The face of things to come!

Americans handed control of Congress over to the GOP for a reason. They can gloat all they want, but those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

They claimed they couldn't do anything unless they had the House.
- Americans gave them the House.

They claimed they couldn't do anything unless they had the House and Senate.
- Americans gave them the House and Senate.

They claimed they couldn't do anything unless they had the House, Senate, and WH.
- Americans gave them the House, Senate, and WH.

History has shown the GOP doesn't like to or simply suck at leading / governing. They better get their shite together...
Can Democratic pediatrician Mai-Khanh Tran unseat one of the most powerful House Republicans in 2018?

Republicans can continue to gloat, and no doubt continue to pass callous conservative legislation which benefits the haves, and harms the have-nots. The political pendulum apexed in 2016 with the election of Trump and the Republican ascendancy to absolute power, holding all three branches of government.

But they've proved they cannot govern all of the people any of the time. They have and will continue to overreach until We the People have had enough:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It always swings both ways, you find this to be profound?

Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights and to expose the use of the word "reform" as a euphemism when used to describe health care and tax legislation; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many under the current leadership.
Imo Sanders is a fraud as much as is Trump, but the irony is that he ran on a populist economic message, and if it were not for the blacks in the South - which is a region the dems nationally only put in play rarely - he'd have been the nominee.

And while Trump never had any intention of following through on his populist message, as evidenced by the now failed attempt to gut Medicaid that affects the very people who fell for his bullshit, the gop is left adrift. Unless you think guys like Price or Zinke can become natl leaders with a consistent view of govt that can win nationally.

So it's both parties. I think the dems are closer to reorganizing because they are not as fractured, but their leaders are old. A guy like Mitch Landreau could have legs. They need guys who can speak both to blacks who feel society is hostile to them, and not without some reason, economic progressives, and the wealthy elite who protect Dear Leader Pelosi.
Americans handed control of Congress over to the GOP for a reason. They can gloat all they want, but those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

They claimed they couldn't do anything unless they had the House.
- Americans gave them the House.

They claimed they couldn't do anything unless they had the House and Senate.
- Americans gave them the House and Senate.

They claimed they couldn't do anything unless they had the House, Senate, and WH.
- Americans gave them the House, Senate, and WH.

History has shown the GOP doesn't like to or simply suck at leading / governing. They better get their shite together...
The dems gained senate seats in the same election they lost the WH.

What we are actually seeing today - amongst the GOP, not counting the 100% committed Obstructionist Democrats - is actually 'true democracy', how our government is supposed to work.

Perhaps Americans have become 'spoiled' by legislation being enacted in short periods of time, primarily because either one party rammed their legislation into law or the President by-passed Congress to make his own.

All legislation is SUPPOSED to be discussed, ideas discussed, ideas debated, negotiations happening, and compromises made to ensure the strongest / best legislation possible is passed into law. It is not supposed to be a 'lightning quick' process. When EVERYONE comes to the table and professionally debates together it takes a while.

There can be no legislation bi-partisanly passed when 1 side, however, comes to the table already committed to getting everything they want, no compromises - 'My way, No Compromise, or Obstruction'. Unfortunately this is what our Legislative branch / Process has become - 'Winner take all, no negotiations, no compromise'.

Democrats have especially evolved into this 'being'. When they took over the House, Senate, and WH Obama arrogantly declared 'I won', 'The GOP can come along but they have to get in the back of the bus', 'Elections have consequences', and 'If you want changes, win some elections'.
- This was the official, declared Democrat / Obama rules for the GOP when Democrats win. Their behavior since losing the House, Senate, and WH has demonstrated they believe these rules do not apply to them when they lose.

After losing Congress and the WH, Democrats refused to adhere to their own rules, the 'law' they 'laid down' to the GOP. Instead they have acted like spoiled children throwing a tantrum in the corner of the room for not getting their way, insisting that despite being so totally rejected by the American people (1,00+ losses, 0-5 Special elections. etc) THEY are still in 'control'.

In opposition to Obama's 'pearls of wisdom' he gave to the GOP, I urge Democrats to remember our past, our Founding Fathers, remember that their chambers in which they legislate are the PEOPLE's HOUSES, not their respective PARTY's Houses. They are there to do the PEOPLE'S work.

Both Party's need to remember why they are there and to act like the politicians they were elected to be, not partisan children throwing tantrums and holding grudges. Americans don't give a damn about their 'Hatfield and McCoy' routine. They want Congress to work together to make their lives and this country better.
Neither party stays totally out of power for very long the Republicans made a comeback in 2010 after being declared dead after the 2008 election it won't be shocking if the Democrats do the same in 2018.
Can Democratic pediatrician Mai-Khanh Tran unseat one of the most powerful House Republicans in 2018?

Republicans can continue to gloat, and no doubt continue to pass callous conservative legislation which benefits the haves, and harms the have-nots. The political pendulum apexed in 2016 with the election of Trump and the Republican ascendancy to absolute power, holding all three branches of government.

But they've proved they cannot govern all of the people any of the time. They have and will continue to overreach until We the People have had enough:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It always swings both ways, you find this to be profound?

Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights expose using the term reform as a euphemism, when used in terms of health care and taxes; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many.

LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.
LOL, they have not even made very many decisions and you come to that conclusion? Wow what an imagination.

The court is becoming less political with the end of the liberal court who had no problem making law out of sail cloth or changing laws to fit their agenda.
"The court is becoming less political with the end of the liberal court" is the goober statement of the day.
Can Democratic pediatrician Mai-Khanh Tran unseat one of the most powerful House Republicans in 2018?

Republicans can continue to gloat, and no doubt continue to pass callous conservative legislation which benefits the haves, and harms the have-nots. The political pendulum apexed in 2016 with the election of Trump and the Republican ascendancy to absolute power, holding all three branches of government.

But they've proved they cannot govern all of the people any of the time. They have and will continue to overreach until We the People have had enough:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It always swings both ways, you find this to be profound?

Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights expose using the term reform as a euphemism, when used in terms of health care and taxes; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many.

LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.

It's been political since FDR, so what. This is deflection though, the Political pendulum has and will ALWAYS swing both ways.

It has always been political, but not to the extreme it is today. With the advent of wedge issues - guns, gays, god, abortion - the consent part of the appointments has become more and more contentious. And, with the fully partisan misfeasance of McConnell, our country has become more divided and less civil.
It always swings both ways, you find this to be profound?

Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights expose using the term reform as a euphemism, when used in terms of health care and taxes; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many.

LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.

It's been political since FDR, so what. This is deflection though, the Political pendulum has and will ALWAYS swing both ways.

It has always been political, but not to the extreme it is today. With the advent of wedge issues - guns, gays, god, abortion - the consent part of the appointments has become more and more contentious. And, with the fully partisan misfeasance of McConnell, our country has become more divided and less civil.

Typically when you celebrate an assassination attempt of the entire GOP Congress it tends to become a little more contentious.
Can Democratic pediatrician Mai-Khanh Tran unseat one of the most powerful House Republicans in 2018?

Republicans can continue to gloat, and no doubt continue to pass callous conservative legislation which benefits the haves, and harms the have-nots. The political pendulum apexed in 2016 with the election of Trump and the Republican ascendancy to absolute power, holding all three branches of government.

But they've proved they cannot govern all of the people any of the time. They have and will continue to overreach until We the People have had enough:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

It always swings both ways, you find this to be profound?

Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights expose using the term reform as a euphemism, when used in terms of health care and taxes; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many.

LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.
LOL, they have not even made very many decisions and you come to that conclusion? Wow what an imagination.

The court is becoming less political with the end of the liberal court who had no problem making law out of sail cloth or changing laws to fit their agenda.

Mea culpa, I never have should used the word "today"; the court became political with the advent of wedge issues - around the time of the Civil Rights Act and the passage of Medicare.
Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights expose using the term reform as a euphemism, when used in terms of health care and taxes; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many.

LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.

It's been political since FDR, so what. This is deflection though, the Political pendulum has and will ALWAYS swing both ways.

It has always been political, but not to the extreme it is today. With the advent of wedge issues - guns, gays, god, abortion - the consent part of the appointments has become more and more contentious. And, with the fully partisan misfeasance of McConnell, our country has become more divided and less civil.

Typically when you celebrate an assassination attempt of the entire GOP Congress it tends to become a little more contentious.

I was not in The District on that day nor did I attempt to assassinate anyone at anytime or anywhere.

But your half-truth has some merit. Every time someone shoots and kills several unarmed persons in a movie theater, a school or a McDonald's, the topic of gun control becomes more contentious.
It always swings both ways, you find this to be profound?

Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights expose using the term reform as a euphemism, when used in terms of health care and taxes; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many.

LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.
LOL, they have not even made very many decisions and you come to that conclusion? Wow what an imagination.

The court is becoming less political with the end of the liberal court who had no problem making law out of sail cloth or changing laws to fit their agenda.

Mea culpa, I never have should used the word "today"; the court became political with the advent of wedge issues - around the time of the Civil Rights Act and the passage of Medicare.
Division went on since day one. Politics has always been a blood sport. The news cycles are dominated by division because the left has run way left and claims the right is divisive.
Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights expose using the term reform as a euphemism, when used in terms of health care and taxes; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many.

LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.

It's been political since FDR, so what. This is deflection though, the Political pendulum has and will ALWAYS swing both ways.

It has always been political, but not to the extreme it is today. With the advent of wedge issues - guns, gays, god, abortion - the consent part of the appointments has become more and more contentious. And, with the fully partisan misfeasance of McConnell, our country has become more divided and less civil.

Typically when you celebrate an assassination attempt of the entire GOP Congress it tends to become a little more contentious.
Who celebrates that? Be specific. Examples. Cites.
LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.

It's been political since FDR, so what. This is deflection though, the Political pendulum has and will ALWAYS swing both ways.

It has always been political, but not to the extreme it is today. With the advent of wedge issues - guns, gays, god, abortion - the consent part of the appointments has become more and more contentious. And, with the fully partisan misfeasance of McConnell, our country has become more divided and less civil.

Typically when you celebrate an assassination attempt of the entire GOP Congress it tends to become a little more contentious.

I was not in The District on that day nor did I attempt to assassinate anyone at anytime or anywhere.

But your half-truth has some merit. Every time someone shoots and kills several unarmed persons in a movie theater, a school or a McDonald's, the topic of gun control becomes more contentious.
...because leftists want to use them as reasons to take away our 2nd amendment rights.
Nope. But this time we have a wild card in the White House, anti democratic forces in the Congress and a Supreme Court which has become more political and less judicious.

It will take a generation + to return our nation to what made it great; we need to continue to resist efforts to suppress voting rights expose using the term reform as a euphemism, when used in terms of health care and taxes; both geared to benefit the few and burden the many.

LOL, why make yourself look silly? The pendulum has swung back and forth since Nation was founded and it always will.

Once upon a time the Supreme Court was judicious, today it is political.
LOL, they have not even made very many decisions and you come to that conclusion? Wow what an imagination.

The court is becoming less political with the end of the liberal court who had no problem making law out of sail cloth or changing laws to fit their agenda.

Mea culpa, I never have should used the word "today"; the court became political with the advent of wedge issues - around the time of the Civil Rights Act and the passage of Medicare.
Division went on since day one. Politics has always been a blood sport. The news cycles are dominated by division because the left has run way left and claims the right is divisive.
The right has become far right and claims the left is divisive
The ideology of limited government, personal liberty, and individual freedom is a ruse for nationalism, nativism, ethnocentrism, and antidemocratic factions to abuse and oppress certain portions of American society.

That world, AltRat righties, is never going to happen again in America.
The ideology of limited government, personal liberty, and individual freedom is a ruse for nationalism, nativism, ethnocentrism, and antidemocratic factions to abuse and oppress certain portions of American society.

That world, AltRat righties, is never going to happen again in America.

Perfectly stated Komrade.

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