The Failure of Gun Control Comes Home

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Actually, many of your fellow Communists/Progressives have openly stated they will continue fighting to abolish the 2nd Amendment. So when you guys say 'Gun Control', you do really mean a complete Gun Ban. Gun Owners will just have to stay vigilant and continue fighting for the Constitution.

Still nothing but your Gun Fetish Paranoia. :cuckoo:

Yeah, you said that. Still isn't true. You Communists/Progressives do not stand for Freedom & Liberty and the Constitution. You will have to be vigorously opposed at at every turn.
This also fails as a straw man fallacy.

Progressives are not 'communists,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

And for the last 60 years progressives have been the greatest advocates and defenders of freedom, liberty, and the Constitution – from Brown v. Board of Education in the 50s to the Marriage Cases defending the equal protection rights of gay Americans today, progressives have been at the forefront of protecting the civil liberties of all Americans from unwarranted hate and discrimination.

Certainly with regard to this thread, most conservatives are comprehensively ignorant of history, the Constitution and its case law, and logical fallacies.

That was then, this is now. And you Communists/Progressives do not stand for Freedom & Liberty and the Constitution at this point. It is what it is.
Assumes facts not in evidence.

Actually, many of your fellow Communists/Progressives have openly stated they will continue fighting to abolish the 2nd Amendment. So when you guys say 'Gun Control', you do really mean a complete Gun Ban. Gun Owners will just have to stay vigilant and continue fighting for the Constitution.

Still nothing but your Gun Fetish Paranoia. :cuckoo:

Yeah, you said that. Still isn't true. You Communists/Progressives do not stand for Freedom & Liberty and the Constitution. You will have to be vigorously opposed at at every turn.
This also fails as a straw man fallacy.

Progressives are not 'communists,' the notion is ignorant idiocy.

And for the last 60 years progressives have been the greatest advocates and defenders of freedom, liberty, and the Constitution – from Brown v. Board of Education in the 50s to the Marriage Cases defending the equal protection rights of gay Americans today, progressives have been at the forefront of protecting the civil liberties of all Americans from unwarranted hate and discrimination.

Certainly with regard to this thread, most conservatives are comprehensively ignorant of history, the Constitution and its case law, and logical fallacies.

The real irony here is that it is the 1st Amendment that has protected the 2nd Amendment by allowing the Gun Fetishists to effectively drown out the voices of reason.

Ha, who you kiddin? You Communists/Progressives only pretend to care about the Constitution when you're pushing pornography and killing babies. It's all about personal agendas and political convenience for you guys. So no one should look to you guys to lead the way in defending Freedom & Liberty and the Constitution.
"Gun control" is neither our problem nor our solution.

Gun fetishism -- that's our problem.

There's no gun fetishism, but there is a gun culture.


Well you're half right. They're the same thing.
Or to be technically correct, the latter is the inevitable product of the former. But neither exists without the other.
No! The former exists only in your imagination. The latter exists in out inner cities. Your Liberal friends in Hollywood and your beloved rappers on radio glorify guns. I just carry one to protect myself from the product of Liberal governance.

Is Mal-Wart having a sale on Strawmen again Urn?

How many ways do I have to express on this board to people who never asked that I don't do movies? I have no "liberal friends in Hollywood". And I cant stand (c)rap I-refuse-to-call-it-music.

When you're ready to stop talking past me to unknown stick figures in the cornfields maybe I'll saunter back. You're wasting my time.
Why do you even bother with him?
Because I provide him with facts he hates to hear. It sucks him right in.
white europeans have similar or higher rates of gun violence compared to white americans

figure that
please provide a reliable source for this claim


Epic failure on the part of the gun fetishist.
His claim regarding Europe having similar or higher rates of gun violence as the US is patently untrue.
No his claim is quite true. That you dont understand it, or dont agree with it is irrelevant.

No his claim is not true and I posted stats showing that. You have failed to support your stance.
And keep in mind, when the Communists/Progressives say 'Gun Control', they mean a complete Gun Ban. They won't stop till they achieve that goal. So all gun owners need to stay vigilant. The Communists will continue to attack them and the Constitution.

The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers
And keep in mind, when the Communists/Progressives say 'Gun Control', they mean a complete Gun Ban. They won't stop till they achieve that goal. So all gun owners need to stay vigilant. The Communists will continue to attack them and the Constitution.

The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers

Got a link to support that?
A group of Texas gun owners have attempted to recreate last week's attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices to see what would happen if one of the murdered journalists had a gun.

A dozen volunteers each took turns to participate in the simulation on a set designed to replicate the offices of the French magazine. The volunteers were armed with a handgun firing bullets made of paint.

Just one volunteer managed to survive after fleeing the building, two victims managed to take out a single gunman before being killed, while nine people died without injuring either of the attackers.

Texas pro-gun group re-enact Charlie Hebdo attack with armed victim Daily Mail Online

So it appears having guns would not have helped these victims. Guns are not magic wands as much as some people would like to think. Very foolish.
The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Actually, many of your fellow Communists/Progressives have openly stated they will continue fighting to abolish the 2nd Amendment. So when you guys say 'Gun Control', you do really mean a complete Gun Ban. Gun Owners will just have to stay vigilant and continue fighting for the Constitution.

Still nothing but your Gun Fetish Paranoia. :cuckoo:

Yeah, you said that. Still isn't true. You Communists/Progressives do not stand for Freedom & Liberty and the Constitution. You will have to be vigorously opposed at at every turn.

Three times in a row he posts ipse dixit blanket strawmen. It's all he's ever done here.

I bet the next thing he posts when you call hiim out on it will be:
"Gun control" is neither our problem nor our solution.

Gun fetishism -- that's our problem.

There's no gun fetishism, but there is a gun culture.


Well you're half right. They're the same thing.
Or to be technically correct, the latter is the inevitable product of the former. But neither exists without the other.
No! The former exists only in your imagination. The latter exists in out inner cities. Your Liberal friends in Hollywood and your beloved rappers on radio glorify guns. I just carry one to protect myself from the product of Liberal governance.

Is Mal-Wart having a sale on Strawmen again Urn?

How many ways do I have to express on this board to people who never asked that I don't do movies? I have no "liberal friends in Hollywood". And I cant stand (c)rap I-refuse-to-call-it-music.

When you're ready to stop talking past me to unknown stick figures in the cornfields maybe I'll saunter back. You're wasting my time.

So you can't give a straight answer about gun culture. I have no idea if you watch movies.

...So you just make it up.
I just noted that.

If you told me at some point, I've intentionally forgotten because I have no need to clutter my mind with what you say here.
You know damned well, that I was talking about the Left in general when I said you, but you, as always puffed out your chest and called my argument fallacious as a way of avoiding answering my points.

So you have nothing but a blanket strawman, on a fantasy you just made up.
I just noted that too. It IS a fallacy. Actually it's three.

I've grown tired of your arrogant bullshit. I'm done with you.

So soon? But there are so many more fallacies left untapped...

Oh great. NOW what am I gonna do. I'll never find another fallacy in a place like this. Phooey.
And keep in mind, when the Communists/Progressives say 'Gun Control', they mean a complete Gun Ban. They won't stop till they achieve that goal. So all gun owners need to stay vigilant. The Communists will continue to attack them and the Constitution.

The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers

Criminals are law breakers, yet gungrabnazis think criminals will comply with gun control laws.

And keep in mind, when the Communists/Progressives say 'Gun Control', they mean a complete Gun Ban. They won't stop till they achieve that goal. So all gun owners need to stay vigilant. The Communists will continue to attack them and the Constitution.

The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers

Criminals are law breakers, yet gungrabnazis think criminals will comply with gun control laws.


Whew. And I thought it was gonna be tough finding another one. Took ten seconds.
Summa y'all just take turns throwing the same blanket strawman up and then expect different results.


A group of Texas gun owners have attempted to recreate last week's attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices to see what would happen if one of the murdered journalists had a gun.

A dozen volunteers each took turns to participate in the simulation on a set designed to replicate the offices of the French magazine. The volunteers were armed with a handgun firing bullets made of paint.

Just one volunteer managed to survive after fleeing the building, two victims managed to take out a single gunman before being killed, while nine people died without injuring either of the attackers.

Texas pro-gun group re-enact Charlie Hebdo attack with armed victim Daily Mail Online

So it appears having guns would not have helped these victims. Guns are not magic wands as much as some people would like to think. Very foolish.

Lmao. One gun.

Give all of the workers guns and see what happens. Then 75%. Then 50%.
And keep in mind, when the Communists/Progressives say 'Gun Control', they mean a complete Gun Ban. They won't stop till they achieve that goal. So all gun owners need to stay vigilant. The Communists will continue to attack them and the Constitution.

The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers

Criminals are law breakers, yet gungrabnazis think criminals will comply with gun control laws.


Whew. And I thought it was gonna be tough finding another one. Took ten seconds.
Summa y'all just take turns throwing the same blanket strawman up and then expect different results.



Hahahah it's true! Gungrabnazis are insanely stupid.
And keep in mind, when the Communists/Progressives say 'Gun Control', they mean a complete Gun Ban. They won't stop till they achieve that goal. So all gun owners need to stay vigilant. The Communists will continue to attack them and the Constitution.

The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers

Got a link to support that?
its common sense. the only people who have a logical reason to fear honest people being armed are those most likely to be shot by honest people

criminals, for example, are huge fans of gun bans
And keep in mind, when the Communists/Progressives say 'Gun Control', they mean a complete Gun Ban. They won't stop till they achieve that goal. So all gun owners need to stay vigilant. The Communists will continue to attack them and the Constitution.

The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers

Got a link to support that?
its common sense. the only people who have a logical reason to fear honest people being armed are those most likely to be shot by honest people

criminals, for example, are huge fans of gun bans

Do you know how the liberal mind works? It doesn't.

Liberals don't see obvious patterns. Most of the time they need you to explain step by step, over and over.
The Gun Fetishist Paranoia is strong in this one.

How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers

Got a link to support that?
its common sense. the only people who have a logical reason to fear honest people being armed are those most likely to be shot by honest people

criminals, for example, are huge fans of gun bans

Do you know how the liberal mind works? It doesn't.

Liberals don't see obvious patterns. Most of the time they need you to explain step by step, over and over.
Did you ever notice that they never address your points?
At the most, they will get all huffy and explain why they shouldn't have to.
How so? A complete gun ban is your goal. It has always has been for you Communists.

the people most wanting gun bans are generally those most likely to engage in activities that would cause patriotic americans to shoot them

child molesters
power hungry dictators
rogue storm troopers

Got a link to support that?
its common sense. the only people who have a logical reason to fear honest people being armed are those most likely to be shot by honest people

criminals, for example, are huge fans of gun bans

Do you know how the liberal mind works? It doesn't.

Liberals don't see obvious patterns. Most of the time they need you to explain step by step, over and over.
Did you ever notice that they never address your points?
At the most, they will get all huffy and explain why they shouldn't have to.
Depends on the situation and setting.
Online, I learned a while ago not to discuss points with liberals.

In fact, my libtard radar is excellently tuned. Libtards are ignored on first detection.

It's awesome.
My recommendations for minimum ignore: JoeB131, Lakhota

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." —Martin Luther King, Jr.

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