The facts prove that we must gut entitlement programs if we are to survive

You are wrong again.

No sooner than I take you off the ignore list you post THIS ^^^ crap without giving us a link that proves he is wrong.

I Googled 'unfunded liabilities' and found something even you can understand.

[ame=]Deficits, Debts and Unfunded Liabilities: The Consequences of Excessive Government Spending - YouTube[/ame]

seriously? some college student's video?


Actually it's from the Cato Institute, the girl is just an intern doing the narrating.

Nice try, though.

The numbers don't lie....

While lawmakers from both parties squabble over tax rates, a fiscal crisis is looming on the horizon. Entitlement programs -- Social Security and Medicare to be precise -- have unfunded obligations of $48 trillion. By comparison, the fiscal cliff carries a price tag of roughly $650 billion.

Over the next 75 years, Social Security will owe an estimated $11.3 trillion more in benefits than it will receive in payroll taxes. It has been running deficits since 2010, according to the Social Security Administration.

Morning Bell: 3 Simple Solutions for Fixing Social Security

Agreed. The first entitlement program to get rid of is tax loopholes for the rich. Check and check. Thank you president obama.
The intern and you are wrong.

First, Congress has to put back the $$$ it looted from the SS funds, not the taxpayers.

Second, Defense must be cut massively.

Thirdly, the wealthy must pay their fair share.

No sooner than I take you off the ignore list you post THIS ^^^ crap without giving us a link that proves he is wrong.

I Googled 'unfunded liabilities' and found something even you can understand.

Deficits, Debts and Unfunded Liabilities: The Consequences of Excessive Government Spending - YouTube

seriously? some college student's video?


Actually it's from the Cato Institute, the girl is just an intern doing the narrating.

Nice try, though.

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I'm guessing that not many cons want to give up their own Medicare and Social Security.
I'll give them both up, if commie jackwagons like you would be good with getting your grubby red meathooks off of my paychecks for good.
The intern and you are wrong.

First, Congress has to put back the $$$ it looted from the SS funds, not the taxpayers.

Second, Defense must be cut massively.

Thirdly, the wealthy must pay their fair share.

seriously? some college student's video?


Actually it's from the Cato Institute, the girl is just an intern doing the narrating.

Nice try, though.


Please provide something other than your own un-sourced opinion if you want to be taken seriously.

Congress is like a crack addict, they'll NEVER stop spending unless there is an 'intervention'.
The numbers don't lie....

While lawmakers from both parties squabble over tax rates, a fiscal crisis is looming on the horizon. Entitlement programs -- Social Security and Medicare to be precise -- have unfunded obligations of $48 trillion. By comparison, the fiscal cliff carries a price tag of roughly $650 billion.

Over the next 75 years, Social Security will owe an estimated $11.3 trillion more in benefits than it will receive in payroll taxes. It has been running deficits since 2010, according to the Social Security Administration.

Morning Bell: 3 Simple Solutions for Fixing Social Security

Agreed. The first entitlement program to get rid of is tax loopholes for the rich. Check and check. Thank you president obama.

Tax loopholes are for EVERYBODY, not just the wealthy. And they exist solely because the liberals have taxed, and taxed, and taxed, and taxed, and taxed, to the point where nobody could possibly survive without deductibles.

How about we have a federal income tax of 10% for EVERYONE with absolutely NO deductibles?
Anything from the Cato Institute is suspect, just like Mises.

Give us mainstream, objective points with which we can work.

And the three points below will solve the problem.

You crazees are not going to get your way on this.

The intern and you are wrong.

First, Congress has to put back the $$$ it looted from the SS funds, not the taxpayers.

Second, Defense must be cut massively.

Thirdly, the wealthy must pay their fair share.

Actually it's from the Cato Institute, the girl is just an intern doing the narrating.

Nice try, though.


Please provide something other than your own un-sourced opinion if you want to be taken seriously.

Congress is like a crack addict, they'll NEVER stop spending unless there is an 'intervention'.
Yet we have the lowest taxes in decades, and Rott continues to lie.

The numbers don't lie....

While lawmakers from both parties squabble over tax rates, a fiscal crisis is looming on the horizon. Entitlement programs -- Social Security and Medicare to be precise -- have unfunded obligations of $48 trillion. By comparison, the fiscal cliff carries a price tag of roughly $650 billion.

Over the next 75 years, Social Security will owe an estimated $11.3 trillion more in benefits than it will receive in payroll taxes. It has been running deficits since 2010, according to the Social Security Administration.

Morning Bell: 3 Simple Solutions for Fixing Social Security

Agreed. The first entitlement program to get rid of is tax loopholes for the rich. Check and check. Thank you president obama.

Tax loopholes are for EVERYBODY, not just the wealthy. And they exist solely because the liberals have taxed, and taxed, and taxed, and taxed, and taxed, to the point where nobody could possibly survive without deductibles.

How about we have a federal income tax of 10% for EVERYONE with absolutely NO deductibles?
Social security has a surplus & is fixable. It's Medicare, Prescription Drugs, Medicaid, Military, Homeland Security, Pension Guarantee & subsidizing the top 1% taxes that is unsustainable.
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Social security has a surplus & is fixable. It's Medicare, Prescription Drugs, Medicaid, Military, Homeland Security & subsidizing the top 1% taxes that is unsustainable.
Ponzi schemes are never fixable.

A Venn Diagram for Rick Perry: Social Security Is Not a Ponzi Scheme | Mother Jones

Social Security Is Not A Ponzi Scheme | Research | Media Matters for America
As stated above, money flowing into the trust funds is invested in U. S. Government securities. Because the government spends this borrowed cash, some people see the trust fund assets as an accumulation of securities that the government will be unable to make good on in the future. Without legislation to restore long-range solvency of the trust funds, redemption of long-term securities prior to maturity would be necessary.

Far from being "worthless IOUs," the investments held by the trust funds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U. S. Government. The government has always repaid Social Security, with interest. The special-issue securities are, therefore, just as safe as U.S. Savings Bonds or other financial instruments of the Federal government.

Many options are being considered to restore long-range trust fund solvency. These options are being considered now, over 20 years in advance of the year the funds are likely to be exhausted. It is thus likely that legislation will be enacted to restore long-term solvency, making it unlikely that the trust funds' securities will need to be redeemed on a large scale prior to maturity.

Trust Fund FAQs
Social security has a surplus & is fixable. It's Medicare, Prescription Drugs, Medicaid, Military, Homeland Security, Pension Guarantee & subsidizing the top 1% taxes that is unsustainable.

It is truly amazing the state of denial and ignorance the left exists in. Even leaders of the dumbocrats have all acknowledged that SS is already bankrupt (it's running deficits!!!!)
Rottdoosh's state of denial and arrogance amazes no one.

SS is easily fixable. Rottdoosh will require decades of therapeutic help.
AARP says SS going bankrupt is the #1 myth, and it has TONS of competition among Pub dupes...

O-care will fix our whole medical system in the end. Masscare and every other modern country prove it...

The only thing facts prove is we have to escape the Bush meltdown to fix the rest...any chance Pubs could stop the mindless obstruction and the STUPID fear mongering and hate speech? A disgrace. Poor Pub dupes....Poor America.
My 90 year old neighbor can't make it more than 2 days without going to a doctor or hospital. This kind of excess is going to have to end. I might go once a year, she goes 150 times a year. I would call it quits if I had to go through that shit.

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