The Failure Of A Red State's Medical System Has Endangered Us All!

didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable
I wish upon the blue states they be infected the worst with this

how's that for you sick people blaming the "red states"?
NO. The failure lays with the NATIONAL immigration system and regulations. That SOB should never have been allowed to enter the US from ANY West African nation.
didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable

Of course the GOP is the one behind the budget cuts. They are the ones whining about a deficit, that is going down. They are the ones blocking a national increase in the minimum wage, which keeps the middle class down. They are the ones refusing to even consider looking at the ridiculous tax breaks given to oil companies and corporations who move off shore.

Yes, the GOP and their screams of AUSTERITY are to blame.

Steph, I cannot believe you are wishing a deadly illness on fellow Americans. That is getting pretty low.
You can blame a state I can wish it on people can't I? what makes you any better?
go shoot your high horse

David Corn Politicizes Texas’ Ebola Plight

Bryan Preston
didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable

Of course the GOP is the one behind the budget cuts. They are the ones whining about a deficit, that is going down. They are the ones blocking a national increase in the minimum wage, which keeps the middle class down. They are the ones refusing to even consider looking at the ridiculous tax breaks given to oil companies and corporations who move off shore.

Yes, the GOP and their screams of AUSTERITY are to blame.

Steph, I cannot believe you are wishing a deadly illness on fellow Americans. That is getting pretty low.

There’s nothing wrong with a little gallows humor when it comes to Ebola or any other scare/tragedy. When the story broke that an Ebola case had been confirmed in Texas, I popped off a few jokes myself on Twitter and on Facebook. Such as…
Does Obamacare cover bathing in Purell for three weeks? Asking for an entire state…
Ebola has retweeted me twice today. It’s been nice knowing y’all.
In other news, full body hazmat suits become the new fashion “must have” this fall! #Ebola.
Harmless, non-hateful stuff, just making light of the serious situation that is unfolding three hours north of me, not too far from where I grew up.
But let’s get something straight here. Texas is a victim in the Ebola story. Our federal government continues to allow people to enter our country from areas where the outbreak is still ongoing and is not under control.
That is not Texas’ fault. We get no say in the matter, just as we get no say in the Obama administration’s ongoing negligence on the Texas-Mexico border.
We’re the victims here, of the leftwing, partisan Obama administration and its choices. The Obama government refuses to listen to us on any issue, and refuses to give us any say in anything. Obama’s attitude, six years into a failed presidency, remains “I won.”
Leave it to leftwinger David Corn to kick the victims for the sake of politics.

all of it here:
The PJ Tatler David Corn Politicizes Texas 8217 Ebola Plight
Steph, I cannot believe you are wishing a deadly illness on fellow Americans. That is getting pretty low.

I can't speak for Stephanie but I'm not wishing it on fellow Americans. I'm wishing it on Liberals and EVERYONE who believes in an open border policy
didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable

Of course the GOP is the one behind the budget cuts. They are the ones whining about a deficit, that is going down. They are the ones blocking a national increase in the minimum wage, which keeps the middle class down. They are the ones refusing to even consider looking at the ridiculous tax breaks given to oil companies and corporations who move off shore.

Yes, the GOP and their screams of AUSTERITY are to blame.

Steph, I cannot believe you are wishing a deadly illness on fellow Americans. That is getting pretty low.

MOJO, SJ and koshergrl have said the same thing - that they want Americans to die, all while screeching that they're "christians".

And now Stephanie wants to shoot horses too.

What is WRONG with these people?
Steph, I cannot believe you are wishing a deadly illness on fellow Americans. That is getting pretty low.

I can't speak for Stephanie but I'm not wishing it on fellow Americans. I'm wishing it on Liberals and EVERYONE who believes in an open border policy

That is mighty nice of you to wish on other Americans, whether they are liberal or conservative should not matter. Now, go say a little prayer for forgiveness.
Steph, I cannot believe you are wishing a deadly illness on fellow Americans. That is getting pretty low.

I can't speak for Stephanie but I'm not wishing it on fellow Americans. I'm wishing it on Liberals and EVERYONE who believes in an open border policy

That is mighty nice of you to wish on other Americans, whether they are liberal or conservative should not matter. Now, go say a little prayer for forgiveness.

go beat yourself up. You started this petty thread
didn't take them long did it?


another Democrat elected ass just came out blaming the Republicans for Budget cuts..

they are so transparent and predictable

Of course the GOP is the one behind the budget cuts. They are the ones whining about a deficit, that is going down. They are the ones blocking a national increase in the minimum wage, which keeps the middle class down. They are the ones refusing to even consider looking at the ridiculous tax breaks given to oil companies and corporations who move off shore.

Yes, the GOP and their screams of AUSTERITY are to blame.

Steph, I cannot believe you are wishing a deadly illness on fellow Americans. That is getting pretty low.

MOJO, SJ and koshergrl have said the same thing - that they want Americans to die, all while screeching that they're "christians".

What is WRONG with these people?

I am a Christian, but I know far too many with hate in their heart. A hate that is for anyone that holds a different stance or belief than themselves. It is not is Hypocrisy.
I will never wish Ebola on anyone, Conservative or Liberal or Moderate. I am shocked and ashamed that some of you have.
That is mighty nice of you to wish on other Americans, whether they are liberal or conservative should not matter. Now, go say a little prayer for forgiveness.

For the Gods I pray to Forgiveness does not exist. Anyone who does not have an "America First, America Only" (aka Conservative) philosophy is not an American so far as I'm concerned.
I will never wish Ebola on anyone, Conservative or Liberal or Moderate. I am shocked and ashamed that some of you have.

That's because you don't actually believe in anything. You just have a flagpole up your ass so you can turn whatever way the wind blows you.

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