The far left and the far right are more alike than different

You don't trust anything about our country. You are paranoid. You want perfection in government. It will not happen. You are set up to be an angry, unhappy. You let fear rule your life. That is your option. Not my style.
We don't trust the government because it's infested with prog vermin like you.
If that were true we wouldn't have a labor or supply chain shortage. I'll agree with you people living with their parents, but there are those that continue to live with them in their 30's, 40's and beyond like my neighbor down the street who never worked a full month in his life. The problem is that the parents welcome their kids to stay with them as long as they desire compared to when I was a kid, your parents would throw your ass out the door if all you did was get high or drunk every night and didn't have a full-time job.
I have zero problem with you g workers living at home with parents. They surely don't have to be out on their own. I say to heck with businesses that can't find workers. Good. Figure out how to attract them. Idiots. They are.
What in the hell are you talking about. You whackos continually change anything and everything to meet your simple minded fantasy world.

I TRUST THE FBI. I don't like everything they do, but I don't like everything anyone or anything does. The FBI does substantially more good than harm.

There is more than ample evidence on why they should not be trusted. Right now the Republicans have over 20 whistleblowers from the FBI and more to come. The FBI in their current state is nothing more than part of the deep state. For crying out loud they summoned CNN to video and record the Roger Stone raid at his house in the middle of the night.
The labor shortage is proven fake news. The MSM had it completely wrong. There's a surplus of workers.
I have zero problem with you g workers living at home with parents. They surely don't have to be out on their own. I say to heck with businesses that can't find workers. Good. Figure out how to attract them. Idiots. They are.

If the mother doesn't kick the baby birds out of the nest at the proper time, they will never learn how to feed themselves and use the wings God gave them.

I mentioned my neighbor down the street. Lived off his poor old mother until the day she died. She left him the house because she knew that without it, his drunken ass would end up in the streets with nowhere to go.
If the mother doesn't kick the baby birds out of the nest at the proper time, they will never learn how to feed themselves and use the wings God gave them.

I mentioned my neighbor down the street. Lived off his poor old mother until the day she died. She left him the house because she knew that without it, his drunken ass would end up in the streets with nowhere to go.
If more young adults live at home, work, don't get married, don't go into debt, don't rent or buy a house, the nation prospers.
If more young adults live at home, work, don't get married, don't go into debt, don't rent or buy a house, the nation prospers.

How does a nation prosper when people don't know (or care about) taking care of themselves? Mommy and Daddy are going to die someday, and you can't depend on what they leave you as their death may cause you to lose the house and any savings they had because the nursing home/ hospital gets first dibbs on that. Then what in hell would they do?
You don't trust anything about our country. You are paranoid. You want perfection in government. It will not happen. You are set up to be an angry, unhappy. You let fear rule your life. That is your option. Not my style.
Angry, paranoid, scared...all emotions and all negative.

The GOP has been playing you folks for decades
We don't trust the government because it's infested with prog vermin like you.
You let fear rule your life. Sad. You see ghosts where there are no ghosts. You know people who fear things they do not need to fear. That is you.
You can have resolve for change. That is much different than living in fear.
Left vs Right

The Left were faithful to the king
The right was George Washington

The Left fought againt The Right Abraham Lincoln

The Left fought a civil war to keep slaves
Thev Right fought to end slavery

The Left Is Woodrew Wilson, who segregated and fired the Negros working in government

The Left is Roosevelt who put entire japanese american families in cages, prisons

The right, as far as the voters go, we just want to be left alone and not have the left destroying our standard of living every chance they get

Trump people, maga americans, we have not had the government that we have a right to.

A government that leaves us alone to live our life as we please, the best we can.

The left destroys. The right, that aint me, maga, or trump
Oh, please. We are not negotiating what the government is going to do. We compared our thoughts. We agreed on some and disagreed on others.
I say leave it there, we agree on some and disagree on other. Move on.
You are looking for perfection, we agree 100% on what to do. That is not going to happen.
If we were in congress and had to agree on legislation, then it would be different.
I rather think we are negotiating government policy

Otherwise what do you care what others think, be they far right or in the soft mushy middle?

Government establishes policy every day and we want it to be good policy, no?

And that means policy that rises from the people rather than elites imposing it on them
Don't use the military. I am fully in support of hiring many thousands of govt employees to do the job instead. Let's say $70 grand per year plus full bennies and can retire after 15 years with full pensions.
The military is better and cheaper
The far left and the far right are more alike than different.
Their attitude toward law enforcement is a great example.
The far left wants to defund the police. The far left does not trust any law enforcement. The far left has attacked police during demonstrations.
The far right wants to defund the FBI. The far right does not trust any law enforcement. The far right has attacked police during demonstrations.

Both of these groups are unamerican. Both of these groups want to bring our nation down. Our nation would be better off without both of these groups. They are all turds.
The far left are Marxists (Communists). They believe in a single large overreaching government controlling everything and the public enslaved. As for the far left's attitude toward law enforcement. It's tactical. Hold the police back while releasing repeat offenders in large numbers, including violent ones. Their theory being, if enough violent gun crimes occur, the public will be more willing to take firearms away from everybody, except the government, of course. Once that is done, create a "National State Police," creating a police state government. This will be followed by the suspension of the Constitution., necessitating of course, a new Constitution and thus a Marxist government. Remember, the US is a member of the World Economic Forum, run by the Communist Klaus Schwab (whatever idiot allowed a Communist to be running any economic forum should be tossed in prison). Per Klaus Schwab: "You will own nothing and be happy." Seven million plus people who fled Marxism and its draconian laws, for the US, would beg to differ with that assessment.
Contrary to the dictionary definition of the "far-right" (Nazis and Fascists), a definition made and put into dictionaries by a leftist Socialist who saw the atrocities of the Nazis (National Socialist German Workers Party) and Italian Fascists and knowing they were Socialists, distanced Socialism from them by taking on "far-right" to their party.
What we have here are Conservatives and very Conservative politicians. The Conservatives want the states handling most issues. With a few exceptions, their basic philosophy is, "if it isn't in the Constitution, it's the states responsibility to make their own laws. As for law enforcement, they have never called for defunding the police. They are however, concerned about "federal" law enforcement, who aren't police, committing overreach via political partisanship.
Personally, I'm for scrapping the ATF and DOJ and weeding out any partisan hacks in the NSA and FBI. I'm also in favor of getting rid of the DOE, but that's a separate issue.

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