The facts of Trumpist allegations of Arizona Voter Fraud: Over 3 million votes cast; 182 problem cases; 4 charges; ZERO convictions.

“PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, undercutting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

An Associated Press investigation found 182 cases where problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review. So far, only four cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation. No one has been convicted. No person’s vote was counted twice.

While it’s possible more cases could emerge, the numbers illustrate the implausibility of Trump’s claims that fraud and irregularities in Arizona cost him the state’s electorate votes. In final, certified and audited results, Biden won 10,400 more votes than Trump out of 3.4 million cast.…

Arizona’s potential cases also illustrate another reality: Voter fraud is often bipartisan. Of the four Arizona cases that have resulted in criminal charges, two involved Democratic voters and two involved Republicans.

AP’s review supports statements made by many state and local elections officials — and even some Republican county officials and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey — that Arizona’s presidential election was secure and its results valid.”

Only insane Trumpists believe this widespread voter fraud hoax. Trump and his minions are just running another scam for the benefit of his lemmings. The more they get the lemmings upset, the more money they send to Mar-a-lago.

What is ironic is that out of the 4 cases where charges were brought, 2 were Republican. You really can’t make this up.
How many of the millions of mail in ballots were NOTARIZED under penalty of perjury?

This contested issue has never been addressed.

But that is what is causing the election process and results to be FAITH BASED.

there is NO PROOF that all those mail in ballots were valid to begin with.

Plus the RULES to allow UNNOTARIZED mailin ballots by the MILLIONS
were changed WITHOUT voting through State Legislatures that the people elect
including by party representation so that input into policy is more even distributed.

Why is it that the majority supporting UNNOTARIZED mailin ballots are liberal/Democrat/Biden supporters
who approved those rules and changes,
while the majority arguing for State Legislatures voting according to Federal Election laws
and who believe in the standard of Notarization under Penalty of Perjury
are EXCLUDED from the decisions about voting rules and process?

If people do NOT agree on the rules for voting and election
and the country/votes/states are split in half,
why would only HALF the nation and voters
be allowed to dictate the rules for the other half?

That is why the election is still contested and not accepted.

It is faith based, depending if you believe in unnotarized ballots or not
or you believe in changing rules by people in arbitrary positions in govt
instead of elected State Legislators voting on behalf of ALL their citizens,
not just representing one side's beliefs.

The people, half the nation and voters, were NOT represented in the process or rule changes.
For Conservatives to be included, NOTARIZATION of ballots would have to be
either included or voted on. But where these changes were made WITHOUT VOTING,
the people never had a chance to have a say in the process.

So this election only represents the BELIEFS of half the voters,
is FAITH BASED, and BELIEFS cannot be established by govt
without Consent of the people.

If people do not consent because they have seen no proof
of valid NOTARIZED ballots, they cannot be forced to believe in something

The people have the right to CONSENT to terms if they are going to be
required to take voting or elections on faith. And those terms involve
NOTARIZATION and proof of legal valid voters to satisfy and represent
the Conservatives, Libertarians and others contesting the election.

The "fraud" is in MISREPRESENTING to the public that this was "Constitutional."
Establishing FAITH BASED policy without consent of the people is Unconstitutional.

So until and unless the supporters of the election process and results
acknowledge it is Unconstitutional to change the rules without voting or consent
of the states and people affected, and to count "unnotarized mail in ballots
in the millions" WITHOUT consent and Constitutional rule changes as required
by half the voting population contesting the process used,
then that is causing MISREPRESENTATION and DEFRAUDING the public.

You are so much bullshit. Most states do not require mail-in ballots to be notarized. Only 7 states require some form of notarization. That is pretty uniform. The act of voting someone else's mail in ballot is already a crime. There is no proof that mail in ballots are not valid. Several states are already mail in and there is no evidence of fraud. Laws regarding the expansion of mail in ballots were either passed by Republican legislators or voter initiative.
“PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, undercutting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

An Associated Press investigation found 182 cases where problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review. So far, only four cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation. No one has been convicted. No person’s vote was counted twice.

While it’s possible more cases could emerge, the numbers illustrate the implausibility of Trump’s claims that fraud and irregularities in Arizona cost him the state’s electorate votes. In final, certified and audited results, Biden won 10,400 more votes than Trump out of 3.4 million cast.…

Arizona’s potential cases also illustrate another reality: Voter fraud is often bipartisan. Of the four Arizona cases that have resulted in criminal charges, two involved Democratic voters and two involved Republicans.

AP’s review supports statements made by many state and local elections officials — and even some Republican county officials and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey — that Arizona’s presidential election was secure and its results valid.”

Only insane Trumpists believe this widespread voter fraud hoax. Trump and his minions are just running another scam for the benefit of his lemmings. The more they get the lemmings upset, the more money they send to Mar-a-lago.

What is ironic is that out of the 4 cases where charges were brought, 2 were Republican. You really can’t make this up.
Wait, now all of a sudden there IS voter fraud? You people have been saying there isnt a shred of evidence to support the voter fraud claim for months.
There are NO open borders and the Bill of Rights is still quite intact.. The problem is that the first time in our history an expresident refused a peaceful transfer of power
If you are referring to the Jan. 6th “Insurrection” that was hardly a refusal to allow a power transfer. That was merely a rowdy mob that got a little out of control.

You are a lying weasel. That was a violent attack on our nation's capitol.
trump spent almost all of 2020 using BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories to convince biddable fools, aka known as Trumpanzees, that the election was rigged before Nov 3rd last. The same tactic he used in 2016 before he won. And his opponent, HRC, did what every other candidate for President and lost did before, conceded to the will of the people.

People like you don't see trump for what he is: A self serving, narcissistic, vindictive man-child with an "Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior
I in turn don’t believe you see the corruption in our government that Trump called the Swamp.

Right now for example our current President, Joe Biden, has obviously benefited by selling his influence to the highest bidder over his entire career. Now his bagman, Hunter, is selling his amateur paintings for up to half a million dollars to undisclosed buyers.

But of course Joe Biden isn’t the only politician in D.C. selling his influence. Hillary used her Clinton Foundation to rake in the cash while she was Obama’s Secretary of State.

Add Nancy Pelosi to the list.

I could go on and on.

The really exasperating thing is that the DOJ, FBI and the MSM have no interest in stopping this corruption. It goes basically unrevealed and unpunished. Our government in Washington D.C. is rotten to the core.

Americans are waking up to this fact largely due to Trump. Trump threatened to drain the Swamp but had no idea how big and nasty that Swamp is and how evil are the political creatures that inhabit it.

A growing number of citizens realize we no longer live in a well functioning representative democracy but instead a modern day Yankee banana republic. Even foreigners realize this.

I doubt if anything will change in the next few years. The corrupt political establishment and the Deep State are in firm control and no outsider like Trump is going to change that. What I fear is the good citizens will finally decide the solution is to break our nation up into several separate countries. That may or may not result in bloodshed but it will mean the United States will no longer be the leading nation in our world.

There are NO open borders and the Bill of Rights is still quite intact.. The problem is that the first time in our history an expresident refused a peaceful transfer of power
If you are referring to the Jan. 6th “Insurrection” that was hardly a refusal to allow a power transfer. That was merely a rowdy mob that got a little out of control.

You are a lying weasel. That was a violent attack on our nation's capitol.

Trump simply couldn't face losing so he was quite willing to refuse a peaceful transition of power which is essential to our Constitution and democracy.
trump spent almost all of 2020 using BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories to convince biddable fools, aka known as Trumpanzees, that the election was rigged before Nov 3rd last. The same tactic he used in 2016 before he won. And his opponent, HRC, did what every other candidate for President and lost did before, conceded to the will of the people.

People like you don't see trump for what he is: A self serving, narcissistic, vindictive man-child with an "Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior
I in turn don’t believe you see the corruption in our government that Trump called the Swamp.

Right now for example our current President, Joe Biden, has obviously benefited by selling his influence to the highest bidder over his entire career. Now his bagman, Hunter, is selling his amateur paintings for up to half a million dollars to undisclosed buyers.

But of course Joe Biden isn’t the only politician in D.C. selling his influence. Hillary used her Clinton Foundation to rake in the cash while she was Obama’s Secretary of State.

Add Nancy Pelosi to the list.

I could go on and on.

The really exasperating thing is that the DOJ, FBI and the MSM have no interest in stopping this corruption. It goes basically unrevealed and unpunished. Our government in Washington D.C. is rotten to the core.

Americans are waking up to this fact largely due to Trump. Trump threatened to drain the Swamp but had no idea how big and nasty that Swamp is and how evil are the political creatures that inhabit it.

A growing number of citizens realize we no longer live in a well functioning representative democracy but instead a modern day Yankee banana republic. Even foreigners realize this.

I doubt if anything will change in the next few years. The corrupt political establishment and the Deep State are in firm control and no outsider like Trump is going to change that. What I fear is the good citizens will finally decide the solution is to break our nation up into several separate countries. That may or may not result in bloodshed but it will mean the United States will no longer be the leading nation in our world.

What the hell is your problem with Hunter selling his paintings? Are you mad?
Impeached twice. Everyone knows what he did and who supported his corruption.
Impeached twice during the Jacobin Pelosi era and convicted ZERO times!

The impeachments say much more about the brutally insane democrat leadership than
it does Donald Trump.
I'm not surprised you do not know that or pretend not to notice.

How is that Russia Russia Russia hoax working out?
LOL, tying to convince the reader you have any comprehension of history?

The Jacobins plotted the downfall of King Louis XVI and the rise of the French Republic. They controlled France for a brief time [1792-1794] and passed various reforms to promote equality and personal liberty.

Donald Trump got of easily, his head would have fallen in the basket had he ruled France in 1793.
Likewise to you and your sad inadequate understanding of history,

The Jacobins ruled by violence, terror and the guillotine and I would say Nan's irresponsible
and capricious use of the formerly extraordinary Constitutional device of impeachment, as a partisan political tool used to unsuccessfully rid her of Donald Trump, make her and her henchmen modern day
Jacobins....rule by agitated mob.

Stick to your day job, as a keyboard anal fissure and all around non expert.
Impeached twice. Everyone knows what he did and who supported his corruption.
Impeached twice during the Jacobin Pelosi era and convicted ZERO times!

The impeachments say much more about the brutally insane democrat leadership than
it does Donald Trump.
I'm not surprised you do not know that or pretend not to notice.

How is that Russia Russia Russia hoax working out?
LOL, tying to convince the reader you have any comprehension of history?

The Jacobins plotted the downfall of King Louis XVI and the rise of the French Republic. They controlled France for a brief time [1792-1794] and passed various reforms to promote equality and personal liberty.

Donald Trump got of easily, his head would have fallen in the basket had he ruled France in 1793.
Likewise to you and your sad inadequate understanding of history,

The Jacobins ruled by violence, terror and the guillotine and I would say Nan's irresponsible
and capricious use of the formerly extraordinary Constitutional device of impeachment, as a partisan political tool used to unsuccessfully rid her of Donald Trump, make her and her henchmen modern day
Jacobins....rule by agitated mob.

Stick to your day job, as a keyboard anal fissure and all around non expert.
You really don't understand history, when the masses have had enough, the revolution becomes the final escape. History tells us that the Founding Fathers used violence too, and they are called patriots.

The Speaker is not a violent character, it was DJT who gave his loyal supporters the right to use violence, and if they had been arrested, he would pay for their defense.

My job is an avocation, trying to bring sanity to the 30% + or - like you who support Trump and have become domestic enemies. Not with violence, but with logic.
There are NO open borders and the Bill of Rights is still quite intact.. The problem is that the first time in our history an expresident refused a peaceful transfer of power
If you are referring to the Jan. 6th “Insurrection” that was hardly a refusal to allow a power transfer. That was merely a rowdy mob that got a little out of control.

You are a lying weasel. That was a violent attack on our nation's capitol.
So you believe the borders are not open.

In June 190,000 illegal immigrants were caught or turned themselves over to the Border Patrol After crossing the Mexican border. That doesn’t include the number that wasn’t caught. In 2021 we are approaching 1,000,000 illegal immigrants across that border.

Plus these illegal immigrants came from all over the world.

The “insurrection“ was a rowdy mob. The recent riots in our big cities led by Antifa and Black Lives Matter were the real violent attacks.



trump spent almost all of 2020 using BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories to convince biddable fools, aka known as Trumpanzees, that the election was rigged before Nov 3rd last. The same tactic he used in 2016 before he won. And his opponent, HRC, did what every other candidate for President and lost did before, conceded to the will of the people.

People like you don't see trump for what he is: A self serving, narcissistic, vindictive man-child with an "Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior
I in turn don’t believe you see the corruption in our government that Trump called the Swamp.

Right now for example our current President, Joe Biden, has obviously benefited by selling his influence to the highest bidder over his entire career. Now his bagman, Hunter, is selling his amateur paintings for up to half a million dollars to undisclosed buyers.

But of course Joe Biden isn’t the only politician in D.C. selling his influence. Hillary used her Clinton Foundation to rake in the cash while she was Obama’s Secretary of State.

Add Nancy Pelosi to the list.

I could go on and on.

The really exasperating thing is that the DOJ, FBI and the MSM have no interest in stopping this corruption. It goes basically unrevealed and unpunished. Our government in Washington D.C. is rotten to the core.

Americans are waking up to this fact largely due to Trump. Trump threatened to drain the Swamp but had no idea how big and nasty that Swamp is and how evil are the political creatures that inhabit it.

A growing number of citizens realize we no longer live in a well functioning representative democracy but instead a modern day Yankee banana republic. Even foreigners realize this.

I doubt if anything will change in the next few years. The corrupt political establishment and the Deep State are in firm control and no outsider like Trump is going to change that. What I fear is the good citizens will finally decide the solution is to break our nation up into several separate countries. That may or may not result in bloodshed but it will mean the United States will no longer be the leading nation in our world.

What the hell is your problem with Hunter selling his paintings? Are you mad?
Do you personally love corruption?

Do you seriously believe Hunter’s paintings are worth half a million dollars?

If there fools in the world who have half a million to pay for the art of a previously unknown artist they are few and far between.

Hunter is selling his father’s influence to the highest bidder who of course will remain unknown. That much is a clear as the nose on your face.

Impeached twice. Everyone knows what he did and who supported his corruption.
Impeached twice during the Jacobin Pelosi era and convicted ZERO times!

The impeachments say much more about the brutally insane democrat leadership than
it does Donald Trump.
I'm not surprised you do not know that or pretend not to notice.

How is that Russia Russia Russia hoax working out?
LOL, tying to convince the reader you have any comprehension of history?

The Jacobins plotted the downfall of King Louis XVI and the rise of the French Republic. They controlled France for a brief time [1792-1794] and passed various reforms to promote equality and personal liberty.

Donald Trump got of easily, his head would have fallen in the basket had he ruled France in 1793.
Likewise to you and your sad inadequate understanding of history,

The Jacobins ruled by violence, terror and the guillotine and I would say Nan's irresponsible
and capricious use of the formerly extraordinary Constitutional device of impeachment, as a partisan political tool used to unsuccessfully rid her of Donald Trump, make her and her henchmen modern day
Jacobins....rule by agitated mob.

Stick to your day job, as a keyboard anal fissure and all around non expert.

You really don't understand history, when the masses have had enough, the revolution becomes the final escape. History tells us that the Founding Fathers used violence too, and they are called patriots.
The Jacobins were a crazy howling mob meting out beheadings at their discretion.
Not so much like our revolutionary founders.

The Speaker is not a violent character, it was DJT who gave his loyal supporters the right to use violence, and if they had been arrested, he would pay for their defense.
Go ahead and document where Trump endorsed violence, except in cases of self defense.
My job is an avocation, trying to bring sanity to the 30% + or - like you who support Trump and have become domestic enemies. Not with violence, but with logic.
Who the "domestic enemies" are is very much a case of perspective.
Your point of view is skewed in many people's views. Good luck with your avocation.
Impeached twice. Everyone knows what he did and who supported his corruption.
Impeached twice during the Jacobin Pelosi era and convicted ZERO times!

The impeachments say much more about the brutally insane democrat leadership than
it does Donald Trump.
I'm not surprised you do not know that or pretend not to notice.

How is that Russia Russia Russia hoax working out?
LOL, tying to convince the reader you have any comprehension of history?

The Jacobins plotted the downfall of King Louis XVI and the rise of the French Republic. They controlled France for a brief time [1792-1794] and passed various reforms to promote equality and personal liberty.

Donald Trump got of easily, his head would have fallen in the basket had he ruled France in 1793.
Likewise to you and your sad inadequate understanding of history,

The Jacobins ruled by violence, terror and the guillotine and I would say Nan's irresponsible
and capricious use of the formerly extraordinary Constitutional device of impeachment, as a partisan political tool used to unsuccessfully rid her of Donald Trump, make her and her henchmen modern day
Jacobins....rule by agitated mob.

Stick to your day job, as a keyboard anal fissure and all around non expert.

You really don't understand history, when the masses have had enough, the revolution becomes the final escape. History tells us that the Founding Fathers used violence too, and they are called patriots.
The Jacobins were a crazy howling mob meting out beheadings at their discretion.
Not so much like our revolutionary founders.

The Speaker is not a violent character, it was DJT who gave his loyal supporters the right to use violence, and if they had been arrested, he would pay for their defense.
Go ahead and document where Trump endorsed violence, except in cases of self defense.
My job is an avocation, trying to bring sanity to the 30% + or - like you who support Trump and have become domestic enemies. Not with violence, but with logic.
Who the "domestic enemies" are is very much a case of perspective.
Your point of view is skewed in many people's views. Good luck with your avocation.
I don't need luck, people like you have a closed brain, and are out of touch with reality. No sane person would vote for Trump. Try to convince me, tell me what Trump's policies were?

In my opinion, and that of most educated people around the world, I see a self serving narcissist, a vindictive man-child and one who has more personality disorders than anyone but a Trumpanzees would want to have the power of the Presidency.

I know. They have a very good rating on being unbiased and honest so of course you don't like them.

View attachment 513730
I won't believe it until Facebook fact checks it.
Idiot-gram ^^^; variety ludicrous as well as sarcastic. Greed = Face Book;

Mark Zuckerberg is very wealthy and a spoiled brat, still greedy after all these years.
“PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, undercutting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

An Associated Press investigation found 182 cases where problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review. So far, only four cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation. No one has been convicted. No person’s vote was counted twice.

While it’s possible more cases could emerge, the numbers illustrate the implausibility of Trump’s claims that fraud and irregularities in Arizona cost him the state’s electorate votes. In final, certified and audited results, Biden won 10,400 more votes than Trump out of 3.4 million cast.…

Arizona’s potential cases also illustrate another reality: Voter fraud is often bipartisan. Of the four Arizona cases that have resulted in criminal charges, two involved Democratic voters and two involved Republicans.

AP’s review supports statements made by many state and local elections officials — and even some Republican county officials and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey — that Arizona’s presidential election was secure and its results valid.”

Only insane Trumpists believe this widespread voter fraud hoax. Trump and his minions are just running another scam for the benefit of his lemmings. The more they get the lemmings upset, the more money they send to Mar-a-lago.

What is ironic is that out of the 4 cases where charges were brought, 2 were Republican. You really can’t make this up.
Wait, now all of a sudden there IS voter fraud? You people have been saying there isnt a shred of evidence to support the voter fraud claim for months.
If you are honest admit that Trump lost the election, by circa 6 million votes. Do you really believe the conspiracy that the election was stolen?
“PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, undercutting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

An Associated Press investigation found 182 cases where problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review. So far, only four cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation. No one has been convicted. No person’s vote was counted twice.

While it’s possible more cases could emerge, the numbers illustrate the implausibility of Trump’s claims that fraud and irregularities in Arizona cost him the state’s electorate votes. In final, certified and audited results, Biden won 10,400 more votes than Trump out of 3.4 million cast.…

Arizona’s potential cases also illustrate another reality: Voter fraud is often bipartisan. Of the four Arizona cases that have resulted in criminal charges, two involved Democratic voters and two involved Republicans.

AP’s review supports statements made by many state and local elections officials — and even some Republican county officials and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey — that Arizona’s presidential election was secure and its results valid.”

Only insane Trumpists believe this widespread voter fraud hoax. Trump and his minions are just running another scam for the benefit of his lemmings. The more they get the lemmings upset, the more money they send to Mar-a-lago.

What is ironic is that out of the 4 cases where charges were brought, 2 were Republican. You really can’t make this up.
Wait, now all of a sudden there IS voter fraud? You people have been saying there isnt a shred of evidence to support the voter fraud claim for months.
If you are honest admit that Trump lost the election, by circa 6 million votes. Do you really believe the conspiracy that the election was stolen?
Nope, Biden won. I said that on day one. That doesnt mean we dont have WAAAYYY too much voter fraud. Just because it didnt effect that one particular race, doesnt mean it hasnt effected others, and it will continue to do so until we fix our numerous holes.

We need TONS of investigations.
“PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, undercutting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

An Associated Press investigation found 182 cases where problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review. So far, only four cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation. No one has been convicted. No person’s vote was counted twice.

While it’s possible more cases could emerge, the numbers illustrate the implausibility of Trump’s claims that fraud and irregularities in Arizona cost him the state’s electorate votes. In final, certified and audited results, Biden won 10,400 more votes than Trump out of 3.4 million cast.…

Arizona’s potential cases also illustrate another reality: Voter fraud is often bipartisan. Of the four Arizona cases that have resulted in criminal charges, two involved Democratic voters and two involved Republicans.

AP’s review supports statements made by many state and local elections officials — and even some Republican county officials and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey — that Arizona’s presidential election was secure and its results valid.”

Only insane Trumpists believe this widespread voter fraud hoax. Trump and his minions are just running another scam for the benefit of his lemmings. The more they get the lemmings upset, the more money they send to Mar-a-lago.

What is ironic is that out of the 4 cases where charges were brought, 2 were Republican. You really can’t make this up.
  1. 3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline
  2. 11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4
  3. 18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election
  4. 74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent
“PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona county election officials have identified fewer than 200 cases of potential voter fraud out of more than 3 million ballots cast in last year’s presidential election, undercutting former President Donald Trump’s claims of a stolen election as his allies continue a disputed ballot review in the state’s most populous county.

An Associated Press investigation found 182 cases where problems were clear enough that officials referred them to investigators for further review. So far, only four cases have led to charges, including those identified in a separate state investigation. No one has been convicted. No person’s vote was counted twice.

While it’s possible more cases could emerge, the numbers illustrate the implausibility of Trump’s claims that fraud and irregularities in Arizona cost him the state’s electorate votes. In final, certified and audited results, Biden won 10,400 more votes than Trump out of 3.4 million cast.…

Arizona’s potential cases also illustrate another reality: Voter fraud is often bipartisan. Of the four Arizona cases that have resulted in criminal charges, two involved Democratic voters and two involved Republicans.

AP’s review supports statements made by many state and local elections officials — and even some Republican county officials and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey — that Arizona’s presidential election was secure and its results valid.”

Only insane Trumpists believe this widespread voter fraud hoax. Trump and his minions are just running another scam for the benefit of his lemmings. The more they get the lemmings upset, the more money they send to Mar-a-lago.

What is ironic is that out of the 4 cases where charges were brought, 2 were Republican. You really can’t make this up.
Wait, now all of a sudden there IS voter fraud? You people have been saying there isnt a shred of evidence to support the voter fraud claim for months.
If you are honest admit that Trump lost the election, by circa 6 million votes. Do you really believe the conspiracy that the election was stolen?
Nope, Biden won. I said that on day one. That doesnt mean we dont have WAAAYYY too much voter fraud. Just because it didnt effect that one particular race, doesnt mean it hasnt effected others, and it will continue to do so until we fix our numerous holes.

We need TONS of investigations.
What evidence do you have that supports these comment statements: "That doesnt mean we dont have WAAAYYY too much voter fraud"; "Just because it didnt effect that one particular race, doesnt mean it hasnt effected others, and it will continue to do so until we fix our numerous holes".

"Washington (CNN)President-elect Joe Biden's margin over President Donald Trump in the nationwide popular vote is now more than 7 million votes and may continue to grow as several states continue counting votes.
"Biden's lead over Trump is the second largest since 2000, and is about two and a half times larger than Hillary Clinton's popular vote lead over Trump in 2016."

It would take an enormous conspiracy to make these number fake.

BTW: Biden won the same number of EC votes as did trump in 2016. That time he lost the popular vote, and this time he did too.
Same old crap. Like a cracked record. Trumps gone forever. He's a dickhead and in his place. You guys are still bleating about the fraud and communists etc. Give it up. It's over
Nope. Starting with the Midterm 2022 elections the Democratic Party will be on its way to becoming an endangered species. Trump may or may not run but if he doesn’t the republicans will run a fighter like DeSantis in the 2024 Presidential Election.

You can take you Marxism, your love of Antifa and BLM, your defund the police, your open Mexican border and your attempt to do away with the Bill of Rights and shove them right up your ass.

There are NO open borders and the Bill of Rights is still quite intact.. The problem is that the first time in our history an expresident refused a peaceful transfer of power.
Only a shameless liar would claim there are no open borders. If Trump refused a peacefull transfer of power, then how is Biden the president?
There are NO open borders and the Bill of Rights is still quite intact.. The problem is that the first time in our history an expresident refused a peaceful transfer of power
If you are referring to the Jan. 6th “Insurrection” that was hardly a refusal to allow a power transfer. That was merely a rowdy mob that got a little out of control.

You are a lying weasel. That was a violent attack on our nation's capitol.

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