The fact is nothing is going to come of this email crap. We know that, right?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
I mean really. Nothing is going to come up. Like the WMDs in Iraq, the real incriminating ones are long gone and wiped clean. The morons on the left believe she has not done anything wrong.

The scary part is how this will be used to make poor little hillary as a victim of republicans and her popularity will go up as a result. That is my prediction.

The simple fact is those of us that can think for ourselves know she is a creep. We know she is a lying sack of shit. We know she is guilty as hell. We should also know she is an enormous security risk considering how many countries (including our enemies) have copies of those emails. We should also know how common and how powerful blackmail is at the highest levels of all politics.

It is a disaster. Yes, we should prepare ourselves that nothing with come of this. That is my prediction.
Actually, we don't know that yet. However, there has been a whole lot of bloviating and not a whole lot of prosecuting going on this far.
We'll wait and see if any dead bodies start showing up. If they do, Hitlery will have it made. All Hail POTUS Clinton.
After we finish discussing the e-mails she chose to give to the State Department off her privately operated server....then we start to talk about the ones she deleted. Not just deleted...she hired professionals to be sure every e-mail she did not want us to see---never gets seen--30,000 of them...even though she claims they were just about her daughters wedding, or Yoga classes.

And, Trey Gowdy gets a whole day cross-examining the haggard unhealthy old crone.

And then after we get through with all e-mails...then we get into the relationship of theState Department business resulting in donations to the Clinton Foundation. That's the one they were really afraid of before they miscalculated on the e-mails.

Plus, she is an absolutely shitty candidate...setting aside the likelihood that she is a crook.

Those of you worried about America...don't...Bill Clinton's wife is done.
Weeeeeeeee! I LOVE nutter political predictions.

If only we had a way to archive them so we could present them when they fall flat.

If only.
At least you are coming to terms with the fact that the next president will be a Democratic candidate. You can work on getting past all that other silly crap you believe later.
I don't see a former First Lady doing time. Even if she should.
It sounds like NaziCon nutters are working their way through the various stages of grief.


Practice saying Madam President.
I don't see a former First Lady doing time. Even if she should.


No hard time, I agree...she's too old and unhealthy...but a year or two at home with an ankle bracelet is about right.

But, you know, I'll bet she could get 30% of the vote wearing an ankle bracelet. After 7 years of Obama paying people not to work, Karl Marx himself would get 35% or so. He's been dead around a century, but I don't think they had gotten around to burying him yet. They had him in a glass case until recently.

Bring him out. Run a Week-End at Bernie's Type Campaign...and it would likely beat Mrs. Clinton by 15% in the Democratic Primary.

That's how fucked up the Democrats are. They are unhappy to be stuck with Mrs. Clinton--not because she's a decrepit old Crook and a dumb-ass ---they don't think she is ENOUGH of a Socialist!
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