The Failed Boehner-Rebellion of 2015!!


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Associated Press

House Republicans began the new Congress with old divisions on display Wednesday, bitter fallout from a failed rebellion against Speaker John Boehner.

Boehner took swift action against two of the dissenters, knocking them from a key committee. But some of his allies demanded more, furious at the two dozen lawmakers who opposed the Ohioan in Tuesday's speaker vote. In the process, the GOP is starting the year with party infighting instead of a unified challenge to President Barack Obama.

"All of us think that they should have retribution," Boehner loyalist Devin Nunes of California said of the rebels. "They put the conservative agenda at risk with their wanting to be on television and radio."

The dissidents warned of their own payback if Boehner does take further steps against them....

...For lawmakers less willing to move on, their frustration over the 25 dissenters — a historically high total for a speaker's race — was about more than the failed attempt to take down Boehner. Disorganized and haphazard, the rebels never coalesced around an alternate candidate, instead spreading their votes among nine people, some of whom got just one or two votes.

Yet the group included some of the same lawmakers who forced the government into a 16-day partial shutdown in the fall of 2013 in a failed effort to end Obama's health care law, and who have repeatedly complicated leaders' efforts to pass legislation on immigration, farm policy and other topics. Egged on by outside conservative groups, they've forced House leaders into embarrassing retreats on legislation and humiliations on the House floor.

So, John Boehner (R-OH) remains Speaker of the HOR.

Associated Press

House Republicans began the new Congress with old divisions on display Wednesday, bitter fallout from a failed rebellion against Speaker John Boehner.

Boehner took swift action against two of the dissenters, knocking them from a key committee. But some of his allies demanded more, furious at the two dozen lawmakers who opposed the Ohioan in Tuesday's speaker vote. In the process, the GOP is starting the year with party infighting instead of a unified challenge to President Barack Obama.

"All of us think that they should have retribution," Boehner loyalist Devin Nunes of California said of the rebels. "They put the conservative agenda at risk with their wanting to be on television and radio."

The dissidents warned of their own payback if Boehner does take further steps against them....

...For lawmakers less willing to move on, their frustration over the 25 dissenters — a historically high total for a speaker's race — was about more than the failed attempt to take down Boehner. Disorganized and haphazard, the rebels never coalesced around an alternate candidate, instead spreading their votes among nine people, some of whom got just one or two votes.

Yet the group included some of the same lawmakers who forced the government into a 16-day partial shutdown in the fall of 2013 in a failed effort to end Obama's health care law, and who have repeatedly complicated leaders' efforts to pass legislation on immigration, farm policy and other topics. Egged on by outside conservative groups, they've forced House leaders into embarrassing retreats on legislation and humiliations on the House floor.

So, John Boehner (R-OH) remains Speaker of the HOR.


That's a shame, the mans a loser.
Boehner, a loser and the best the Republicans could come up with. Speaks volumes for Republicans.
Boehner, a loser and the best the Republicans could come up with. Speaks volumes for Republicans.

There's a lot of truth in that statement. Sadly the Dems are just as bad.
Boehner, a loser and the best the Republicans could come up with. Speaks volumes for Republicans.

Sense of fairness: most tend to vote for the status quo. And no serious challenge was mounted against Rep. Boehner early enough to have real "teeth".

What I find so fascinating is that the article quotes Republicans openly talking about retribution.
I'm still wondering why after the past 2 Congress sessions (in which they were the least productive 2 in the entire history of this country), they re-elected Boehner?

I mean................if a leader has demonstrated they can't lead, shouldn't you find someone else?

I see nothing in the next 2 years except more gridlock, and we'll also see how bad the GOP is for this country.
I'm still wondering why after the past 2 Congress sessions (in which they were the least productive 2 in the entire history of this country), they re-elected Boehner?

I mean................if a leader has demonstrated they can't lead, shouldn't you find someone else?

I see nothing in the next 2 years except more gridlock, and we'll also see how bad the GOP is for this country.

that is likely to happen, regardless who the Speaker of the HOR is.
Retribution toward those who didn't vote for him, eh?

This is why our elections are by secret ballot. :badgrin:
Retribution toward those who didn't vote for him, eh?

This is why our elections are by secret ballot. :badgrin:

Amen, and please pass the gavel!

I dunno, it might be retribution both ways.

Gohmert may do an end-run with his secretly trained El-Quaida anchor baby army and take control of the entire Roman Sen.... oh, wait, wrong millenium. Fuck.
I'm still wondering why after the past 2 Congress sessions (in which they were the least productive 2 in the entire history of this country), they re-elected Boehner?

I mean................if a leader has demonstrated they can't lead, shouldn't you find someone else?

I see nothing in the next 2 years except more gridlock, and we'll also see how bad the GOP is for this country.

The House did things. The Senate was blocked by Reid.
I'm still wondering why after the past 2 Congress sessions (in which they were the least productive 2 in the entire history of this country), they re-elected Boehner?

I mean................if a leader has demonstrated they can't lead, shouldn't you find someone else?

I see nothing in the next 2 years except more gridlock, and we'll also see how bad the GOP is for this country.

The House did things. The Senate was blocked by Reid.

Actually, the House didn't do anything other than symbolic votes against the ACA and gay marriage.

Nope...............sorry....................most of the fault lies with Boehner.
I'm still wondering why after the past 2 Congress sessions (in which they were the least productive 2 in the entire history of this country), they re-elected Boehner?

I mean................if a leader has demonstrated they can't lead, shouldn't you find someone else?

I see nothing in the next 2 years except more gridlock, and we'll also see how bad the GOP is for this country.

The House did things. The Senate was blocked by Reid.

Actually, the House didn't do anything other than symbolic votes against the ACA and gay marriage.

Nope...............sorry....................most of the fault lies with Boehner.

Oh please. Learn how to read a paper or something. Now you're just looking stupid....

By Molly K. Hooper - 01/21/14 06:00 AM EST
The finger-pointing over stalled legislation in Congress is escalating.

House Republican leaders note that 171 House-passed bills are sitting in the Senate. Democrats in the Senate point out that 33 measures have cleared the upper chamber and are awaiting action in the GOP-led House. The blame game for what has been an unproductive Congress is expected to continue throughout this election year.

Finger-pointing on stalled bills intensifies TheHill
After the complete victory in the 2015 elections, they go and do this to us...

Ääääh, do you maybe mean the 2014 elections?


Nah, they couldn't do anything until 2015 and as soon as they could they jacked it all up.

Uh, if you are referring to the mid-terms, they were in 2014.......

....and not effective until now, 2015.

Ain't you jus the asshole?

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