The fallacious liberal narrative stirs up racial conflict


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
The stage for what is happening and will happen more and more as this summer progresses was set long ago by the liberals. First in the public schools...where several generations of blacks have been duped into the liberal narrative of da white man keeping down da black man....etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Now all this liberal indoctrination is bearing we are seeing in Dallas and have seen and will see in many more places.

The election of obama was the spark that has triggered the manifestation of the liberal narrative that the black youth have been saturated with for decades, now resulting in attacking whites, the knockout game, black teens going on wildings, looting stores and now killing cops. It will get much worse.

America is in a crisis situation which will be more and more evident as the summer continues.

This crisis at the current time is a two-pronged offensive against American Society.....the islamic terrorism and a insurrection by young blacks(many of them teens) which is enabled by a major media hungry for drama, conflict and violence in order to increase their ratings but also because they are devotees of the liberal narrative.

The National Guard will be hard pressed to keep the peace...the long prophesied invocation of martial law will be enacted this least in the larger cities and perhaps in many not so large cities.

The culture war that has been going on for a long time is now being seen in the Presidential Campaign...dividing the nation as has never been seen since the Civil War.

The genie of racial violence has been let out of the bottle...and much too late I think to put the cork back in.

Obama will do anything to stop Trump...if it appears that the democrtic candidate is losing...I an convinced he will use all the social unrest as an excuse to postpone the elections ...and declare martial law.
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Freedom of thought and speech is wonderful, but there is something to be said for order and conformity at least in the young. It helps them rational through, manners, organization, team work, respect for rule and safety.
We can be different, but we also need to respect and follow rules and laws or we have anarchy and violence.
Our police need to be respected, obeyed and allowed todo their job without mob rule or rush to judgements without the facts.

We need to understand we have to work for what we get. Everyone should contribute to society to make it work.

The only sureties are death and taxes.
Op, you really believe cutting infrastructure, science, r&d and education funding is going to make for a more stable country. Prove it.

Who do you think is going to do that? Irregardless....the social forces at play now to attack,disrupt and even destroy society are not interested in any of that.

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