The Failure Of Climate Change Denial

Too funny;

Us Realists do not deny the climate changes. We deny that man has any significant impact on it. Empirical evidence shows that we do not, ie: 18 years 5 months of ZERO trend while CO2 kept rising. Had the alarmists theroy been true, we would have never stopped warming despite the cooling sun and cool ocean circulations. The Null Hypothesis shows CAGW failed and that Natural Variation is the real driver.

You called Colbert a republican? :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

Under his fictional persona in The Colbert Report, Colbert dropped hints of a potential presidential run throughout 2007, with speculation intensifying following the release of his book, I Am America (And So Can You!), which was rumored to be a sign that he was indeed testing the waters for a future bid for the White House. On October 16, 2007, he announced his candidacy on his show, stating his intention to run both on the Republican and Democratic platforms, but only as a "favorite son" in his native South Carolina.[73] He later abandoned plans to run as a Republican due to the $35,000 fee required to file for the South Carolina primary,[74] however he continued to seek a place on the Democratic ballot and on October 28, 2007, campaigned in the South Carolina state capital of Columbia, where he was presented with the key to the city by Mayor Bob Coble.[75]

OMG... Colbert is a dam democrat and roll plays as a conservative only to belittle and mock them... can you say RINO?


Wrong again. Why do you guys always have to lie about everything all the time?

I quoted your beloved Wiki... and you dont believe them?
I think you would have to define the "we" in that scenario.
Does "we' mean the United States or does it mean everyone on Earth?

What good would it do for the United States to stop using hydrocarbons if China doesn't stop?
Then what are "we" gonna do when other countries don't want to stop using hydrocarbons ... Start the Carbon Wars?


Good point. And already the burden of this "climate change" charade is falling squarely on the middle class and the poor.
Utility rates are already climbing as Obama shuts down more coal fired facilities. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being squandered on failed "renewable" and "sustainable" processes.
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.

s0n.....obviously, you are a new member in here and another who is hugely naïve. First thing you need to do is emerge from the matrix bubble. Renewables will never get much off the ground because it is 15th century technology............we already have the technology to make renewables looks stoopid but the banks are doing exceedingly well with the current state of affairs in energy and will continue to do so for at least the next 30 years.

Lots of technology stuff to make your jaw drop >>>

Escape the matrix s0n..........its all rigged.

20 years of bomb throwing by the AGW crowd and they still haven't moved the ball even a single yard!!! Exit the bubble............
!5th century technology? I won't even ask what that means, since you obviously have no idea what you're talking about to begin with.
No one ever denied that our climate changes, dumbfuck.
I wonder why climate change deniers all have to lie all the time?

He didn't claim the climate never changes, numskull. He's referring to the fact that it hasn't changed in the last 19 years, which is an irrefutable fact.


Let's hear from another scientifically minded Republican.

What did Inhofe say that isn't true? The commentator is a moron, just like you.

Everything.......just like you.

Name one thing, and prove it's wrong.
Inhofe's contention that snow in DC proves the world is not getting warmer. Or do you even want to stand behind that one?

Paddie, I have to ask you about the quote from PaintMyHouse in your sig; the one that claims all the jews in Israel survived the holocaust because they sucked Nazi cock. Do you have that there because you with to embarrass PaintMyHouse or because you agree with him?
If we immediately ceased all use of all forms of hydrocarbons, what would be the effect on climate and how long would it take?

What would be the effect on the human race and how long would that take?

Think about that shit, Leroy. :slap:

I think you would have to define the "we" in that scenario.
Does "we' mean the United States or does it mean everyone on Earth?

What good would it do for the United States to stop using hydrocarbons if China doesn't stop?
Then what are "we" gonna do when other countries don't want to stop using hydrocarbons ... Start the Carbon Wars?


Good point. And already the burden of this "climate change" charade is falling squarely on the middle class and the poor.
Utility rates are already climbing as Obama shuts down more coal fired facilities. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being squandered on failed "renewable" and "sustainable" processes.
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.

How that working out for ya s0n??!!!:boobies::boobies::up:
I wonder why climate change deniers all have to lie all the time?

He didn't claim the climate never changes, numskull. He's referring to the fact that it hasn't changed in the last 19 years, which is an irrefutable fact.


Let's hear from another scientifically minded Republican.

What did Inhofe say that isn't true? The commentator is a moron, just like you.

Everything.......just like you.

Name one thing, and prove it's wrong.

I like when Inhofe shares little anecdotes about the importance of snow balls in DC.
Inhofe's contention that snow in DC proves the world is not getting warmer. Or do you even want to stand behind that one?

I don't think he said that one event proves the world is not getting warmer. I can't listen to it right now, so I'll have to get back to you after I confirm it.

Paddie, I have to ask you about the quote from PaintMyHouse in your sig; the one that claims all the jews in Israel survived the holocaust because they sucked Nazi cock. Do you have that there because you with to embarrass PaintMyHouse or because you agree with him?

It would help if you quoted the post you are replying to.

It's there to embarrass PMH who is a Nazi.
Inhofe's contention that snow in DC proves the world is not getting warmer. Or do you even want to stand behind that one?

Paddie, I have to ask you about the quote from PaintMyHouse in your sig; the one that claims all the jews in Israel survived the holocaust because they sucked Nazi cock. Do you have that there because you with to embarrass PaintMyHouse or because you agree with him?
but I'll bet you'll say that the floods in Texas and Oklahoma are right?
So the OP still hasn't operationally defined "failure".

right? I thought this forum was going to new rules, it's sad that the same name calling mumbo jumbo is being tolerated, especially from this dude and his other friends in his two OPs. They like the name calling and performing imitations of pee wee herman. it's sad.
So the OP still hasn't operationally defined "failure".

right? I thought this forum was going to new rules, it's sad that the same name calling mumbo jumbo is being tolerated, especially from this dude and his other friends in his two OPs. They like the name calling and performing imitations of pee wee herman. it's sad.
On what do you base your opinion?
If we immediately ceased all use of all forms of hydrocarbons, what would be the effect on climate and how long would it take?

What would be the effect on the human race and how long would that take?

Think about that shit, Leroy. :slap:

I think you would have to define the "we" in that scenario.
Does "we' mean the United States or does it mean everyone on Earth?

What good would it do for the United States to stop using hydrocarbons if China doesn't stop?
Then what are "we" gonna do when other countries don't want to stop using hydrocarbons ... Start the Carbon Wars?


Good point. And already the burden of this "climate change" charade is falling squarely on the middle class and the poor.
Utility rates are already climbing as Obama shuts down more coal fired facilities. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being squandered on failed "renewable" and "sustainable" processes.
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.
Thats deniers for you. If a cleaner AND CHEAPER alternative to coal were found, they'd no doubt boycott it
I think you would have to define the "we" in that scenario.
Does "we' mean the United States or does it mean everyone on Earth?

What good would it do for the United States to stop using hydrocarbons if China doesn't stop?
Then what are "we" gonna do when other countries don't want to stop using hydrocarbons ... Start the Carbon Wars?


Good point. And already the burden of this "climate change" charade is falling squarely on the middle class and the poor.
Utility rates are already climbing as Obama shuts down more coal fired facilities. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being squandered on failed "renewable" and "sustainable" processes.
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.
Thats deniers for you. If a cleaner AND CHEAPER alternative to coal were found, they'd no doubt boycott it
and you are wrong. How long you been on here dude? That is just bullshit and you know it. And, you know what that argument is today.

Good point. And already the burden of this "climate change" charade is falling squarely on the middle class and the poor.
Utility rates are already climbing as Obama shuts down more coal fired facilities. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being squandered on failed "renewable" and "sustainable" processes.
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.
Thats deniers for you. If a cleaner AND CHEAPER alternative to coal were found, they'd no doubt boycott it
and you are wrong. How long you been on here dude? That is just bullshit and you know it. And, you know what that argument is today.
Almost as eloquent as it is compelling.
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.
Thats deniers for you. If a cleaner AND CHEAPER alternative to coal were found, they'd no doubt boycott it
and you are wrong. How long you been on here dude? That is just bullshit and you know it. And, you know what that argument is today.
Almost as eloquent as it is compelling.
don't ya think?
Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.
Thats deniers for you. If a cleaner AND CHEAPER alternative to coal were found, they'd no doubt boycott it
and you are wrong. How long you been on here dude? That is just bullshit and you know it. And, you know what that argument is today.
Almost as eloquent as it is compelling.
don't ya think?
Evidently I don't, as has been pointed out repeatedly on this thread.
I think you would have to define the "we" in that scenario.
Does "we' mean the United States or does it mean everyone on Earth?

What good would it do for the United States to stop using hydrocarbons if China doesn't stop?
Then what are "we" gonna do when other countries don't want to stop using hydrocarbons ... Start the Carbon Wars?


Good point. And already the burden of this "climate change" charade is falling squarely on the middle class and the poor.
Utility rates are already climbing as Obama shuts down more coal fired facilities. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being squandered on failed "renewable" and "sustainable" processes.
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.
Thats deniers for you. If a cleaner AND CHEAPER alternative to coal were found, they'd no doubt boycott it
There are alternatives to coal, natural gas etc. For example, nuclear. But then you libtards are boycotting nuclear, go figure.

Good point. And already the burden of this "climate change" charade is falling squarely on the middle class and the poor.
Utility rates are already climbing as Obama shuts down more coal fired facilities. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being squandered on failed "renewable" and "sustainable" processes.
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.
Thats deniers for you. If a cleaner AND CHEAPER alternative to coal were found, they'd no doubt boycott it
There are alternatives to coal, natural gas etc. For example, nuclear. But then you libtards are boycotting nuclear, go figure.
yeah nuclear doesn't have any negative externalities :rolleyes-41: What exactly are you doing down here again?
Renewable resources like wind power, with fixed capital costs, improving technology, and zero fuel costs, contribute to stable energy prices. Wind energy, because of its low marginal cost, displaces higher-cost resources like gas turbines during times of peak demand and thus reduces overall electric costs. Recent studies have shown that this “price suppression” characteristic of wind energy is substantial.1 Independent national studies are also showing that the levelized cost of wind is now lower than gas combined-cycle generation in many scenarios.

2 There are a variety of reasons for recent increases in Wisconsin electric rates. The single most important reason is the state’s continued heavy reliance on coal plants. As the Public Service Commission noted in its most recent Strategic Energy Assessment, “Wisconsin continues to be heavily reliant on coal as its primary energy source in actual energy generation.”

3 About two-thirds of the state’s electricity is supplied from coal.

4 An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel sums up these reasons as follows: “The biggest factors in rate increases over the past five or 10 years have been plans to build new coalfired power plants and high-voltage transmission lines in the state as well as the need to add environmental controls to aging coal plants. Other factors include volatile and at times high natural gas prices, climbing coal prices and rising diesel prices charged by rail companies that ship coal to Wisconsin power plants.”

The state’s renewable energy standard is not causing these rate increases. Renewable energy generation in Wisconsin increased 93% from 2006 to 2010.6 All of the state’s utilities have met their 2010 renewable energy requirements and most are in line to meet their 2015 goals. Wisconsin’s renewable energy standard includes off-ramps to prevent any unreasonable rate changes. If a utility or customer group believes that compliance would cause unreasonable rate increases, it can petition the PSC for relief. To date, no utility or consumer group has done so.

Well, the renewables have actually been cheaper to install and run per kilowatt than coal and gas. In fact, where there has be renewables added, the rate of increase per year has gone down.

Maybe in a handful of places Ray, but renewables still cant come close to competing with coal. Ive posted about a billion factoids on this. Even Obama agree's with me!!:deal: Even in 30 years, the US will still only be at about 10%-11% renewables. Too damn expensive..........although funny, there are enough suckers out there getting fleeced to keep the industry moving somehow. And a few people getting mega-rich pushing renewables.

All you have to look at is, Cap and Trade died 6 years ago............nobody wanted to pay double for their electricity!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Because we should be solving the energy problems of the 21st century with 19th century technology.
Thats deniers for you. If a cleaner AND CHEAPER alternative to coal were found, they'd no doubt boycott it
There are alternatives to coal, natural gas etc. For example, nuclear. But then you libtards are boycotting nuclear, go figure.
yeah nuclear doesn't have any negative externalities :rolleyes-41: What exactly are you doing down here again?
So you are saying nuclear plants are dirtier than coal plants? Evidence to that?

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