The failure of overriding Trump’s veto in the House is quite strange

A wall IS military readiness.

And, if you don't believe that, go take a tour of Europe and look at all the walls and castles.


And read up on all the failures from all those walls and castles.
Up to this point our southern border policy has been a 100% failure, We have zero border security

Actually, the plysical border security has been pretty damned good. Almost anyone trying to enter without coming through a portal is stopped cold either by the Mexican Police or the Border Patrol. What's broken is the ones legally (and illegally) coming through the portals. Some are just sneaky as hell while other overstay their visas and disappear for years. Like the Moron that was supposed to be deported in 2007. They caught him again in 2018 and he tried to sue under the Dreamers act. He even convinced a lower court he should be included in the Dreamers act. The last court disagreed. The Moron was immediately picked by ICE and deported just last month. If they are deporting some one, don't let them out of handcuffs. Put them directly on the bus and get them gone. Don't allow them to even go to the bathroom without an armed guard.

And track those Visas and Green Cards. When they run out, give them one chance to renew them. IF they don't in a reasonable amount of time, deport them without warning. They aren't citizens and don't deserve the same rights as a citizen when the green cards and visas run out.

This is not a partisan problem. It's something EVERYONE needs to address.
Build the fucking wall.

Sure, but it should have been being built the last 2 years. Not one single inch of new wall or security fence construction was done even though it was funded. Looks to me like your Hero must have had one hell of a golfing outing with those funds. I suggest you stop giving him a free ride and get on his ass and have him tell us all what he did with the 2.6 billion he received to BUILD THAT DAMNED WALL already.
He wasn't allowed to use the $2.6 billion for building a wall, moron.
Na, not really
We can’t afford lost causes

Oh, you short sighted person you.
There’s never any return for foreign aid... It’s a fools errand

You are seeing the return on not having adequate arm twisting using foreign aid right now at the southern border.
Build the fucking wall.

You just won a special award for your spamming using the same worn out phrase over and over. Enjoy, spammy.
View attachment 252484
I'm just getting started.
And read up on all the failures from all those walls and castles.
Up to this point our southern border policy has been a 100% failure, We have zero border security

Actually, the plysical border security has been pretty damned good. Almost anyone trying to enter without coming through a portal is stopped cold either by the Mexican Police or the Border Patrol. What's broken is the ones legally (and illegally) coming through the portals. Some are just sneaky as hell while other overstay their visas and disappear for years. Like the Moron that was supposed to be deported in 2007. They caught him again in 2018 and he tried to sue under the Dreamers act. He even convinced a lower court he should be included in the Dreamers act. The last court disagreed. The Moron was immediately picked by ICE and deported just last month. If they are deporting some one, don't let them out of handcuffs. Put them directly on the bus and get them gone. Don't allow them to even go to the bathroom without an armed guard.

And track those Visas and Green Cards. When they run out, give them one chance to renew them. IF they don't in a reasonable amount of time, deport them without warning. They aren't citizens and don't deserve the same rights as a citizen when the green cards and visas run out.

This is not a partisan problem. It's something EVERYONE needs to address.
Build the fucking wall.

Sure, but it should have been being built the last 2 years. Not one single inch of new wall or security fence construction was done even though it was funded. Looks to me like your Hero must have had one hell of a golfing outing with those funds. I suggest you stop giving him a free ride and get on his ass and have him tell us all what he did with the 2.6 billion he received to BUILD THAT DAMNED WALL already.
He wasn't allowed to use the $2.6 billion for building a wall, moron.

The money was there. He didn't spend it. It was there as per the 2006 Border Security Law along with the specifics on how to construct the wall. He is now going to build "New" walls within the guidelines of the 2006 law and all that other nonsense is null and void. No one EVER stopped him from building walls that were already paid for. Trump lied to you. Actually, I he never said he couldn't build the wall during those 2 years so He really didn't lie. He just left that part out. The time period he couldn't build the wall was for 2019 which he can build but under the 2006 Border Security Law. Now, he is trying to circumvent that law again. Had he followed the law, he would have built 146 miles of new wall and border security fencing construction in those two years and be almost finished with the reasonable border wall/border security fencing this year with only a few miles to do in 2020. He doesn't need 12 billion. He needs what is allocated by the 2006 Border Security Law which is 1.3 (adjust for inflation it's 1.43 this year which is what he was allocated) to build the 73 miles and upgrade existing walls and security fencing. Any extra money probably needs to go to increasing Judges, Border Patrol, Courts, Lawyers, etc. to temporarily take up the load for those that are trying to enter at the entry points and to get a handle on the Visas and Green Cards. If he were to approach it that way, I don't have a problem with giving him more funds. But he is going to have to spend it the way it's allocated. He certainly hasn't spend the funds for wall construction for 2017 and 2018 to build new walls that's for sure. Stop giving him a free ride.

So you get a special award for this nonsense. And here it is.
This is obviously a victory for Trump despite the fact that Dems had voted against the measure initially. It’s not like any democrat in office doesn’t care about border security given the billions they agreed to in the spending bill. It’s just basic common sense a goddamn wall is a stupid idea. Sorry, republicans, even though this was a victory for Trump, the wall will NEVER be built. Why? Because even appropriate funding for such a thing wouldn’t nearly be the only obstacle in actually building a wall along the border. Ah, the repair of Washington will probably never come I guess.

It’s being built, right now. Every one of those pussies who say they are against it, are on video saying they were for it. They did a turnaround because Don is for it. A stupid idea, is open borders. Even with the security we have, we have 70k monthly trying to infiltrate the country. It costs way too much to house and feed them. They are made victim by their own people, and contribute nothing to the economy. Don’t puff your chest out too much. Dims lost, and continue to lose. Two years of bullshit and lies, not to mention the money wasted for nothing. And now all those tough guys are doing exactly what you’re queen dyke did after she lost....hiding. It’s just the same as when all those cocky experts were wrong. How could Don have won? How could we have been so wrong? I don’t understand. This is just driving it home. Round two, you lose! Now shut the fuck up!

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Okay, let's say that the wall is that important just for argument sake. The last two previous presidents built an average of 73 miles per year of either Wall or Security Fence for a total of 733 miles. For the fiscal years of 2017 and 2018 there was 1.3 billion funded by law for upkeep and new wall, security fencing allocated in the budgets. Do you know how many inches of new additional Wall or Security Fence were built in 2017 and 2018? Zero. Absolutely Zero. If the average that was funded, it would have been a total of 146 miles of new construction. It was ZERO. The money was allocated. And it was enough for upgrading and to build that new construction that I have said. You want to tell me where that money has gone? Considering that the maximum amount of real Wall/Security Fencing that can be built in a reasonable manner is about 1000 miles total along the border, that means that wall should have been completed without any changes by September of next year without any changes at all. And by the end of next year, all the walls and security fencing would have been funded to be upgraded and or replaced.

If there is an emergency, it is caused by not the lack of funds but the lack of building the damned thing in the first place that's already been funded. And that emergency is created by the Donald who is demanding that we cover up for his incompetence. What he really needs is a good old fashion Audit.

I think you are directly related to Mike. This has nothing to do with money. Only ones that are incompetent are dims.

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I knew you strumpets are well below the intel limits to understand logic and economics. Doesn't surprise me one bit. Just keep drinking that orange koolaid.

They are playing some interesting clips on FOX of your cohorts. I think you’ve been sniffing Joy Bahar’s panties too long. Ooofff!

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The Maginot line wasnt entirely a wall but instead was a series of disconnected installations. Its why it was ineffective. Just like our southern border. You need security along the entire front.

i want walls , tech, snipers ,and claymores.
and ice turned into a gestapo that deals strictly in non citizens

send em back in cages i dont care
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights; they just like to whine about it.

There is no natural right to violate the law to enter this country illegally.
We have no express immigration clause; we should have upgraded Ellis Island so we have no refugee problem on our southern border.

Only Lousy Capitalists lose money on border policy with a welfare clause General and a Commerce Clause.
This is obviously a victory for Trump despite the fact that Dems had voted against the measure initially. It’s not like any democrat in office doesn’t care about border security given the billions they agreed to in the spending bill. It’s just basic common sense a goddamn wall is a stupid idea. Sorry, republicans, even though this was a victory for Trump, the wall will NEVER be built. Why? Because even appropriate funding for such a thing wouldn’t nearly be the only obstacle in actually building a wall along the border. Ah, the repair of Washington will probably never come I guess.

Trump wins, it's what he does.

As for your suggestion a wall is a dumb idea and will never occur, do you ever tire of being wrong?
The Maginot line wasnt entirely a wall but instead was a series of disconnected installations. Its why it was ineffective. Just like our southern border. You need security along the entire front.


It was ineffective because the Germans went over and around it.

Ya will happen on our Southern border
This is obviously a victory for Trump despite the fact that Dems had voted against the measure initially. It’s not like any democrat in office doesn’t care about border security given the billions they agreed to in the spending bill. It’s just basic common sense a goddamn wall is a stupid idea. Sorry, republicans, even though this was a victory for Trump, the wall will NEVER be built. Why? Because even appropriate funding for such a thing wouldn’t nearly be the only obstacle in actually building a wall along the border. Ah, the repair of Washington will probably never come I guess.
Why are you surprised the dems didn't get enough bipartisan support to override?
What are you even talking about? You do know that a wall exposed to the elements would require an estimated billion per year to MAINTAIN for the rest of eternity right?
Sure, all the snow, ice and rainfall in San Diego and Brownsville.

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