to call someone an Uncle tom?

Give it up we've heard it all before.

And yes, you come off as a racist.
LOL. There is a extreme right wing faction of the Republican Party that is determined to never again have a black President of the United States of America. They don't like BHO...what makes you think they'll stomach another, just because he has a -R, after his name? Herman Cain is a fool, and an "Uncle Tom" of the first magnitude. If you think Pawlenty, Romney or Palin are going to sit idly by, and let him get the nomination by default, then you have underestimated them. I'll bet you money.

How many times do Republicans have to tell you that skin color is not important CHARACTER is. It's Democrats that constantly make race an issue.

The part that reall kills DUmbDonkeys ass is that this Colored Republican is a SELF MADE MILLIONAIRE.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Colored? As in "dappled"? "multi-colored"? How racist. And please there are hundreds of self-made black millionaires who are Democratic (Bill Cosby, Spike Lee, Oprah, Prince, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington...etc.... You haven't said anything.
LBJ is irrelevant to todays world. we are talking the past 10-15 years here.

Just because YOU personally may not be a racist does not mean your status represents the whole tea party.

You would think people would understand this.

Ah, so 20 years ago the Democrats may have been racist but not 15 years ago and not today....

And while I agree with much of what the Tea Party stands for I am not a member.

The point is the left almost always brings up race first. Why is that?
well no, thats not true. I am just limiting myself to 10-15 years.

An the point is the left doesnt bring up race the most. That ship sailed long ago.

Really? I don't know how much of this site's quotes are true, I didn't verify them. But they are interesting, And I know that many of them are accurate.

Racism sucks no matter which side or color it comes from.
LOL. There is a extreme right wing faction of the Republican Party that is determined to never again have a black President of the United States of America. They don't like BHO...what makes you think they'll stomach another, just because he has a -R, after his name? Herman Cain is a fool, and an "Uncle Tom" of the first magnitude. If you think Pawlenty, Romney or Palin are going to sit idly by, and let him get the nomination by default, then you have underestimated them. I'll bet you money.

Just what we need on this board, another fucking racist.

Excuse me, but I'm no racist...and one can't be racist against one's own race...however, one can be a race traitor..and that is exactly what Herman Cain is...a conservative white apologist.

you are the worst kind of a racist, the very worst kind.
Cain /McCain, same difference as far as I'm concerned. I don't know that much about the guy. It did fairly well in the first GOP debate. Although, that's not really saying much. Right now the republican field is wide open. It's too soon to tell who will eventually win the nomination. I think Cain is tied for second place with Palin in the polls. Whether he's actually nominee material is up to the right. In a general election up against Obama he's not polling very well. But, again, it's too soon to tell.
oh please there is plenty. One can even skip the Token black card and still have something to say.

He is basically telling you what you want to hear. He is playing to a very select crowd of people. He wont win Independents nor the left. He says far to radical things( see Wont elect a muslim to hold a Government position)
He is playing to the Fox news,Hannity, Rush, Beck, Palin crowd who eats this shit up.

at best he knows he wont win but this will get his name out there and therefore speaking gigs. Which in turn gets him more money. Which is why a lot of people run. To make money.i doubt he will win,but he sure will win at the wallet.

See not even a hint about him being the token black.

I'm not a HC fan but you noobs need to check your racist BS before you come in here IMO. If HC is a token Black guy then so is Obama, it's that simple and there is no way to debate your way out of that hole.

how so? there have been numerous black elected officials in the dem party.then one could point to Al sharpton and Jackson( admittly sadly) as they have run for higher office.
And i am sorry the left doesnt have the stink of racism. No please dont go the kkk route and how southern dems where for slavery. Different time, different definition. We had a massive swing where those went to the right and no longer where "democrats". That ship has sailed a long time ago. Otherwise they would still have stayed as dems and not switched over.

Now did some vote for obama because he was black? yes, but then if we are to admit that then we have to admit they're racists in the tea party/Gop.

the only thing the GOP has is this reverse racism nonsense they have been trying to push as a deflection from what they have been saying.

Look at facts, guy! Roughly 52 of whites voted for McCain, but 98% of blacks voted for obama. Who's more racist?
I'm not a HC fan but you noobs need to check your racist BS before you come in here IMO. If HC is a token Black guy then so is Obama, it's that simple and there is no way to debate your way out of that hole.

how so? there have been numerous black elected officials in the dem party.then one could point to Al sharpton and Jackson( admittly sadly) as they have run for higher office.
And i am sorry the left doesnt have the stink of racism. No please dont go the kkk route and how southern dems where for slavery. Different time, different definition. We had a massive swing where those went to the right and no longer where "democrats". That ship has sailed a long time ago. Otherwise they would still have stayed as dems and not switched over.

Now did some vote for obama because he was black? yes, but then if we are to admit that then we have to admit they're racists in the tea party/Gop.

the only thing the GOP has is this reverse racism nonsense they have been trying to push as a deflection from what they have been saying.

Look at facts, guy! Roughly 52 of whites voted for McCain, but 98% of blacks voted for obama. Who's more racist?

That's your "evidence" of racism?

95% of Blacks voted for Bill Clinton too. And Gore. And Kerry.

Could it be that Blacks are predominately Democrat, rather than "just voting for Obama because he's Black"?
A black republican will never go far. There are far to many racists in that party to actually have him run for president. If you think I am wrong, please respond to this..

Tell me Cain will do well with republicans in:
W. Virginia
etc etc

That is the difference between our parties. We can back, support and encourage a qualified black candidate. Just like we would have supported Hillary if she beat Obama. The republicans will only support older white males. Period. This is why they will lose in 2012.

Everyone I talk to about Cain here in Alabama likes him. The majority place him first in their preferences.
But, there you go stereotyping southerners.There is less racism here in Alabama than there is in Connecticut where I grew up.
Down here blacks dip snuff, drive Ford pick-ups and wear bib overalls just like everyone else. I rarely notice the difference 'cept at night.:lol:
LOL. There is a extreme right wing faction of the Republican Party that is determined to never again have a black President of the United States of America. They don't like BHO...what makes you think they'll stomach another, just because he has a -R, after his name? Herman Cain is a fool, and an "Uncle Tom" of the first magnitude. If you think Pawlenty, Romney or Palin are going to sit idly by, and let him get the nomination by default, then you have underestimated them. I'll bet you money.

How many times do Republicans have to tell you that skin color is not important CHARACTER is. It's Democrats that constantly make race an issue.

LOL. Tell that to any tea partier. LOL

Have you ever actually been to a TEA Party gathering or are you relying on what you hear on BET?
Every gathering I've been to, people have gone out of their way to welcome and encourage the black people who are in attendance.
At one rally in Fort Lauderdale, I was standing at the curb with a black man in his 30's. We were talking about taxes, Personal responsibility and the constitutionality of obama care when one member of a group of black youths in a passing car threw a bottle of beer, hitting him in the chest, while shouting "race traitor"

And we're racist???
How many times do Republicans have to tell you that skin color is not important CHARACTER is. It's Democrats that constantly make race an issue.

LOL. Tell that to any tea partier. LOL

Have you ever actually been to a TEA Party gathering or are you relying on what you hear on BET?
Every gathering I've been to, people have gone out of their way to welcome and encourage the black people who are in attendance.
At one rally in Fort Lauderdale, I was standing at the curb with a black man in his 30's. We were talking about taxes, Personal responsibility and the constitutionality of obama care when one member of a group of black youths in a passing car threw a bottle of beer, hitting him in the chest, while shouting "race traitor"

And we're racist???

Why would you need to go out of your way to encourage black people in attendance?
Why not just treat them like everybody else?
Why is the race of the guys in the car relevant?
Why are you bringing up BET? Have you seen a program
where they discourage attendance at Tea Party rallies?
Is it your contention that only black oriented shows
are critical of the Tea Party movement?
Same question to you.

Have you ever actually watched BET?
BTW, I have a feeling you just made that story up about
people throwing beer bottles.

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