The fact is, the Arabs have the oil


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Yeah I know, it's less than ideal. But no matter what you think of the situation, the fact still remains that these Gulf Arab states have the oil.

There's nothing you can do. You want to drive around all the time? Then you are enriching these Arab Muslims. The problem lies in your driveway, but you will never admit it, you love your car too much, you will always shift blame elsewhere, and say drill here, we'll produce all the oil we need! etc.

Or we'll make electric cars! (But those liberal green weenies can drive them).

It's a form of denial. You love the cars, you hate the people who have the oil that powers them.
Yeah I know, it's less than ideal. But no matter what you think of the situation, the fact still remains that these Gulf Arab states have the oil.

There's nothing you can do. You want to drive around all the time? Then you are enriching these Arab Muslims. The problem lies in your driveway, but you will never admit it, you love your car too much, you will always shift blame elsewhere, and say drill here, we'll produce all the oil we need! etc.

Or we'll make electric cars! (But those liberal green weenies can drive them).

It's a form of denial. You love the cars, you hate the people who have the oil that powers them.

Oil is an abiotic fluid and the second biggest resource on earth with water being #1. The technology to get away from petroleum has been around since the days of Nikola Tesla but unless those like you understand the origins of the "petro-dollar" and why it is? Well, you are just posting from a position of pure ignorance......
Plenty of oil in America and Canada.

Stop with the propaganda.

If need be, we could always annex Mexico. :eek:

I'm kidding on the 3rd thing.
Yeah I know, it's less than ideal. But no matter what you think of the situation, the fact still remains that these Gulf Arab states have the oil.

There's nothing you can do. You want to drive around all the time? Then you are enriching these Arab Muslims. The problem lies in your driveway, but you will never admit it, you love your car too much, you will always shift blame elsewhere, and say drill here, we'll produce all the oil we need! etc.

Or we'll make electric cars! (But those liberal green weenies can drive them).

It's a form of denial. You love the cars, you hate the people who have the oil that powers them.

I just bought a brand new full size luxury pickup truck with all of the bells and whistles and paid for it with a Bank Order in full. I should not have done that because I feel a little guilty but not depressed.
Yeah I know, it's less than ideal. But no matter what you think of the situation, the fact still remains that these Gulf Arab states have the oil.

There's nothing you can do. You want to drive around all the time? Then you are enriching these Arab Muslims. The problem lies in your driveway, but you will never admit it, you love your car too much, you will always shift blame elsewhere, and say drill here, we'll produce all the oil we need! etc.

Or we'll make electric cars! (But those liberal green weenies can drive them).

It's a form of denial. You love the cars, you hate the people who have the oil that powers them.

"Bakken oil fields mark billionth barrel of oil
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- Oil drillers targeting the rich Bakken shale formation in western North Dakota and eastern Montana have produced 1 billion barrels of crude, data from the two states show.

Drillers first targeted the Bakken in Montana in 2000 and moved into North Dakota about five years later using advanced horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques to recover oil trapped in a thin layer of dense rock nearly two miles beneath the surface.

North Dakota has generated 852 million barrels of Bakken crude, and Montana has produced about 151 million barrels through the first quarter of 2014, data show.

The U.S. Geological Survey has called the Bakken the largest continuous oil accumulation it had ever assessed. The agency, which bases its data largely on information from oil company and state drilling records, said up to 7.4 billion barrels of oil could be recovered from the Bakken and the underlying Three Forks using current technology."
Bakken oil fields mark billionth barrel of oil
Plenty of oil in America and Canada.

Stop with the propaganda.

If need be, we could always annex Mexico. :eek:

I'm kidding on the 3rd thing.

Won't be necessary.

"The largest oil deposit ever found in America was just discovered in Texas
The US Geological Survey said Tuesday that it found what could be the largest deposit of untapped oil ever discovered in America.

An estimated average of 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids are available for the taking in the Wolfcamp shale, which is in the Midland Basin portion of Texas' Permian Basin."
The largest oil deposit ever found in America was just discovered in Texas
"They say we use a quarter of the world's oil, but only have 2% of the world's oil reserves. So, do the math. They say it's impossible, but here's how he gets to that mythical 2%.

For simplicity, we'll call it Obama's big oil lie because that's what it is.

They're only counting proven oil reserves.

The truth is that 2% oil reserves figure is whatever the government says it is.

Here’s the official definition from the non-partisan Congressional Research service.

Proven reserves are: "certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions."

The key word there is "existing" conditions.

The U.S. has around 20 billion barrels in proven reserves, but the amount of undiscovered so called "technically recoverable" oil is over seven times that.

Those are the government's own figures!

And we can get that oil using today's technology. In fact, the U.S. has nearly 1.5 trillion barrels of oil.

That's enough to fuel the present needs in the U.S. for around 250 years, according to the Institute for Energy Research.

Former President of Shell Oil on FBN earlier today on how we could easily get back to producing 10 million barrels a day:

"The best source for new oil is the world's largest consumer economy: this country. We could go back to 10 million barrels if we had the permitting that would enable it to happen. We have the oil. There is more oil in this country that we're not allowed to get at than oil we're allowed to get at.”

But much of the oil is off limits thanks to the policies of this President:

-The outer Continental shelf.

-The Arctic National Wildlife Reserve in Anwar.

-And Shale Oil where the United States has the largest deposits in the world estimated by the government to be over 2 trillion barrels.

Even when the production is not in this country, the President will do anything he can to stop it, like blocking the Keystone pipeline.

Also, what the President is refusing to acknowledge is the United States is in the middle of an oil boom thanks to new technology like deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

So the President (Obama) needs to stop with the 2% lie.

The solutions are right in front of us, but this administration flatly refuses to explore them."

There is no shortage of oil

The Left lies about everything.

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